Buffy was touchedby this, but once again did not tell him she loved him back. Angel explained he did what he didtofocus her and lower the death rate in her war against humanity. Due to her insecurities over being a proper guardian, Buffy asked if Giles could take up the position and discipline Dawninstead. Three times Spike watches Buffy sleep, and one time she watches him. I wanted to examine the way rape and consent issues were portrayed in one of my all-time favorite television series - a series that had an explicit feminist vision. But there's no denying their impact on the series. [19] Buffy later saved his life by allowing him to drink her blood. Buffy once again argued to him that she was not responsible for Dawn's health, only causing to infuriate him more to the point he stormed out of the apartment. The two of them had sex for the first time, and the house collapsed around them, foreshadowing the initial destructive nature of their relationship. Heck, it may have gone from room to room singing about it. However, she felt like something was missing with him. You are using an out of date browser. [15], When he unexpectedly returned from the hell dimension,[15] Buffy found and took care of him. Buffy was reluctant, telling Willow how sad she was when she left her when she needed her the most and teared up knowing that she would do it again. Surprised, Buffy questioned Spike, who admitted his feelings for her once again, and told her that he could try his best to give her the "normal life" she wanted. Angel protested and argued that he had never wanted to hurt her, he just wanted to keep her safe, so Buffy reminded him that she was not helpless. At the time, he'd been assisting the Slayer and her super soldier boyfriend Riley with slaying in the cemetery. Twenty years after the "Smashed" episode, we look back at the cultural legacy Buffy and Spike's unbelievable night together. Buffy, however, held hope that Faith can be saved and tried to help her, only for Faith rejected her help and chose to further ignore her escalating issues. [105]After falling catatonic, Buffy admitted to Willow in her mind that she blamed herself for Dawn's capture because some part of her had wanted it to happen, unable to bear all the pressureof protecting her against an invulnerable Glorificus any longer. During a sparring match with him, she had accidentally used a little ofher Slayer strength andkickedRiley across the room, clearly shocking him. Angel becomes happy he becomes Angelus a powerful, evil But the TV shows I was obsessed with during my formative years in the late 90s and early aughts presented it with a short and sweet formula: In order for a couple to do the deed, wethe devoted audiencehad to believe their relationship was based on love (or something like it) following a multi-episode romantic arc. [32], The following day, Buffy and Spike, along with her friends and fellow Slayers, battled the First Evil in the Hellmouth. Successfully hurting him, Angel was launched a tirade against Buffy, reminding her that, while it was great she had moved on, he himself could not and had no one to share his pain, before telling Buffy that she didn't know him anymore and that she had no right to just show up with her "great new life" and tell him how to do things before harshly demanding that she go back to Sunnydale immediately. [86] Seeing his confusion, Buffy explained they both were currently in differently places and had grown since their last attempt, and realized she "never really gave us a shot." Buffy hesitantly left Los Angeles and returned home. He's seen her at her best and her worst, and he truly believes she's "one hell of a woman." But the scene they added with Angel just doused cold water over all of that in my opinion I also think thats the biggest reason why he couldnt believe that she loved him when she finally said it! [134] However this eventually went away due to Dawn and Buffy reconciling,[187] and following the end of magic, Dawn and Xander had let Buffy live in their apartment with her temporarily until she decided to move out. Think Willow and Oz in season 3. Buffy confessed so you're able to him the woman feeling of purposelessness and . Spike's most ardent supporters are often at pains to point out that Buffy's former boyfriend Angel, also a vampire, experienced similar soul-related trouble, and was forgiven for multiple . After beating off Glory again, BuffysnappedDawn out of her depression, honestly saying thateven if she wasn't real, she still loved her and saw her as her sister. Joined Aug 27, 2001, id: 103780, Profile Updated: Jul 20, 2010. Buffy was hurt and shocked at his lack of trust in her, quickly correcting him. The first time they slept together was in "Innocence", NOT "Surprise". Buffy's sexuality is prominently brought into question when she sleeps with fellow Slayer Satsu. [18] The two subsequently attempted their relationship again until Angel chose to break it off, justifying that Buffy deserved a normal life. fra, OE. The Riverdale gangs penchant for hot showers and blindfolds. Buffy subsequently told Spike that he was right in thinking that she had feelings for him, butmatter-of-factlyinsisted she didn't love him like he wanted to believe. [24], Returning to Sunnydale, she was still deeply hurt by Angel's anger to her and refused to tell Riley about it when he had concernedly probed her of it. Despite her concern, Xander immediately turned on her and blew up, harshly blaming her for all that had happened to make Dawn like this. Buffy and Spike's relationship was a pillar of Buffy's darker, post-death days, a sexual symbol of her self-destruction. She told Angel shes baking and when her cookies are done he'll come to collect!!! Buffy coldly said they did not havea lot in common and for him it was just a"fun job" while for her fighting evilwas a burden and something she couldn't change. But I do know that things like violence, end of the world, and all that makes many in the Jossverse horny. When Riley sacrificed his career for his relationship with Buffy and his"all monsters were bad" beliefs were lessened, Buffy decided it was the right time to tell him about her previous relationship. [58]In her mind, Buffy confessed to Willow that though she loved her sister, she had one moment of weakness and preferred Dawn dying after losing to Glory rather than continuing protecting her against someone so powerful. Where Did the 'Perfect Match' Couples End Up? [99] Following Maggie Walsh's death, Riley and Buffy's relationshipsuffered another blow. Though Spike at first worried that Buffy would poke fun at him for his mindless devotion, she surprised him by saying that their encounter had been important to her as well, and that she had been right there with him through it all. While offered the chance to ally with them, Buffy instead chose to stay with the imprisoned magical population and, ultimately, willingly gave up her Slayer powers to leave. Into the invited regarding Spike's solution, Buffy clasped hand which have him. Leaving the amulet that would help her with the First, Angel turned to leave. Did they have sex? Through the advice of Jonathan Levinson, Buffy and Riley shared a dance together and made peace with each other. She also admitted that he was right before in saying they weren't part of each other's lives anymore, and she was sorry for her judgmental behavior. Surge together with stated you to Buffy's type in people was unsafe vampires of the underworld even though she performed including Riley, he had been not enough in order to satisfy this lady. Buffy reflected in bed with Angel that it was the first time she had ever been able "fall asleep in the arms of a normal boyfriend." I was in high school for the majority of its original runfrom 1997 to 2003and would tell myself the show wasnt for me because the girl my 9th grade boyfriend had not-so-secretly hooked up with adored it (she even wore a replica of Buffys crucifix necklace to class.) "[29] Later, while recounting the painful experience of having to kill Angel, Buffy remarked that she would have given anything to be with him and that she "loved him more than she would ever love anything in this life. The reason why is that their relationship was getting back on a solid footing of trusting each other and maybe moving toward something deeper, but it was still at a delicate point. Once the affecthad worn off, Buffy and Riley were guilty ofwhat happened, thoughthey nonetheless enjoyed the sex. To get descriptions of the upcoming episodes, please visit the Upcoming Episodes page. After nearly dying by vampirewith her own stake, Buffy sought out Spike to improve herself since he had killed two Slayers himself. [123], Buffy and Xander's relationship became strained however when Xander had discovered that she had been sleeping with Spike, feeling hurt and angry that Buffy hadn't trusted him enough to tell him. Read at your own risk! [149], While Xander still believed it would work and did not want Buffy or Willow risking their lives when there was another way, Buffy firmly rejected it, especially once it became clear that if Severin's plan worked, the world would most certainly end due to the tears in the universe. [131] However, Willow admitted that she felt that bringing the Slayer back was choosing Buffy over Tara, which caused her death. She nonetheless seemed understanding of it and told her mother the best thing they could do for her was leave her be. READ MOREBuffy the Vampire Slayer: How many seasons of Buffy are there? She then left with Spike. Riley: Commitment Through Distance, Virtue Through Sin, What You Want, Not What You Need, Part Five, Relationship Status: Complicated, Part One, What You Want, Not What You Need, Part One, "BBC- Cult - Buffy - Sarah Michelle Gellar - Spike Smoochies. [190] Buffy also expressed pride of her sister's academic success.[90]. Following prevent of one's matchmaking, Buffy half of-heartedly believed are an excellent nun As the woman mother's fitness suffered more about, Buffy unconsciously distanced herself off Riley, hardly telling your the thing that was happening or just how Joyce try impression; Spike understood she try that have a pet check always ahead of the guy performed. efra.] We already know they have sexual chemistry. Buffy was clearly pained by his harsh tone, seeing it as Angel choosing Faith over her. Ultimately, Riley had alreadydeparted onthe helicopter, leaving Buffy behind in Sunnydale. [44], During her time in London, Faith confessed to Nadira that her relationship with Buffy was "complicated. When his love appears not to be reciprocated, he threatens to release Drusilla and have her kill Buffy instead. The bond that Buffy shared with her fellow Slayer was complex and unique. Riley realized that Buffy had been sleeping with Spike, which caused him to show fleeting jealousy. [98], Buffy established Riley as her boyfriend. (It even lowkey kink-shamed her for it after hinting at its BDSM nature and playing it for comedy all season). He was so inspired by her that he recovered from his state of ensouled depression and moved to Sunnydale to become her ally against evil. Bitter and with the intent to hurt him, Buffy coldly informed Angel that she had a newboyfriend that she loved, and one she could actually trust. They spent most of the day eating sweets and having sex. Ok well I answered a trivia question the other day that asked: I believe it was Joss on the DVD commentary for that episode who said that it was deliberately ambiguous - it was left open so that viewers could decide for themselves what happened. JavaScript is disabled. [154] She would again try to contact him for her mother's funeral, but her father remained unavailable and didn't show. Buffy was initially disgusted that Giles had betrayed her trust, but then moved when he had stood up to the Watchers Council about it. From DeanAnddDangersz "I'll vote yes to . I do beat him up a lot. Though in strong denial, Buffy and Angel eventually came to terms with Spike's observation, and attempted to distance themselves. How do we know that? In S7e22 Chosen, spike is in the basement holding the medallion, when suddenly buffy comes down the stairs, he stands up, they look at each other.and the scene fades!!! Buffy argued fiercely with him, refusing to believe that Faith could be trusted or changed. However, complications arose when Riley arrived and insisted he get away from her. At the time, he'd been assisting the Slayer and her super soldier boyfriend Riley with slaying in the cemetery. ", "What's next for Buffy and creator Joss Whedon. I get what youre saying but jeez the tone is aggressive lol. Who says that is not an indication of them sleeping together? Do Buffy and Spike sleep together? I mean, what could possibly beat a rousing game of "first I jump you, then you jump me, then we manage to work in a triple jump," except maybe managing to throw in getting crowned a couple of times in the process of all that jumping. Buffy eventually told her that wasn't the case, and that she wanted to see her sister grow up and see the world, and eventually began training her in patrols. [31] While just close friends, there were comments made in a dream of Buffy's referring to a sexual relationship between them, with Buffy going as far as to proposition and kiss him before the dream wackiness escalated. Spike explained to her that although he loved her, he was never truly sure where her heart was in regards to him, and that he had grown tired of being jerked around. Although, she still thought the problem wasn't in her relationship with Spike, but with herself. Buffy was hostile towards her and immediately demanded to know whoshe was, much to Dawn's hurt and anger. Riley generated some other efforts for connecting to Buffy over the lady sadness to possess Joyce, but she refused because the she got resigned so you can . He helped her with the Potentials but disagreed with Buffy keeping Spike alive, believing him to be too dangerous and that Buffy's feelings for him were clouding her judgement. [106]The strength of the bond was showcased again when the Watchers Council threatened to deport Giles indefinitely back to England ifthey did not allow them to analysis her skills as a Slayer. He surprised Buffy at her prom despite having broken up. When Buffy confessed to Xander, he doubted the strength of her feelings, noting that she went through a lot of romantic possibilities including experimentation with Satsu before settling on her best friend. I think that Buffy cared too much for Spike to sleep with him and make him think that maybe there was still a chance for them. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Buffy the Last Vampire Slayer #4, now on sale from BOOM Studios. [57]Buffy accepted Spike back intothe fold and assigned him as the protector of Dawn despite Xander and Giles' protests since he was the only onebeside her strong enough todo so. He said: Im split right down the middle because in terms of a long-term relationship: Spikes kinda your guy because he actually went and got a soul because of her. They've been there for each other's ups and downs. They aren't concerned with the ramifications of their animal passions, which sets the tone for their affair, which Buffy conceals from her friends out of shame. Buffy decided that she'd help Angel track it so they would be even. Riley discovered that she was housing Spike in secret and immediately was suspicious and angry, not understanding why she would harbor a monster and not tell him. [25] As her relationship with Riley was self-destructing, it was noted by Xander that Angel had caused Buffy to close herself offsince their painful break-up and that she had subconsciously saw Riley as the "convenient rebound guy. This is definitely a good point (even if I disagree on it only him being insecure), but that still brings up the question of what he would think was the reason she slept with him, since he obviously doesn't think she loves him. [28]Over time though, Giles worried that he was holding her back from embracing her adult duties and this sadly prompted him to leave for England,[62] being one of the factors that caused an angry, vulnerable, and alone Buffy to embark on a highly destructive sexual relationship with Spike. Sadly for him, she's gotten a bit of self-esteem out of having been forgiven for trying to kill the gang. The Full Lyrics to Look at Us Now (Honeycomb), Inside Riley Keoughs 'Daisy Jones' Transformation, Tracy Oliver on That Harlem Season 2 Finale, Aminah Nieves on Those Shocking 1923 Scenes. [206] During this time, the two showed a much more relaxed and friendly alliance, as Buffy even let Faith wield the Slayer Scythe, while powerless herself. They hugged and regained their closeness, only for Riley to distance himself from her after hearing the devastating death of his friend and colleague Forrest Gates. Buffy did not know of this until after he had left and had immediately followedAngel back to Los Angeles, upset that he had stalked her and left without talking to her. Contents 1 Romance 1.1 Sexuality 1.2 Angel 1.3 Spike 1.4 Riley Finn 1.5 Other romances 2 Friendship 2.1 Willow Rosenberg 2.2 Xander Harris 2.3 Other friendships 3 Familial 3.1 Joyce Summers 3.2 Hank Summers 3.3 Rupert Giles She enforced her point by sayingshe couldnever trust him enough to feel that way. [26], After the end of the relationship, Buffy half-heartedly considered being a nun. [16] They tried to maintain a strictly friendly relationship, but continued to be drawn to each other. After being a liability to her in the fight against the stronger Mohrademon, Angel made a deal with The Oracles to change back to the way he was. At this point,she developed genuine feelings of care and affection for him despite his status as a soulless vampire. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. [100] A healing Riley soon expressed to Buffy his complete lack of purposeand how he no longer knew if the Initiative was a source of good or evil anymore, Buffy gave him a heartfelt speech, reassuring him that he didn't have to follow them if hedidn't want to. 5. [40], When Spike reappeared in his ship with a plan to save the world, Angel was visibly jealous. [52], Buffy's antagonism softened somewhattoa point, requesting he keep her mother and Dawn safe at his cryptsince Glorificus was close and he was the strongest person around who could protect them,but warned him ifthey died, she would kill him in a instant; Spike wassurprised, but agreed. vampire. Buffy and Angel sneaked into Spike's lair to check the current status on the Judge, who quickly spotted them. Lauren Pinnington is a U.K.-based writer covering pop culture and mental health. Her relationship with Riley also began to suffer since she was so focused on Joyce that she rarely told himwhatshe was truly feeling or spent time with him. Spike & Buffy are reunited as evil approaches; they, the Scoobies & Slayers everywhere are thrown into situations beyond their control. In the midst of the battleagainst the Gentlemen, Buffy and Riley accidentally come across each other in the fight, effectively exposing their double lives. At first, she didn't show much interest in him instead focusing on Parker while Riley himself saw her as strange. Wow. Rattled, Buffy was angered to see Spike attempt to kiss her and forced him to the ground, saying that even if she did want to die, it would never beby his hand since he was "beneath her." Buffy had wasted no time lashing outher grudge against Faith despite Faith's conscious catching up to her and feeling remorse for her crimes, which led her to try and get Angel to kill her. However, she also showed a fondness for her and asked if she could take care of Dawn. Given his tense relationship with Riley, Buffy declined his offer to help her against Adam and asked him to leave Sunnydale, but was nonetheless grateful and amused by Angel's jealousy of Riley. As Faith attempting to throw her off the roof, Buffy stabbed her with her own knife in the stomach, injuring her severely. Joyce and Buffy have always had a very loving, deep relationship. It was the same for her genre peers at the time, like Rory Gilmore and Joey Potter. The Cultural Impact of Buffy's Wild Sex Scene, Riley Keough Explains Sex Scene With Her Husband, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Eight months into a coma, Faith suddenly woke up and fled the hospital. Initially, Buffy remained either obliviousor in denial of his newfound feelings, constantly expressing hostility towards him and repeatedly injured him. "[73] Despite Buffy's great love for her sister, Buffy later admitted that if she had to sacrifice Dawn to save the world, she would this time, as her duty as the Slayer was far more important than her personal feelings. Betrayed, Buffy burned down the nest and worked out her anger in her training room. Do you think this is a subtle hint that maybe they slept together one last time before the battle?! [55] Later, when April, in response to Spike flirting with her in an attempt to make Buffy jealous, threw him out a window at the Bronze, Buffy took open pleasure in the sight and freely admitted to Giles that she wouldn't give up the memory of it for anything. [2][3] Although the event prompted a discussion about her sexuality, Buffy was only faced with negative repercussion among her friends; Willow,[4] Xander,[5] and Spike[6] insisted that she wasn't gay and understood that her encounter with Satsu was merely experimental. Stung by this words, Buffy initially brushed him off. Since he had recently accepted his position with her, Spike became even more confused, asking her if she wasn't simply trying to be with him because it was another unattainable relationship. She had consciously chosen to wear the first cross Angel had given her long ago,and then quicklydenied it meaning anything when he had taken notice of it. [57]He returned to Sunnydale only briefly to track down a dangerous demon, with his new wife Sam.