Your an idiot is a deliciously ironic phrase. To give another example, look at Queen Elizabeth. It is now viewed more as your sorting hat implies, a lineage that symbolizes your specific mission in this and your eternal life. JSJ preached a little on physical blood changes upon conversion, which we dont teach today but which clearly influenced the patriarchal blessing process and how we view lineage today: 14. When the Lord has thoroughly proved him, and finds that the man is determined to serve Him at all hazards, then the man will find his calling and his election made sure, then it will be his privilege to receive the other Comforter, which the Lord hath promised the Saints, as is recorded in the testimony of St. John, in the 14th chapter, from the 12th to the 27th verses. He was a member of the Nauvoo High Council and served for a time as a bodyguard to Joseph Smith. blessing is nothing like hers. One of the tools to be used in the gathering is the Book of Mormon, also known among Latter-day Saints as the stick of Joseph or the stick of Ephraim (Ezek. (I tried posting this once and it didnt take; apologies if this becomes a duplicate). Judah and part of the tribe of Benjamin maintained their allegiance to their monarch, and following Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, became known as the Kingdom of Judah. Good questionand I dont feel confident that I have a handle on an answer. MENU tribe of ephraim lds patriarchal blessing 23 Jun 2022 In Abraham we are told, And I will bless them through thy name; for as many as receive this Gospel shall be called after thy name, and shall be accounted thy seed, and shall rise up and bless thee, as their father (Abr. Many Latter- day Saints are of the tribe of Ephraim, the tribe given the primary responsibility to lead the latter-day work of the Lord. one child may be declared to be from the tribe of Ephraim and another of the same family from Manasseh or one of the other tribes. The blessings do follow our bloodlines, but we each have many different bloodlines running within us. Ephraim was the son of Joseph and Asenath and the younger brother of Manasseh (Gen. 41:50-52). News from around the globe about Christianity & the ministries God works through. In such a case, there may be more of a powerful effect upon the body, and visible to the eye, than upon an Israelite, while the Israelite at first might be far before the Gentile in pure intelligence. I have long wondered what Richard Bushmans take on lineage and patriarchal blessings in general is. The keys of gathering Israel were committed to the Prophet Joseph Smith by Moses on April 3, 1836, in the Kirtland Temple (D&C 110:11). These prophets wrote many things concerning the last days, the gathering of Isreal, and the events surrounding both the tribes of Ephraim and of Judah. Declaration of Lineage Joseph Fielding Smith (1972), 14950. Opinions on this subject differ widely. One is the Holy Ghost, the same as given on the day of Pentecost, and that all Saints receive after faith, repentance, and baptism. Because of their rebellion against the Lord many centuries ago, Ephraim's descendants were scattered among the Gentile nations, along with members of the other tribes, beginning with the fall of the northern kingdom of Israel c. 722 B.C. The original tribe of Levi did not receive a land inheritance (other than the levitical cities), so that its priestly members could live throughout the land, so Joseph (the dominant tribe in the north) was basically bifurcated into two representing his sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, to keep the tribal number at ten. It has been a testimony to me that God knows His children well and as individuals. Sorry, hit wrong button and comment sent before conclusion. On 4/4/2016 at 11:44 AM, Edspringer said: Curiously, I once came across someone who is from the tribe of Joseph, according to his patriarchal blessing. The lineage thing did not bother me so much. If you were a man and lived in Nauvoo with the prophet, guaranteed you served as his bodyguard, at some point. Guide to the Scriptures, Evangelist, Israel, Patriarchal Blessings, Patriarch, Patriarchal, Your Patriarchal Blessing: A Liahona of Light, Declaration of Lineage in Patriarchal Blessings, Request a copy of your own or a deceased ancestors patriarchal blessing,, Whom do I talk to about getting a patriarchal blessing? New Era, July 2010, Your Patriarchal Blessing, Ensign or Liahona, February 2010, RobertK. Wagstaff, When Should I Get My Patriarchal Blessing? New Era, August 2009, About Patriarchal Blessings, New Era, March 2004, DanielH. Ludlow, Of the House of Israel, Ensign or Liahona, January 1991, Teaching Children about Patriarchal Blessings, Ensign, October 1987, DavidA. Edwards, What a Patriarchal Blessing Can Do for You, New Era, May 2013, The Gathering of the House of Israel, Patriarchal Blessings, Lesson Helps for Teaching Children, What is a Patriarchal Blessing, The Latter-day Saints Channel Q&A, episode62, Request a copy of your own or a deceased ancestors patriarchal blessing. The patriarchal blessing reveals to its recipient which tribe they belong to - although it is nearly always identified as the Tribe of Ephraim. Elder John A. Widtsoe, an Apostle, declared, "In giving a blessing the patriarch may declare our lineage-that is, that we are of Israel, therefore of the family of Abraham, and of a specific tribe of Jacob. It has been suggested that because of the . 72-77. While a patriarchal blessing contains inspired counsel and promises, it should not be expected to answer all of the recipients questions or to detail all that will happen in his or her life. Seeing that the majority of declared lineages today are Joseph (primarily Ephraim) I believe that this in essence means we represent the northern kingdom or the lost 10 tribes as a whole. There was a disappearance of the dividing line between time and eternity. The Mormon Church takes part in a unique ritual where they receive a patriarchal blessing. 16:11-12; 3 Ne. .. Aggregated Content Copyright 2008-2011 by the original authors. Not even the patriarch or bishop or branch president should interpret it. Id rather have her blessing (!) It makes perfect sense for Slytherin to have only one heir, in spite of having plenty of descendents. Good work, Kev. My daughter is hoping for Slytherin. 1. Circling back to the topic, I think grammar and precise word choice matters in the gospel. My pat. However, due to health or other personal circumstances, he may be given nonfunctioning status. Those who are not literal descendants are adopted into the family of Abraham when they receive baptism and confirmation (see Law of Adoption). Joseph honestly thought there was some connection. If he had no descendants, section 68 is meaningless. While the primary responsibilities of Ephraim are to spread the gospel, the primary responsibilities of Judah are to maintain and keep the records. When I met my spouse, he had just gotten his blessing ( he was inactive most of his life and just reactivated when we met). Its nice to have that extra copy of the will around with some reassuring words that you havent been disinherented, I suppose. Most of those people are dead now. I never understood Patriarchal Blessingswhat is the purpose, who started it, does it really do any good, etc. Regarding Patriarchal blessings and the declaration of lineage, President James E. Faust stated: . How many ancestral slots would there be at that time depth? When moved upon by the Holy Spirit, the patriarch makes an inspired declaration of the lineage of the recipient together with such blessings, spiritual gifts, promises, advice, admonition, and warnings as the patriarch feels inspired to give. I think the point of this post and thread is to get past a bit labels like son of a whore and son of a prophet at least in a certain sense (the sense of are we not all beggars, or are we not all children of Adam and Eve?), Coincidentally, since my last post, I came across this germane passage in Romans 9: Second, guided by the spirit of prophecy, the patriarch will pronounce blessings and may also provide promises, cautions, or admonitions that apply specifically to you. I believe I know what it means for me but I couldnt tell someone else what theirs means. How does swearing secret oaths glorify God? 2004) and Q&A (New Era, May 2002 and Mar. That man that has none of the blood of Abraham (naturally) must have a new creation by the Holy Ghost. EG- you most definitely should have the opportunity to receive another blessing, as do others in this situation. It contains counsel, promises, and information from the Lord. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his (Rom. Some rights reserved. Ive been asked this question, and had a thought hit me that seemed correct at the time. I wish to pay tribute to the faithful men holding this great calling and ordination. Jesus said; "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy fathers children shall bow down before thee. Probably even their dogs had wonderful characteristics and spiritual gifts. Kevin, are Australian aborigines truly an exception to the rule? Most of them concern their gathering in Jerusalem before the Savior returns and the building up of their temple. Are these incidents all coincidental, or well planned trickery? The patriarch seeks inspiration to specify the dominant family line that leads back to Abraham. 1 Nephi 14:1-2; "And it shall come to pass, that if the Gentiles shall hearken unto the Lamb of God in that day that he shall manifest himself unto them in word, and also in power, in very deed, unto the taking away of their stumbling blocks 2 And . I found his perspective to be rather blurry, administrative and academic as compared to other patriarchs in the church, but was appreciative of his personal honesty and openness to the processes and policies. As others note from a genetic perspective it seems silly when you get very many generations away especially if there is sufficient mixing. I said I did not want to read theirs but wanted to know if there were any differences. The other members who compared blessings for me were also disturbed by the discovery. We all, hopefully, believe the gospel and try to live it as best as we can. My ancestry is both from old england, and spain with many crypto and sephardic jews mixed in. God knows our spirits; He knows our strengths and weaknesses. 41 But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt. The most distinguished Benjamite was the apostle Paul ( Rom. A prophetic promise fulfilled but one which with modern knowledge seems rather unimportant. Why should the oldest son matter? If they would only restrict themselves to reading only the Bible (KJV) they could be made free in Christ. All the tribes will be gathered during the Millenium and will eventually then return to their individual lands of inheritance. The kingdom of Israel was divided about 975 B.C. Was the restriction of unclean foods in the Bible a commandment. But there are genuine bottlenecks in places like New Guinea, the Amazon, and other places where small populations have lived for very long times without outside contact. The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. (Genesis 49:8-10). You can when you receive your patriarchal blessing. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z, Book of Mormon: Title Page From Book of Mormon, Freedom in Him is the most treasured gift of all! According to the Bible, when Joseph brought his two sons to his father, Jacob, for a blessing, Ephraim received the birthright blessing in place of Manasseh (Gen. 48:13-20), one of the departures noted in the Bible from the custom of bestowing on the firstborn son the special privileges that belonged to him by right of primogeniture. 29:3; Morm. Further, a "choice seer" would arise from Joseph's descendants who would "do a work for the fruit of [Joseph's] loins, his brethren, which shall be of great worth unto them, even to the bringing of them to the knowledge of the covenants which I [the Lord] have made with thy fathers" (2 Ne. This last summer when we had a family reunion, I saw my fathers granddaughters moving about tending to the food and ministering to the young children and the elderly, and the realization came to me that Fathers blessing had been literally fulfilled; he has, indeed, many beautiful daughters. With meetings, temple attendance, food storage, the strive to be perfect - it's overwhelming and far from having peace in knowing Christ. Book of Mormon: broken promises, false prophecies, historically inncorrect, poor grammarhow can you trust this? It has a meaning. My brother who was adopted from China was given the lineage Naphtali, not Ephraim like the rest of our family. So, with that framing, what do patriarchal blessing lineage assignments mean to you? Has anyone else made similar observations? 20% of verses in the Book of Mormon contain the phrase "and it came to pass", Almost 4,000 changes to the Book of Mormon and over 7,200 Greek and Latin words found, Book of Mormon Artifacts; Smithsonian & National Geographic says no artifacts found. I was declared to be of the tribe of Manasseh and an institute director told us once that Ephraim is the leadership tribe, and this was why all of the quorum of the 12 and first presidency were from the tribe of Ephraim. I am going to keep trying for my husband and myself to get new blessings. sbaI did check Genesis, I rest assured that it was Judahs mistake ;) The sobriquet is his, but, nonetheless, all of us (and we have it on the same authority, even the Lord in the case of Rahab) are descendants of harlots. The office of patriarch is one of the great separate priesthood offices of the Melchizedek Priesthood. I have a dozen or so ancestors who have the exact same claim to fame (almost typed clame). So, can tribes truly be found if they are no longer distinct? The tribe provided the first king in the person of Saul ( 1 Sam. Diversity and Unity in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Environmental Stewardship and Conservation, Joseph Smiths Teachings about Priesthood, Temple, and Women, Peace and Violence among 19th-Century Latter-day Saints, The Manifesto and the End of Plural Marriage, Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham. A few of you are extended cousins of mine and also descend from him; most of you do not descend from him. Lineage seems a very odd concern for contemporary people. The Twelve Tribes according to their inheritance of land in Palestine were as follows: Eventually the northern kingdom ran afoul of the great world power at the time, Assyria. So how many slots would there be in the year 1800? Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of His glory, that we may be sealed up unto the day of redemption.Ephesians, 1st chapter. Amen! The blessing of one . A patriarchal blessing is a sacred guideline of counsel, promises, and information from the Lord. The only name that counts in the temple is the name of Jesus Christ. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, ed. They may be shared with immediate family members, but should not be read aloud in public or read or interpreted by others. I feel to this day the Patriarch who did my blessing was not inspired..rote blessings to all. I will say this, my father is a Patriarch, and Ive bounced this question of what the lineage means around with him several times. . Quotes & false prophecies from Mormon leaders. tribe of ephraim lds patriarchal blessing [Patriarchal Blessings] Patriarchal Blessing of Joseph Smith, Jr., given by Joseph Smith, Sr. stated "thou shalt stand on Mount Zion when the tribes of Jacob come shouting from the north, and with thy brethren, the sons of Ephraim, crown them in the name of Jesus Christ: Thou shalt see thy Redeemer come in the clouds of heaven (2) The Gathering of . An essential part of a patriarchal blessing is a declaration of lineage. "And they [others of the tribes of Israel] shall bring forth their rich treasures unto the children of Ephraim, my servants…and there shall they fall down and be crowned with glory, even in Zion, by the hands of the servants of the Lord, even the children of Ephraim, and they shall be filled with songs of everlasting joy" (D&C 133:30-33; see also Israel: Gathering of Israel). The biblical temple and Mormon temples have virtually nothing in common; find out why. Besides, the giver of the blessings, the Lord, reserves the right to have them become active in our lives as suits his divine purposes. G. Homer Durham (1960), 75. Were all adopted into the covenant relationship. I think lineage is one of several tropes that are meant to link us together in one of many holy ways. McConkie, Bruce R. A New Witness of the Articles of Faith, pp. If Im in the kingdom of Israel, does it matter where? She has 17 descendents (4 children, 8 grandchildren, 5 great-grandchildren), but only one heir to her throne, Prince Charles. Scriptures that show Mormons can fully trust God's word! Frankly, lineage doesnt make a lot of sense in todays world, as the OP suggests. Many Latter-day Saints are of the tribe of Ephraim, the tribe given the primary responsibility to lead the latter-day work of the Lord. The Book of Mormon; The Doctrine and Covenants & Church History; The Pearl of Great Price . None from our family has ever been from that tribe? My daughter at age 14 received her pat. It is to be done by this sealing power, and the other Comforter spoken of, which will be manifest by revelation. I appreciate some of the hypothesis in the posts, but it seems rather anti-climatic and metaphorical/symbolic as opposed to literal. Yes, know that there have been and probably are patriarchs who are on automatic. Galatians 1:6-9 says not to accept another gospel from an angel of light, yet atop every LDS temple there sits an angel of light proclaiming a new gospel Why is talking to dead people condoned in Mormonism? Am I Less Worthy Not Being From the Tribe of Ephraim? As a person studies his or her patriarchal blessing and follows the counsel it contains, it will provide guidance, comfort, and protection. Gramps I have a grandson and it stated in his blessing he was of the Tribe of Juda. Perhaps there was a genetic difference that was passed along. Maybe his last name had something to do with it ( very prominent church last name). An essential part of a patriarchal blessing is a declaration of lineage. Most of us will be named as members of the tribe of Ephraim, as it is the primary responsibility of this tribe to spread the word of God through missionary work and service that it might be heard by all people throughout the earth. Or is there some important significance to my tribe? Kinderhook Plates and The Greek Psalter Incident serve as further proof Smith was a false prophet. Ephraim, Manasseh, Judah, Danthere are 12 possible ways to become part of the house of Israel. Why does Mormonism have so many false doctrines about our galaxy and the Lord? Those who have received a patriarchal blessing should read it humbly, prayerfully, and frequently. Its meaning lies in how we honor each other as believers perhaps. Semi-annual reminders to follow the prophet. Our patriarchal blessings indicate what the Lord expects of us and what our potential can be. Maybe he was getting some dementia. A patriarchal blessing includes a declaration of lineage, stating that the person is of the house of Israela descendant of Abraham, belonging to a specific tribe of Jacob. Patriarchal blessings include a declaration of a person's lineage in the house of Israel and contain personal counsel from the Lord. So while we may all be descendents of all of Jacobs sons, perhaps we are the heir of the one declared our lineage? The overwhelming number of such assignments of lineage are to Ephraim, with substantial numbers being assigned to Manasseh (especially in central and south America and the Pacific Islands), and Jews are generally assigned to Judah. In this easy-to-comprehend volume, Pinegar and Allen clarify what a patriarchal blessing is and is not, where it comes from, and what you need to do . The majority of modern blessings have designated Ephraim or manasseh as the main link in this tracing, but others of every tribe of Israel have also been named. I have asked for permission to get a new blessing, telling the reason why, and have been denied. First off there officially is not a tribe of Joseph - but rather the tribe of Joseph was devided between Ephrain and Manasseh - the greater role given to Ephrain. I think thats a nice evolution of and conclusion to the tribalism of the distant past. While the primary responsibilities of Ephraim are to spread the gospel, the primary responsibilities of Judah are to maintain and keep the records. The prophecy in 1st Nephi tells us theyll belong to the tribe of Nephis father, Lehi. And then with the Jews to be gathered we will once again have the Kingdoms of Ephraim and Judah. If you're a Christian & feel you're speaking a different language, learn about the differences here. Knowing these two facts gave me an added sense that I was literally serving my brothers. It definitely used to be viewed as a literally descent from a specific ancestor. King Benjamin refers to the faithful as the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters thus being able to be spiritually begotten through faith (Mosiah 5:7), and thus coming into the family of Christ through a spiritual birth. This has bothered me for over thirty years. In response to a previous comment, Richard Bushman was interviewed by Dan Witherspoon on the Mormon Matters podcast about his work as a patriarch and the directions he was given in that calling re: tribal assignments, etc. Whether this lineage is of blood or adoption it does not matter" (p. 73; cf. I apologize, had to get that off my chest, pet peeve rant over. Since Mormons like to rely on their own works they should take heed to what God said in Micah 5:12-13 , And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers: 13 Thy graven images also will I cut off, and thy standing images out of the midst of thee; and thou shalt no more worship the work of thine hands., Posted in Book of Mormon | Tagged Ephraim, false gospel, Lehi, Mannasseh, Nephi, patriarchal blessings | 2 Comments. I was told by a Patriarch that the lineage not a blood line issue but the area of governmental responsibility during the millennium? These sacred blessings also strengthen the testimonies of those worthy persons who are the recipients of such blessings, provided those recipients live so as to merit the blessings pronounced therein. The Book of Mormon records that Joseph of old "obtained a promise of the Lord, that out of the fruit of his loins the Lord God would raise up a righteous branch unto the house of Israel…to be remembered in the covenants of the Lord" (2 Ne. The purpose of a patriarchal blessing is (1) to identify the tribe of Israel to which the individual belongs, whether literal or "adopted", along with the responsibilities and blessings associated; (2) to bless the member with knowledge and the spiritual gifts that may be obtained by obedience to gospel principles; (3) to give advice or help to Because each of us has many bloodlines running in us, two members of the same family may be declared as being of different tribes in Israel. Like Ephraim's descendants, the tribe of Manasseh is heir to all the blessings and obligations given to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. but no Im differentand it is unique to who I am. In the great majority of cases, Latter-day Saints are of the tribe of Ephraim, the tribe to which has been committed the leadership of the Latter-day work. They are then entitled to all the rights and privileges of heirs (TPJS, pp. Why must Mormons follow a prophet and not God? My patriciarch typed up the blessings himself. Paul makes repeated references to adoption into the house of Israel through faith: But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Ephraim and Judah, specifically, are to be joined and Zion and Jerusalem are to be capitals of the world when the Savior comes to rule and reign. I find it interesting and perhaps very relevant that the Kingdom of Israel was often simply referred to as Joseph or Ephraim, being the predominant tribe. Of course, genetically we are all the seed of Abraham at this point. But a passage in 2 Esdras 13 of the Apocrypha portrays them as maintaining coherence as a group: 40 Those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of Osea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters, and so came they into another land. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the position of the Church. "We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent" (A of F 10; cf. So here we go: First, a little biblical history. Find out why they're not the same! Members of other tribes, however, hold different roles and responsibilities. After a person has faith in Christ, repents of his sins, and is baptized for the remission of his sins and receives the Holy Ghost, (by the laying on of hands), which is the first Comforter, then let him continue to humble himself before God, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and living by every word of God, and the Lord will soon say unto him, Son, thou shalt be exalted.