It looks pretty though. Yeah that is no where near as good as it used to be. Chapterhouse of the Fallen (96-100)(PoK>Freeport>Commonlands or Once you do attunement quest from Shard's Landing, Guild Hall>TP to Shard's Landing>Portal to Chapterhouse) - I love this zone as a paladin. SOME DISCLAIMERS: First I want to point out that Almar's Guides are pretty good and he lays out a pretty fantastic path to getting to max level and getting geared along with plenty of other advice. I also feel that depending on which set of hot zones is available at the moment, there are faster places to level through certain levels. Dismiss: Permanently get rid of this mercenary. ALTERNATIVES (48-62): 46-58 Old Sebilis (From City of Mist>Emerald Jungle>Trakkanon's Teeth>Old Sebilis) - How much range you get out of this zone is dependent on if it's a hot zone or not IMO. How does it help with boxing? We have updated our Privacy Policy. With a group you can pull them pretty easily and have access to a HUGE number of mobs. The best place in this zone is the hobgoblins, which are directly left of where you zone in, at the north end of the canyon. AFK/Mercenary Leveling Guide for Everquest Levels 1-85. A mercenary's icon will show their archetype and hailing them will tell you their class. He couldn't have made it THAT easy. Additionally, the mobs in Wall of Slaughter have a larger agro radius than the Plane of Fire mobs which helps. The final reward is Journeyman Rank 5 mercenaries. There are some high level mobs there for the Berserker epic 2.0. Don't fight the ones in the fields as the majority of them are cleric mobs with big heals and a resistance to stuns. Check the sidebar of the subreddit for where to get them. Recently, the daily adventures have been moved to Plane of Knowledge and are received from Clayton Teek. It's accessible at level 75, so you can have J5 mercs 10 levels early. It gives you access to Journeyman mercs and probably over 10k AAs at this point in Auto-Granted AAs. The east wall outside the citadel area offers constant spawns of cockatrice and a few yeti, as well as access to the two named cockatrice. Joined Feb 1, 2009 Messages 62 Reaction score 0 . Sadly neither zone is a hot zone. If you took my advice and are at least two boxing, go inside the cave. Everything is all sparkly and golden. Look at my map in comparison to your map to see the location. Bastion of Thunder (62-68)(PoK>Plane of Tranquility>Torden, Bastion of Thunder) - The giants and bees of Thunder are excellent exp. (Using ISBoxer is useful to this; please reference my other guide for info) It doesnt matter what the composition is of your 3 box team. Fortress itself is a very popular zone for Damage Shield leveling due to the density and fast respawn times, so there is a pretty good chance that a high level player will be here doing that for box toons or guildies. Field of Scale theme - Journeyman Rank IV. With a group of three actual players though, you can steamroll this place for GOBS of experience. Erillion, City of Bronze (95-100)(Guild Hall, Buy a Stone of the Shard's Fall>TP to Shard's Landing>Erillion) - This place is pretty easy and is the easiest option here by far. This is a picture of the merc window. The area is populated by honored citizens, exalted citizens, respected morticians, and dutiful cleaners. They hit like Mack trucks but aren't very durable. This room is very popular as it has access to 4 nameds (3 goblins in or very close two the big room and 1 beetle down a side corridor) and if you get lucky can very quickly have you loaded down with a full set of tier 2 EoK visible gear as well as a bunch of really good nonvis items and augs. You may finish them and have 30-45 minutes to wait. If you're having trouble making your mercenary level with you suspend him and go AFK for a few minutes. Efficient: This stance causes your Mercenary to focus primarily on efficiency and preservation of resources. The other room is basically in the exact same spot except on the left side of the map. I may try again with this guide. The exp is ludicrously fast thanks to low HP mobs and repeatable quests. !1111, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. Kill bears, wolves, and snakes near the zone line to Blightfire. A: When you shroud the mercenary is suspended, when you have enough money to pay for the mercenary you may unsuspend him. The key zone for AFK leveling and AA grinding in the 65 to 80 level range is Wall of Slaughter. This expansion introduced Mercenaries and basically completely changed the way you level in Everquest. Resplendent Temple is awful in my opinion, with it being nearly impossible to pull singles, and Pillars of Alra is hard to get to (you have to run through a lot of angry Alarins who can see invis in Resplendent Temple) and easy to get yourself killed in, for much the same reason. I also ding to 57 at this camp in the video including the sweet ding noise and a cringey. To upgrade your mercenary you have to complete SoD progression lines. The key is the respawn time for the zone. Sul Vius, Demiplane of Life - Inside Demiplane of Life, if you head down into the bottom right corner is an area filled with crypts. Dulak's Harbor (35-43)(PoK>Gulf of Gunthak>Dulak's) - You can go higher than this by killing cultists and stuff in the tunnels of the zone, but I think the best thing about this place is the mob density for lower levels. It's some kinda Gnomish backpack thing. The south camp is the three rooms near the Nobles Causeway zone line. It's cheap and easy to get and you probably can get large amounts of it just as you level. Finally, while Heroic Adventures in Dead Hills, Ethernere Tainted West Karana, and throughout The Broken Mirror zones might be the "fastest" way to level, it's stupendously boring and repetitive. Still do! Otherwise, kill puslings and bubonians. ALTERNATIVES: Anything in Underfoot (83-90)(Guild Hall>Buy Unrefined Brellium Ore>TP to Brell's Rest>Pellucid/Underquarry/Cooling Chamber/Kernagir) - I seriously dislike Underfoot. Very simple. The Droga area is super nice for rangers as the goblins are headshotable. Unless you're 4 boxing or uber twinked, killing these will take some time, but about 3 kills will take you from 20 to 21. If you've made it this far without a guild, then maybe it's time to look for a real guild with people in it. Aggressive: If you or any group member is attacked, your merc will attack. You want the repops to be single pulls and not a three pull, so the timing of your agro and kill cycle on the first way is important. It's called No Heroism Without Fear and begins at Investigator Drolmer. This guide has been updated in 2022 and is up to date with Visions of Vetrovia and the new 125 level cap! Although inadvertently getting trained is a risk youre going to take if youre afk; regardless of what xp zone youre in. However I think the mercenary's could be a little more mercenary, The other better thread on this!!!11!!!111111111111!! BACK TO ACTUAL ZONES THAT CHANGE!! This amounts to tens of thousands of AA's. You will need an invis item or supply of Cloudy Potions though as there are a lot of living creatures between you and the undead section of the zone. The exp is also really nice 75-80. EverQuest Cheats & Guides. Pick one of the two camps and go nuts. The same nameds you can get from the lake are here, though I believe a named giant is the most common one. BEST IF SOLO AND 58-62: 48-62 - Grieg's End(PoK>Nexus>Netherbian Lair>Dawnshroud Peaks>Grieg's) - This zone is a pretty long haul out, and has a couple of pretty rough pulls to get into the zone if you're here at the lower end of the range. That's all I have for now folks. Coming from The Mines, start killing gnolls until 12. Buy the 950 Point Mount that provides levitation. Try and kill at least one Captain of the Guard. Kill the wereorcs. DO NOT USE FOLLOW HERE. Use mostly water pet in Classic era. I'd suggest even if you go this method, you still use MQ2 with afk tools to answer tells while you are away. J5 mercs are far better, can take harder hits, heal bigger, and hit harder. These Mercenaries are much more weak than a Journeyman Mercenary however I guess one plus is they cost a lot less every 15 minutes! When you get a new mercenary, it starts at Level 1 with only a single ability. The Call of the Forsaken expansion introduced mercenary equipment, gear you can put on your mercenary . Youre looking to create a merc team of Tank/ DPS/ Healer. To top it all off, it's also a hot zone!! I have masochistic friends who swear by it though. 1. This zone is a lot better when you factor those in. The shades there are the highest level normal mobs in the zone. There is a new set every 5 levels but it isn't really worth getting more than maybe a set for a healer merc at 75, 85, and 105. Or at least a bunch of boxes with healer mercs. Giving out the daily HA tasks? It is packed full of Erudites, undead, and gelatinous cubes. The merc trio can easily handle content to level 80 with you solidly playing your main toon (and dragging along the other two characters). Not very fast, but not very hard either. 13-28 Estate of Unrest (PoK>Butcherblock Mountains>Dagnor's Cauldron>Unrest) - This is a good place for undead killers, but in my opinion the run out to it is too far and the exp is better in Blightfire. I think it takes way too long to kill anything and this is also about the point a merc starts falling off so downtime is way high. For AFK leveling/ AA grinding, you want to station your toons in one room and just sit there. There are four types of Mercs to choose from: Healing, Tanking, Rogue or a Wizard mercs. All rights reserved. South of the citadel are the drachnid tunnels. In other words that means all those levels that you can't find groups, you can use him for. unsure if they removed it or not). At first, just wait. A player could easily gain the same amount of XP they got from 2 or 3 hours of AFK'ing pet/merc XP exploting if they spent 10 good minutes at the keyboard. Leveling/Setup This guide covers zones up to Omens of War. They complete heal and can do it 7 or 8 times in a row. If you're geared up or grouped, kill iksar golems as well. If you have an enchanter mez the adds and then hold them for one minute after each kill. All rights reserved. Posted on February 24, 2013 by Almost Gaming. Playing live has a few benefits. BEST (84-92): The Grounds/Erudin Burning (PoK>Feerott, the Dream>House of Thule, Lower>The Grounds/Erudin Burning) - I love both of these zones. Paladins can start swarming around 83 with impunity and shredding through these guys to about 85. Start in the tunnels and then work your way through the area around the ghoul assassin. Inside the hut talk to Mercenary Mdjal to hire a mercenary. I like to use to portal room for quick evacuation. The goal is to get the three Clean Up the Farm quests from Siggik at the gnome camp near the Steamfont zoneline. Direwind Cliffs is nothing but killing drops throughout most of it. When you suspend your mercenary the button will change to Unsuspend. Q: What happens if I don't have the money to pay for my merc? Lots of good loot and the spider camp and kobold village are pretty easy. Kill them all. They are designed for extra support or extra muscle in PvE encounters. The westside is still gangster though, so you can kill most of the stuff there. Along the way, most players are going to need to grind a few thousand AAs in order to be effective at 80+ when playing their character. At level 5 it gets its second ability, with third obtained at level 15. When you rez your mercenary you will immediately be charged the Upkeep cost on him. Turn in the quest as you complete it. You can follow it for some exp or ignore it like most people do and just fight out of the prison and then wander the zone killing everything. How this guide works: Player Level refers to the "sweet spot" level range for the player to both gain good experience while still being able to be effective (landing spells/melee) This doesn't mean you must be between this level range. They will drain half your exp and do very little damage. I do solo leveling all the time for the challenge of it. Katta Castrum: The Deluge (Guild Hall, TP using Drowned Katta Castrum Powerstone) - The elementals that are found in this zone now are pretty easy to kill. Theres an important point to be made about this guide and why its successful. At no point do I stop for AA's until I am level 110, so there will be no notation about AA grinding. The run isn't terrible, but all of the SoV outdoor zones are enormous so it's further than it looks. Considering you should be killing three mobs every cycle in which each cycle is 10min and 40 secs, you should be killing 15 mobs an hour. The estimated downtime is expected to be approximately 5 hours for the website and services, and 10 hours for servers. #everquest #project1999 #sinnycool 2 MINUTE SPAWN AFK CAMP to 60 / Everquest Project 1999 green / Update since V5.5 patch what changed? If you're a new player then you'll be able to find a Mercenary Liaison right in Cresent Reach (granted if you Start there). By this point you should have gear that can hold up and healers who know what's what. After 75, you get much stronger gear so you can quickly kill the minotaurs at the minotaur fort. Everything has changed with the Seeds of Destruction expansion. Stay near the entrance until 49-50 then move toward the "disco" areas until about 52. It is easy to get overwhelmed at lower levels, especially with the ratmen who frequent the middle of the zone. It's one of the two expansions that made me quit EQ for any length of time. So now if you and a friend want to do an LDoN you'll have a group of 4 and will have no need to find a 3rd for the LDoN. This is Tier 4 for Veil so things hit hard, but not that hard. Some are also scattered amongst the buildings, just use "Find" to locate them. A single heroic 85 is all that is really needed to roll over the content though, which shouldn't be hard to find on any server you're on. IF YOU'RE NOT BRAND NEW AND KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING/NEW PLAYERS AFTER YOU FINISH MINES: 1-(14-18) Crescent Reach (You zone out of Mines and are automatically transported here. Here are some suggestions as to how to use these areas to hit max level. Watch out for the nameds. I will annotate directions to the zones. Mobs run on live side so ignore it. Then go and start slaughtering crows, scarecrows, and doombugs. At around 66 if you're clearing those areas efficiently, head over to the Muramite Proving Grounds zone line. You can get a little more life out of the zone by acquiring one of the temporary keys that let you teleport up to Grieg's spawn point. The cost adds up very very quickly otherwise. Inside the city, the Alarans come in groups of two or three or solo. You should be able to walk out of here with a very serviceable weapon for your class, the majority of spells and abilities, and armor in almost every single slot.