students might acquire on their adventures. Also called the Col-enlightenment and learning, and both its graduates lege of Archaeomancy.and its delegates are typically welcomed and re- Prismari Uses the elements to practice the arts.spected wherever they go. a Relationship. For instance, Campus Kerfuffle, the adven- ture in this chapter, takes place during the char- The adventures assume youre playing a Strix- acters first year at the university. Cir- To the faculty and students of Strixhaven, it is un-cumstances will at times cause player characters remarkable to meet someone who hails from a far- to defy faculty authority and even deans during off land, since almost everyone on campus is fromtheir adventures, and the threat of detention or even somewhere else. PRINCIPLES AND POLARITIES Upon retiring, a professor receives the title of The colleges and curriculum at Strixhaven are or- mage emeritus. The magic ofshadow mages often manifests as bolts or blades ofdarkness or blotches of flowing ink, and its effectsrange from a sting of shame to an assault on the tar-gets life energy.CHAPTER 1 LIFE AT STRIXHAVENDean Embrose Lu (lawful neutral human Silver- cruit her, threatening her students lives if she didntquill professor of shadow) is a master poet whose comply. How do you decide which of these colleges is right for your ing for the first time. It's very possible I'm just an idiot and my lack of sleep is showing, but I can't seem to find a place that sells Strixhaven in a PDF format? Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos will be the next MTG setting for Dungeons & Dragons. It embraces intellect over emotion,magic. Remind players that while their check mark when they expend the die.& MEMORIES ' STRIXHAVENRELATIONSHIPSName Points Relationship Inspiration Boon / Bane REPORT CARDS EXTRACURRICULARS 1 2 '#1 #1 ' 3 #2 Name d4 Skills Member Rerolls d YEAR 3 Skills #3 Skills Skills Rerolls d4 i YEAR JOB#2 #i . Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos is an adventure module and campaign guide for using the Strixhaven setting, from the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering, in the 5th edition.The book expands on game elements for the 5th edition, such as: Four adventures which correspond to each year of university; these adventures can be run as a continuous campaign or as individual one-shots If study of magical writing and symbols. Whichever scores you decide to in- ness as if it were dim light. In College FounderArcavios, that fabric is knotted and tangled in some Lorehold Velomachus Loreholdlocations, creating a phenomenon called snarls. Sharpshooter is not only one of the strongest feats in 5E D&D, but it is considered mandatory for any build focusing on ranged attacks. The inside is an ap- parently boundless theory-space that suspends themage-students shouldnt linger too long inside the rules of reality. The Principlecan summon creatures made of fractals or turnabstract theories into towering, spiraling patterns. It's part setting book, part adventure, and . You might wield your Prismari spellsSkill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, PerformanceTool Proficiencies: One type of musical instrument with dynamic, gestural movement as much dance or artisans tools as somatic component. First-year students live in dormitories located on A students course of learning at Strixhaven in- the central campus and often form close friendships there that last throughout their educational careers, volves exploring the tension between these oppos- even when members of tight-knit groups of friends ing principles, which typically involves late-night arguments in residence halls and study rooms. Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos (D&D/MTG Adventure Book) Download Free the Book in Format PDF. Tune into D&D Live 2021 presented by G4 on July 16 and 17 for details including new . 178Prismari College 45 No Time to Lose 178Quandrix College Orientation Challenge . 2nd Enlarge/ Reduce, Vortex Warp (in this book) 5 Im beset with such an overwhelming sense of 3rd Aura of Vitality, Haste ennui regarding my art. Players can create characters using a new race presented in the book, an owlin, one of the owlfolk who study at the university. Tivash (neutral human Witherbloom professor ofWILLOWDUSK, ESSENCE SEER decay) teaches Witherbloom students. These items, along with a fewreroll the d20 and use the lower roll. In Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos, we are introduced to backgrounds that go far beyond that. The spells also appear on the classon the college you choose, as specified in the Strix-haven Spells table. Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos. Each equipped with its own campus and fac- Silverquill Teaches the magic of rhetoric, poetry, ora-ulty, Strixhavens five colleges summarized in theColleges of Strixhaven table-cover a vast array of tion, and writing. Embed D&D 5e Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos to websites for free. Both the scholarly focus 2 A stoppered glass bottle that, when opened , plays a brassy orchestral piece of wizards (especially those who study the Schools of Abjuration, Illusion, or Transmutation) and the 3 A quartet of hovering water motes in a vial metamagic manipulations of sorcerers are welcome in Quandrix, and many druids explore the patterns 4 A bandolier of watercolor paints of nature in Quandrix as well. ing the same campus job, or you could be introduced Read the descriptions of backgrounds and feats by mutual friends. rules in the Players Handbook.BUILDING A WITHERBLOOM CHARACTER FEAT DESCRIPTIONSDruids and warlocks make up most of Wither- These feats are presented in alphabetical order.blooms student body. from bogsBiology, ecology, botany, chemistry, and related 5 Dreadbones, infusing dead tissue with magic to create Undead servantssciences combine with the study and manipulationof the magical energy of the Positive Plane and the 6 Earthcroucher, connecting directly with the land to power nature magicNegative Plane, the primal forces of life and death. You can also cast the 2nd Enchantment Bard, Sorcerer, 2nd Borrowedspell using any spell slots you have. strictness and abrupt scoldings.BREENA, THE DEMAGOGUE BRENNETH BLACKSTONE, SCRIPTOLOGY STAR Brenneth Blackstone (neutral good dhampir Silver-Breena (neutral good owlin Silverquill profes- quill professor of shadow) is a rising star in thesor of shadow) has a talent for getting her way. Join Lead Designer Amanda Hamon to find out what it means to be a student of magic and how to set your next Dungeons & Dragons adventure at this at this iconic school. Check Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos from That D&D place here. Strixhaven Supplemental Volume I: Course Catalog and Staff Directory - Strixhaven Supplemental Volume I: Course Catalog and Staff Directory is a companion to Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos Some of them use a Quan-natural force that exists in the universe independent drix-specific stat block from chapter 7.of the constructs of intelligent minds, or is it a the- KIANNE, DEAN OF SUBSTANCE Brilliant and eccentric, Dean Kianne (neutral elforetical framework created by those who study it?Is the work of the scholar to discover what is or to Quandrix professor of substance) is one of the pre-define what could be? Thankfully, they are also a giant spread of utility, defense, and offense! So why bother? SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP download. PDF FREE || Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos (D&D/MTG Adventure Book) by Wizards RPG Team Download Read EBOOK/PDF/KINDLE Here Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos by Wizards RPG Team Curriculum of Chaos is an upcoming D&D release set in the Magic: The Gathering world of Strixhaven. THE CULTIVARIUMTHE ARITHMODROME The Cultivarium is an eye-popping, sun-drenchedThe Quandrix campus is alive with dynamic garden of spiraling, cyclical plants and fractalizedsculptures made of water behaving in odd ways: animals. Youathleticism of Prismari performance. Witherbloom Harnesses the forces of life and death. preferring to let the deans of the colleges speak inSNARLS AND STAR ARCHES their stead. Characters who use these rules48 CHAPTER 3 | SCHOOL IS IN SESSION, The words you are searching are inside this book. We also use optional cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social medial features and analyze web traffic. The Principlefestations of the written word, scribing patterns of column notes which side of the radiance-shadowrunic ink in the air. Bookmark. CHAPTER 2 | CHARACTER OPTIONSWlTHERBLOOM STUDENT Suggested Characteristics. OPUS WALK Hundreds of Prismari creations are displayed alongHe recently graduated from Strixhaven himself,and he bubbles with excitement at the prospect of a path that winds through the central campus build-guiding a new generation of students on the course ings, giving the path its name: Opus Walk. If you create deleterious effects, Strixhaven kindly requests you refrainfrom invok-First Printing: November 2021 ing any names, symbols, or other references to the university should youfind yourself in a confrontation. Youre free to follow those suggestions or feet of yourself as if it were bright light and in dark-to ignore them. This chapter offers an overview of life and studies on the scholars experts in their various fields and in the universitys campus, as well as a look at each of the use of magic to enhance their studies. But even during a charac- what has brought your characters together as a group. propriate starting level for the adventure, as shown in the Adventure Levels table. Even when open, theComponents: V, S, M (a withered vine twisted bottle wont accept any liquid other than the coffee into a loop)Duration: Instantaneous it produces. The greatest minds in the multiverse meet at Strixhaven University. Professors convey fantastic secrets to eager students, and life on campus is frenetic. With ashe wants you to do something, you wont just do dynamic lecturing style, this dhampir a partialit youll be sure it was your idea all along. Splinters of that Oracles WELCOME TO STRIXHAVEN 7CHAPTER 1LIFE AT STRIXHAVENS TRIXHAVEN UNIVERSITY SPARKLES WITH FACULTY the enthusiasm of its students and faculty, as they study, debate about, and experi- The faculty members of Strixhaven are mages and ment with magic in its varied forms. mental energy encircle the structure. He displays somethingorderly progression toward an ideal. These maps are designed to be eas-ily reproduced on graph paper, a wet-erase mat, or to help the academic year feel varied and robust.some other surface to help the players visualize lo- Finally, as the characters are completing tasks together for their courses or hanging out with theircations and devise combat strategies. Theyre encouraged to study broadly so that they be- the ten deans of the colleges stand for the individual come acquainted with a wide range of disciplines. Check 2 flipbooks from That D&D place. Some say its plays into the sky incoherent, but really, Octavia is just a very concep- 11 Waterbinder, shaping water into ani- Perfection tual thinker. ISBN-13 : 978-0786967445. Each dean is an esteemed professor wholege might have one counselor who focuses on the embraces one side of their schools philosophicalunpredictable, war-filled chaos of historical reality dichotomy. The player should note their characters job, if any. Even though the characters studies imposes a cost: the character gains 1 level of ex-include the trappings of academic lifeattendinglectures, participating in labs, reading textbooks haustion that takes effect at the start of the day ofthose everyday academic activities mostly take place the Exam. taining 15 gp 2 I prefer saying the blunt truth over a pretty lie, andFEATURE: SILVERQUILL INITIATE I dont particularly care whose feelings I hurt.You gain the Strixhaven Initiate feat (presented later 3 I believe that uplifting my peers is the best way to the chapter) and must choose Silverquill within it. Or theTool Proficiencies: Herbalism kit final product. Strixhaven University Orientation begins now! From nobles to outlanders, backgrounds tell us who you are. can use the sheet below to keep track of the effects If you find these rules arent the best fit for your of those rules on their characters. They can stand understand fundamental truths about the nature ofstraight or lie at an angle, and they can be small or magic, know and wield hundreds of spells, and pos- sess impeccable judgment and virtue.enormous, whole or broken, grown over or mysteri-ously clean. 1st Dissonant Whispers, Silverquill Trinkets. ple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.) things. Typically, joining an ExtracurricularExtracurriculars the campus clubs and societies in between academic years isnt eventful. On the Cover. For example, the text of the cure woundsRace Option presents the owlin, a character race spell specifies that the spell doesnt work on a crea- option perfect for playing an owl-like student. More. These encounters might be truly random, or On interior maps, an arrow on a slope or staircase they could be unexpected side-effects of the more.points in the ascending direction When elevation .significant events unfolding in the adventure Each chapter includes a table tailored for that adventure.numbers appear on a map, a plus sign indicates arise of the indicated number of feet, while a minussign indicates a depression.CHAPTER SCHOOL IS IN SESSIONSTRIXHAVEN OPTING OUT OF THESE RULES TRACKING SHEET The rules for Extracurriculars, Jobs, Exams, and Rela- The sections on the following pages give special tionships combine with the adventures in this book to rules for certain aspects of university life. next long rest, you can cast the chosen spell onceYou must decide to do so before rolling the d20. of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. Some of students play Mage Tower (and sometimes otherthe universitys clubs also use the park to host social sports) is located near Bows End Tavern. Mages seek them outsuffuses all existence in the worlds of D&D. Bottle of Boundless Coffee Common 100 gpVORTEX WARP 100 gp2nd-Level Conjuration Cuddly Strixhaven Mascot Common 300 gp 300 gpCasting Time: 1 action Lorehold Primer Uncommon 300 gpRange: 90 feet 300 gpComponents: V, S Prismari Primer Uncommon 50 gpDuration: Instantaneous 100 gp Quandrix Primer Uncommon 300 gpYou magically twist space around another creature 300 gp Silverquill Primer Uncommonyou can see within range. The player notes the Extracur- riculars in which their character is participating. Interested in flipbooks about Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos? Professors convey fantastic secrets to eager students, and life on campus is frenetic. Remind the player that while their charac- Relationship Points their character has with each NPC; whether that NPC is a Friend, a Rival, or a ter holds a job, the character gains a positive or negative Relationship Point with its associated Beloved; whether that NPC confers Beloved Inspi- student coworker, whom they should also note on ration; and that NPCs Bond Boon or Bond Bane, this sheet. Some acrobatic rogues leges math problems for prospective students. d6 Trinket 1 A small succulent in a dodecahedral clay potQUANDRIX PERSONALITY TRAITS 2 A blue knit hat that looks a bit like a bottle folding d6 Personality Trait in on itself 3 A model hypercube carved from green crystal, 1 When I find a subject Im interested in, I wont stop showcasing the fourth dimension studying until I know everything about it. The join different colleges in their second year. Consider these approaches: might throw you together more or less at random. They can use any ability and skill An unscrupulous character can cheat on an Exam.they wish when making this check, but they can Doing so requires a successful Charisma (Decep-make it only once. For research. Nature#3 NO TIME Skills Employer Rerolls d4s Rerolls d4s GRADUATION Coworker CHAPTER 3 | SCHOOL IS IN SESSION ,3EXTRACURRICULARS new adventure. on. Student Dice. They practice only outdoors, and their a towering structure with a glassed-in observationconcerts fill the sky with beautiful explosions of ele- area at the top. CHAPTER | LIFE AT STRIXHAVENtreatment of animals, but that hasnt stopped her out getting your hands dirty which is the first thingfrom using his discoveries for her research. First. have in our world. Chapter 4 offers more information about Mage Tower.gatherings and games, including live-action roleplay-ing games and casual sports.CHAPTER 1 LIFE AT STRIXHAVENLOREHOLD COLLEGE ORDER AND CHAOSLorehold is the College of Archaeomancy a term Loreholds two deans carry the titles Dean of Order and Dean of Chaos, as order versus chaos encapsu-that describes the exploration of ancient things lates the fundamental conflict at the heart of Lore-through magic. Artist-magesARKIN MINEXES, PEPPY INSTRUCTOR can see for miles from Conjurots main turret, andArkin (lawful good human Prismari professor ofexpression) is a newly hired instructor teaching a the view has inspired many artistic creations.few courses in choreography and dance ensembles. Your owlin character might be nocturnal. A Studentlars noted below, as described later in this section.If a student character also works on campus using Die is a d4 the player can roll and add to an ability check that the character makes, provided the checkthe Job rules, the character can benefit from only uses one of the skills listed in the Extracurricularsone Extracurricular. These forces might linger on your body or in your clothes as dec- of artisans tools or a musical instrument (one of orative elements after your spells are dissipated, your choice), a school uniform, and a pouch con- as sparks dance in your hair and your touch leaves taining 10 gp tracings of frost on whatever you touch.FEATURE: PRISMARI INITIATE BUILDING A PRISMARI CHARACTERYou gain the Strixhaven Initiate feat (presented later Any class or subclass that wields elemental forces of cold, fire, lightning, and wind can be a good fit inin the chapter) and must choose Prismari within it. The adventures include events, butFriend 2 those events arent the entire extent of the charac- ters experience on campus that year. You arent in Lorehold, and wizards (particularly those of thelimited to these backgrounds in a Strixhaven cam- School of Divination) are numerous among its stu-paign; theyre just one way you can choose to divedeeply into your characters college affiliation.