As part of a systematic and comprehensive process of effective decision making and problem solving that permeates all aspects of service delivery, school psychologists demonstrate skills to consult, collaborate, and communicate effectively with others. Using Ethical Problem-Solving to Respond to Racism (Webinars) State School Psychology Credentialing Requirements. Professional Ethics for School Psychologists: A Problem-Solving Model Casebook, 2nd Edition [Unknown] on NASP > breadcrumb Principal Leadership Magazine, Vol. Problem-Solving the Complexities of Reading Comprehension [CC available] NASP Practice Model Domain 3. Credit(s): 1 Documented CPD Credits/Hours: Duration: 1 hour : Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; E-Mail; Description; Sessions; Credits; Faculty; Materials; Reviews; Dates and Locations (2) Read Reviews. 0000002292 00000 n
When followed, this method progressively builds the skills needed to solve social problems, from clear definition of the problem; through brainstorming solutions; to choosing, applying, and verifying a solution. %%EOF
School psychologists, in collaboration with others, use assessment and data collection methods to implement and evaluate services that support academic skill development in children.
This is where an abstract would go. Professional Ethics for School Psychologists: A Problem-Solving Model Casebook, 2nd Edition within the NASP Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services, more typically referred to as the NASP Practice Model. 0000004325 00000 n
Domain 1: Data-Based Decision Making School psychologists understand and utilize assessment methods for identifying strengths and needs; developing effective interventions, services, and programs; and measuring progress and outcomes within a multitiered system of supports. 0000005765 00000 n
978-0932955630. In this short video, we will explore the business problem solving model. Domain 4: Mental and Behavioral Health Services and Interventions School psychologists understand the biological, cultural, developmental, and social influences on mental and behavioral health, behavioral and emotional impacts on learning, and evidence-based strategies to promote social–emotional functioning. NASP is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (RT&F) for the publishing of School Psychology Review (SPR). 0000012324 00000 n
The divergent part aims to collect data and explore ideas when the convergent part aims to evaluate and test these ideas. 0000006310 00000 n
Domain 2: Consultation and Collaboration School psychologists understand varied models and strategies of consultation and collaboration applicable to individuals, families, groups, and systems, as well as methods to promote effective implementation of services. Domain 7: Family, School, and Community Collaboration School psychologists understand principles and research related to family systems, strengths, needs, and cultures; evidence-based strategies to support positive family influences on children’s learning and mental health; and strategies to develop collaboration between families and schools. ... Hunley has served as a member of the Program Approval Board for the National Association of School Psychologists, and has participated in the writing of the last three revisions of the NASP Standards. Problem-Solving Model for Improving Student Achievement; Psychological Evaluations; Research-Supported Assessment - Intervention Links for Reading and Writing; Response to Instruction in the Identification of Learning Disabilities: A Guide for School Teams The following domains, while described below as distinct, regularly interact and intersect within the context of service delivery. What is the Cost of Providing Students with Adequate Psychological Support, Brunch with a Legislator: Creative Engagement with Policymakers, School Psychologists are Critical to School Safety and Preventing Violence, Advocacy in Action at the 2018 Convention, Public Service Loan Forgivness and School Psychologists, School Psychologists: Advancing Policy and Practice to Support ALL Students, Using Social Media to Advance Advocacy Efforts, School Psychology Graduate Students in Missouri are Outstanding Advocates, The Importance of State and Local Advocacy, The Every Student Succeeds Act and School Psychologists, NASP Calls for End of Ban on Gun Research, House Passes The Every Student Succeeds Act, NASP Urges Congress to Pass the Every Student Succeeds Act, Successful 2015 GW/NASP Public Policy Institute, Senate Passes ESEA Reauthorization Legislation, The President's Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Request, The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (ACA), Advocacy in Schools: A Graduate Student Example, School Psychologists as Change Agents: Advocating for Our Own Profession, Specialized Instructional Support Personnel Week 2016, 2016 PPI Participants, Prepare to be Inspired, Successful #NASPadvocates Twitter Campaign at the 2016 GW/NASP Public Policy Institute, Advocacy in Action around ESSA Implementation in Kentucky, Urge Congress to Preserve Funding for Title IV Part A of ESSA to Ensure Comprehensive School Mental Health Services, Advocacy: Relationships that Create Change, State Planning at ESSA Town Hall Meeting in Missouri, 2016 Presidential Candidates’ Statements Regarding NASP Policy Priorities, What the Trump Administration Could Mean for Public Education, Secretary DeVos Releases New ESSA Guidance, Tips for Open and Respectful Dialogues in the Classroom, Dynamic Speakers to Present at the 2017 Public Policy Institute, Graduate Students Serving as a Bridge in the Research-to-Practice Gap, The Potential Impact of Tax Reform on School Psychology Graduate Students, Leadership and Advocacy Tools and Resources. These standards are summarized below. Training this model does not require much more work than previous approaches (see code for details) and gives us a model that is much better than the previous ones, getting 79.5% accuracy! The Notorious RBG, a Pandemic, and an Election. A review of the NASP Practice Model based on presentations by Stacy Skalski and Dan Hyson. Domain 9: Research and Evidence-Based Practice School psychologists have knowledge of research design, statistics, measurement, and varied data collection and analysis techniques sufficient for understanding research, interpreting data, and evaluating programs in applied settings. �ഘ�P`T��(��������b��P�E|f�
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Using Ethical Problem-Solving to Respond to Racism (Webinars) State School Psychology Credentialing Requirements. What makes something a problem?a) When the process isn't doing what it is supposed to and people don't know why. Celebrating School Psychology Awareness Week, US Department of Education Hosts First Ever School Psychology Roundtable, U.S. Department of Education School Ambassador Fellowship, "Nothing is More Powerful than an Idea Whose Time has Come", Joint Statement from Members of the Disability Community and Allies on Gun Violence Prevention Policy and Mental Health Disabilities, School Safety and Gun Violence Prevention Messaging Should Not Escalate Anxiety, Namaste: Incorporating Advocacy into your "Practice" - Back to School 2019, Building Capacity for Safe and Successful Schools: 2019 Public Policy Institute Recap, 2019 NASP/GW Public Policy Institute Featured Speakers, House spending proposal addresses several NASP priorities, Affecting Change Through Social Media: Tips to Stay Engaged and Informed After Convention is Over. Despite this long-standing guidance to states and local school districts, school psychologists’ roles and practice vary significantly across the … Researchers estimate that 5-7.5 million students are chronically absent, (i.e., missing 18 or more days of school each year) resulting in decreased academic achievement, graduation rates and post-secondary enrollment (Balfanz & Byrnes, 2012; Chang & Romero, 2008). The combined Master of Arts/Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (M.A./C.A.G.S.) )3�x�%����\3 Purpose: • To review options in student behavior assessment, evaluating strengths and weaknesses within a problem-solving model. 148 0 obj
Assessment within a Problem-solving Model Dr. Sandra M. Chafouleas, University of Connecticut Dr. T. Chris Riley-Tillman, East Carolina University Dr. Stephen P. Kilgus, May Institute Presentation for NASP … These standards are summarized below. Provides background on the evolution and role of professional ethics in psychological practice. emphasizes a reflective problem-solving approach to professional practice. NASP Influence on Efforts to Reduce Violence and Improve School Safety, NASP Hosts Congressional Briefing on School Safety, 2018 GW/NASP Public Policy Institute: Early Bird Registration Ends 5/28, Federal Legislation to Address the Critical Shortage of School Psychologists, Statement of NASP President John Kelly Federal School Safety Commission Public Listening Session, NASP Leader Addresses the Effect of Media Coverage on School Violence at Federal Safety Commission Meeting, Advocacy, Leadership and Legislation...”Are we there yet?”, Advocating for School Mental Health Services within State Policy, Congress Poised to Provide Increased investments in Education, Mental Health, and School Safety, Government & Professional Relations Awards, Paul H. Henkin Memorial Scholarship Award, > NASP 2020 Professional Standards Adopted. 0000004817 00000 n
NASP: The National Association of School Psychologists About NASP NASP Store Career Center Create an Account Join NASP Login. School psychologists, in collaboration with others, develop and implement practices and strategies to create and maintain safe, effective, and supportive learning environments for students and school staff. As its name implies, this model is the road map to follow to solve problems. 0000000016 00000 n
By Andrea Canter. Additionally, school psychologists who are members of the National School Psychologist Certification System are bound to abide by NASP’s code of ethics regardless of any other membership status. Many school psychologists are reluctant to confront a colleague about possible misconduct possibly because they feel inadequately prepared to do so or are concerned about the colleague's reaction. Problem-Solving the Complexities of Reading Comprehension Posted by: Dr. Kelly Powell-Smith, Vice President, Director of Research and Development on Oct 15, 2020 Being able to comprehend written text is an essential life skill. This workshop will describe and illustrate how anxiety contributes to disruptive behaviors displayed by students within school settings. They facilitate family and school partnerships and interactions with community agencies to enhance academic and social–behavioral outcomes for children. NASP 2020 Domains of Practice; NASP 2020 Practice Model Organizational Principles; 2020 Standards PDF; Research & Policy. 0000464066 00000 n
National Association of School Psychologists 4340 East West Highway, Suite 402, Bethesda, MD 20814 P: 301-657-0270 | Toll Free: 866-331-NASP | F: 301-657-0275 startxref
Using a consultative problem-solving process for planning, implementing, and evaluating all instructional, and mental and behavioral health services. 0000006664 00000 n
The ETHICS model is a theoretically grounded ethical decision-making model that draws from the latest relevant literature in ethics, ACA’s suggestions for good ethical decision-making models, and updates in the ACA Code of Ethics (ACA, 2014). Each step must be completed before moving on to the next step. 0000003419 00000 n
The Six Step Problem Solving Model provides a shared, collaborative, and systematic approach to problem solving. 0000003867 00000 n
Start studying NASP Practice Model 10 Domains. However, the steps are repeatable. NASP Research Center. Professional Ethics for School Psychologists: A Problem-Solving Model Casebook, 2nd Edition ... NASP. NASP 2020 Domains of Practice; NASP 2020 Practice Model Organizational Principles; 2020 Standards PDF; Research & Policy. Dr. Steege will describe and illustrate the Behavior Analytic Problem-Solving (BAPS) Model (Steege & Watson, 2009) in analyzing the complex array of variables that elicit, evoke, occasion, and reinforce disruptive behaviors. Provides clear examples of ethical actions that comply with or violate standards of appropriate professional conduct. Entwickelt wurde CPS von Alex Osborn und Sidney J. Parnes in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren. 4, Number 5, February 2004 Counseling 101 Column Promoting School Completion. The fundamental principle that Creative Problem Solving relies on is divergent and convergent brainstorming and thinking. 4340 East West Highway, Suite 402, Bethesda, MD 20814, P: 301-657-0270 | Toll Free: 866-331-NASP | F: 301-657-0275, © 2020 National Association of School Psychologists, NASP: The National Association of School Psychologists, A Career in School Psychology: Frequently Asked Questions, Information for Principals and Administrators, Model School Psychology Intern Supervisor Recognition, Guidance Regarding Graduate Intern Hours in Response to School Closures, Proposal Submission Guidelines for NASP Publications, Suggestions for Funding PREPaRE Trainings, Organizations That Have Held PREPaRE Workshops, Excellence in School Safety and Crisis Response Recognition, Stress and Anxiety: I’m Not Just the Presenter, I’m Also a Client, Social Media and Crisis Intervention: Opportunity and Danger, Thinking Versus Knowing: The Key to Measuring Intelligence, Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD), Testing Accommodations: From the 2019 Admissions Scandal to the Bigger Scandal of Poor Decision-Making, Trauma, Stress, and the Postpandemic Opening of School: Let’s Not Pathologize Students’ Emotional Needs, How to Prevent Students From Experiencing Psychosis, Promoting School Psychological Service Delivery Through Active Self-Care, Problem-Solving the Complexities of Reading Comprehension, National School Psychology Certification Board Members, Excellence in School Psychological Services (ESPS) Recognition Program, Graduate Program Approval and Accreditation, Informal Ethical Problem Solving of Colleague's Misconduct, Notification of NASP Ethical Disciplinary Action, Ethics and Professional Practices Board Members, Using Ethical Problem-Solving to Respond to Racism (Webinars), State School Psychology Credentialing Requirements, NASP 2020 Practice Model Organizational Principles, Government and Professional Relations (GPR) Committee, Education and Mental Health in President-Elect Biden's American Rescue Plan, NASP Releases Federal Policy Platform for the 117th Congress and Incoming Biden Administration, 2020 Presidential Election Results: A Promising Future for School Psychology, NASP Outlines Vision for Effective Schools, UASP's Successes through Visibility, Advocacy, and Partnership. A Problem-Solving Model for Improving Student Achievement. The Call for Application for the 2021 edition of the Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models Europe Summer Institute is now online. (Author) Descriptors: Administrator Guides, Change Agents, Change Strategies, Instructional Improvement, Organizational Change, Secondary Education. State Credentialing FAQs; NASP 2020 Professional Standards Adopted. Go. NASP Position Statement on Home-School Collaboration: Establishing Partnerships to Enhance Educational Outcomes The National Association of School Psychologists is committed to increasing the academic, behavioral and social competence of all students through effective home-school collaboration. About the Model Org Principles Practice Domains Specific to the NASP NCSP Case Study Evaluation Rubric note that Effective =2, Very Effective = 3, and Needs Development = 1. School psychologists, in collaboration with others, promote preventive and responsive services that enhance learning, mental and behavioral health, and psychological and physical safety and implement effective crisis prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery. Dr. Steege will describe and illustrate the Behavior Analytic Problem-Solving (BAPS) Model (Steege & Watson, 2009) in analyzing the complex array of variables that elicit, evoke, occasion, and reinforce disruptive behaviors. National Association of School Psychologists 4340 East West Highway, Suite 402, Bethesda, MD 20814 P: 301-657-0270 | Toll Free: 866-331-NASP | F: 301-657-0275 0000003255 00000 n
School psychologists demonstrate skills to provide professional services that promote effective functioning for individuals, families, and schools with diverse characteristics, cultures, and backgrounds through an ecological lens across multiple contexts. 0000011735 00000 n
School psychologists provide services consistent with ethical, legal, and professional standards; engage in responsive ethical and professional decision-making; collaborate with other professionals; and apply professional work characteristics needed for effective practice as school psychologists, including effective interpersonal skills, responsibility, adaptability, initiative, dependability, technological competence, advocacy skills, respect for human diversity, and a commitment to social justice and equity. Defines a problem-solving model with which to identify and assess ethical dilemmas. 0000449930 00000 n
At any point the group can return to an earlier step, and proceed from there. NASP Research Center. In joining NASP or APA, members agree to abide by these associations’ codes of ethics. The model combines the use of statistical tools, such as control charts and process flow diagrams, with group problem-solving skills, such as brainstorming and consensus decision-making. Why Should School Psychologists Care About Medicaid? Provides background on the evolution and role of professional ethics in psychological practice. About School Psychology. Consider the problem-solving model presented in Armistead, Williams, and Jacob (2011) as a model. Tier 3 of the RTI Model: Problem Solving Through a Case Study Approach Sawyer Hunley, Kathy McNamara Limited preview - 2009. 0000001102 00000 n
Define the potential ethical–legal issues involved. This workshop will describe and illustrate how anxiety contributes to disruptive behaviors displayed by students within school settings. 0000010401 00000 n
School Psychology Awareness Week Comes to New Jersey! The NASP Practice Model is framed on six organizational principles that reflect and link to the broader organizational principles of effective schools. NASP Research Center. More informat... More informat... NASP: Network for the Advancement of Social and Political studies - CfA for EITM Europe 2021 now online School psychologists, in collaboration with others, design, implement, and evaluate services that promote resilience and positive behavior, support socialization and adaptive skills, and enhance mental and behavioral health. 0000451102 00000 n
0000472360 00000 n
110 39
Follows the NASP Principles for Professional Ethics. 0000449591 00000 n
�Z�}b��\�"t��C Although the problem-solving struc- ture is sequential, it should not be interpreted as inflexible or irreversible. ... acquire familiarity with the developmental–ecological–problem-solving model specific to school psychology supervision; The 4-volume set follows the framework of the 2010 NASP Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services. Domain 5: School-Wide Practices to Promote Learning School psychologists understand systems structures, organization, and theory; general and special education programming; implementation science; and evidence-based, school-wide practices that promote learning, positive behavior, and mental health. Mit der stetigen Weiterentwicklung des Prozesses durch verschiedene Autoren entstanden mehrere Versionen des CPS. 0932955630. Problem-solving consultation is a model for delivering assessment, prevention, and intervention services to children and schools via consultees through a series of structured meetings. 0000002155 00000 n
NASP Practice Model The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) has set standards for the provision of school psychological services for over 30 years. Follows the NASP Principles for Professional Ethics. Each principle includes standards that describe necessary organizational practices that will support effective school psychological services. How Field Supervisors Can Encourage Advocacy Efforts Among Interns, Suicide Prevention within COVID 19 Pandemic, COVID-19 School Psychologist Practice Impact Survey, National and State School Psychology Association Membership Amidst a Global Pandemic, Secretary DeVos issues Waiver Requests to Congress, Senate Passes COVID-19 Education Stimulus Fund, Developing Relationships: Friend, Foe, or It’s Complicated, Vision 2020 - Advocacy in Action at Convention, Applications Open for FY 2019 STOP School Violence Grants, NASP Priorities Funded in FY 2020 Spending Bills, Nevada Finds its Advocacy Focus for SPAW 2019, What is Your Focus? Initiator war Alex Osborn, der zu dieser Zeit das jetzt weltweit bekannte Vorgehen des Brainstorming entwickelte. Publication date. Domain 6: Services to Promote Safe and Supportive Schools School psychologists understand principles and research related to social–emotional well-being, resilience and risk factors in learning, mental and behavioral health, services in schools and communities to support multitiered prevention and health promotion, and evidence-based strategies for creating safe and supportive schools. Domain 10: Legal, Ethical, and Professional Practice School psychologists have knowledge of the history and foundations of school psychology; multiple service models and methods; ethical, legal, and professional standards; and other factors related to professional identity and effective practice as school psychologists. Problem solving is an alternative to assessments and diagnostic categories as a means to identify students who need special services. The NASP Practice Model outlines how services are integrated to best meet the needs of students, families, and the school community. 0000006793 00000 n
• Contribute to the comprehensive, valid, and reliable measurement of academic, social, … • To define Direct Behavior Rating (DBR) and illustrate how it may be integrated within a problem solving model (e.g., RTI). Das Creative Problem Solving Modell hat seine Anfänge in den 1950er Jahren in Buffalo, USA. 0000002628 00000 n
ISBN-10. School psychologists, in collaboration with others, design, implement, and evaluate services that respond to culture and context. 0000011193 00000 n
Grundlage dafür waren seine Erfahrungen mit unproduktiven Besprechungen in der Werbeagentur BBDO. Domain 8: Equitable Practices for Diverse Student Populations School psychologists have knowledge of individual differences, abilities, disabilities, and other diverse characteristics and the impact they have on development and learning. School psychologists systematically collect data from multiple sources as a foundation for decision-making at the individual, group, and systems levels, and they consider ecological factors (e.g., classroom, family, and community characteristics) as a context for assessment and intervention. The High School Self-Renewal Program offers a method for defining and solving school problems. Importantly, Standard IV.3.3 acknowledges that collegial problem solving may not be possible or productive and other approaches must be sought. 110 0 obj
They also understand principles and research related to diversity in children, families, schools, and communities, including factors related to child development, religion, culture and cultural identity, race, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, socioeconomic status, and other variables. School psychologists recognize that equitable practices for diverse student populations, respect for diversity in development and learning, and advocacy for social justice are foundational to effective service delivery. <<41A59FDF4C9F7C4CA8029BE9864E888D>]>>
Reading comprehension is a complex construct consisting of multiple component skill processes that work together in an integrated fashion including those considered basic skills (e.g., decoding and word recognition), as well as more advanced or complex skills (e.g., syntactical knowledge, vocabulary knowledge). 0000449837 00000 n
0000010788 00000 n
Renewal: A Problem-Solving Model. Davidow, Joseph R. School psychologists must become better acquainted with basic principles of applying and communicating psychological interventions if they are to be accepted in the school setting. Domain 3: Academic Interventions and Instructional Supports School psychologists understand the biological, cultural, and social influences on academic skills; human learning, cognitive, and developmental processes; and evidence-based curricula and instructional strategies. School-Based Mental Health Advocacy Day in Missouri! 0000469981 00000 n
NASSP Bulletin, v63 n427 p43-48 May 1979. 0000002917 00000 n
A Seven Step Problem-Solving Method for School Psychologists. State Credentialing FAQs; NASP 2020 Professional Standards Adopted. While equality ensures that all children have the same access to general and special educational opportunities, equity ensures that each student receives what they need to benefit from these opportunities. Using Ethical Problem-Solving to Respond to Racism (Webinars) State School Psychology Credentialing Requirements. The theoretical framework for this model includes utilitarianism, moral relativism, and moral A leading publisher of high quality online academic journals, RT&F is positioned to build on and expand the long-term success of SPR as school psychology’s premier peer-reviewed journal. The model consists of six major steps: Objective, Fact, Problem, Idea, Solution, and Acceptance finding. NASP Principles study guide by Annette_Gamboa includes 12 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. State Credentialing FAQs; NASP 2020 Professional Standards Adopted. Summary: NASP supports the use of multi-tiered problem solving strategies to address the behavioral, social, emotional, and academic needs of all students.Problem-solving models provide needed supports to all students in inclusive environments when problems are first identified. ... Collaborative problem solving is used to plan and deliver school psychological services. ISBN-13. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Students may exhibit reading comprehension problems for a variety of reasons. Learn to apply a problem-solving model to the most commonly encountered ethical dilemmas faced by school psychologists and to communicate decisions clearly by addressing the perspectives of all stakeholders and clarifying the professional standards guiding decisions. • To consider how DBR might be utilized in practice for different assessment purposes and tiers. plan of study is organized to meet the standards for the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), which is a constituent of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator National Association of School Psychologists 4340 East West Highway, Suite 402, Bethesda, MD 20814 P: 301-657-0270 | Toll Free: 866-331-NASP | F: 301-657-0275 0000006725 00000 n
0000011124 00000 n
Each principle includes standards that describe necessary organizational practices that will support effective school psychological services. Presentation for NASP 2011 . ߍ�E��cFFb��j�����b9G�H�h9��N |��j?���TE�6��T4ݨu$�g�c���r ��L'������K�Ƕ��>�����χ���b��lQ�E�ٙ��2����}"��
��Q5k��߄�y\,�ek�a�Jq��海���] �|d�j1��ЛL�~'g���D-FR\fH�p��p���%�. Facilitating effective communication and collaboration among families, teachers, community providers, and others. While there are different problem-solving models, the core difference between them and the creative problem solving is that it applied a divergent and convergent thinking at each stage. School psychologists implement evidence-based strategies to enhance services in both general and special education and address potential influences related to diversity. xref
Creative Problem Solving (CPS) ist ein strukturierter Kreativitätsprozess zur Generierung neuartiger und nützlicher Lösungen für ein Problem und zur Steuerung von Veränderungsprozessen. The problem-solving model, introduced below, incorporates an effective set of skills into a step-by-step process. By recognizing the factors that cause students to become disengaged from school, principals can create strategies that … 0000451178 00000 n
School psychologists use a problem-solving framework as the basis for all professional activities. January 1, 2011. Defines a problem-solving model with which to identify and assess ethical dilemmas. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. ... and seamless continuum that considers the needs of consumers and utilizes an evidence-based program evaluation model. 0000457658 00000 n
The Great Divide - Reaching Across the Aisle, NASP Releases Federal Policy Platform for 116th Congress, The Impact of 2018 Midterm Elections on the Future of Education, Achieving Funding Equity through State Funding Formulas. NASP is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (RT&F) for the publishing of School Psychology Review (SPR). 0000005365 00000 n
Category: Instruction and Learning, Closed Captioning, Intervention. Bassin, Marc; Gross, Tom. 0000472051 00000 n
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