Good gun, for sure! Cleared the mag, checked the throat, all good. How would you like to hold a military … I see you removed my review of this rifle, I do not know why you removed it because I only listed the truth. I own both the .40 & 9mm JR rifles. I’ve had my JRC in 9mm for a couple years now with about 1,700 rounds through it. Each Just Right Carbine is built to the highest standards and includes a Limited Lifetime Warranty. We offer a wide selection of firearms, including: handguns, shotguns, rifles, ammunition, rifle scopes and optics, as well as collectible machine guns and other NFA/Class 3 guns. Ironically, when I got a carbine in to test and showed up at the range with it, friends from Canada I shoot with knew all about the JR. It’s not cheap but the time it saves one from not having to scrub out the innards of an expensive handgun or rifle, plus the added longeivity it provides, makes it well worth the extra cost. No jams yet. Rumor is that Military is buying all they can, ?!? Looking forward to getting it sighted in. That cool guy slap thing occurs on an MP5 because it’s quick and the motion of the slap gets your hand towards the grip pretty fast. Garbage out” only applied to computers? They fixed the issue I had with the one retaining nut after just filling out the contact form on their site, so I think they’ll make things right if I can’t figure it out on my own. The .25-06 Rem. Didn’t mean to derail the topic, just wanted to share a little ‘insider’ info for what it was worth. There are 9mm conversion kits and parts for AR-15’s, but what if you designed one from the ground up to use a dedicated 9mm receiver with as many bolt on AR-15 advantages as you could get? I’m going to experiment with some custom loads for JRC 9mm… Maybe try some 115gr bullets and slower-burning rifle powder. Even with soft ear plugs and muffs, the rapport of supersonic 5.56mm is still too much for my sensitive eardrums to handle. Of the available pistol caliber carbines on the market, I believe I’d rather have the Kel Tec Sub 2000. First, the they need to do away with the threaded pin system for attaching the upper and lower. That is a great price! At first glance, I was particularly impressed with the quality of the machining on the unit. WIll be getting some ETS and Glock mags for it. Hi-Point 995 TS. So when I finally did clean it up in anticipation of its eventual return, I was shocked to discover how involved the field stripping process was. This gun was brand new and nothing but problems.. Do you still have the JR C for sale. Especially now that you can buy clean-burning ammo for 18 cents a round like aluminum-cased CCI and Independence. I watched the video on JR’s website as my guide the first time and it was super easy. You can shoot inexpensivley and not have a sore shoulder at the end of the day. I have found that the aftermarket extended mags don’t feed correctly and jam. If I needed it someday possibly then is want the sub2000 for conceal-ability. The upper receiver is secured to the lower with two hex-head screws. Our Price. The magazine release looks like it would be a PITA to re-engineer to put in the standard AR position. document.getElementById("af-footer-1780098037").className = "af-footer af-quirksMode"; Sping must be much stronger as pulling the bolt back is ackward to do one handed. All in all – I’m happy I own this gun. just keep in mind that every weapon manufacturer builds good ones and bad ones, a single burr in the right spot can turn a masterpiece into a paperweight. Between that, the lack of recoil and quieter report, pistol-caliber carbines are a great choice for new shooters. The CX4 is a civilian model of the MX4 military version. By increasing the cycle time you can do wonders to eliminate jamming. $729.89 ©2021 Outdoor Sportsman Group. Just Right Carbine Special Edition Featureless Ar Ar 9Mm; JUST RIGHT CARBINE Special Edition FEATURELESS AR AR-9MM. They both work perfectly with 33 round Glock factory mags, they are both way WAY easier to hit bullseyes at 25 or 50 yards than with any pistol. The JR Carbine offered the best accuracy and more customization because it is compatible with some AR-15 aftermarket parts. The CX4 has the simplest takedown, best bolt/internal design, is completely capable of being ambidextrous and has field experience behind it. The quality of the work they put forth is top notch. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The PC Carbine comes with iron sights, but also has a Picatinny rail in case you want to mount a red dot or other optic. And with the proliferation of 30+ round Glock mags, you can feed the JR with relative ease. Easily, the worst aspect of this gun is breaking it down for cleaning. Additionally, standardization on one type and size of screw would be welcome. While the list is subject to change between now and the next year, this will give you a good opportunity to know what is popular among carbine users right now. Expect it from a big box store, not from a local dealer. 10mm carbine would be very cool but to many horror storys about these guns. hoping someone might be able to give some feedback. I’m a lefty and I got tired of having GSR and empty carts blown into my grille. Strange. The build quality here is excellent and shows the mark of some true craftsmen. Just Right Carbines (JRC) manufactures American-made pistol-caliber carbines that are available in a range of chamberings. JR has been no help as their solutions don’t work. For some reason, my mind parsed “BHO” as “Barack Hussein Obama” instead of “bolt hold open” for a few seconds. Our man Dan did a preview back in December that never made like Red Bull and got wings. Well, just because a video says a gun is good or bad does not make it so, after all Hickock45 loved the Therman Defense carbine. 1. can be pricey. So what is the point of this rifle? It’s very well balanced and handles like any similarly equipped AR. And boy did I want this pistol caliber carbine to be JR. If you don’t ever clean your gun, disregard this portion of the review. If you were truly a “neat freak” about your firearms, you wouldn’t be feeding them third-world crap ammo. All RifleShooter subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. The gun is relatively new to the market, coming out in 2011 I believe. For the Beretta (yes its spelled with two E’s, two A’s) I have not shot, but would like to point out that the JRC has a much thicker barrel and should hold better groupings. 1) Of those 41 JRC sold, 19 were sent for warranty service due to malfunction/improper operation. Can’t say that for the JRC, KT, Theuron or Masterpiece Arms. The standard model Just Right Carbine has a 17-inch button barrel and a free floating quadrail handguard ready for lights, lasers, or other accessories. Not that it matters much; without a pinned flash suppressor or a nonthreaded barrel, I don’t think I’ll be seeing any of these in California any time soon. In my opinion, this is a recipe for disaster. Both the .40 & 9mm have very little recoil and are very quiet when firing. In the video above, I bitch about how the Glock mags won’t drop free. at the last gunshow, right eject of course. Seriously? I can shoot one ragged hole at 25 yards standing with Magpul MBUS sights. But it wasn’t JR. This is the carbine to get if you need it all from a single gun and/or you aren’t sure what the use case is for your 9mm carbine. Does much better. As I said in the beginning, the JR Carbine has the potential to be absolutely badass. But it wasn’t JR. Right off it was jamming and destroying shells, found there was a free “upgrade” so I returned it. Because of your comment, I went and looked at the breakdown video on JR’s site, and then took a look at the CX4. IMHO, dropping 7 big ones for a rifle or pistol caliber carbine and then running the cheapest crap ammo you can buy just to save a few pennies is ridiculously retarded. Well…. Especially since I just sent off the money for a 9mm silencer…. The Ruger PC Carbine is getting tons of press and lots of interest, and for some great reasons. Rumor I say. Just Right Carbine Takedown 45 ACP 17" Threaded Barrel Collapsible M4 Stock Desert Camo Finish Quad Rail Forend 13rd Glock or Glock Style Magazine. I have had it to a local gunsmith so much he calls it the “George Clinton” gun because it jams so much. I’ll stick with my Ruger…. Just traded it for a TNW ASR 10mm carbine, that ran right out of the box with Glock factory mags and multiple types of ammo. the parts are cheap and easy to swap out,even for a klutz like me. Id go with one of the thureon defense rigs. $899.00 $823.09. Thread Tools. i assume you’re speaking of craptastic commie surplus ammo. Bought one a week ago along with 200 rounds of blazer ammo, 40 S&W, at the same time from the same guy. Just Right Carbines sees its pistol-caliber carbines as an … Just Right Carbine 9mm Non-Restricted Take Down, Black Finish. This is what a true AR looks like that’s decked out in 9mm trappings. Way higher quality than a KelTec. Subscribe for FREE now to ensure you never missa single vital update…, // Special handling for in-app browsers that don't always support new windows You can see what takes place. SKU 51526. new. You can call me at 619 948 5101 or email at [email protected]. I would like to see the magazine release on the right side of the magwell though, as I accidentally dropped a fully loaded mag in the woods when my body bumped the mag release. The low recoil facilitates rapid follow-up shots and even my 12 year old daughter can handle it. It always was accurate . document.getElementById("af-header-1780098037").className = "af-header af-quirksMode"; Who hasn’t sauntered into a gun show and caught one of these beauties … Also, simple usually equals inexpensive, and such is the case with the JR. To keep their carbine inexpensive ($699 suggested retail for the basic model) the designers use a simple magazine release on the left side of the magazine well, similar to the layout you see on Glock pistols. I think the weight would be good in CQC because you can beat the perp down with it if he gets too close!!! If there’s tiny parts that can get lost, you need to unscrew things with a tool, punch pins, or anything else like that, it’s not field stripping. I have a gen1 JRC and a Kel-Tec Sub2000 both in 9mm. Much lighter & compact than the JRC. Calibers offered are 9mm, .40, and .45. } I think you’ve grown to accustomed to the AR platform! For the same price point, the Baretta wins hands down. Overall I’m happy with it. Pistol ammo is gross. @*/false; If you are a regular reader, the JR should be stirring a bit of déjà vu in your brain space. All this makes the JR9 Carbine one of the most modular of all firearms ever, with hundreds of triggers, stocks, pistol grips, and magazines available as well as three calibers; all this in a gun with an MSRP of just $649. Enter the 9mm carbine to save the day (and my hearing). Since my son and I are left … I’ll be watching them closely to see what they do in future revisions. After some cleaning it got less gritty, but it’s still pretty bad. But POK Carbine doesn’t roll off the tongue quite like JR Carbine. The article also makes a very true point about the gun getting dirty quickly, because after about 250 rds. Outside of maintenance, it is fun, reliable and accurate. Sorry to hear about this. Not the carbine’s fault… the prior owner had left the lower drier than the Sahara. Did this ,did that ,folow this, thay blemed glock, blamed ammo, blamed rapid fire, blame blame. I’d give it maybe 3 stars…. I like the platform, especially with a Glock-17 in the bag for “cowboy logistics”. I didn’t get back a .good answer. The JR has a threaded barrel. However, all three JR Carbines suffered the same problem: The fore-ends got loose and unscrewed under recoil. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. Already had a Beretta Storm in 9mm and 45acp. From a metallurgy standpoint, using finely threaded Allen screws in an application like retention of the upper has potential for heartache. It’s much better but not without problems. But we don’t live in a perfect world, bummer though that may be. Some people are calling them “Issues” I think they are more so “Features” and with those features this firearm would cost nearly twice as much. document.getElementById('af-form-1780098037').parentElement.removeAttribute('target'); Covered in picatinny rails, and it costs about the same as a JR. Since those humble beginnings, JRC now has more than 45,000 firearms in the field and an ever-growing group of devoted followers. Your email address will not be published. Would really like to see this with the cal. I have used mine on hogs (under 300lbs) and I have to say it, although unexpectedly does the job well using +P high quality ammo such as Speer Gold Dot 124gr +P. The receiver has an upper rail for optics, and the stock is a stanard adjustable carbine-style unit. No such button exists over there. Probably not because I already have a Glock 20 in 10 mm and so for about $300 more I can get a mech=tech upper for it ant then I’d have may perfect pistol caliber carbine and for another 300 I could get a 45 caliber barrel for it from mech tech which would also work on my G20 frame. -->, Nice review! At 6.5 lbs stripped, the JR is on par with a standard M4 style AR-15. I bought a Kel-Tec Subby back in 2009 for $250 right after Obummer took his “Oaf of Office.” I had it for three weeks before selling it for $300. } I don’t know too many folks who carry stock wrenches into the field. The Just Right Carbine is a new line of pistol caliber carbines similar to the Hi-point 995, Beretta CX4, and Kel-Tec Sub2k. I was wondering if it could breakdown for packing in small suitcase. Placed just right and the proximity can. Be honest. I was pleasantly surprised by the accuracy I saw out of the JR. From what I’ve been reading around on forums they have fixed all the issues with this gun. Sights are crap. Reloading Guide #9 consists of load data for 101 rifle and handgun cartridges with hundreds of new powder additions throughout the book creating a comprehensive data set for today's reloader. Late Summer ’13… THEY STILL MAKE THEM! Here’s what I know about PCCs:: According to shop records, we sold 275 new pistol caliber carbines between October 2012 and October 2013. Easy to smooth and lighten. The Just Right Carbine is a pistol ammunition fed semi auto carbine that uses your factory Glock magazines. The JR carbine is non-restricted, we can take it in the woods and keep it in the back of our trucks and closets with no worries. Both the charging handle and ejection are completely reversible. At least 5 FTEs in a 33rd Glock magazine. Give the pitch battle for market share of pistol caliber carbines (Mech-Tech, Kel-Tec, KRISS, JR, High-Point, etc. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Nice review Tyler. Like everything about them except sights. I also have AR’s, all guns don’t have to be the same when they look similar. Below are five of the best 9mm carbines that are currently on the market. and then sent it back to me. Seems to reduce jams in other guns. Beyond that they are very different. A little lube on the trigger pin and that’s it. Unlike my Kel-Tec SUB-2000 in .40, it doesn’t dump expended cases, gas and residue on this left-handed shooter due to the left/right hand conversion feature. JR carbine is accurate when it shots but that is far and ifew n between. I was thinking of adding a JR to the stable but was wondering if you had done a T&E of the AR-9 to compare to the JR? issues out of the gate, easy fix. As a point of clarification, the standard HK MP5 does not hold open on an empty bolt either. LOL, I got my 40 cal Sub2K for $285! I’m blaming the plastic magazines and a very dirty gun. Pleeeaasse say you do! Kriss is just fugly. I first tried JRC carbines two years ago. I’m mean like that. 45 ACP. Plus as a defense weapon it really packs a harder punch than a 9mm pistol. It has been mainly designed for self defense.It is however very versatile and so can be used at the range or in the field too. FMJ remans from I run Underwood 147gr +P+ in the mags and do not feel outgunned in any circumstance below 200 meters. The bolt lock back thing is a non issue. I found the first false break and jerked one off to the side. on it and a 13″ UTG superslim hand guard (required modification) the JRC receiver Sub inch and it would have gotten 5 stars. The 16.12-inch barrel gives the 9mm (or .40 S&W) round more zing and a flatter trajectory at longer ranges. It works reliably and accurately. For a gun that you found some flaws on but liked it overall you really bashed it. It does suck that the mag release is so different but it helped us Canadians out a bunch . That means I’d be disassembling the upper and lower after every range session and at some point, I’d wear out the threads on those screws (best case) or on the lower (worst case). Best 9mm Carbines On The Market Reviews 1 cZ USA- Scorpion Evo 3 S 1 Carbine Faux Suppressor 16.2IN 9mm 20+1RD. Need to find a spring you can purchase alone.Also the count goes from 26 to 21 with the doubled spring.great Little rifles! Gotta agree with Tyler, “field stripping”… isn’t. Sold Out You are making an offer for... JUST RIGHT CARBINE Gen3 9mm - $650.00. Phillips button head screws? Total blast at the plastic bottle range at 40 yards. A couple of other things. A magazine wanted to publish a review of the .45 ACP variant, but the maker sent 9mm version because the .45 wasn’t fully […] what type of ammo did you use. All of them were completely reliable. would like to see some chrome lining and easier field stripping. So, the question is: Why would you get a JRC over a standard AR-15? commercial camera system. After all i went through on my JR Carbine iam very thankfull for all my other guns that shot “everytime i pull the trigger, yes any brand mag, yes any brand ammo and yes as fast as i can pull the trigger” because Just Right is Just Junk. Need emergency or survival gear? Mine dropped free every time but one, had no problem hitting the release and stripping the mag out of the well. Versions are available with threaded barrels so you can install the AR muzzle device of your choice. A pistol caliber carbine?

if (!browserSupportsNewWindows(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera)) { Style: Gas-operated 30 round capable MP7 SMG 9mm carbine variant with flip-up sights that are built… A lot of the feed issues with 45 have to do with the speed of the bolt in a blowback design. I don't own a Glock , but I will go with … Come on, Dude, you’ve never even owned one. The 45 will put 21 rounds from the junk Korean mags in 1- hole 2″ in dia. Check … now i need to get it to cycle faster. Of course a pistol caliber carbine has less “stopping power” than a shotgun or rifle. })(); Personally I prefer the look of a true "AR-15"-style pistol-caliber carbine over the JR Carbine, but those cost hundreds of dollars more than the JR and aren't any more reliable or accurate — or fun. I’ve herd variable feed back on how reliable the 45cal is. I agree that handloaders could use different powders to increase or decrease muzzle velocity. Overall this in my opinion is an awesome rifle. Just Right Carbine Gen 3 Vs. AR-15. ©COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. JR 2.0 needs to incorporate the pin system that ARs use for long-term reliability. We took the modular pistol-caliber carbine JRC Gen3 Sporter in 9 mm Luger for a performance test down at the shooting range. There was a version of the MP5 that did have a bolt hold-open feature added. Just Right Carbines Gen 3 Takedown Model JRC9MPTDG3TBBL 9mm Luger, $598 GUN TESTS GRADE: A. I chose the.45 ACP because I have ammo and plenty of brass for handloading. the only gripe i got is the mags move around in the magwell Cheap to shoot. Not to mention the fact that you have to unscrew the buffer tube for every field strip. This is a very solid gun and I would highly recommend it to any type of shooter. my magwell is roughly .030″ over-sized both ways where .010″ and a flared It wasn’t anything I was going to solve in the field, though, given the complex disassembly procedure. Grab a handful of mags from my nightstand, my pistol, & my JR and I have a full arsenal ready to go in a flash. One is not more reliable than the other, but the JRC functions like a true heavy duty battle rifle, while the sub2000 can be there with you when no other rifle can be. That said though, the weapon that is always on me, and always within reach, and is the one I wear at the gun shop, the range, out and about on my property is … drum roll please … my S&W MP45 with manual safety, night sights and another Viridian green laser light combo. Besides ugly look it cost the same as low end AR rifle with much more powerful and accurate rounds like .223/5.56 for example. Add that to the ludicrously inexpensive ($279) conversion kits to take your JR to another caliber, and you have the makings of an uber-modular gun. i see the pistol caliber carbine as a viable replacement for the shotgun in a home defense situation. I think the best thing about the JR concept is the ability to take pistol mags. It is interesting that the JR may be changed from one caliber to the other relatively easily. It would jam. Thay need to drop the carbine and make a single shot Lol…. Mine has been absolutely flawless ever since I’ve owned it. One set of mags for both my CZ75 and JRC would be ideal. But, man what a power trip! JR stands for Just Right. var rules = [ In a perfect world, this gun has a bolt hold-open and a much better control layout. Well, you’d get a Just Right Carbine! Just Right Carbines Just Right Carbine Takedown Model, Gen 3, Semi-automatic Rifle, 45 ACP, 16″ Barrel, Black Finish, 6 Position Stock, 13Rd, Flat Top Sights, For Glock Mag JRC9TDG3-UBBL FEATURES : -Caliber: .45 ACP I would buy another one if I had to do it all over again. I have fired three JR Carbines extensively, two in 9mm and one in .40 S&W. I forgot to say it’s a takedown model, no tools needed except for bolt handle. Much lighter & compact than the JRC. Joined: Jun 26, 2017 Location: Ohio. Field stripping requires the removal of the entire buttstock and the lower is held to the upper with three finely threaded Allen screws. new and small framed shooters might benefit from this system as well. They liked the bolt handle on the side of the receiver — they knew right where it was, and with the notch it was easy for them to figure out how to lock it back — something to consider if you're planning on buying a carbine kids will shoot. Especially steel-cased TulAmmo. The fact that the JR uses standard, small pin AR trigger parts is especially nice. IIRC it was engineered into the 10mm version that was ordered by the FBI, and then also into the .40S&W. Since the Taurus was brought up, I’ll ask this…has anyone had any experience yet with it? In addition, you can swap out barrels and bolt assemblies to switch calibers. Now if I can decide between the 9mm and the .45. If I knew I needed it for a battle with a couple bad guys in my neighborhood then I would want the JRC. i just finished reworking the trigger, the difference is dramatic. So Dan the Man called me up and asked if I’d be willing to give it a go. Overall Appearance, Fit and Finish * * * *. I can live with no bolt hold open, but I’m going to fabricate a trigger finger mag release.

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