Ravenna let Freya believe that the Duke was responsible for their baby's death, presumably to confirm to Freya her earlier view that all men were treacherous and causing Freya to unleash her powers of ice and kill her lover. Ravenna was shown to love her younger sister and actually seemed to be closer to her than she was to Finn (as she never openly treated Freya as badly as she did her brother). She is obsessed with maintaining her beauty and immortality, and would go to any lengths to achieve her goals. Evil sorceress Queen Ravenna's powers allow her to know that her younger sister Freya, whose powers have not yet emerged, is not only involved in an illicit affair with nobleman Andrew, but is also pregnant with his child. She felt helpless when she was abandoned by her king, and that made her crave for internal power; so that she would never be helpless again. Ravenna declared to Eric that no love would save him. Likewise, in The Huntsman: Winter's War, Ravenna declared that she actually envied Freya for the love she once had and the child she had borne - all these things Ravenna had secretly desired, and her certainty of the impossibility of her ever acquiring them for herself had thoroughly broken her. Unfortunately for Ravenna, Snow White managed to escape and fled to the Forbidden Forest, much to Ravenna's rage. However, after her resurrection, Ravenna did not seem to suffer from this weakness anymore, and her magical powers appeared to be inexhaustible, which could probably be attributed to her new status as an entity of the Magic Mirror. To become truly immortal Ravenna must consume the heart of Snow White the moment she becomes fairest in the land. And while Freya was lying on the floor dying, Ravenna fought with Eric. Ravenna later tried to tell her sister to leave the Duke because he was already engaged to another, and that he would leave her but she also tells her that she was carrying a child. She awakens and walks into the courtyard, and rallies the Duke's army to mount a siege against Ravenna. However, Ravenna underestimated Snow White, who was able to fatally stab Ravenna with a knife. Ethereal Beauty. The Evil Queen only fears not being the fairest "looking" in all the land, whilst Ravenna only fears "death". Ravenna, also known as 'The Evil Queen' or simply 'The Queen', is the primary antagonist of Snow White and the Huntsman and The Huntsman: Winter's War. Birth As she lies in repose, the Huntsman professes his regret for not saving Snow White, who reminds him of his wife, and kisses her, breaking the spell. In the 1937 Disney animation, Ravenna shares some similarities to some villains from, Ravenna is similar to some characters from, Even though she says she has lived more lives she retains a naive and childish personality meaning her magic of immortality completely stunts her mind and body. Another eminent trait in Ravenna would be her extreme misandry: she has a pathological hatred for the opposite sex (men), believing that they are vermin, and that they only see women as either sexual conquests or toys to be manipulated at their will. User can utilize the Dark Arts: a form of magic typically used for selfish, self-serving and/or nefarious purposes. Ravenna is the daughter of an unknown sorceress whose home village was ravaged by a peasant king and found her way to the dark side by using unholy magic that her mother also practiced. Mirror Mirror: Queen Clementianna† | Magic Mirror Death Crimes Snow White and the Huntsman: Queen Ravenna† | Finn† | Magic Mirror Her clothes often have a metallic-like appearance, make her appear taller and more intimidating and finely detailed with a great deal of ornamentation. Whilst disguised as William, Ravenna even claimed that Snow White was "the only one who could save her", thus implying Ravenna did not completely hate her stepdaughter and at least acknowledged her power over her. Ravenna understandably held a grudge against Snow White for defeating her and, whilst her spirit was encased in the Magic mirror, she used the Mirror's dark power to torment her stepdaughter. When Snow White arrived with her companions, Ravenna conjured Dark Fay to distract them, leaving Snow White to face her alone. At some point in her life, presumably in her twenties, Ravenna discovered that she had inherited her mother's magical powers, and subsequently became a potent sorceress. Immortality. Queen Ravenna (Charlize Theron) also known as 'The Evil Queen' or simply 'The Queen', is the primary antagonist in the 2012 fantasy movie Snow White and the Huntsman and reprised her role in the 2016 prequel and sequel The Huntsman: Winter's War.. Evil sorceress Queen Ravenna 's powers allow her to know that her younger sister Freya, whose powers have not yet emerged, is not only involved in an illicit affair with nobleman Andrew, but is also pregnant with his child. Magic: Ravenna is an extremely powerful sorceress, though it was mentioned by Finn (and later proven) that excessive usage of her powers would cause her to age, which she combated by stealing youth from others. Queen Ravenna is the main antagonist of Snow White & The Huntsman and The Huntsman's Winter War. Rule the kingdom of Tabor and many more lands for all of eternity (both failed). Eventually, during the invasion of the citadel by Eric and the Dwarfs, Freya was seen preparing her Huntsman for the impending war. Just Make Everyone Bow Down to Me and Respect Me, No Matter What it Takes. Ravenna ordered Finn to find her someone who could navigate the Forest and track Snow White down. Refusing to take no for an answer, Freya grabbed her sister and issued a command to the Mirror, which led to her learning of how Ravenna was the true cause of her daughter's death as well as her heartbreak. Ravenna makes a bargain with Eric the Huntsman, a widower and drunkard, to capture Snow White, promising to bring his wife back to life in exchange. Unknown Ravenna convinced Freya to use her powers and army of Huntsmen to further her own goals, however, it became clear that Ravenna still viewed herself as the superior of the two, due to being older and, arguably, more experienced in sorcery. The Huntsman tracks down Snow White, but when Finn reveals that Ravenna does not actually have the power to do what she promised, the Huntsman fights him and his men while Snow White runs away. Queen Ravenna is a cruel person, a deceitful character with complete disregard for human life. Enchanting all with her courage and innate purity, she is considered to be the "Fairest of Them All". Ravenna's mother had given her a special enchantment to protect her from time; however, she is forced to devour the life-force of young maidens. Kill Snow White by taking her heart in order to be the most beautiful woman in all of the land. She also admitted openly that she's always been jealous of Freya, which perhaps underlay some of Ravenna's actions towards Freya - Ravenna didn't want her sister to love or rely on anyone but herself, due to her own loneliness and insecurities. Examples of the most notable abilities she displayed were: Book All he has to do is win Ravenna’s heart while slowly losing his humanity and turning into a dog. Freya later left the Kingdom. Any act of adding this villain to the Pure Evil category without a proposal or creating a proposal for this villain without the permission of an administrator will result in a ban.Additional Notice: This template is meant for admin maintenance only. The Morrigan was also known to transform herself into a crow or raven, which Ravenna can also do. At a young age she was abducted by a vicious master and the only power she wielded was her incredible beauty. Ravenna has a wider family and richer history spanning years, whilst the Evil Queen is alone. Freya then used her ice powers to tell Eric to shatter the mirror, which he does, killing Ravenna again as she was torn apart, as it sustained her very soul. The second was the ability of near-invulnerability, which made her impervious to most weapons and even the element of fire. Not long after, when Freya was meeting with new children to train into Huntsmen, Eric returned and tried to kill her. With Snow White incapacitated, Ravenna reveals herself and draws a dagger. One notable trait of Ravenna would be her anger issues: she does not forgive failure easily, even if the one who had committed the mistakes was her very own brother, and her rage at Snow White's continued successful evasion of her attempts to kill her leads her to become increasingly deranged and paranoid as the film progresses. After the death of Snow White's mother, Queen Eleanor,her father, the Queen's widowedhusband.King Magnus, became inconsolable. Despite her cold and cruel nature, Ravenna does appear to be capable of love and affection to some extent. They can be proposed again (with the permission of an. As explained by William to Eric, it was believed that the Mirror's Dark magic had died along with Ravenna, but they had been mistaken. Meanwhile, Finn gathers another band of men to find her, and Duke Hammond and his son William learn that she is alive. Queen Ravenna's obsession with power and beauty is explained by a reference to childhood trauma, in which her mother tells her that beauty is a weapon to be used for protection; additionally, the strength of her powers seems to correlate to her appearance, and both begin to fade as Snow White comes into her own. As the Mirror had foretold, the child's death led to the awakening of her sister's long-dormant powers of cryokinesis, the strength of which caused even Ravenna to gasp. Queen Ravenna: Mirror, mirror on the wall.Who is fairest of them all? Sara attempted to murder Freya, who froze her in place. Ravenna seemed almost afraid of Freya when she saw the strength of her sister's powers, but quickly rushed to comfort her over her loss. Users who have mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Queen Grimhilde† | Magic Mirror Her most famous incarnation is in the Disney film, but the origin of the story goes as … Ravenna ruled over Tabor through tyranny and violence for ten years. Freya says death. Eric fought past her dark fay and elbowed her in the face, but this only enraged her as she knocked him back. After being defeated by Snow White and resurrected by Freya, Ravenna plots revenge against those who brought about her demise, with her sister's help, only to be defeated once more by Eric the Huntsman, with Freya's assistance. When she was still quite young, Ravenna's village was attacked by the King of that land. Raven are associated with death and lost of souls. Taking advantage of his grief, he fought into battle and defeated an invading Dark Army of glass … Queen Ravenna is the main antagonist of the 2012 fantasy action-adventure film Snow White and the Huntsman and its 2016 sequel The Huntsman: Winter's War. She tells Liam that if he were to break the curse over Ravenna, her powers would benefit his sister’s queendom as well. Ravenna seems to genuinely believe that rebellion must be suppressed through violence and fear, and that she is actually a more benevolent ruler than other Kings (such as the one who ruined her own life). Ignoring the fact that she’s taken such a stab just fine before, let’s take a look at some of Queen Ravenna’s powers she uses throughout the movie that could’ve helped with this moment. Boom! When Ravenna learned Snow White had escaped from Finn, she expresses outrage and disbelief that Snow White was able to "get the better" of her brother, showing she placed a high value on Finn and his skills as a warrior, in spite of having no magical powers. However, unbeknownst to Snow White and her allies, in spite of Ravenna's physical death she was able to encase her spirit in the Magic Mirror, waiting for someone to liberate her. Taking advantage of his grief, he fought into battle and defeated an invading Dark Army of glass soldiers, then rescues a woman held captive from the Dark Army, who reveals her name to be Ravenna. Ravenna, when she first learns that Snow White had escaped to the forest, very adamantly declares that she has no powers in the forest. Therefore, this villain shall be added to our "Never Again List", where proposed villains rejected by the community shall be placed to prevent future proposals of the same evil-doer. Ravenna is an extremely powerful sorceress, though it was mentioned by Finn (and later proven) that excessive usage of her powers would cause her body to age, which she combated by stealing youth from others. Just in time, however, Eric and the real William arrive and disrupt the murder attempt, forcing Ravenna to turn herself into a flock of ravens and flee back to castle, now weaker than ever. King Magnus becomes so enchanted with her beauty, that he forgotten his broken heart for the first time and marries her the next day. Her siblings are Queen Ravenna and huntsman Finn. While this could be viewed as Ravenna playing favorites with her siblings, given how she was never shown to favour Finn as dearly as she did Freya, it also testifies that, for all her numerous flaws, Ravenna could be genuinely affectionate and warm to those of her immediate family circle. Believing that her oldest daughter's beauty was the only thing that could save her - and by possible extension, her younger siblings as well - from this assault, the sorceress placed a spell on Ravenna that would make her young and beautiful forever. She often appears to be in her 20's/early 30's, but is actually implied to be far older - if she uses her powers excessively or does not consume the life force of others, she starts to age, gaining wrinkles and grey hair. With Chris Hemsworth, Jessica Chastain, Charlize Theron, Emily Blunt. A dying Ravenna scrambled away from Snow White towards her mirror (perhaps hoping it could save her), rapidly aging to her true age. She is the older sister of Finn and Freya and is also the widow of King Magnus, and the stepmother of Princess Snow White. She wanted to do this with the help of Freya and her Huntsmen. She obtained the Magic Mirror, which replied to any question asked with nothing less than the total and absolute truth, and therefore was an invaluable ally to her in her plots. However, Eric betrayed Ravenna and decided to help Snow White when he learned this. Ravenna was shown throughout the two films (Snow White & The Huntsman and The Huntsman: Winter's War) to be cruel, arrogant, power-hungry, and extremely vain. Though it was neither confirmed nor specifically stated, it was heavily implied that their mother was later killed by this assault, as Ravenna comments to Snow White that her mother died when she was younger. When in the woods as William she says to Snow White that "she was the only one who could stop her, the only one who could save her" so possibly there is a glint of humanity still in her (meaning that she knows of her misdeeds and she knows she will continue to destroy kingdoms as long as shes alive) this is also seen when she mourns her mother and brother. Unknown Freya then joined the fight and launched a wave of ice at her sister, freezing Ravenna in place. The mirror told her that she was, but that her sister's daughter would one day be even more beautiful than she was. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Ravenna then tricked her sister into leaving the castle and then cursed the Duke of Blackwood to kill the child. Ravenna expressed no remorse for killing Magnus and later taunted his daughter over Magnus' death, saying he was "too weak to raise his sword". The Huntsman: Winter's War: Queen Ravenna† | Freya †. The arrow was stopped by Ravenna, which shocked Eric because he believed she was dead. William leaves the castle on his own to find her, joining Finn's band as a bowman. (since many people died at the average age of 40 and she said she lived 20 lives, we can presume she is 800 or close to a millennium. Age The Cursed Queen is inspired by Beauty and the Beast. She is portrayed by Charlize Theron, with Izzy Meikle-Small portraying her as a child. The second was also a woman, round, with purple skin and having the distinction of having black tentacles instead of legs. Before taking Tabor, Ravenna seduced another King with her beauty and took her place as his Queen. Despite her great age, some of Ravenna's personality traits - such as her extreme emotional outbursts and overreactions to bad news - are rather childish in nature, implying a severely stunted emotional growth. Kill Snow White by taking her heart in order to be the most beautiful woman in all of the land.Rule the kingdom of Tabor and many more lands for all of eternity (both failed). Stabbed and rapid aging (brought upon by Snow White) Destruction of the Mirror (by Freya and Eric) Unnamed kingdom (formerly) Tabor (formerly) The North The Evil QueenThe QueenThe Fairest One Of All (formerly) Ravenna eventually plotted to take over the kingdom of Tabor. She is Queen Ravenna's younger sister. She is the only child of King Magnus and Queen Eleanor, and the stepdaughter and arch nemesis of Queen Ravenna, who seeks to kill her to consume her pure heart and maintain her power. She drains the life-force of dozens of girls and women to restore her youth and strength. It is possible that Ravenna's often aggressive outbursts towards Finn were a sign of her increased lack of empathy (and, perhaps, sanity), rather than a sign of their closeness. Ravenna loved Finn, but was clearly the more dominant of the two siblings. However, Queen Ravenna is implied to still be alive as one of her ravens can be seen flying above the castle. In fact, Freya once commented that chess was a pointless game to them since Ravenna always let her win, and Ravenna actually conceded with a warm sincere smile that Freya was her one soft spot. There are lots of differences can be spotted from queen Ravenna. She literally grabs a girl by the throat and sucks out her life energy. This villain was proposed but was rejected by the community for not being heinous enough or lacks what is necessary to be a Pure Evil villain. Portrayer Snow White is the princess of Tabor and the main protagonist of Snow White and the Huntsman. Queen Ravenna : Mirror, mirror on the wall. Immediately after, Ravenna, Finn and, presumably, Freya, were captured by the King's men and taken away. Ravenna disapproved of Freya's relationship with the Duke of Blackwood, partly because he was betrothed to another which even Ravenna could not set aside and partly because Ravenna believed that the Duke would betray her sister. Tabor isn’t the first kingdom to fall under Ravenna’s control. Charlize TheronIzzy Meikle-Small (as a child) Sam Claflin (briefly, when disguised as William), Izzy Meikle-Small (as a child) Sam Claflin (briefly, when disguised as William). Ravenna's powers surpass the Evil Queen's (particularly those in the classical and similar Snow White stories and media), Ravenna can shape-shift into both people and animals, she can keep other people immortal such as her brother, steal life, conjure an army of quartz and monsters of quartz, cannot die by none that are fair hearts or "royal blood", withstand elements like fire and more. Ravenna has two younger siblings, Freya and Finn. Freya left the room, telling Ravenna that she did not know all and that the Duke would not leave her. Despite her love for Freya, Ravenna's own sense of self-preservation came first and she quickly came to the conclusion that her only option was the kill the child. Ravenna seemed to truly believe that it was for the best and made Freya a stronger person, but Freya clearly did not see it this way and turned on Ravenna. Which power would you like to have? In spite of all this, Ravenna was also shown to be more than a mere villainess, and was actually an intensely complex character for an antagonist: in Snow White & The Huntsman, Ravenna once confessed that Snow White was the only one pure enough to "save her", which implies that, in her heart of hearts, Ravenna knew all along that what she was doing was wrong, but was also powerless to stop herself. Inspecting her dominion and also her beauty through her Magic Mirror.Staying young and beautiful forever.Ruling. She mocks Snow White, before stating she's lucky that she will never have to know "what it is to grow old" before preparing to kill her and cut out her heart. Ravenna makes a bargain with Eric the Huntsman, a widower and drunkard, to capture Snow White, promising to bring his wife back to life in exchange. Ravenna, also known as the Evil Queen which is the same name of the evil monarch from the legend of Snow White she is based on, is the selfish and tyrannical ruler of Tabor, who learns that her stepdaughter, Snow White, is destined to surpass her as the "Fairest One of All". She is also a consummate seductress, knowing well how to use her beauty, her body, and her innate cunning to intrigue and manipulate men - especially Kings - to her best advantage. Full Name Ravenna sent Finn and her strongest troops to track down the Princess. In this retelling of the original story, her name is Queen Ravenna. She has used her charm to deceive many rulers, only to turn on them and assume power herself. Finn brought her Eric the Huntsman. Ravenna impaled her through the abdomen with the dark fay, after which she apologized to her sister, but screamed how she envied the life that Freya once had, love and a child. At the funeral, Ravenna noticed Freya smiling at the Duke of Blackwood and realizes that they were lovers. Ravenna could also be associated with the Morrigan, a Celtic goddess of death, fate, war and sovereignty. Freya later gave birth to a baby girl, but one evening, Ravenna asked the Magic Mirror who was the fairest in all the land. Snow White and the Huntsman Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. She literally grabs a girl by the throat and sucks out her life energy. Her siblings are Queen Ravenna and huntsman Finn. Ravenna AKA Ravenna's name comes from the name Raven, meaning "death" or "doom" and crow. She manipulated the spell that her mother had cast on her to grant her two formidable abilities that would become her primary means of offense and defense: the first was the ability of youth-absorption, which enabled her to maintain her own youthful beauty by draining the life-force of other beautiful females. Ravenna orders Finn to bring her Snow White, but she escapes into the Dark Forest, where Ravenna has no power. Variation of Avian Physiology. As Ravenna began to break free, she repelled Eric and Sara, before Freya embraced her and attempted to freeze her whole. Mirror Man : My Queen, on this day one has come of age fairer even than you. Ravenna tried to kill Eric but she was stopped by Sara, who was Eric's wife. Evil sorceress Queen Ravenna's powers allow her to know that her younger sister Freya, whose powers have not yet emerged, is not only involved in an illicit affair with an already elsewhere engaged nobleman Andrew, but is also pregnant with his child. Evil sorceress Queen Ravenna 's powers allow her to know that her younger sister Freya, whose powers have not yet emerged, is not only involved in an illicit affair with nobleman Andrew, but is also pregnant with his child. Superhuman strength Instantaneous regeneration Ageless immortality Hand-to-hand combat skills Swordsmanship Marksmanship Leadership Tactical analysis Intimidation Interrogation tactis Hobbies: Raping women or little girls. Ravenna often wears elaborate, dark-coloured gowns and a lot of jewelry, appearing to favour a black and gold colour scheme. Ignoring the fact that she’s taken such a stab just fine before, let’s take a look at some of Queen Ravenna’s powers she uses throughout the movie that could’ve helped with this moment. She is the reason your powers wane. As the years passed, Ravenna's strength and magical power grew at an incredible level, but so did her hate and bitterness towards the world for what had happened to her, and eventually, she sought vengeance in her own unique way. Implied that the three siblings had a difficult upbringing, living in extreme poverty and scraps... Ravenna took over and started attacking them alone and Snow White.. Queen Ravenna: Snow White, who Eric! Headlined Villain - Erik Killmonger ( MCU ), https: //villains.fandom.com/wiki/Queen_Ravenna? oldid=4124596 Queen... My undoing Huntsman Wiki is a Queen and the bane of kings baby,. Back Tabor and many more lands for all of this and clearly still for... Are associated with the permission of an impervious to most weapons and even the element of queen ravenna powers and those. Appearance, queen ravenna powers her appear taller and more intimidating and finely detailed with a great deal of ornamentation by,... 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