With a 40-year limited paint system warranty, the ABC Signature® 200 offering represents one of the most sophisticated siliconized, modified polyester (SMP) paint coating and warranty protection products in the industry. endobj We offer a 29 gauge Select Panel and a 26 gauge Standing Seam Panel with all the Trim and Accessory Options. Metal roofing are rust resistant, most of our supplier offert a 40 year warranty on their product Ecological product If you compare the asphalt roof tiles versus metal roof , with the asphalt roof, you will change your roof tiles 3 to 4 times over the lifetime of a metal roofing, imagine all this waste going directly in the landfill. This type of warranty would only cover the cost of … If you're looking for a roof that last and you need it fast then you came to the right place! We encourage you to view ABC’s warranties on our website. Call Now. This warranty DOES NOT APPLY in the event of the following: Bends less than 2T for a sheet thickness of 0.0299” and thinner and bends less than 4T for a sheet thickness of 0.0300” and thicker. To select the right protection for roofing or building projects, ask questions to confirm your understanding of the warranty coverages and options before purchase. $2.19/LINEAR FOOT or $68.44/SQUARE! Many consumers associate metal roofing warranties with dependability and performance. 40 year warranty. �Hи��7�8�h��!_=�KӔx뤌��imk+ �V9�t�P��|���H�8kYvtN`�d��D���&;�Z?5��t�*`��J�4pb��0��D�\w8Bm�C)�%V��&5�C)�%�$��2N���N&����A�$!��Y��ZA�+NCeڲ�k�ʩ�����o�`��g��Tqն+�lEGBۯ�Ρ8�@'qL�L2���S��ۻ:���[Ld����. A roofing material only warranty usually has a lower cost than a full system warranty but only covers manufacturing defects and premature deterioration for the length of the warranty. We work with only the best and most qualified metal roofing professionals to make sure that your roof -and your Shield warranty – is secure. The rustic look is actually a premium Kynar paint that mimics a weathered, rusty panel. 40 year warranty METAL 3 year labor warranty. Click the image below to check out Central States' metal roof visualizer tool! N. Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed. With 16 colors of metal roofing panels to choose from, your roof will do more than protect your investment. We offer a 40-year limited warranty on our painted panels and a 25-year limited warranty on galvalume panels. Fully Licensed & Insured SMP warranties are notorious for the “40 year warranty” which only covers film adhesion for 40 years, but fading and chalking anywhere from 15-30 years generally. Many people believe that a 40‐year shingle will hold up for 40 years. N. Over 60 Years of Combined Roofing Experience. It comes with a 40-year paint warranty. Should you choose to sell your home, the warranty becomes a 40-Year Warranty from the date of installation. Slopes of the roof, or any sections of the roof flatter than ¼”:12.” Our silicone-modified polyester coating is state-of-the-art technology that provides 40+ years of film integrity, and 30 years of minimal fade. SCHEDULE A FREE ESTIMATE. In reality, this isn’t always the case. The advantage? Schedule An Appointment. A warranty can give you peace of mind when investing in a new metal roof. MC Metal Roofing offers the highest quality metal roofing products for both residential and commercial property use. For Your Home. All ABM Panels come with a 40-year warranty. Metal Slate Shingles Wholesale Metal Roof Panels Made in Canada. Roof repairs couldn't keep up. Required fields are marked *, Posted on March 23, 2016 by Tim Wells & Bob Swoger, Decoding Your Warranty: ABC Paint Film Integrity. Your email address will not be published. You can also learn more about the proper handling of ABC’s metal panels by reading the product installation manuals. 40 year paint warranty on 26-gauge metal. We have Several Metal Roofing Panel Color Options to Choose From w/ 40 Year Paint Warranty. High-quality metal will outlast shingles every time, and you get a worry-free warranty to back it up. Most manufacturer warranties are far shorter, or only cover materials. Metal roofing positively impacts building performance by providing longevity, durability and sustainability. <>/AcroForm<>>> Ideal Roofing Co. Ltd, warrants that, within Canada and the Continental United States of America, under normal atmospheric conditions (which excludes any other corrosive or aggressive atmospheres such as those contaminated with chemical fumes or salt spray) the paint film of the pre-painted Weather XL® or Perspectra PLUSSeries Steel Roofing and Siding Panels shall not, … What are the financial implications of not abiding by the warranty. Our 29 gauge residential metal panel is our most popular metal panel due to it being, cost effective, durable, and easy to install. Claim was denied because it couldn't find manufacturing damage,despite pics of inside water damage.. The chalk and fade coverages for these same SMP warranties are usually less than that of PVDF. More than the term of the warranty, you … Decoding Your Warranty: Paint Fade Protection. The ZXL screw has a 5/16 zinc/aluminum molded head that offers lifetime protection against red rust. The metal is guaranteed not to crack or peel for forty years! ZXL WoodBinder Screw | 40-year Warranty. The Metal Roofers: Your Local Metal Roof Specialist. Standing seam however, is of particular value on low sloped roofs because it is designed to be exceptionally watertight and resistant to ice and snow. Don’t assume that warranty is an indicator of performance. Best price around. 40 Yr Metal Roofing (29 Gauge) – Hunter Green. Your email address will not be published. Our warranties are completely non-pro-rated which is virtually unheard of in the roofing industry. High Quality Materials. Eliminates the constant maintenance of your roof. Metal Roof Warranty. These high standards are reflective of our warranty: 40 years up to the entire initial cost of the roof. When it comes to SMP and the widely promoted 40-year warranty, this is just for film adhesion. We also do shingles, flooring tile Stone and much more. Followed Tamko warranty claim process to the letter with pictures and returned shingles. $��)R$�g��� �����G�]�Y������c�B 0ӝU������~����������y�����i��h�neڪq���]uU����Qm����?����|�V/����寧U�`��ެo?W'��O?��=��?��^�J���Տ? Simply upload a photo of your roof to start designing. To comprehend your coverage options, you first need to know what a “40-Year Warranty” means in the industry. Steel Panels are Both Versatile and Virtually Maintenance Free. K&R metal has the highest quality metal you can get anywhere. %���� Direct to Deck Installation. Selecting & Applying Metal Roofing Touch-Up Paint, Tips for Installing Metal Roofing Accessories. What are the limitations of the warranty? A 40-year roof warranty. All of our metal roofing panels can be custom cut to any length. 40-Year Warranty Means it is Great for Exterior We offer a 40 Year Warranty on all of our painted materials. 4 0 obj Ga������\�~4'o���~{��W�g��/�[��|[�I���������+��C�/-H5Šl; �g+*�E) J������Mlx�*#R���������%uC,Y���D��DEkV��z Isn't it amazing that you can get a composition roof warranty for 40-years! �-n��z\ؚvY" ݪ7|�%KL��fՌ�dv޿Kj0P����ƌ���W�S���"�#�p(�K=�E����K[G�J�#�)�="i'\�G��ȝa�����-�r6��0#iS>��S��������iY>-ۯ:[uN�PU۸���US�R+�f\5�҂�?z�X�A-A�'(ꦼ9�3�> With our expert installation services and a 40-year product warranty, this will be one of the best investments in your home you will ever make! Metal energy efficiency can save you up to 40% in air conditioning costs. No one wants a metal roof that is faded, no matter how long the roof lasts. WARRANTY 35 year paint warranty on 24-gauge metal. Cut to Length; Sebp Rib (36″ wide) 29 Gauge, 40 Year Warranty; min length: 3ft; max length: 48ft *does not qualify for contractor discount ***Color samples are approximate and may vary from actual material*** $ 2.19 per foot It is applied and factory-baked to cure and harden to specs established by the NCCA and ASTM. CONTACT US … 1 0 obj ABM Panels are the most popular choice for a reason. By Joseph Lang Home Inspector with Pillar To Post Professional Home Inspection Email Short URL Share: October 23, 2007 11:05 AM. 40-Year Warranty — You Can Count On It. If your metal roofing has a 40-year warranty, your screw should, too. We are Proud to Offer a 40 Year Warranty on Your New Metal Roof. Most metal roofs will have at least a 40 year warranty and provide excellent protection against all elements including fire and falling debris. N. Financing as low as $149/month. %PDF-1.7 Roof Contractor - Residential Roofing-Roof Replacement. With a 40-year limited paint system warranty, the ABC Signature ® 200 offering represents one of the most sophisticated siliconized, modified polyester (SMP) paint coating and warranty protection products in the industry. Concealed Fastener System; 40 Year Limited Warranty It’s time to quit spending extra money on repeatedly installing shingles and turn to Cool Roofs instead for your new metal roofing system; a roof with lasting power! Rusting and fading are also covered by the warranty. highest quality. 3 0 obj Our residential panels carry a 40 year manufacturers warranty on the paint and we stock more than 20 colors. �x�)�� ��uwr��}����Muv���'w�-~���^��_;�xU�o�=��_����Z�|��n���ֽ��U�ֵ�����O������v�noa�STm���8��?A��鶈 This limited warranty covers the film integrity of the paint system used on your wall and roof panels in case of cracking, checking and peeling for a period of 40 years. Nice piece on the details of a warranty. Meaning your painted “rusty” metal is guaranteed not to rust through (under normal conditions, of course) for at least 40-years! Full line of exterior building components in stock. Kynar® film adhesion is covered anywhere from 20-40 years. Whether you need a metal roof to protect your home, ... 40-YEAR WARRANTY METAL. Shingles continue to be vulnerable to insects, mold, rot, and the elements. But do you understand what it means to have a 40-year warranty? x��}�rG�ػ"����u]���� Some pertinent questions to consider include: The answers to these questions and additional coverage information should be readily available and provided to you by the supplier. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792]/Contents 4 0 R /Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> �u�T�QqQ�b$��ð���b$��iLe�(4\�iI�5N����t֙F� Ϡ���"���0.q[��-�OqQ�4��}%��n'8�x�Eb�_:"-o��Ʀu�Q�.�����x_?u8[�~j;�eu�~��_q*Ϙ�E�ͺ8������8� ��Y�"�#B���Łi"$�c���A�����@�i��&�"���~{G�q\r1��g�%Ǎxܒ��̮��\J/�,�kU�1+q~�B�i��ln.�?.i}�)�Ά��p�؇�U�;|�D'|O��.I���'#����Nas�W���kˠ�;0�n"�j��$�=��\�_���#��{��Mu�_>ԉ"R�����W������xi[E��6`fd��ou�$��uj�LQtXI[ۂM�Aɩ��q_ We have a vast color selection that you can view on the Color Charts below. No matter what size metal roof you need, the savings with Overman Metal is always huge! We have everything that you need to install a metal roof or build an entire metal building without long wait times. Product warranties vary by manufacture but typically come with a 40-year paint warranty. Unlike many warranties which transfer only one time, ours transfers (at no cost) each time the home is sold during that 40 years. Get in touch to learn more about all of our ABM Panel options. Unfortunately, most do not. A Brightside metal roof will enhance your building or home, adding to the image and increasing its value. <>stream To comprehend your coverage options, you first need to know what a “40-Year Warranty… Entire roof is secured in a hidden manner. Instead of another patch job we can recreate your building’s roofline and structure with a new metal roof system covered by a 40-year warranty. Metal will reflect more solar radiation than an asphalt roof, which typically absorbs and holds heat. Depend on our family-owned Amish company to stay within budget. endobj We have financing options, too. Invest in a metal roof with confidence! In the next installment of our “Decoding Your Warranty” blog, we will discuss fading in more detail and provide insight into this commonly overlooked factor in warranties. The precautions in the manuals can help save time, heartache and, of course, money. FREE ESTIMATES. short production time. Keep in mind that all 40-year warranties—while generally similar—are not equal; it’s essential to thoroughly investigate the product’s warranty details to ensure the best property protection is received. (��*kW���V���>8�M�~����'U������^~F����jW��Y�]e:��J��P}����*�n�yi7���eSӍZ ��С���O޼��~:�����Ee��o����e�T�'�k5��U��_맣��t?ܯ��[����Jk�lra:fT+�6���Ը�DP'�AG]�k �QR=mV�os~����Ҥz j׬ځCu��%H�i:?7���O^�jt�w�� ?^Ÿ/�" Metal Roof Visualizer Tool. Aged Metal Panels. Most manufacturers of metal roofing have this basic warranty available, however—as with any warranty—the most miniscule details can impact the overall effectiveness and value. PRODUCT INFORMATION. I only buy their metal for my jobs. Are there any exceptions to the warranty? But do you understand what it means to have a 40-year warranty? ABM Panels are heat-formed to protect against microscopic cracks that could potentially lead to rusting. That’s the thinking behind the ZXL WoodBinder from ST Fastening Systems. "Warranty Scam" After 20 years four major leaks in roof due to cracked shingles with a 40-year warranty. How well paint adheres to the substrate is not the only concern for many metal wall and roof panel consumers; homeowners often ask us about the fading of the paint system and the factors that should be considered when purchasing. This misconception is due to suppliers in the roofing industry using warranties to sway buyers—when homeowners see the big, flashy term “lifetime warranty,” they rarely read the fine print or take the time to fully understand what that warranty actually … Material only warranties only cover the roof membrane and do not cover other accessories such as flashings, adhesives, metal edge, etc. We manufacture metal roofing, siding and trim. Keep up the good work. Don’t settle for basic when you can have exactly what you want. You can select from a wide variety of colors with a 40-year metal roof. Checkout Prices. WOW!!

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