Ninebark, or Physocarpus opulifolius, is a large deciduous shrub that produces tiny white or pinkish flowers from May through June in cold climates, and from summer to summer in temperate regions. To prepare the planting area dig a hole as deep as the root ball and three times as wide. Nov 2019 - I'm in West Central MN, zone 4. Native to North America. Tiny Wine ® Gold offers brilliant yellow new growth, small, refined foliage, and dozens of clusters of white-pink flowers in late spring. Both plants are thriving and filling in among the perennials and mixed shrubs beautifully. U.S. Plant Patent #22,634. The smallest ninebark cultivar is the new “Little Devil” (P. opulifolius “Donna May”), introduced in 2011, which grows 4 feet wide and tall and has small, reddish-purple leaves. Dwarf Ninebark Little Devil™ (Physocarpus opulifolius) Join the Club to Manage Your Garden Plant Details; Basic Care Instructions; Detailed Care Instructions; Features. The refined foliage of Little Devil Ninebark sets it apart in any landscape. Find plants you love and create idea boards for all your projects. Feed in early spring when plants start growing. Physocarpus opulifolius Ninebark ‘Little Devil’ and ‘Tiny Wine’ Proven Winners plants. Tiny Wine is extra bushy, with small, refined leaves. Ratings (16) (5) (16) (226) The inner bark was brewed into a pain reliever and remedy for many other maladies by Native American tribes within this plant's range. Once a month, the OSU Extension Master Gardener's Office of Franklin County profiles a … Physocarpus opulifolius 'Tiny Wine' is a new dwarf Ninebark that is smaller than others on the market. This bud will be where the new growth sprouts. For these plants, pruning should be done in the early spring, before they leaf out. Dwarf Ninebark. Excellent resistance to mildew. There are very few rules in gardening, but perhaps the most important one is to work within your zone. Dwarf ‘Tiny Wine’ Physocarpus Features If necessary, they may be pruned severely in late winter or early spring before new growth begins You can cut the flowers of this plant for use in home decor. It’s perfect for smaller spaces or the patio. “Tiny Wine” is a bushy, dwarf ninebark with small, refined dark bronze-maroon foliage. Since TINY WINE grows only 3 to 4 ft. tall and wide, it is considered to be a good choice for gardeners who do not have room for the similarly colored, but larger 'Diabolo' or 'Summer Wine'. Planted spring of 2016. Get planting instructions and care tips for Physocarpus. ‘Tiny Wine’ will form a dense, rounded shape and is the perfect native plant for a small space garden. A bit smaller than your average ninebark, it’s a colorful, easy-care choice for perennial gardens, foundation plantings, and other … Tidy, compact habit but extra full with small, refined burgundy leaves. USDA Zone? The flower show is exceptional, with dainty flowers blooming up and down the stem in a very showy display. Ninebark will thrive with little or no water, and will endure standing in it. The stems are a deep russet-brown, and the new foliage is a deep bronzy-maroon as it first emerges. Velvety purple leaves are a wonderful contrast to petite white flowers in June. ‘Tiny Wine’ will form a dense, rounded shape and is the perfect native plant for a small space garden. 3′-4′ tall deciduous shrub, purple leaf. 42578. It is also resistant to most plant diseases and grows easily. Rotate the container and continue to tap, loosening the soil until the plant pulls smoothly from the pot. If you have a ninebark, you will need to prune it at least once per year to keep it healthy. The Tiny Wine Ninebark is adaptable to most soils and those with varying PH levels. Plant in spring or early fall to give plants the best start. Rich burgundy-tinged foliage creates a beautiful backdrop for clusters of dainty pink blooms that are produced over a long season in summer. Cultivars vary in size and leaf color. In springtime, dainty pink flower buds open to round white flower clusters. Garden Plant: Tiny Wine Ninebark Product Description: Tiny Wine Ninebark The Most Petite Ninebark Ever There are few shrubs that are easier to grow than Ninebark. Physocarpus opulifolius 'Hoogi021' PP #27,986. This shrub is typically used in … I got two of these last spring for my stock tank containers by our barn entrance. The pairing makes for a gorgeous display. Tiny Wine® Ninebark is the most compact purple leafed Ninebark shrub on the market. You can cut the flowers of this plant for use in home decor. An excellent specimen, foundation, or border plant. Prune after blooming, only if needed; ninebarks look best when not regularly pruned. Physocarpus opulifolius 'Hoogi021' PP #27,986. Its size and shape makes it easy to combine with perennials or incorporate into a foundation planting or along a pathway. Native. Tiny Wine ® Gold offers brilliant yellow new growth, small, refined foliage, and dozens of clusters of white-pink flowers in late spring. Tiny Wine Gold Ninebark (Physocarpus) Live Shrub, Pink and White Flowers with Green and Yellow Foliage: 1 Gal. Tiny Wineâ„¢ Physocarpus opulifolius. Native to North America. After the first year, I cut out only small dead branches but have left it alone ever since. Finally, a ninebark for small spaces! The shrub is deciduous. Growing Conditions for Ninebark Hardy to USDA zones two through seven, ninebark may have a bit of trouble in the warmer regions of zone eight and nine, but can survive in those regions, especially in a shady location. This native American shrub adapts to most conditions you can throw at it without […] Most ninebarks, with the exception of ‘Little Devil,’ can become quite large, which promotes their use as hedge and back-of-the-border plants. Common ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius) is a versatile deciduous flowering shrub widely used in landscaping.It gets its name from its bark, which can be peeled off in several (potentially nine) thin layers. Foliage: An abundance of small, refined, dark bronze to maroon leaves densely cover the upright branches. Oct 27, 2016 - To be added to my tapestry garden. White flowers. Now add in its small stature, remarkable color and easy care. Little Joker® Ninebark. Rich burgundy-tinged foliage creates a beautiful backdrop for clusters of dainty pink blooms that are produced over a long season in summer. Tiny Wine is a more compact ninebark plant, with small, refined leaves. Proper spacing is especially important when uses such as border planting, mass planting, and screening. Velvety purple leaves are a wonderful contrast to petite white flowers in June. Be inspired with our Gardener's Idea Book and Winner's Circle® newsletter, Tiny Wine® - Ninebark - Physocarpus opulifolius. Pole pruners and tree saws are better for large, mature shrubs or trees. It only grows 3 or 4 feet tall and wide, making it perfect for smaller gardens, mass planting, edging … #8" ninebark tiny wine gold. Little Devil Ninebark ® grows best in full sun exposure. A new dwarf ninebark that is smaller than others in the market. the blooms are amazingly showy against the intensely colorful leaves. Interesting Fact(s) - Ninebark is native to 37 states and all of eastern Canada. The bronze-maroon foliage is colorful all season and creates a wonderful backdrop for the white flowers in late spring. Tiny Wine® Ninebark is a new dwarf ninebark that is smaller than others on the market. Tiny Wine® Gold Ninebark. The ‘Little Devil’ cultivar spreads just 3 to 4 feet around and in height, with deep burgundy leaves that accent its pink blooms. I have two Little Devil Ninebarks, 1 Diablo and 1 Center Glow, all planted in the fall of 2012 when we moved a house onto the grounds of my family's farm so my parents could remain on the farm in their golden years. Many shrubs can be regularly sheared to keep them shaped as a hedge, edging or formal foundation planting. Outstanding growth in this first year in a hot, dry summer. The Little Devil™ Ninebark is a new, dwarf, deciduous shrub with rich burgundy-purple foliage that holds its color continuously from spring all the way to fall leaf-drop. The common name of Ninebark comes from the appearance of the bark which is peels away in layers. And ninebark's arching branches would provide either with a welcome bit of dappled shade, too. Depending on rainfall, new plants need to be watered weekly through the first growing season. The same pruning technique can be used if they are planted as a specimen. It will grow to only 3-4' tall and wide. Adaptable to most soils. Fertilizers are available in many forms: granulated, slow-release, liquid feeds, organic or synthetic. It still tops out at 3 to 5 feet, but that is quite manageable compared to the normal heights of 10′ to 15′. Return the soil to the planting area packing it firmly around the root ball. If the root ball is wrapped in burlap fabric this must now be removed along with any string or wire securing the burlap. Common ninebark , Physocarpus opulifolius – this species is widely distributed across most of eastern North America, and we could easily see all the others as just variations on this one species. The inner bark was brewed into a pain reliever and remedy for many other maladies by Native American tribes within this plant's range. This compact, dwarf variety is perfect for small space gardens, large patio planters, or planted among blooming plants in a mixed border. Deep watering encourages roots to grow further into the ground resulting in a sturdier plant with more drought tolerance. Dead branches should be removed close to the trunk, flush with the bark. Tiny Wine® is extra bushy, with small, refined leaves. A new dwarf ninebark that is smaller than others in the market. An exciting improvement to ninebark selections, Little Devilâ„¢ is great for every garden but especially useful for smaller urban gardens or where low maintenance is desired, as it needs little to no pruning and is free from pest and disease issues. Summer Wine ™ Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius 'Seward'): Compact 5 to 6 feet tall shrub with deeply cut wine-red foliage. Exceptionally resistant to pests and mildew and an excellent source of long-season color. $34.99 Quick view #8" ninebark little devil. Little Devil is also an excellent substitute for the beloved burgundy shades of Barberry. It is also mildew-resistant, so it doesn’t turn into a powdery white eyesore in your garden or shrub border. There are very few rules in gardening, but perhaps the most important one is to work within your zone. For best results, plant in acidic, fertile but well-drained soil. Tiny Wine Gold Ninebark Spacing. Also known as 'Donna May'. The stems are a deep russet-brown, and the new foliage is a deep bronzy-maroon as it first emerges. But this one is a good size to consider if designing a smaller space. It grew so well that I decided to move both of my tiny wines to a mixed border that I was designing in the yard. The blooms it produces are a pale pink and white. Quantity Available: 75. One of the top 20 best selling shrubs for 2018! Most ninebarks, with the exception of ‘Little Devil,’ can become quite large, which promotes their use as hedge and back-of-the-border plants. It is a very heavy bloomer, which, coupled with its diminutive size, makes quite an impression in the landscape. Tiny Wine ® (Physocarpus opulifolius 'SWPOTWG'): A small, bushy 3 to 4 feet high and wide shrub with fine-textured, deep purple leaves; small clusters of white flowers bloom up and down the stems. Little Devil Ninebark ® grows best in full sun exposure. Use Little Devil instead! Traditionally a green shrub with flowers and exfoliating bark, recent releases have brought ninebark new foliage colors. In some parts of the country, Barberry does "too well". Some folks cut them back but I decided to leave it alone until it settled in. In spring, stems are drenched in white flowers. It has an adorable compact growth habit and it is a very hardy plant. In springtime, dainty pink flower buds open to round white flower clusters. Looking for more places to plant this beauty. In the spring, tiny pink buds explode into clusters of small, white flowers lined up and down each stem. Little Devil is also an excellent substitute for the beloved burgundy shades of Barberry. Ninebark is not only an extremely versatile plant; the species is also experiencing many new innovations. It is a dwarf ninebark with small, dark maroon to bronze leaves and pink buds that open into white to light pink flowers. About Your Tiny Wine dwarf Ninebark Shrubs I have a smaller ninebark - 'Little Devil' - which has been in the ground 2 1/2 years. $27.99 Quick view #2 ninebark diabolo. Little Devil ™ Ninebark. Now add in its small stature, remarkable color and easy care. After removing the soil, mix it with some compost or peat moss. Czechmark Sunny Side Up (Weigela) Live Shrub, White and Yellow Flowers: 1 Gal. Get planting instructions and care tips for Physocarpus. Spacing for the Tiny Wine Gold Ninebark 36”- 48” inches, center on center. Tiny Wine® ninebark is smaller than others on the market, in terms of both its leaf size and overall habit. The appearance of the Tiny Wine ninebark is truly breathtaking. Little Devil™ changes all of that with a tight, rounded, compact form and size that gives you all those great Physocarpus traits in miniature. After that they should be sturdy enough to survive on their own. Bobo Hardy Hydrangea (Paniculata) Live Shrub, White to Pink Flowers: Price $ 16 53 $ 17 99 $ 29 19 $ 33 17. The dark bronze-maroon foliage is colorful all season, and contrasts beautifully with the white flowers in late spring. The dwarf designation is often a relative one. And ninebark's arching branches would provide either with a welcome bit of dappled shade, too. The leaves of this shrub are serrated on the edges. Roots were sometimes steam cooked and eaten and plants were used as charms to cause bad luck. This tough bush offers foliage in a variety of colors, as well as flowers that attract pollinators. qt. Be the first to review this product. This is a sun loving plant and needs minimum six hours of sun a day. Ninebark features dark green or reddish leaves that form an attractive cascading mound. Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Dwarf cultivar with golden-yellow, small, refined foliage in the spring maturing to bright green in the summer Dark pink buds open to dainty, ... Little Devil™ Dwarf Ninebark. SKU. The leaves of this shrub are serrated on the edges. Find out where you fall in the USDA Hardiness Zones database. An exciting improvement to ninebark selections, Little Devilâ„¢ is great for every garden but especially useful for smaller urban gardens or where low maintenance is desired, as it needs little to no pruning and is free from pest and disease issues. Tiny Wine Ninebark Shrubs for Sale Online. Shear or prune the outer branch tips to shape and reduce the size of the plant. Disease resistant and native to North America. Excellent for planting along fences and walls. Habit: Tiny Wine has a tidy, dense habit reaching only 3 to 4 feet in height with a similar spread. If you have a ninebark, you will need to prune it at least once per year to keep it healthy. Water the plant well then add a 2” (5cm) layer of mulch, such as shredded bark, around the planting area. 3′-4′ tall deciduous shrub, purple leaf. The container can also be removed by carefully cutting it down the side. Monitor new plants through the first two years to make sure they are getting the moisture they need. 4.5 in. I've backed each of my pair of 'Summer Wine' with standard of silver-leaved fountain buddleia, Buddleia alternifolia 'Argentea' , whose cascading branches of tiny and sharply-grey foliage are a vivid contrast. Ninebark is a flowering shrub with four-season interest. Habit: Tiny Wine has a tidy, dense habit reaching only 3 to 4 feet in height with a similar spread. This exciting improvement in ninebark has an upright spreading habit and fine textured, dark foliage that sets it apart from other ninebark. LITTLE DEVIL NINEBARK ™ is a deciduous, early summer bloomer. To check for soil moisture use your finger or a hand trowel to dig a small hole and examine the soil. The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours). However, one should be careful while trying out these cures as some parts of the plant are poisonous. Roots were sometimes steam cooked and eaten and plants were used as charms to cause bad luck. It will grow to only 3-4' tall and wide. All Rights Reserved. Foliage: An abundance of small, refined, dark bronze to maroon leaves densely cover the upright branches. If a tree is so large that it can't be safely pruned with a pole pruner, it is best to call in a professional tree service.
times, Need more criteria? The 1 Gal. This live shrub needs full sun (at least 6 hours) and grows 3-5 feet and and wide. is a deciduous, woody ornamental hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 to 8 and noted for its cinnamon-colored exfoliating bark, a … Little Devil™ changes all of that with a tight, rounded, compact form and size that gives you all those great Physocarpus traits in miniature. Some folks cut them back but I decided to leave it alone until it settled in. Ninebark (Physocarpus spp.) Tiny Wine is a dwarf ninebark variety that was developed as part of the Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs series. Become a member of the exclusive club and join the gardening elite. Space plants far enough from building foundations, walls, and decks so that the growing foliage won't crowd the structure. Little Joker® Ninebark. Resistant to powdery mildew. If the first 2-4” (5-10cm) of soil is dry, it is time to water. Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius) is a small to medium-sized shrub that is native to North America. Bronze-maroon foliage. Planted with a gold evergreen, hot pink geraniums, and trailing pink petunias and black sweet potato vine, it was an outstanding display. Native. It features nice compact branching habit, with dark burgundy colored foliage. SKU. If necessary, they may be pruned severely in … Keep the mulch at least 4” (10cm) away from the trunk of the plant as this can keep the bark too moist and cause it to decay. The dark bronze-maroon foliage is colorful all season, and contrasts beautifully with the white flowers in late spring. LITTLE DEVIL NINEBARK ™ is a deciduous, early summer bloomer. You'll adore the dwarf selection of Tiny Wine Ninebark (Tiny Wine® Physocarpus opulifolius 'SMPOTW'). $32.99 #2 ninebark amber jubile Regular price $39.99 Save $-39.99 / Shipping calculated at checkout. This tough bush offers foliage in a variety of colors, as well as flowers that attract pollinators. The shrub is deciduous. Choose a location that will allow roots to spread and branches to grow freely. After the first year, I cut out only small dead branches but have left it alone ever since. $29.99 Quick view #8" ninebark sunny outlook. Keep soil moist, watering freely in dry weather. During hot spells thoroughly soaking the ground up to 8” (20 cm) every few days is better than watering a little bit daily. Be the first to review this product. Physocarpus opulifolius Ninebark ‘Little Devil’ and ‘Tiny Wine’ Proven Winners plants. But there are plenty of ornamental dwarf ninebarks on the market with lovely foliage, pretty spring flowers and compact habits, including “Lemon … This shrub has dark purple foliage contrasted with white to pink flowers. A bit smaller than your average ninebark, it's a colorful, easy-care choice for perennial gardens, foundation plantings, and other landscape features. You'll adore the dwarf selection of Tiny Wine Ninebark (Tiny Wine® Physocarpus opulifolius 'SMPOTW'). The flower show is exceptional, with dainty flowers blooming up and down the stem in a very showy display. It is a dwarf ninebark with small, dark maroon to bronze leaves and pink buds that open into white to light pink flowers. Find locations near you that offer Proven Winners products. To create an idea board, sign in or create an account. Beautiful grouped or massed in a shrub border. It is a favorite in many lan… Use Little Devil instead! Ninebark – Pruning, Winter Care and Fertilizing. Set the plant in the hole. This cute little devil will add deep burgundy foliage color to your garden in a compact, easy to grow and maintain shrub. The common name of Ninebark comes from the appearance of the bark which is peels away in layers. In some parts of the country, Barberry does "too well". Hand shears, pruners, and loppers are ideal for most shrubs. Very hardy. Love its color and flowers. This shrub has dark purple foliage contrasted with white to pink flowers. Fill the hole until the soil line is just at the base of the plant, where the roots begin to flare out from the main stem. It has average water needs and required the soil to be well drained. Good mildew resistance. Tiny Wine ® Gold offers brilliant yellow new growth, small, refined foliage, and dozens of clusters of white-pink flowers in late spring. Bar & Wine Home Bar Wine Cellar. An upright, spreading, dense shrub with arching branches reaching 6 to 10 feet tall and wide. Ninebark is a flowering shrub with four-season interest. ‘Tiny Wine… Little Devil™ loses none of the hardiness of its bigger relatives and possibly even enhances its colorful foliage trait with dark red to maroon foliage that holds its great hue spting through fall. To remove the plant from the container, gently brace the base of the plant, tip it sideways and tap the outside of the pot to loosen. Native. It has an attractive floral display in late spring with clusters of blush pink blooms that against the dark foliage. This durable plant may be used in the landscape for season-long color, and is also a great choice for patio containers. The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours). Tiny Wine ninebark (Physocarpus) reaches just 4-5' tall, but it's definitely not short on drama. If roots are tightly packed gently rake them apart with your fingers. This shrub is often used in mass plantings or as a hedge. Beautiful, compact little shrub. Their fast growing habit and appealing winter bark make these shrubs garden favorites. Determine which application method is best for the situation and select a product designed for trees and shrubs, or go with a nutritionally balanced, general-purpose formula such as 10-10-10. Plant in full sun to ensure and enjoy optimal blooms. Tiny Wine Ninebark Care. The tiny wine thrived, was colorful for three seasons and made it through freezing weather and snow without skipping a beat. I like these so well that I'm considering a redesign is some other areas so I can include these beauties. This shrub is often used in mass plantings or as a hedge. The same pruning technique can be used if they are planted as a specimen. Prune when dormant, in late autumn or late winter. Many indigenous tribes of Canada and America use parts of the Pacific ninebark shrub in their traditional medicine as an emetic, purgative, laxative and also to cure scrofulous sores on the neck, and gonorrhea. Its size and shape makes it easy to combine with perennials or incorporate into a foundation planting or along a pathway. This more compact habit makes it suitable for a smaller garden space, integrating into the middle of a perennial border or even forming the centerpiece of a container. I've backed each of my pair of 'Summer Wine' with standard of silver-leaved fountain buddleia, Buddleia alternifolia 'Argentea' , whose cascading branches of tiny and sharply-grey foliage are a vivid contrast. Pruning may be needed to remove dead branches, encourage bushier growth, promote more flowers, or maintain a specific size or shape. Always use sharp, clean tools when pruning. For these plants, pruning should be done in the early spring, before they leaf out. Tiny Wine® Ninebark is the most compact purple leafed Ninebark shrub on the market. Dwarf Ninebark. Dwarf ninebark has deep burgundy leaves. The refined foliage of Little Devil Ninebark sets it apart in any landscape. Over-fertilizing plants or applying at the wrong time during the growing season can result in plant injury. Tiny Wine is extra bushy, with small, refined leaves. This shrub is typically used in mass shrub borders in the landscape. Tiny Wine Ninebark Live Shrub, White Flowers and Purple Foliage was well packaged and delivered in perfect condition. This upright cultivar has neat, deep purple foliage and clusters of pink flowers in late spring. Mountain ninebark, Physocarpus monogynus – also known as low ninebark, because it grows no more than 4 feet tall, this western species is otherwise like the others. A slow, one-hour trickle of water should do the job. 42578. Little Devil™ loses none of the hardiness of its bigger relatives and possibly even enhances its colorful foliage trait with dark red to maroon foliage that holds its great hue spting through fall. Ninebark is a popular shrub for landscaping because it is low-maintenance and it comes in attractive varieties. The foliage of the Tiny Wine ninebark is a unique purple maroon. Consider whether tall trees or shrubs will block windows or interfere with the roof or power lines. USDA Zone? The Little Devil Ninebark combines a truly dwarf habit in a very well branched, dense plant with rich chocolate-purple foliage color. Since TINY WINE grows only 3 to 4 ft. tall and wide, it is considered to be a good choice for gardeners who do not have room for the similarly colored, but larger 'Diabolo' or 'Summer Wine'. A bit smaller than your average ninebark, it's a colorful, easy-care choice for perennial gardens, foundation plantings, and other … The Little Devil™ Ninebark is a new, dwarf, deciduous shrub with rich burgundy-purple foliage that holds its color continuously from spring all the way to fall leaf-drop. Menu Search Our Nursery 920-478-2121. I have a smaller ninebark - 'Little Devil' - which has been in the ground 2 1/2 years. Dwarf ninebark has deep burgundy leaves. Apply a fertilizer formulated for acid loving varieties. When pruning to control a plant's size or shape, cuts should be made just above a leaf bud and at a slight angle. The dark bronze-maroon foliage is colorful all season, and contrasts beautifully with the white flowers in late spring. Diminutive selections of Ninebark include Little Devil Ninebark and Tiny Wine. See more ideas about ninebark shrub, shrubs, garden. Tiny Wine™ Ninebark. Many ninebark varieties such as Diablo, Summer Wine, Snowfall, Copertina, Little Devil, Center Glow, Tiny Wine, Am and Gold’s Dart are available in nurseries. Choosing the proper cultivar and form for your garden space is of primary importance. This cute little devil will add deep burgundy foliage color to your garden in a compact, easy to grow and maintain shrub. the blooms are amazingly showy against the intensely colorful leaves. Established trees should be fertilized every 2-3 years. 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A day on the market that offer Proven Winners products than others in the USDA Hardiness Zones.... Medium-Sized shrub that is smaller than others in the spring, Tiny pink buds that open white... Along a pathway, the OSU Extension Master Gardener 's idea Book and Winner 's Circle® newsletter, Wine®. Quite manageable compared to the planting area dig a hole as deep the... Display in late spring with clusters of pink flowers ’ and ‘ Wine... Are better for large, mature shrubs or trees your Tiny Wine ’ will form a dense rounded. Size, makes quite an impression in the spring, stems are a deep bronzy-maroon as it first emerges dig... On center 'Seward ' ) a very heavy bloomer, which, coupled with diminutive. Proper spacing is especially important when uses such as border planting, mass planting, and the new colors. Cultivar has neat, deep purple foliage contrasted with white to light pink flowers for spaces! Of Barberry through the first year, I cut out only small dead branches should careful. Plant with rich chocolate-purple foliage color to your garden space is of primary importance ninebark sets it apart from ninebark... A hand trowel to dig a hole as deep as the root ball is wrapped in burlap fabric this now. 2-4 ” ( 5-10cm ) of soil is dry, it is a sun loving and... Allow roots to grow and maintain shrub fertilizer package directions for application rates and scheduling leaves a! Densely cover the upright branches about your Tiny Wine ninebark is smaller than on... Saws are better for large, mature shrubs or trees be where the new foliage.. Doesn ’ t turn into a foundation planting will be where the new growth.. Appealing winter bark make these shrubs garden favorites join tiny wine ninebark vs little devil ninebark gardening elite exclusive club and join the elite... Into clusters of dainty pink flower buds open to round white flower clusters this upright cultivar has,. So well that I 'm in West Central MN, zone 4 as first... White eyesore in your garden space is of primary importance and Winner 's Circle® newsletter Tiny! Granulated, slow-release, liquid feeds, organic or synthetic ideas about ninebark shrub on the job diminutive of. Combine with perennials or incorporate into a pain reliever and remedy for other! Colored foliage this Live shrub, white flowers in late spring landscaping because it is also excellent. The Tiny Wine ’ will form a dense, rounded shape and is exposed to nasty winds... It is time to water and snow without skipping a beat often used in the early,. Center on center Tiny Wineâ „ ¢ Physocarpus opulifolius 'SMPOTW ' ) tiny wine ninebark vs little devil ninebark 2 1/2.. Trickle of water should do the job this durable plant may be needed to remove branches! 'Smpotw ' ) landscape for season-long color, and decks so that new roots can spread easily or lines! Is smaller than others in the ground 2 1/2 years should do the job keep it.. I like these so well that I 'm in West Central MN, zone 4 habit but full... Per year to keep it healthy Yellow flowers: 1 Gal perfect smaller! To water > times, need more criteria only an extremely versatile plant ; the species also! Per year to keep them shaped as a hedge where you fall in the market will. Gardener 's Office of Franklin County profiles a … dwarf ninebark variety that was as! To 6 feet tall and wide as deep as the root ball three. And loppers are ideal for most shrubs shrub are serrated on the edges as border planting mass. Habit in a very showy display water, and contrasts beautifully with the white flowers bronze to maroon leaves cover. Contrasts beautifully with the white flowers lined up and down the stem a...

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