Time Limit: 142 Seconds Previous: Michigan Next: Illinois Jim Jordan Ohio has the shortest time limit in the game. The enemies … Super Bernie World community. New Mexico, also referred to as World 1-1, is the first level of Super Bernie World. Transition 2020. Super Bernie World is, as you can probably tell, a clone of Super Mario Bros. that features Sanders rather than that of an Italian plumber.Created in an … To former Sanders staffers and allies, Tanden is one of the Democratic elites … Play Super Bernie World Online Game. Other games you might like are Super Bomb Bugs and Super Villainy.No download or installation needed to play this free game.Hope this game brings a little joy into your daily … 1 Games 2 Super Bernie World 2.1 Level Information 2.2 Bosses 2.3 Enemies 2.4 Trivia 3 Site Navigation Super Bernie World Ohio appears as the sixth level in Super Bernie World. A topic by M0RTALIS created Apr 16, 2020 Views: 359. As election results across the country rolled in on Tuesday evening, current and former aides to Bernie Sanders … The Super Bernie World Goombas appear to be wearing Donald Trump MAGA hats, and the Koopa enemies are meant to look like Kentucky senator Mitch McConnell. Indie studio Kitsune Games has released Super Bernie World, a Super Mario World knockoff available for download on Steam, or you can play it straight from an internet browser. Viewing posts 1 to 1. Bernie world is tearing itself apart. Time Limit: 183 Seconds Next: Louisiana It took founder Emma Maassen over two weeks to build 12 levels, which represent 11 states and Washington, D.C. Called Super Bernie World, the free-to-play platforming game is designed in the style of the iconic Super Mario games. I made some cursed fan theories because this bright, happy game is extremely dark on the inside. One of many Arcade Games to play online on your web browser for free at KBH Games.Tagged as Arcade Games, Funny Games, Platformer Games, and Political Games.Upvoted by 32 players. The enemies a 1 Games 2 Super Bernie World 2.1 Level Information 2.2 Enemies 3 Site Navigation Super Bernie World New Mexico appears as the first level in Super Bernie World. This game follows the development of Super Bernie World, a free platformer featuring Bernie Sanders as a hero tasked with defeating four Republican enemies. This was the experience at least in the New Mexico level of Super Bernie World, a free game published by indie studio Kitsune Games. According to a message at the start of the game, Super Bernie World … ... Perhaps they are the enemies that Super Bernie’s broken mind created. Its developers are being assisted by 2064: Read Only Memories developer Midboss with publishing on PC; console publishing is being tackled by Ratalaika Games. Ohio, also referred to as World 2-3, is a level in Super Bernie World. Bernieworld seethes over Tanden as OMB nominee. Or perhaps it is an unfortunate coincidence of an alternate dimension.

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