stream Britain’s busiest airport said on Monday that it saw passenger numbers slump 73% during 2020, as COVID-19 restrictions all but shut down the travel industry. endobj easyJet incurred £438 million in non-headline costs during the 2020 financial year (2019: £3 million net benefit). Passenger numbers fell 87pc to 2.9 million in the three months to December . The low-cost carrier said passenger numbers in the period fell by 87% to 2.9 million, and that this was in line with an 82% fall in capacity to 4.4 million seats. EasyJet has launched a major restructuring and cost reduction programme to survive the pandemic, which it says will help it to emerge from the pandemic “in an even more competitive position for the long term.” The cost per seat performance was driven overwhelmingly by the impact of COVID-19, which led to dramatic capacity reductions, as described above. <> Total Airline … Group headline costs excluding fuel were reduced by 30.8% at constant currency3 as management achieved material savings across many areas of the business, including airport fees, ground handling, crew and maintenance costs. At the same time SAS reduced its capacity by 6% compared to November, which corresponds to a … Passenger numbers for the 2020 financial year fell by 50 per cent to 48 million, with its capacity down by 48 per cent to 55 million seats. Passengers can remove a small item (17.7 x 14.2 x 7.9 inches / 45 x 36 x 20 cm) to take on board with them. These costs are separately disclosed and further detail can be found in the notes to the accounts. When you purchase or renew a membership, you will automatically be sent a virtual card to download to your Apple Wallet or Google Pay app. During the first half of the year easyJet delivered strong underlying trading, benefitting from our own and market capacity consolidation from October to February, particularly in the UK and Germany, with yield initiatives and network optimisations further capitalising on strong demand for our routes. In the year ending 30 September 2020, through its disciplined and prudent approach, easyJet has: Successfully cut operating costs and capex in order to reduce cash burn, Retained strong customer satisfaction scores, Due to the impact of COVID-19, passenger numbers for the year ending 30 September 2020 decreased by 50.0% to 48.1 million (2019: 96.1 million), Load factor only decreased by 4.3 percentage points to 87.2% due to a prudent approach to capacity, Total revenue decreased by 52.9% to £3,009 million (2019: £6,385 million). Heathrow passenger numbers fell nearly 73% last year, annual figures confirm. Non-headline items are material non-recurring items or are items which do not reflect the trading performance of the business. <> Heathrow saw 5.6 million fewer passengers last month The airport recorded 22.1 million passengers in the calendar year, down 72.7% or 58.8 million on the previous year. The key driver of this was government travel restrictions in most of the markets where easyJet operates, including full national lockdowns during Q2 which led us to ground the entire easyJet fleet for 11 weeks. The airline is burning £40m a week even after cutting 1,400 jobs. This reflected the reduction in passenger volumes during H2. Due to the impact of COVID-19, passenger numbers for the year ending 30 September 2020 decreased by 50.0% to 48.1 million (2019: 96.1 million) Capacity1 decreased by 47.5% Load factor only decreased by 4.3 percentage points to 87.2% due to a prudent approach to capacity Total revenue decreased by 52.9% to £3,009 million (2019: £6,385 million). For December alone, passenger numbers at Heathrow plummeted 83% as fear about the new strain of COVID-19 meant countries shut their borders to the UK. COVID-19 has devastating impact on passenger and air traffic numbers after encouraging start to year ; Range of steps already taken to preserve as many jobs as possible; Reducing operating and staff costs safeguards the company’s financial strength and resilience ready for future growth; Read More . Airline stocks are under pressure after dreadful numbers from EasyJet and Wizz Air . We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The company has a current ratio of 0.67, a quick ratio of 0.64 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 181.20. %PDF-1.5 Due to the impact of COVID-19, passenger numbers for the year ending 30 September 2020 decreased by 50.0% to 48.1 million (2019: 96.1 million) Capacity 1 decreased by 47.5%; Load factor only decreased by 4.3 percentage points to 87.2% due to a prudent approach to capacity ; Total revenue decreased by 52.9% to £3,009 million (2019: £6,385 million). Passenger revenue decreased by 54.0%. Earned seats also include seats provided for promotional purposes and to staff for business travel. Changes on the 1 st April 2019. Shares of easyJet plc (EZJ.L) stock opened at GBX 760.80 ($9.94) on Tuesday. Total Airline revenue per seat decreased by 10.6% to £54.35 (2019: £60.81). Headline Airline cost per seat including fuel increased by 21.7% to £69.03 (2019: £56.74). 2019-03-06T15:44:52Z The letter F. ... the total number of airline passengers around the world to reach 8.2 billion people by 2037 — that's double today's passenger count. Therefore all per seat metrics are for the Airline business only, as the inclusion of hotel-related revenue and costs from the Holidays business will distort the revenue per seat and cost per seat metrics as these are not directly correlated to the seats flown by the Airline business endobj Total Airline revenue per seat, Headline Airline cost per seat excluding fuel at constant currency, Largest cost-out programme launched in easyJet’s history, Non-headline costs of £438 million (2019: £3 million positive). The stock has a 50-day moving average … easyJet remains extremely disciplined and since the grounding has focused on flying which generates a positive contribution. Load factor- … Scottish perspective on news, sport, business, lifestyle, food and drink and more, from Scotland's national newspaper, The Scotsman. On the 1st April 2019 easyJet Plus will be reducing its carbon footprint and going digital! The first British entry in a list of most valuable airline companies worldwide, EasyJet ranked in 19th place. Britain’s busiest airport said on Monday that it saw passenger numbers slump 73% during 2020, as COVID-19 restrictions all but shut down the travel industry. wX T�Ϳ��7^'���wT�. 1 0 obj Founded in 1995, low-cost carrier EasyJet established itself as the largest airline based in the United Kingdom by passenger numbers. Whilst there was some recovery in demand as travel restrictions eased during the summer, widespread quarantine measures introduced in September once again eroded demand and consumer confidence to travel. ���)��o�j�nE˼������6�y2����ʜ��{���V{�f����D���O�N�g#��h�i⬨EF��,�G���r�.i9;�|�z��6�锳�qu�9Z���}�@�##�[ ��߳f+2�趀�AģqRQ��5W��7��k�K4P!�]R֍X�5���Sq�W�.��F�ٷ�f0I�5�k�IO�:���J%�΃ B������_�����S���6�xrє"���k�p���c�2&��� g�Q�*�M�UYg F� �~�� E,࿜ǧ���� V.�X&�`/`GI�ދ��)�>�V���g*� EasyJet had a market value of 6.3 billion U.S. dollars as of July 2019. Edinburgh Airport (IATA: EDI, ICAO: EGPH) is an airport located in the Ingliston area of Edinburgh, Scotland.It was the busiest airport in Scotland in 2019, handling over 14.7 million passengers. When you purchase or renew a membership, you will automatically be sent a virtual card to download to your Apple Wallet or Google Pay app. With a virtual card you can redeem your benefits in exactly the same way as the previous plastic cards, but they are easier … Airline revenue per seat at constant currency3 decreased by 10.3%, reflecting growth of 10.2% in H1 and contraction of 27.5% in H2. In the first quarter of its financial year 2021, easyJet flew only 13 per cent of 2019 passengers. 2 0 obj Hands free is also available as a family bundle (£16) for up to 6 passenger’s cabin bags on the same booking. In 2019, easyJet stood at €53 per passenger, whereas Ryanair was just €31. We are structured as a pan-European airline group with three Air Operator Certificates based in Austria, Switzerland and the UK. A slightly different metric is the total airline cost per seat. Easyjet has cut more than 1,400 jobs since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, with more cost-saving measures on the cards as it hopes to claw back £40million a week this year. Fuel cost per seat decreased by 2.9% to £13.09 (2019: £13.48) and by 0.7% at constant currency3. The airport is 1.7 nautical miles (3.1 km; 2.0 mi) west of Keflavík and 50 km (31 mi) southwest of Reykjavík.The airport has three runways, two of which are in use, … easyJet plc has a 1 year low of GBX 410 ($5.36) and a 1 year high of GBX 1,570 ($20.51). endobj x��Z[o��~���/d��y��G���iOk�>�}�ȕD�"�%iW���̅�HI���H$wvvvf�ofy���l'����}h�8��T�q�\V�>�+y�K�Ɋ�����^||\������>Y²����;K����mx�\׈|�{�������?��/�����O0V|�i)n5�~,����M=�� ��f;3��������(�ۯq�Y����j�[��5B��mW�B��|��qr��+��}�,Ln����JZN`��T֬�֬���U��5|��4 3��˸ރ^_H�FT9~I�$q�8�u���Yu���k��������ʺ�AߦkԴT�)��{+qu��4�G British airline easyJet warned that it would fly no more than 10% of 2019's capacity in the ... after reporting an 88% slump in quarterly revenues as passenger numbers … Passengers chanted for a British lawyer to be thrown off a plane after he refused to wear a face mask 'due to his PTSD '. For December alone, passenger numbers at Heathrow plummeted 83% as fear about the new strain of COVID-19 meant countries shut their borders to the UK. … Earned seats include seats which are flown whether or not the passenger turns up, as easyJet is a no-refund airline and once a flight has departed, a no-show customer is generally not entitled to change flights or seek a refund. These include: Headline (loss)/profit before tax (£ million), Total (loss)/profit before tax (£ million), Headline basic (loss)/earnings per share (pence), Airline revenue per seat at constant currency3 (£), Airline headline cost per seat excluding fuel at constant currency3 (£), Proposed ordinary dividend per share (pence), easyJet Airline Company Limited Registered in England with Registered number 3034606; subsidiary of easyJet plc Registered in England with registered number 3959649 Registered Office: Hangar 89, London Luton Airport, Luton, Bedfordshire LU2 9PF, Directors' interests and substantial interests. 4 0 obj Ancillary revenue decreased by 48.7% to £706 million (2019: £1,376 million). In 2019 Ryanair’s average cost base was just €31 per passenger whereas EZJ’s was €53. SAS reports increased passenger numbers compared to November driven by holiday travel. Ryanair said it was again cutting its full-year traffic forecast by a further 5 million passengers to between 26 million and 30 million, at best below 20% of 2019 levels. Keflavík Airport (Icelandic: Keflavíkurflugvöllur) (IATA: KEF, ICAO: BIKF), also known as Reykjavík–Keflavík Airport, is the largest airport in Iceland and the country's main hub for international transportation. �I��7�|��Y��5�l�^3ȱ=#�'�f���{>=�7\���l�:I��x:��,w;��M >�.J� ����fUx�2^��ŗr��#%��F�7(�]G��Xn3�Ư�3������ �E�:�h��Y;��H�Y����֙Ď�N��@��@o2��t�O�i?���$r+�����sgZ�#��?������p=2���dZˀdž�-������c�^ r��8�d?��a,�������I��z�����p{$��&�~G�8���3�3��A. <>>> Additional / Excess Baggage Fees 2 easyJet holidays forms a separate operating segment to the Airline. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> EasyJet and Wizz air revenue plummets. 3 Constant currency is calculated by comparing 2020 financial year performance translated at the 2019 financial year effective exchange rate to the 2019 financial year reported performance, excluding foreign exchange gains and losses on balance sheet revaluations. This option also includes a free tote bag from EasyJet’s partner, Three. We retain the flexibility to rapidly ramp up capacity when we see demand return, Capital expenditure for the financial year to 30 September 2021 is expected to be around £600 million, easyJet has been operating since March 2019 such that it is ready for all possible Brexit outcomes. On the 1 st April 2019 easyJet Plus will be reducing its carbon footprint and going digital! EasyJet boss Johan Lundgren says people want to go on holiday as soon as they can. Total revenue decreased by 52.9% to £3,009 million (2019: £6,385 million) as capacity was severely reduced by 47.5% to 55.1 million seats (2019: 105.0 million) as a result of COVID-19. EasyJet said revenue was down 88% in the three months to 31 December, while passenger numbers fell by 87%. Total Airline cost per seat, including the impact of non-headline items was £77.01 (2019: £56.71), Headline loss before tax of £835 million (2019: £427 million profit), within the guidance range of £815 to £845 million, Reported loss before tax of £1,273 million (2019: £430 million profit), Headline ROCE for the year decreased to (19.9)% (2019: 11.4%), Robust balance sheet strength, with total liquidity raised during COVID-19 of £3.1 billion, a net debt position of £1.1 billion (2019: net debt of £326 million) and investment grade credit ratings, The board will not be recommending the payment of a dividend, in light of the loss for the year (2019: 43.9p per share dividend paid), Based on current travel restrictions in the markets in which we operate, easyJet expects to fly no more than c.20% of planned capacity for Q1 financial year 2021, We remain focused on cash generative flying over the winter season in order to minimise losses during the first half. 1 Represents the number of earned seats flown. Global air traffic fell to its lowest level for 17 years in 2020: Passenger numbers plunged from 4.5bn in 2019 to 1.8bn last year with airlines losing combined £270bn due to Covid All regions saw passenger revenue decline substantially year on year although there was some relative strength in Switzerland, Portugal and UK domestics. SAS made this announcement: Almost 400,000 passengers flew with SAS during December, an increase of 18% compared to last month, but a decline by 80% year over year. Headline Airline cost per seat at constant currency3 increased by 22.9% to £69.72 (2019: £56.74). Louis Stead, 31, was recorded arguing with EasyJet … Around 45% of our equity capital is held by qualifying European nationals, At this stage, given the continued level of short-term uncertainty, it would not be appropriate to provide any further financial guidance for the 2021 financial year, £38 million gain as a result of the sale and leaseback of 33 aircraft in the period (2019: gain of £2 million), £123 million charge related to restructuring (2019: nil), £37 million charge related to impairment on leased aircraft (2019: nil), £311 million charge related to hedge discontinuation and fair value adjustments (2019: £1 million gain due to hedge ineffectiveness), £5 million charge from the retranslation of balance sheet monetary assets and liabilities (2019: £2 million gain), £0.4 million charge for ongoing organisational and legal costs associated with easyJet’s Brexit-mitigation programme (2019: £4 million charge). Total Airline revenue per … Gatwick Airport announces appointment of a new Chief Commercial Officer. %���� With a virtual card you can redeem your benefits in exactly the same way as the previous plastic cards, but they are easier & more convenient to carry and … Furthermore, EZJ’s cost per seat rose from €63 in 2019 … easyJet’s underlying cost performance was strong in the 2020 financial year. It is located 5 NM (9.3 km; 5.8 mi) west of the city centre, just off the M8 and M9 motorways. 3 0 obj It was also the sixth-busiest airport in the United Kingdom by total passengers in 2019. The company has a market cap of £3.48 billion and a P/E ratio of -2.85. Jump to navigation. During the 11-week grounding in spring/summer and the restart easyJet took quick and decisive actions to cut operating costs and capex, to maximise liquidity and to develop processes to manage our return to flying. 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