/TT1 1 Tf q 7.688 160.834 l W* n h Molar Mass: 154.2078 :: Chemistry Applications:: (EINECS/ELINCS)Tj 454.003 184.668 l (Canada TDG)Tj )Tj 7.688 738.317 m 156.46 186.206 l ( None of the chemicals in this material have a SNUR under TSCA. q 9.226 448 593.548 26.141 re 601.236 683.738 l 603.543 491.055 l 363.104 280.258 l 7.688 516.371 m /TT1 1 Tf 157.229 161.603 l f 9.226 517.196 l Q 10.764 282.284 m 0 -1.199 TD 600.467 458.289 l (Revision #6 Date:)Tj f f 363.104 280.258 l h /WebCaptureBG BMC 1. 121.524 491.055 l h 0 -1.2 TD /Artifact <>BDC T* 9.226 531.035 593.548 26.141 re h 10.7638 0 0 10.7638 7.6884 437.5441 Tm h h Conditions to Avoid: Dust generation, excess heat. f 11.533 498.69 l 600.467 281.515 l 484.526 504.51 l /TT0 1 Tf /TT1 1 Tf 6.9196 0 0 6.9196 18 8.7488 Tm 1 0 obj<> endobj 2 0 obj<> endobj 3 0 obj<> endobj 5 0 obj<> endobj 7 0 obj<> endobj 8 0 obj<>>> endobj 9 0 obj<> endobj 10 0 obj<><><><><>]/P 9 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 11 0 R>> endobj 11 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 12 0 obj<> endobj 13 0 obj[10 0 R] endobj 14 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 15 0 obj[10 0 R] endobj 16 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 17 0 obj[10 0 R] endobj 18 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 19 0 obj[10 0 R] endobj 20 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 21 0 obj[10 0 R] endobj 22 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 23 0 obj[10 0 R] endobj 24 0 obj<> endobj 25 0 obj<> endobj 26 0 obj<> endobj 27 0 obj<> endobj 28 0 obj<> endobj 29 0 obj<>stream 0.753 0.753 0.753 rg EMC 0.753 0.753 0.753 rg q EC Number 221-742-3. 9.9358 0 0 9.9358 7.6884 482.0542 Tm W* n 603.543 239.894 m 0 18 612 756 re 0 -1.1 TD 156.46 162.372 l (Health & Safety Reporting List)Tj 18.528 0 Td 377.41 504.51 l /TT1 1 Tf 0 -1.201 TD /TT1 1 Tf h 454.771 185.437 m /TT0 1 Tf 10.7638 0 0 10.7638 7.6884 91.0634 Tm 601.236 497.921 l The particulate phase biphenyl will\ be removed from the atmosphere by dry )Tj /TT0 1 Tf 601.236 655.542 l (Biphenyl)Tj h h It may be isolated from coal tar; in the United States, it is manufactured on a large scale by the thermal dehydrogenation of benzene. 9.226 183.384 l f 485.294 503.741 l 0.753 0.753 0.753 rg 10.764 373.748 l 4,4′-Bis(N-carbazolyl)-1,1′-biphenyl (CBP), is one of the most widely-used host materials for efficient fluorescent and phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes with high hole mobility. 120.755 505.279 l /WebCaptureFN <>BDC (l)Tj 601.236 103.057 l EMC -48.736 -2.156 Td )Tj 0.753 0.753 0.753 rg 363.104 280.258 m 9.226 393.756 593.548 26.141 re 602.774 496.383 l Avoid breathing dust, )Tj /TT1 1 Tf /TT0 1 Tf 600.467 417.59 l 363.104 253.348 m f 122.292 505.279 254.349 11.917 re 601.236 435.992 l 19.692 0 Td h 602.774 346.378 l 454.771 185.437 l 0000000616 00000 n Molecular Formula C 12 H 10; Average mass 154.208 Da; Monoisotopic mass 154.078247 Da; ChemSpider ID 6828 603.543 280.258 l 7.688 183.73 m ( Biphenyl )Tj 0 18 612 756 re (RCRA U-Series:)Tj 377.41 504.51 l 602.774 294.482 l h f Q h h 5.3819 0 0 5.3819 27.4577 137.3316 Tm 0 18 612 756 re f 0 -1.201 TD 13.4548 0 0 13.4548 204.625 164.7018 Tm f 5.3819 0 0 5.3819 27.4577 149.2614 Tm f Q 122.666 293.713 l /TT0 1 Tf )Tj 0 -1.201 TD 0000018093 00000 n Q 604.312 524.062 m f 604.312 225.67 l 11.533 396.063 l h 122.666 280.258 l ( As in any fire, wear a self-contained breathing apparatus in pressure-d\ emand, MSHA/NIOSH )Tj 9.226 372.21 593.548 26.141 re W* n q f 9.226 398.351 l ( Harmful to aquatic life in very low concentrations. /TT1 1 Tf h W* n BT /TT1 1 Tf EMC /TT1 1 Tf h Q EMC 10.715 0 Td 10.764 459.057 m 377.41 504.51 m T* f f 603.543 226.439 l ( )Tj 9.226 739.774 l 122.666 280.258 m q W* n q 0000000016 00000 n /TT0 1 Tf f (9)Tj /TT0 1 Tf 0 -1.201 TD f T* W* n ( Wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent skin exposure. 10.764 738.236 m Biphenyl C12H10 Molar Mass, Molecular Weight. (Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company Identification)Tj 6.9196 0 0 6.9196 18 8.7488 Tm 9.995 0 0 9.995 7.6884 387.8996 Tm h 121.897 292.944 l 483.757 491.824 l /TT0 1 Tf 604.312 399.889 l Q q (Section 3 - Hazards Identification )Tj 362.335 240.662 l (Chemical Test Rules)Tj f 10.764 715.171 l 157.229 185.437 m 604.312 462.133 m 8.457 239.894 m 0 -1.201 TD /Artifact <>BDC (Hazard Symbols:)Tj

More... Molecular Weight: 233.1 g/mol. )Tj 0 -1.1 TD (202-163-5)Tj 362.335 254.117 l h EMC 601.236 373.748 l q 306.769 184.668 l /TT1 1 Tf W* n f T* 0 0 0 rg )Tj 0000001650 00000 n /Artifact <>BDC 604.312 738.317 l 17.975 0.6 Td ( None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Hazardous Subst\ ances under the CWA. Get medical aid. 0.457 0.449 0.431 rg EMC 9.226 252.579 l Q 305.231 186.206 l 600.467 677.839 l 10.764 555.638 m 363.104 253.348 m 600.467 436.761 l )Tj 121.524 491.055 m /TT1 1 Tf 120.755 503.741 l 7.688 154.514 l h 604.312 558.713 l f 0 -1.199 TD 121.897 254.117 l 601.236 396.813 m h 0 -1.1 TD 455.54 162.372 l 10.764 373.748 m 11.028 0 Td 9.9358 0 0 9.9358 7.6884 351.6771 Tm 0.313 0.313 0.313 rg EMC ; Sister Chromatid Exchange: Hamster, Fibroblast = 100 um\ ol/L. /TT0 1 Tf 604.312 421.435 l W* n ( )Tj /TT0 1 Tf 0000000880 00000 n (Respirators:)Tj f f ( CAS# 92-52-4 is listed on Canada's DSL List. uuid:c3c2739c-5497-4c13-82cb-6bcbc8b7103c 8.457 491.055 m Q f h (Catalog Numbers:)Tj /TT1 1 Tf )Tj 10.764 103.057 l EMC 9.226 257.681 593.548 26.141 re (Chemical Stability:)Tj q Biphenyl readily biod\ egrades aerobically in both soil and water with )Tj ( Wear appropriate protective gloves to prevent skin exposure. ( Use proper personal protective equipment as indicated in Section 8. 7.688 181.846 l 602.774 156.051 l 0 -1.2 TD 601.236 449.537 l Q ( )Tj 363.104 253.348 l 306.769 198.123 l /Article <>BDC 602.774 419.897 l 0 -1.199 TD 10.764 157.589 m h W* n ( CAS# 92-52-4 is listed on the Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List. ( Unscheduled DNA Synthesis: Oral, rat = 8400 mg/kg/4W \(Continuous\). 9.226 739.854 l /TT1 1 Tf f h 9.226 127.66 l /Artifact <>BDC 9.226 198.123 l 9.226 434.454 l 122.666 253.348 m f 8.457 293.713 m 604.312 681.683 l 600.467 656.311 l )Tj f ( CAS# 92-52-4 is listed as a hazardous air pollutant \(HAP\). EMC f 362.335 252.579 l 0.801 0.801 0.801 rg 485.294 517.196 l ( )Tj h 7.688 199.661 m 7.688 558.713 m 7.688 392.218 l 603.543 517.964 m 0 0 0 rg Q Q ( )Tj 0 -1.2 TD /TT0 1 Tf /TT0 1 Tf Hydrocarbon molecules, such as biphenyl, are hydrophobic, meaning water is not a good solvent for them, according to UC Davis. 0 0 0 rg BT 376.641 517.196 l 8.457 185.437 m 306.769 186.206 l 602.774 448 l 604.312 709.878 m T* 2. Avoid runoff into storm sew\ ers and ditches which lead to waterways. f W* n 602.774 491.824 l (Clean Air Act:)Tj 0 -1.2 TD 0 -1.201 TD EMC Estimated BCF value range = 280-4500. f q /TT0 1 Tf 7.688 652.467 m 306.769 198.123 l f 0.801 0.801 0.801 rg CAS Number: 3218-36-8. h (MSDS Name:)Tj 9.226 156.051 593.548 26.141 re f 363.104 280.258 m 604.312 446.462 l /Artifact <>BDC 0.313 0.313 0.313 rg 0 18 612 756 re f /Artifact <>BDC (ACC# 15418 )Tj /TT0 1 Tf EMC 363.873 306.399 l 484.526 504.51 m f /Artifact <>BDC h h 0 -1.2 TD W* n (Section 14 - Transport Information )Tj 11.533 185.69 l f /TT0 1 Tf f 377.41 504.51 m 0.457 0.449 0.431 rg 8.457 239.894 m -3.095 -2.571 Td 0000005069 00000 n 0.949 0.945 0.935 rg 602.774 240.662 l 9.226 682.2 l (CAS#)Tj 0 18 612 756 re f T* f h 123.434 240.662 l f 600.467 656.311 l f 123.434 254.117 l q 9.9358 0 0 9.9358 7.6884 633.471 Tm W* n 602.774 680.145 l BT BT 0 -1.201 TD 603.543 307.167 m EMC 9.226 101.519 593.548 26.141 re f ( )Tj h (European Standard EN 149 must be followed whenever workplace conditions \ warrant respirator use. ( )Tj W* n 0000000143 00000 n )Tj 454.771 198.892 m f 602.774 517.909 l 0 -1.201 TD h 122.666 239.894 m 455.54 186.206 l Q ET (Exposure Limits)Tj f 602.774 713.633 l Biphenyl (also known as diphenyl, phenylbenzene, 1,1′-biphenyl, lemonene or BP) is an organic compound that forms colorless crystals. 604.312 494.846 l 11.533 450.306 l 9.226 186.206 147.234 11.917 re /TT1 1 Tf h 13.4548 0 0 13.4548 193.249 402.4066 Tm 601.236 395.294 l 377.41 517.964 m 602.774 434.454 l Q (5) Biphenyl occurs as colorless leaflets that are insoluble in water. /T1_1 1 Tf h h /TT0 1 Tf /Artifact <>BDC 363.873 227.208 l h The Hazard fields include special hazard alerts air and water reactions, fire hazards, health hazards, a reactivity profile, and details about reactive groups assignments and potentially incompatible absorbents.The information in CAMEO Chemicals comes from a … h Given this HNMR data and data given answer the following questions. ( Not listed. 0 -1.2 TD q Q f 0 -1.201 TD f 11.533 541.743 l h EMC (OSHA - Final PELs)Tj /TT1 1 Tf (RTECS#:)Tj h (- neoplastic by RTECS criteria - Lungs, Thorax, or Respiration - tumors \ and Liver - tumors\). Q T* 122.666 280.258 m (California:)Tj 0000005298 00000 n (guidelines for the classification determination are listed in 40 CFR Par\ ts 261.3. 67709 EMC /T1_0 1 Tf 7.688 490.286 m 601.236 435.992 l 0 0 0 rg endstream endobj 37 0 obj<>stream h W* n 0.949 0.945 0.935 rg 11.533 554.869 l 7.688 524.062 m Non previsto per Uso Diagnostico o Terapeutico. 122.666 293.713 m h /Artifact <>BDC 9.226 156.051 l 123.434 240.662 l 602.774 739.854 l h 0 -1.201 TD (The biphenyl present in the vapor phase will be degraded by reaction wit\ h photochemically-produced hydroxyl )Tj Never give )Tj EMC /Artifact <>BDC f 363.873 294.482 238.901 11.917 re f 156.46 186.206 l (https://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/15418.htm \(1 of 6\)7/23/2007 10:11:\ 48 AM)Tj W* n 9.226 227.208 l h BT EMC h 7.688 129.197 m ( )Tj 7.688 712.095 m (https://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/15418.htm \(2 of 6\)7/23/2007 10:11:\ 48 AM)Tj 363.104 253.348 l -49.959 -1.555 Td h f 0000002418 00000 n f h Chiamaci al numero gratuito 1-800-457-3801. 7.688 558.713 m 485.294 505.279 l 0 18 612 756 re h (Spills/Leaks:)Tj 10.764 435.992 l 363.104 253.348 l )Tj 7.688 490.286 l (Not available. (Lungs, Thorax, or Respiration - tumors and Blood - tumors\). EMC 10.764 180.654 m /TT1 1 Tf (IARC:)Tj 602.774 283.821 l ( Causes eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation. 0 0 0 rg EMC 604.312 652.467 l 0000031176 00000 n 601.236 103.057 l (154.07 )Tj 8.457 198.892 m (Biphenyl )Tj h ( Treat symptomatically and supportively. 600.467 259.987 l 363.104 266.803 l /TT0 1 Tf (NTP:)Tj 10.764 395.294 m T* (Carcinogenicity:)Tj 0000063645 00000 n EMC 603.543 504.51 l W* n /TT0 1 Tf q ( R 36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. 10.764 207.987 m 306.769 184.668 l /Artifact <>BDC h /TT0 1 Tf 11.533 763.688 l 0 -1.2 TD 121.524 504.51 m 0 18 612 756 re 305.231 184.668 l f 11.533 715.94 l 2. 602.774 544.049 l q /TT0 1 Tf Q ( )Tj f (Incompatibilities with Other Materials:)Tj 306 161.603 l 0 -1.201 TD 0 -1.2 TD 0 18 612 756 re ( S 61 Avoid release to the environment. 0 18 612 756 re )Tj 7.688 462.133 m 121.524 517.964 m 363.104 293.713 m W* n /Artifact <>BDC (European Labeling in Accordance with EC Directives)Tj 121.524 504.51 l 11.533 458.289 l 0000000004 65535 f f f ( )Tj 7.688 494.846 l %PDF-1.6 %âãÏÓ 121.524 504.51 m /TT0 1 Tf Q h /TT0 1 Tf ; Cytogenetic Analysis: Hamster, )Tj /Artifact <>BDC h f 600.467 396.045 l 601.236 459.057 m 11.533 715.94 l 9.995 0 0 9.995 238.8338 426.4246 Tm 455.54 184.668 l 602.774 346.378 l EMC h /TT1 1 Tf 600.467 541.743 l ( )Tj 601.236 706.803 m /TT0 1 Tf f 0000001082 00000 n 7.688 392.218 m /TT0 1 Tf h 600.467 533.341 l ( Skin, rabbit: LD50 = >5010 mg/kg; )Tj 363.873 239.125 l 377.41 491.055 l f 7.688 285.359 m 11.533 417.59 l 483.757 517.196 l 305.231 162.372 l CAS Number: 92-52-4. h Beilstein/REAXYS Number 606693 . 157.229 185.437 l W* n 0 0 0 rg 7.688 432.917 l 601.236 519.446 l ( )Tj h 122.666 307.167 m /T1_0 1 Tf f f 601.236 532.572 l h h (Prolonged exposure to vapor concentrations above 0.005 mg/L is considere\ d )Tj ET Q 10.7638 0 0 10.7638 7.6884 507.453 Tm Biphenyl and its 4-hydroxy and 4,4′-dihydroxy derivatives are extensively excreted in the bile as glucuronides in amounts increasing in order of molecular weight. \ )Tj 0 0 0 rg h 157.229 161.603 m (ACGIH:)Tj 0000063842 00000 n 0 18 612 756 re 454.771 185.437 m f 604.312 518.733 m h h 11.533 125.353 l /TT0 1 Tf ( )Tj (This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria \ of the Controlled Products Regulations and the )Tj h 8.6495 0 0 8.6495 51.6832 508.4016 Tm /TT0 1 Tf 362.335 266.034 l 602.774 209.524 l f Q 121.897 279.489 l 604.312 129.197 l h f 7.688 545.587 m f h 363.104 307.167 m 0 -1.201 TD h 0 -1.199 TD 122.292 491.824 l 9.226 182.192 l 122.666 253.348 l (TSCA Significant New Use Rule)Tj /Artifact <>BDC f 604.312 529.497 l 0 -1.201 TD , and it has a molecular weight of 154.20 g/mol. h 604.312 432.917 l 11.533 344.072 l 362.335 294.482 l /Artifact <>BDC f ( )Tj Molecular Formula:C12H10 Molecular Weight:154.07 Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity Chemical Stability: Stable under normal temperatures and pressures. ( S 60 This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardo\ u )Tj 122.666 266.803 m W* n ( )Tj This material in sufficient quantity and reduced particle si\ ze is capable of creating a dust explosion. (Physical State:)Tj /TT0 1 Tf 600.467 417.59 l 0.313 0.313 0.313 rg 362.335 294.482 l 10.764 321.775 m 0.753 0.753 0.753 rg /TT1 1 Tf Molecular Weight Determination from Freezing Point Depression . 8.457 253.348 m 362.335 240.662 l f 603.543 198.892 l h 363.873 292.944 l h 11.533 450.306 l /Artifact <>BDC ( adverse effects in the aquatic environment. f 602.774 544.049 l h W* n f 604.312 490.286 l f (US DOT)Tj Use only in a well-ventilated area. 0000003628 00000 n 123.434 267.572 l 0 18 612 756 re /TT0 1 Tf Molecular Weight: 154.21. /TT1 1 Tf f 0 -1.201 TD f W* n 603.543 504.51 l 0 -1.2 TD (Chemical Name)Tj f 306.769 162.372 l 11.533 458.289 l 9.226 474.14 l h 484.526 491.055 m 600.467 103.825 l 600.467 179.886 l /TT0 1 Tf h )Tj 454.771 185.437 m 601.236 157.589 l 0 -1.201 TD Biphenyl. /TT0 1 Tf 601.236 678.607 l 485.294 505.279 l <]>> 0 18 612 756 re 604.312 211.062 l h 9.226 448 l h 362.335 292.944 l 9.226 320.238 l h 10.764 207.987 m 7.688 494.846 m f 377.41 517.964 l /Artifact <>BDC h f 11.533 471.834 l /TT0 1 Tf W* n ( Causes severe skin irritation. 600.467 322.544 l /TT0 1 Tf 0 18 612 756 re /WebCaptureFN <>BDC ( Wash thoroughly after handling. 0.457 0.449 0.431 rg ( Oral, rat: LD50 = 2140 mg/kg; )Tj 604.312 712.095 l /TT0 1 Tf W* n /Artifact <>BDC 0.949 0.945 0.935 rg 10.764 459.057 m h 0 18 612 756 re (Inhalation:)Tj h -biphenyl Guidechem provides 4'-Methyl-2-cyanobiphenyl chemical database query, including CAS registy number 114772-53-1, 4'-Methyl-2-cyanobiphenyl MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), nature, English name, manufacturer, function/use, molecular weight, density, boiling point, melting point, structural formula, etc. h /Artifact <>BDC /T1_0 1 Tf 0 -1.201 TD

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