Lake Barkley. The main stem is floatable. The Cumberland River offers some 134.6 miles of smallmouth stream. The low and clear water puts smallmouth bass at an advantage over their prey, which they exploit with abandon. Get out this summer and enjoy these three great floats for smallmouth bass. It has been a favorite with anglers for many years and has received much acclaim. "I think you could pick about any area to float and it would be fairly productive for smallmouths. Elkhorn has some easy in, easy out spots to do a float trip. Trouble is, neither biologists nor anglers know as much about the stream smallies as they would like. The fish does act a little differently than other species. Much of the Cumberland is floatable. However I have seen these stream experts use bigger baits to catch bigger fish and the bigger baits seem to catch just as many small bass too. I know people that wade-fish just above the bridge at Cumberland Falls State Park with good success. The Green River offers arguably the best chance in Kentucky to catch a stream smallmouth in excess of 18 inches, with potential for larger fish. Another 18.6 miles of smallmouth stream runs from the Bell and Harlan county line to the confluence of Martins and Clover Fork. This might be one of the best rivers in the state for tossing flies to smallmouth bass. I have float-fished some of the sections near Williamsburg and have caught smallmouths. These webpages have oodles of information on access sites, articles describing the floating and fishing, fishing tips and printable maps. The Kentucky Fish and Wildlife website at has two excellent resources for Kentucky anglers to locate and learn more about the smallmouth fishing streams in their area. This stretch falls within a … |
You'll need a cartridge that lives up to... Across the west, look to these areas to find aggressive bass. The following streams are all good for catching smallmouth bass: the Gasper River in Warren County, Russell Creek in Green and Adair counties, the Russell and Levisa Forks of Big Sandy River in Pike County and the Green River below Green River Lake to Mammoth Cave National Park. gist Eric Cummins. But which ones are best? Kentucky Fish and Wildlife is an agency of the Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet. About halfway through this float, paddlers will notice a bluff rising in the distance when Meadow Creek meets the Green on the right. Lee McClellan. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. Plan your next fishing and boating adventure here. Probe these areas with 4-inch straight-tailed finesse worms in the Okeechobee craw color rigged on 1/8-ounce leadheads. If a local flow has water at least waist deep and a rocky bottom along with pools and riffles, it likely holds smallmouth bass. It's nearing time for anglers to really see a dramatic increase in the quality of fish coming from Elkhorn Creek. Those with Internet access can view and print the entire publication in PDF form at the KDFWR's Web site at This provides around 21 miles of good stream with much of it floatable. Many of the biologists also stress the need to treat our public use areas with respect and do a better job of policing those who treat these areas poorly. One of the best-known smallmouth streams in Kentucky is Elkhorn Creek. The publication has much information on our streams, including smallmouth biology, stream locations and accessibility, floating opportunity and fishing tips. This is the most exciting fishing you can find in Kentucky. Central Fisheries biologists Jeff Crosby and David Baker routinely sample this stream and find many smallmouths from 12 to 15 inches long, with some over 15 inches. We asked resource managers, professional anglers, guides, outdoor media members and industry insiders to tell us their favorite … From the Columbia River in the west to the Susquehanna in the east, bass rivers abound. There were some great reproduction years in 1999 and 2000, which resulted in excellent year-class production. The bulk of the river flows 116 miles from Cumberland Falls to Harlan County. Some, of course, are better than others. Lake Barkley is a massive 58,000 acre lake spanning into Kentucky and Tennessee. Releases from Green River Lake Dam dictate the fishing on the Green River below it. Green River: Roachville Ford to Russell Island, 6.6 miles, Green County: The Green River offers arguably the best chance in Kentucky to catch a stream smallmouth in excess of 18 inches, with potential for larger fish. All rights reserved. Then between 2002 and 2003, fishing began to drop off some and anglers wondered why. For more information on the department, click here. Stuck inside? The experts emphasize that a lot of people make a mistake by fishing with ultralight tackle and really small baits in smallmouth streams. Kentucky anglers who want to catch some feisty stream smallmouth bass summer should try these three floats. Posts:63 Thank you received: 5 Points:460. The biologists intend to study the streams extensively. “Small streams are often overlooked,” Rhett told me. It is hard to beat a summer day spent paddling a tree canopied Kentucky stream, navigating stream drops and catching smallmouth after smallmouth. Fishing for many species slows in the daytime hours during the heat of summer, but smallmouth bass who inhabit Kentucky streams bite willingly even on the hottest days. It was very surprising to see the quality of fish coming from an area of the river, which is quite small in size. Deep-running crawfish-colored crankbaits draw strikes fished above and below stream drops. by . There were ample numbers of fish in the 16- to 18-inch range. As with most any fishery, the stream has seen up and down years with its smallmouths. “Green River is still doing phenomenal for smallmouth bass,” said Jay Herrala, stream fisheries biologist for Kentucky Fish and Wildlife. Is it being overfished? Anglers are not only treated to excellent smallmouth fishing on the Gasper River, but may also enjoy a very scenic area as well. Look for slackwater, creek mouths, and rocky banks for stream smallies. Driving from Indy IN, I have be in Jacksonville FL on Sunday the 22nd, and would like to fish two SMALL streams via a canoe rental shuttle during that drive down. Kentuckians who enjoy canoeing or kayaking are lucky to live in a state with bountiful amounts of cool, flowing water that hold smallmouth bass. It can also be obtained by calling or writing the KDFWR. The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR) is working to change that, though. Unfortunately, it was just one of the naturally occurring downsides of a cyclic fishery. Kentucky Smallmouth Streams To download or print a complete copy of the Kentucky Dept. The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources’ webpage at holds a wealth of information about stream paddling. Robert Montgomery. The Kentucky Fish and Wildlife website at has two excellent resources for Kentucky anglers to locate and learn more about the smallmouth fishing streams in their area. Employ these expert tips for world-class smallmouth bass fishing in rivers and streams. It holds numerous fish species including crappie, catfish, and of course largemouth and smallmouth bass making it an angling … Kentucky Afield Outdoors: Three good stream floats for smallmouth bass, Kentucky Center for Public Service Journalism, Center for Great Neighborhoods begins with great neighbors, finding strengths, and filling needs, Gateway graduate Lynda Breeden accomplishes ‘family goal’ of earning college degree, OPEN LETTER TO OUR READERS: We need your support as NewsMatch deadline (Dec. 31) looms. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. There are dozens of streams where anglers can enjoy smallmouth fishing in Kentucky. A 4-inch Senko-style soft plastic stick bait in the green pumpkin candy color rigged on a 1/8-ounce leadhead is tough to beat on the Green in summer. Michael Cassidy and Paul Pluff talk about their elk hunt in New Mexico using the Ruger Hawkeye Long Range Hunter. Angler reports have indicated some very good success and catches of some quality fish. Now the creek is on the rebound. The main stem is 18.2 miles long and runs from the forks of Elkhorn to the Kentucky River. Miller emphasizes that May is often the best month to float-fish the upper stretches, as water levels are still sufficient, yet the water is warm enough for the bass to be consistently active. The last two to three years have seen many small fish showing up in catches. These studies may result in some dramatic new information in the near future. "Historically, the Gasper River has been one of the best, if not the best, smallmouth stream in the southwestern district," said fisheries biolo. A four-wheel-drive vehicle is required to access some portions of the upper Cumberland area. In those years, there was much flooding that resulted in poor reproduction. “As long as you have good water quality, woody debris, and rocky substrate, you would be amazed at the fish quality. The biologists can then use this genetic information to know what strains of smallmouths to stock in order to ensure the greatest degree of success. It works fished beside boulders as well. The 5 best smallmouth rivers. Yes, it's another scene from our state's great smallmouth action. Jeff Ross of the KDFWR said district fisheries biologists have been making a concerted effort to collect as much data as possible on stream smallmouths. Tacklemaster Tim takes us to a new stretch of water - apparently the best smallmouth river in Ohio! Within the next one to two years, the creek should really start peaking for anglers. If a local flow has water at least waist deep and a rocky bottom along with pools and riffles, it likely holds smallmouth bass. High water and flooding has the opposite effect on the success of the spawn. On the lower section, especially the last couple of miles, people report catching more largemouths than smallmouths. In fact, he has seen some in excess of 18 inches pulled from the creek. Wading is easy and it’s all ways easier to cast a fly with your feet firmly … Around five or six years ago, there was a fish kill on a portion of the river. Following is a look at three of our top picks. For daytrip stream fishing, I'd say the best smallmouth waters around Louisville are on the Elkhorn River. This left the stream with some poor year-classes of smallies. We never seem to get many fish when electrofishing, but we get at least a few (smallies) everywhere we go. The first fall is generally the period that writers mean when they hype “fast fall fishing.” Water temperatures are still relatively warm (above 57 degrees) but food sources are declining, and the smallmouth bass’s energy requirements are high because of developing gonad production. The mouth of Meadow Creek to the take-out at Russell Island is the best smallmouth bass water on this float. Let the lure tumble in the current and occasionally touch bottom and watch the line intently. I'm looking in Kentucky / Tennessee for a good smallmouth stream for next week. However, biologists with the KDFWR have started doing various studies to determine the success of spawning, health and longevity, as well as stocking needs and options. All Game & Fish subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. Best Smallmouth Rivers There are many good smallmouth hotspots across the country, but we've got maps, fishing tips, and contact info for local guides on ten of the best. “The baitfish and smallmouth bass are in closer proximity. Robert Montgomery. Size 4 is a great representation, because smallies tend to be territorial a flies that are white/red/silver are good. Buffalo River – The lower 24 miles of the Buffalo River in Arkansas is considered one of the best smallmouth rivers in the nation. The Cumberland River falls within the jurisdiction of district fisheries biologist John Williams. Cummins said the upper half of the river seems to be the best for smallmouths, according to angler reports. Mud Hole MHX Rod Building Kits: Field-Tested, Amazing Kayak Power and Control: Hobie's MirageDrive 360 Propulsion System, Get On Board: Species 101 for Beginning Anglers, 10 Best Long-Range Rifle Cartridges Ever Made, Transition Bass: It Doesn't Have to Be Difficult, How to Battle Cold Fronts for Big-Chill Bass, Hobie MirageDrive 360 Kayak Propulsion: Amazing Control and Power, Hunting Elk with the Ruger Hawkeye Long Range Hunter in 6.5 PRC, Catch More Bass on a Jerkbait in the Cooler Months, Action and Power Ratings- How to Choose the Right Bass Rod. Quick look at common, easy-to-catch fish species (video). Good Stream Floats in KY for Smallmouth Bass. Let the lure bang off the many football-sized rocks that line the bottom of the Big South Fork. 2179687.jpg. “There are more stable flows now in our streams,” said Jeff Ross, assistant director of fisheries for Kentucky Fish and Wildlife. Anglers pitch 3-inch white swimbaits rigged weedless on the newer style screw-in, belly-weighted swimbait hooks behind the many boulders on this stretch for smallmouths. There have been no surveys done on smallmouths in the Gasper River. Information gained from the various research projects will be used to rank the best streams for smallmouths, determine management regulations, and develop stocking strategies. Is something wrong with the creek? Some "dandy smallmouths" turned up, according to Cummins. For more outdoors news and information, see Art Lander’s Outdoors on KyForward. Click on the “Fish” tab, and the “Recreational Fishing” tab on the dropdown menu. While catfish are still catfish, the difference between day and night tactics and strategies... Want to test the outer limits of your shooting skill? The poor spawns and limited year-classes had finally caught up and most of the big fish from the earlier great reproduction years had been caught out or died of old age. Under-utilized smallmouth streams course all across Kentucky. However, many areas offer limited access. View Profile View Forum Posts View Articles Rate this article . You can jump across many productive smallmouth streams in Kentucky in spots. Fish & Wildlife Smallmouth Streams Guide, Click Here One of the best-known smallmouth streams in Kentucky is Elkhorn Creek. Similar to Tennessee, Kentucky is known for many deep and long rivers that are home to some of the best smallmouth bass fishing in the United States. A cold weather front can put a major damper on the bass bite. You can catch a fish that weighs three to four pounds!” - Advertisement - Generally, smallmouth bass are a lean predator and built to live in moving water. Just above Cumberland Falls is an especially popular location with smallmouth anglers. ", It's very difficult for biologists to rate the quality of the smallmouth fishery in the upper Cumberland because of the difficulty in obtaining survey data. The smallmouth publication mentioned earlier can be obtained at many sporting goods shops and places where hunting and fishing licenses are sold. They will be collecting genetic information to determine which particular strains of smallmouths are doing best in individual areas. I’ve had plenty of days with exceptionally high number of fish, and … Fly rod anglers can find great sport throwing bass-sized yellow and black cork poppers in the slack eddies beside current in the Green. This can all add up to those “died and gone to heaven” days that smallie fans fondly recall years later. The angler feels a sudden jerk and the rod tip surges into a dramatic bend. This section has much more suitable habitat for smallmouths with its higher gradient and good ripple-pool combination. Nothing beats the heat like paddling a cool, gorgeous Kentucky stream. “We are in the best time of the year for food resources on streams, and the smallmouth bass take advantage and feed heavily,” Baker said. The North and South forks are not as good as the main stem. There has been only a limited amount of management done on smallmouths in our state streams. The Green River offers arguably the best chance in Kentucky to catch a stream smallmouth in excess of 18 inches, with potential for larger fish. Ryan Kausing, fisheries technician for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, released a huge smallmouth bass captured during population sampling on Green River near Roachville Ford last spring. The KDFWR can be reached toll-free on the information line at (800) 858-1549. The stretch from Roachville Ford to Russell Island on Green River is one of three great floats stream smallmouth bass anglers may enjoy this summer (F&W Photo). Big South Fork of Cumberland River: Blue Heron to Yamacraw, 5 miles, McCreary County: This day-long float makes an excellent summer trip through some of Kentucky’s most impressive scenery, with soaring bluffs above the river and house-sized boulders in the streambed. © 2016 Kentucky Center for Public Service Journalism. Big South Fork smallmouths often lurk under undercut sections of these boulders in summer. Sight Savvy: Different styles of bow sights each have their strengths—and weaknesses. That was the case in the late 1990s. Some parts of the river will require anglers to float a ways, portage, and then float again. Kentuckians … The Big South Fork at normal low summer levels runs air clear, so 6-pound fluorocarbon line is highly recommended for stealth. Kentucky has many streams that offer excellent smallmouth fishing. Spun deer hair is a little softer and allow smallmouth to hang on a little longer. Let the lure sit on bottom and let the current slowly move it while reeling in slack. You will find some of this water in the first two miles of this float, again at the about the two-thirds mark at the mouth of Paddy’s Run and in the last stretch of the float before encountering the slack water from Terry Dam downstream. The smallmouth were along the current breaks in the fast water the first day Smith, fellow writer Zach Smith and I fished the river. Louisville, KY ; auburnAJ ; 50+ Posts! It's easier than you think — and will put more big bass in your boat. During the summer, Otter Creek is filled with warm water species like smallmouth, Kentucky spotted bass, and various sunfish species, which can all be taken on popping bugs cast around logs and at … “Green River and Barren River have good size structure in the smallmouth bass population and both rivers offer a chance to catch a 20-inch or longer smallmouth bass.” 5 years 3 weeks ago #1. Now is the best time of year to catch trophy stream smallmouth bass. Author Lee McClellan is associate editor for Kentucky Afield magazine, the official publication of the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. As with most any fishery, the stream has seen up and down years with its smallmouths. While fishing, you won’t be surprised if you hook a five pound smallmouth bass in these waters. Early in the morning I caught most of my fish on a River2Sea Whopper Plopper 90 that I ran at a steady, medium pace. With the warm winds of June now here, stream smallmouth are settling into their summer patterns with water temperatures stabilizing in the mid 70s. The section of the Big South Fork from Blue Heron access downstream to the extinct community of Worley, about 2 1/2 miles, holds impressive smallmouth bass. The Gasper River runs from the backwaters of the Barren River all the way to the Warren County line. Under-utilized smallmouth streams course all across Kentucky. The river has rebounded from the fish kill and angler success is very good. Reproduction is better during years with dry conditions. Plus, lower light intensity makes fish less wary. They want to identify any problem areas and also which streams are doing well. I think we are pretty limited in the areas we can shock and our shocking data may not be indicative of the smallmouth fishery.". In this video, outdoor writer and tackle specialist Shane Beilue breaks down the difference between a rod blank’s action and power and discusses what the various ratings of each mean. Harrods Creek Ky, USA. The water temperature, clarity, and amount of flow all impact the smallmouth’s feeding behavior. Kentucky's large lake smallmouth fishing gets most anglers' attention, yet excellent action can be found in many of our state's streams as well. Elkhorn Creek is divided into three sections. This Elk Venison Patty Melt Recipe makes the perfect wild game sandwich. The current license year expired Feb. 28, 2013. It's a mixed bag of largemouth and smallmouth. Finicky Big South Fork smallmouths that ignored everything else will often fall for this presentation. The Hobie MirageDrive 360 pedal propulsion system is the pinnacle of kayak control with more efficient fin designs, glide technology and allows the boat to be moved in any direction. The best smallmouth baits for rivers and streams will vary with the conditions. Although smallmouths can be found throughout the river, the upper Cumberland can be very productive. Elkhorn Creek. For boatless anglers, Otter Creek is arguably the best and largest area in the state to wade for trout. Until then, the KDFWR has an excellent publication available for smallmouth enthusiasts. Mouth to KY 1961 in Clark Co. Sulphur Creek: Adair: 13.0: No Sulphur Fork: Allen, Simpson: 18.0: No Thompson Creek: Mercer: 5.0: No: Mouth to KY 926 - Bethel Church Road bridge crossing: Trammel Creek: Allen, Warren: 32.0: Yes Triplett Creek: Rowan: 15.0: Yes: Mouth to Christy Creek confluence area: Tug Fork River: Pike: 65.0: Yes: Warfield KY to KY/WV/VA state line: Tygarts Creek: Carter, Greenup: 33.5 This presentation also attracts hefty largemouth bass. 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