I will try to add the information as soon as I can. Using 3 Classes that you've already unlocked Jobs for, unequip the job stone to set up your hotbars for BLU so that you can quickly change between tank, healer, or DPS spec for BLU. If you have any information for this section, edit in your testimonial. The difference in my gear as /THF and /NIN for tp building is offhand weapon > Acheron Shield. Even though Blue Mage is an extremely capable solo job at these levels, the process of learning spells will really slow you down. Its main draw is a bonus to monster correlation effects, which adds even further bonus damage if you cast a spell like Bludgeon on an undead opponent. Level 32 debuts Chaotic Eye (Couerls), a single-target gaze (enemy has to be facing your direction) spell which silences the enemy. After this you've got some pretty significant levels ahead. It's a costly 5 set points, but provides some decent stats and inflicts reasonable damage for its 61 MP cost. Blue Mage. Unlike its binary choice in weapons, Blue Mage has an enormous selection when it comes to armor. You're already fighting these enemies for the experience anyway, you might as well get this out of the way. If you want to play blue mage to its utmost, you need to put in the effort. However, the stat "Attack" will not affect these. There are some I haven't seen (and haven't gotten other Blue Mages to say they've seen). At higher levels you may combine more spells to increase the potency of your Attack Bonus trait! When efficacious─which, bear in mind, is not guaranteed─it sends a shock through the foe that appears to resonate more the greater their vitality. This Combination is VERY good, I can do 200-300 every Sneak Attack+ Mandibular Bite, which is very nice and hurts the monster bad. A capped Blue … And of course, before you head outside, don't forget Signet! Novice Blue Mage Guide by Caimie Tsukino Launched: 23 Jan 2019 Updated: 6 June 2019 New update: 18 Feb 2020 (1) INTRODUCTION In Patch 4.5, by popular demand, Blue Mage (BLU) has been added to FFXIV Stormblood. It has also been shown that SquareEnix's wording on the offical Final Fantasy XI site was misunderstood. It's one of the better physical-damage spells, and imposes a halfway-decent poison to its target. This latter strategy is only really useful if your fights tend to be a few minutes long and assuming you don’t have a Corsair in the party already. A lot of other spells won’t work very well due to low skill. Remember that certain creatures have MP even if they don't cast spells, such as Beetles. The only one that gets consistently ignored is the "Monster Correlation Effects", and for good reason. Like swords, clubs have a delightful array of choices in both the weapons you can use and in the weapon skills you may unleash. A large amount of Blue Mages have been seen using this combo. There is a good guide on blue magic job traits on what spells gives what: Blue Mage Job Traits. I would choose a Dark Knight sub over this for increase meleeing ability. As thf sub (+68 str 22 dex +19 acc), SACA vertical cleave lands for 1.8k on Imps, thats 200 damage more than the SC, but with roughly 40% less melee damage, and 1 less solo WS every 2 mins, puts you at a huge damage deficiency. It's extremely time-consuming, but it'll come in handy for the rest of your game career. Other noteworthy spells: Dimensional Death (Fomor - decent damage, closes Fusion, contributes to Accuracy Bonus), Eyes On Me (Ahriman - strong dark-based nuke, contributes to MAB), Memento Mori (critical for later on when cleaving, even contributing towards MAB), Frypan (Moblins - spammable area stun), Voracious Trunk (Marids - dispels and steals the effect, contributes to Auto-Refresh), Firespit (Mamool-Ja - fire-based nuke, contributes to MAB), Cannonball (Wamouracampa - long-ranged physical spell based on your defense; combine with Cocoon for massive damage! 1 year ago. I sometimes use Healing Breeze to help out with healing (Yuhtunga Jungle currently) after getting hit with Blast Bomb. Sadly the bonus is usually smaller than if you simply wore headgear that add directly to your offensive stats, and it's difficult to form macros around unless you tailor them to each individual opponent you fight. Recast: 2:00:00 This command is sealed inside Oeilvert. In these early levels, expect your level-ups to quickly exceed your spell acquisition. He will return the item to you and you must then bring it to the pool in Aydeewa Subterrane. The Shield guide is a good idea for beginning to understand the Blue Mage job. Agility reduces how much TP you feed your target, and along with Vitality and HP can help you stay alive. Magical Accuracy: Increase the accuracy of magical blue magic spells by 2. Novice Blue Mage Guide by Caimie Tsukino Launched: 23 Jan 2019 Updated: 6 June 2019 New update: 18 Feb 2020 (1) INTRODUCTION In Patch 4.5, by popular demand, Blue Mage (BLU) has been added to FFXIV Stormblood. At level 65 you can also equip the spell Zephyr Mantle for extra shadow protection. Oh yeah, and Thief’s naturally highest dexterity and agility are no laughing matters either. A so-called mage of rather questionable character claims to have mastered an outlandish form of spellcasting that resembles neither black nor white magic during his voyage to the New World. So, grab a buddy at level 80 and read on through our FFXIV Blue Mage Leveling Guide. I recommend /THF highly for stretching out your MP supply since the extra melee damage gained from /NIN is negligible compared to the efficiency of /THF when you have a good tank in your party. Summoner adds the most MP in the entire game, and at Lv.50+ can also add a free Auto-Refresh. All of these restrictions might sound cumbersome, but … I see alot of blues having STR to high for their race, and dex to low. 1s … Name: Burst Affinity This one affects your next "physical" spell, amplifying its ability modifiers and consuming all of your current TP to unleash it like a weapon skill. Uleguerand Range. At Lv.40, you get Clear Mind, alleviating the need to waste useful Set Points and spell slots for the same effect. Head back to Waoud and receive your reward. This is actually a great job to take into duoing situations. You will be automatically teleported back to Aht Urghan. Pom Cure (58): This is easy to get from Thornmarch (Hard) on an unsynced level 60 Blue Mage. There are several key points that distinguish it from other jobs. My malee as /nin can not be ignored with all hits, no misses and spells that never miss. Dancer will provide MP-free cures and MP-free ailment-removal abilities, as well as the ability to stack evasion-down and defense-down effects. The power of a Blue Mage comes not from a scroll, but from enduring the attacks of foes. Subbing this makes using shields even more useful, providing the “Shield Mastery” trait. You can Charm the monster you want to learn the spell from, and then send it off to attack another of the same type. Final Fantasy V Blue Magic. Level 70 is an interesting level as you get to set a trait normally exclusive to Monks: Counter. Chain Affinity Bonus Increases physical blue magic skillchain damage while under the effects of Chain Affinity. GRIMM’S GUIDE TO MC Blue Mage. The hardest part was NOT killing it. Deft and agile Mithra Blue Mages ensure their attacks and "physical" spells hit their mark in those clutch situations. Effect: Makes it possible for your next "Magical" Blue Magic spell to be used in a Magic Burst. Best way to level Blue Mage Solo [Discussion] Close. Blue Mage … While you miss out on an increased Magic Points pool, being able to give yourself or your party EXP Up is nice. At the very least, spend 22 points to take Assimilation from your group 2 category all the way to 5, and maybe at least unlock Diffusion. All blue magic spells are enemy abilities that must be learned as a spell by engaging and defeating enemies after the learnable ability is performed. Make sure you use your attack Blue Magic. These guides are all useful in learning to understand the Blue Mage job. Q: How do I learn Blue Magic? Your spells are limited not only by your MP and level, but by "Set Points". To get these spells, try to have one friend with a level 80 character. If you happen to be using a club, level 51 is about the time your skill should be high enough to use Skullbreaker. Don’t forget that Cannonball is based almost entirely on the user’s defense, strength, and vitality; meaning if you use Defender before Cannonball, you can expect some a nice damage boost. Scholar also provides Clear Mind and Resist Silence. This is generally only a useful support job for a Blue Mage in early levels for if he or she wishes to be the party’s main or a support tank, providing Provoke at Lv.10 for tanking (and Defense Bonus at 20). You gain your second ability at level 40: Chain Affinity! Though certainly not as useful as a normal Puppetmaster, your automaton can also open skillchains for you. By setting Enervation (Trolls, Lv.67) and Asuran Claws (Gnolls) for a total of 7 points you add an interesting layer to your ability to tank. Blue Magic is a general magic category available only to Blue Mages. If you find yourself using them often enough, it's definitely worth your time investing in them. In addition to White Mage, subbing Warrior becomes a viable choice at level 10. It's a light-elemental Aspir spell that also inflicts damage. 71 (62 with Magus Jubbah equipped, 65 without) Heat Breath. /BRD: Bard is a nice subjob to have at low levels. It even provides Resist Sleep in combination with Magic Fruit, which you'll have set anyway. Q: People said I could learn Blue Magic from Too Weak mobs, is this true? Samurai provides its user with a ton of TP. A very good choice for the average Blue Mage between the levels of 30 and 49. All of the current spells accessible by the Blue Mage in the same order as the in-game spellbook. It can end up deadly for a person in an NM or Sky fight. They will come eventually. For attack magic, macro in INT. /NIN sub I noticed is good for learning spells, multi-spell spammers, solo skillchaining with weaponskill, and mainly soloing. Parties with multiple BLU will all learn an action at the same time. I would still recommend sticking with subbing White Mage or Scholar until level 30, though-- the bonus MP and the utility of cures and status removal effects are more helpful than anything else. White Mage adds various “Cure” spells and ailment-removing spells, adding to Blue Mage’s versatility. Magic and Job Traits In addition to being a area sleep spell that you may use to replace Sheep Song, when combined with Poison Breath (Hounds) it grants you Clear Mind, which reduces downtime by increasing how much MP you regenerate while healing. The spell … You can close it with Power Attack or Sprout Smack, or later on with a few other options. Blue Mage Spell Guide at KillingIfrit; Learning Spells from Too Weak Monsters (Confirmed) Level Gap Myth; Confirmed: You can learn abilities with high level pt member. Cast: Instant Elemental Staves will also help Blue Magic. Death Scissors (Scorpions) is a standout spell at level 60 as well. You may say that those haste values can be applied to thf sub with equal gear swaps, but in order to reach the +str value of +68, brutal, wahlran, dusk, and swift belt and Ulthimas must be swapped out, and refueling doesn't fit into a spell set up with that high of str, even with capped assimilation, and no dual wield means 15% less attack speed. Top-tier vitality means less damage, and stacks extra well with the many defense-multiplying spells you get. Choosing this support job simultaneously eliminates the need for Utsusemi from subbing Ninja in place of higher survivability, higher damage, and higher hate control. When resting, quickly swap in items that grant "MP recovered while healing" bonuses. /DRK: Dark Knight is looking like a nice subjob due to the increased melee stats, attack bonus, and additional Magic Points. Thatsaid, i would never, ever show up for a merit party as /THF. This guide explains exactly how to get all Blue spells, in the easiest and fastest way possible. Standing always strong are the indomitable Galka. Dancer provides the same level of Dual Wield as subbing Ninja for the next 10 levels here too. Warrior gains Double Attack and Defender, White Mage gains Auto-Regen, Raise, and Reraise, Summoner gains Auto-Refresh and Aerial Armor, Ninja gains its next tier in Dual Wield, and Dancer gains Aspir Samba (which I'm pretty sure was made for the sole purpose of BLU/DNC) and Divine Waltz. I was quite surprised to see that I had learned the ability. We don't get Magic Fruit until all the way up at level 56, and subbing White Mage allows us to get access to better curing spells much, much earlier than through our main job alone. The main reason for the instant usefulness of this support job at 30 is because of Clear Mind. Aside from that, this quest offers little danger. This is a working guide. I believe one of the spell lists is nicely colored to include the element of each ability. Azure Lore -- A Guide to AoE Burning on Blue Mage: Valefor.Prothescar: 298: 108853: 1 year 4 months. save. Yawn (Apkallu) at level 64 is one of the better sleep spells in the game. Basically, your spells work like your weapon- the higher accuracy, the more accurate your spells are. If you want to tank in the earlier levels, you’ll have to sub Warrior. And if that’s still not enough, subbing Dragoon will even add Jump and High Jump, thus increasing overall damage and TP gain by the user. Even pre-75, every 10 levels gives you 1 level from every category. Difficulty of content may affect the probability to learn. Red Mage, White Mage, Scholar, or Dancer may all do this for free-- otherwise, Silent Oils and Prism Powder will do the trick. If you have good enough timing, Corsair can even be used to enhance the party’s overall experience points gain at the end of a fight, then switch back to other buffs. Blue Mage Specific Macros: /blueaction is used for casting spells, much like /action & /petaction /bluespellbook is used to set ("equip") Blue Magic spells or to unset them. The physical and mental toll are not for the faint of heart. Choosing weapons with higher damage and delay is often your better choice as a Blue Mage. Remember that you can always add individual items or even full equipment sets to your macros. The former is an area cure spell, while the latter is a light-based sleep effect (making it especially effective on undead! Bad Breath (Morbols, Lv.61) is awful, and Sub-zero Smash (Ruszors, Lv.72) is rarely worth using. Physical Blue Magic skills are based off of your weapon skill. In Ilrusi Atoll, talk to Meyaada. This requires that the Blue Magic you are using is of the correct element to burst on the skillchain. Several Blue Mages have reported learning Blue Magic from Too Weak mobs. If nothing else, it's 4 set points and contributes towards Magic Attack Bonus, so if it's enough to also lift your dependence on Auto-Refresh it's even better! Take a breather and earn some merit points, maybe catch up on any spells you might be missing. Magical Blue Magic is based on Blue Magic skill and the Mind or Intelligence stat. 5/5 Self explanatory He will ask you a series of questions, and you must give him the answers: 2-3-3-3-1-3-3-3-2-3. If target is a healer, grants Aetherial Mimicry: Healer, increasing healing magic potency by 20% and augmenting certain blue magic spells. report. Blue Magic functions differently than any other magic in the game. With that trait and Black Mage being the second-highest MP job in the game will grant you the longest duration of MP as possible. ), (Discuss the many, many things available to you at level 99 and beyond), (Discuss Blue Mage's role in end-game content. This skill will deal a small amount of damage to a monster from a safe distance. The Beast Within -- A Guide to Blue Mage: Valefor.Prothescar: 12004: 1864583: 5 days 4 hrs. To level your Blue Mage up to 60 the fastest way possible, you should follow this FFXIV Blue Mage leveling guide.. I will work on adding any information I link to as its own article, with credit given to the original author. There are limits to this based on the level of the Blue Mage as seen in the table below. Worm bane by Amanoj: This thread is a tale of a Blue Mage's quick leveling. I'm finding /NIN subjob very handy in parties. Last Resort will increase your attack even more at the expense of defense, and Souleater will actually consume your own HP to enhance the attack power of your spells. You may now become a Blue Mage! Your bread and butter damage comes from Sneak Attack+Death Scissors. After a few rough tests from me and people in my Linkshell, we concluded that it did not enhance Blue Magic in a noticable way besides the moves listed above. But if you have a group of people you can really shine. When it is not needed, you will be able to use attack food. Blue Mage must be set as main job in order to learn Blue Magic. Protect stacks with both Cocoon and defense food, making you a virtual juggernaut at low levels. Unlike Blank Gaze, this one is dark elemental and affects all enemies in an area around you. At 75, no food, and me as blu/nin (+44 str +19 dex +44 acc on nuke/WS gear) on VT imps in Mire, a solo distortion lands for roughly 1.6k 400 damage savage blade at 100 TP > 800 damage disserverment > 400 SC damage, for the MP cost of casting a single disseverment, not to mention the 18 damage per tic poison it lands. Blue magic in Final Fantasy V can be a bit hard to find, but there are a lot of gamers who love the Blue Mage concept and want to be able to lock in a full roster of Blue Magic spells as quickly as possible. Assuming you have this job leveled already, you can provide yourself with extra soloing potential via a healer, nuker, damage-dealer, or even tank buddy. It might even be in your best interest to not use a Dedication item (Emperor Band, etc.) Nothing else. Since BLU has such a high CHR it makes the BST sub a lot more viable, as you are able to easily charm even matches. In fact, Drain and Aspir are commonly resisted unless fighting Easy Prey/Too Weak monsters. At each Staging Point, talk to the Blue Mage NPC while you yourself are a Blue Mage. Your Blue Magic Skill needs to be at a certain minimum value to learn the spell, such that you may only learn up to about 10 levels in advance. Adding Strength and also having high Blue Magic skill will also increase the damage done by Physical Blue Magic. This would provide a useful bonus in certain situations. Outright avoiding attacks and feeding fewer TP to the enemy just means less worrying about nasty status effects and the like too! As with Black Mage, the White Mage ability Divine Seal stacks with curing Blue Magic. Summoner as a sub also provides a boost to both the INT and MND stats. This support job is generally like White Mage, except you don’t get the same kind of support spells as it does. 29 comments. Your teammates will thank you! Not to mention Aspir Samba, which can drain an enemy's MP every hit, assuming it has any. 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'' indicates a Dangruf stone which may be obtained by examining a???????! Window mean a number of spells set ailment-removal abilities, traits, adding Blue! At each Staging point, talk to the Blue Mage job additional TP means more weapon skills lookout. Whitegate ), this support job also enhances Charisma by a lot of... 'Ll be referring to `` Learners '' a lot of other classes jobs... Way to level 50 unlocks a lot of hits for whatever it 's a 5! Self explanatory spells 1-49: https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=35LIC0LtDgU support the Channel on Patreon a long this. Strongly recommend Diffusion to level 4 or 5, with the remaining point ( if a niche. Timer, you will be extremly hard just wait, not taking any damage myself guide. Certain creatures have MP even if they do n't forget Signet up is nice Vaule ( s 71... End content instead of Blue Magic is based on Blue Magic job traits, support jobs all accounts it added! 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Stat boosts fighting spellcasters, and well... you blue mage spell guide almost dead, and Sub-zero Smash (,... Normal DPS might be missing 30 and 49 Sprout Smack, or later on with a.. 'Re better off subbing Thief in a lot not as useful as a melee spell...

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