Chips Ahoy cookies, McDonald's chicken nuggets... thanks to The California Raisins, the advertising world started seeing a whole new potential when it came to creating food as characters and strangely? He continued: "The clay-animation studio who made the raisin commercials made caricatures of N****es that were remarkably ugly, yet I never have heard a complaint about their approach to N***o caricatures. He's also one of the great unsung heroes of rock history, a drummer and singer as ferocious as a hurricane..." and also pointed out that his success with The California Raisins — a distinctly corporate entity — was a bit ironic. 1. CALRAB had been collecting around $20 million a year for marketing expenses, but the new coalition only had a budget of around $6 million. - A Fun-Filled Trip Back in Time!) Everything had to be personified.". De'Vear Small AKA Dee Smalls Decatur, GA We had it recorded back then but dont know what happened to the tape. It worked. California Raisins. Musically, The California Raisins were a big deal right from the beginning. By 1999, that was down to 160,000 tons — nowhere near the 432,000 tons of raisins produced. A great holiday special! According to Healthline, they're high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals like iron. Today, the complaints are out there. They were designed by Will Vinton, who both coined the term "Claymation" and won an Oscar for his animation work. There was just no room in there for the very pricey raisins, and they didn't just disappear, the industry took a major hit. Saved by Liz Ayers. The dancing, singing Claymation raisins were a massive hit, but today, you'll be hard-pressed to find these stylish, anthropomorphic raisins outside of the occasional nostalgic reference, such as It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's Claymation Christmas special. I love this CD like i love the California Raisins! Fast & Free shipping on many items! The California Raisins would eventually release four albums, have a Billboard Hot 100 hit song, and earn an Emmy nomination. Feb 6, 2012 - California Raisins best part about Christmas specials. There's just one catch, the entire town population is made out of clay. You might be even lucky to see it in one of the oldest record stores across the country! Dude, I was just talking about that with my co-workers today! And while the California Raisins definitely put them in the public spotlight, Claymation was very, very expensive and time-consuming to produce. I liked the "We 3 Kings" segment with the jazzy camels. When it comes to snack time, raisins (or, as they're also known, "obstacles") aren't really on the top of a lot of favorite lists. Fo-shizzle. Pop culture was in love with The California Raisins. In 1990, raisin shipments were up around 200,000 tons. Pop culture was in love with The California Raisins. Contemporary stars wanted in on the action, too. ), Claymation Christmas Celebration (1987/24 min.) Ferris State University's Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia. The Los Angeles Times said of him: "He's a huge man with a scowling face, a prison record, and a reputation for being surly. Find great deals on eBay for california raisin and california raisins. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Christmas with the California Raisins - The California Raisins on AllMusic - 1988 - From their 1988 claymation CBS-TV special, the… And it absolutely changed advertising, too. I'd love to see this show again on tv, it's a classic and deserves to be seen during this time of year. Thanks Amazon! Even if you vaguely remember those dancing Claymation California Raisins from commercials, you may have forgotten how big they really were. Even if you're not familiar with the name, you know what he's done — he was the drummer for Jimi Hendrix, and Mental Floss notes that he also collaborated with Carlos Santana. 5.0 out of 5 stars 11 ratings. You might be even lucky to see it in one of the oldest record stores across the country! But this is the best Christmas CD ever! And do you know where else The California Raisins show up? "Mother Brain will catch you my sweetie! The Omaha, Nebraska native was only 60-years-old when he passed, but had been playing for almost 50 years. ... CBS followed up by agreeing to run the special for another 4 years, and ordering two more specials, one for Halloween, and one for Easter. According to Food & Wine, The California Raisins did something that advertising had never done before: they personified food. Two hosting prehistoric dinosaurs, Rex and Herb, guide you along a typical small town's Christmas choral celebration. After they debuted in a 1986 commercial, people couldn't get enough of them. Those dinosaurs were awesome! ", Well, then. [18] In 2014, the California Raisins made a cameo appearance in the RadioShack Super Bowl XLVIII commercial " The '80s Called ". In 2010, claymation versions of the California Raisins were featured in the special Christmas episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, "A Very Sunny Christmas". That disappointment is exactly what we're talking about. There were, of course, more commercials, and then the Raisins transcended their marketing gimmick in a major way. and Claymation Easter (1992/23 min.) But... there is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit... a Darkside, [url=][img][/img][/url], Yeah, it was hot. I love this CD like i love the California Raisins! In the meantime, the California Department of Food and Agriculture had taken over management of the Claymation Raisins, as CALRAB and its assets had technically been state property. The timing was pretty perfect: "I Heard it Through the Grapevine" was in the public consciousness again, thanks to being featured on the movie soundtrack for The Big Chill. Food & Wine says Will Vinton was in a meeting when Michael Jackson called, wanting to be a raisin. is a 1988 claymation television special directed by Will Vinton, featuring the advertising characters The California Raisins.The show was broadcast November 4, 1988, on the U.S. television network CBS during primetime. introduce several segments featuring clay animation set to Christmas music. Thread: California Raisins Christmas Special. [img][/img]. Refinery 29 included the Raisins on their list of "10 Offensive Cartoons Of Our Youth" and pointed out: "They're a bunch of dudes with soulful voices who go around belting out Motown classics while wearing little white Al Jolson gloves.". Feb 6, 2012 - California Raisins best part about Christmas specials. Creator Will Vinton recalled, "The Raisins opened up a floodgate. I'd love to see this again. See all 2 formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Did the California raisins give anyone else nightmares as a kid?????? (The studio, smartly, minimized the use of the marquee stars, using the special as a showcase of its animation instead.) The special is co-hosted by Rex (Johnny Counterfit), an erudite Tyrannosaurus rex, and Herb (Tim Conner), a dimwitted and bespectacled Styracosaurus with a gluttonous appetite. California Raisins. . The California Department of Food and Agriculture gave the new raisin board permission to use the Raisins, but there was a problem — money. The board — a coalition of around 5,000 growers in California — had already tried and failed to make raisins exciting, which isn't surprising. Still, they're something of a hard sell, so the raisin people needed to come up with a way to make them cool. Musician Buddy Miles (pictured, on drums) passed away in 2008, due to congestive heart failure. Perhaps you've bitten into what you thought was a chocolate chip cookie, only to find out it wasn't chocolate — but raisins. I liked everybody coming out and having different words for wasselling. That's not too shabby, and "I Heard it Through the Grapevine"? The new association of raisin growers had much the same goal as the old: market raisins, and make them something people actually wanted to eat. And they did: Mental Floss says that the very first California Raisins commercial aired on September 14, 1986. As the specia… They starred in a Saturday Morning Cartoon show, a Christmas special, spawned a shocking number of toys, and even went from promoting just raisins to Post's Raisin Bran cereal. I haven't seen it since 1990 or so. He got his start in his father's group, the Bebops, when he was just nine years old, and went on to play — albeit briefly — with Hendrix and Santana. You can not find this CD at any ordinary record store! Today, we have characters like the M&Ms, and we're totally fine with giving them personalities and identities, then joking about eating them. - A Fun-Filled Trip Back in Time!, but this Christmas special is the first in which they have dialogue and contemporary personalities, vaguely parodying Siskel and Ebert respectively. Christmas with the California Raisins (Vinyl) Format: LP Record. That was so..... evil. The entire show was claymation and starred the California Raisins and their friends as they reinacted classic Christmas songs. Doc.....are you telling me that this sucker is NUCLEAR?! Special guest stars: the California Raisins. They starred in a Saturday Morning Cartoon show, a Christmas special, spawned a shocking number of toys, and even went from promoting just raisins to Post's Raisin Bran cereal. Thanks Amazon! The last Claymation TV movie about the Raisins came in 1990 (via Mental Floss), and according to Farm Progress, they were officially retired in 1994 — the same year the California Raisin Advisory Board came to an end. Yes one of my favorites. Man makes me wanna grab some Downeyflakes and go a Waffling. This was probably one of my favorite holiday specials that I loved watching as a kid. Oh God I remember the California Raisins Christmas special. I don't own the California Raisins, all rights go to their owners. They started out as the brainchild of a 31-year-old copywriter named Seth Werner. Mental Floss says he worked at an ad agency called Foote, Cone & Belding and yes: "I Heard it Through the Grapevine" was a part of the pitch from the very beginning. It's great family fun all ages can enjoy. It's giving your food a face, a voice, and a personality, and while it seems kind of odd to give something you're going to eat a personality, it absolutely worked. Expand your options of fun home activities with the largest online selection at The two appeared in previous Will Vinton videos dating back to 1980 including Dinosaurs! Raisins even credited with helping regulate digestion and strengthening bones. The California Raisins: The Rise To Wrinkled Stardom | Food & Wine intended for California Raisins Christmas Special Yeah Flashback intended for California Raisins Christmas Special Dec. 21 – Will Vinton's Claymation Christmas Celebration – A pertaining to California Raisins Christmas Special They were getting all gooey over the Charlie Brown Christmas Special but I was sticking up for Claymation! Crazy, right? The famous claymation California raisins ice-skate, sing and entertain the whole family in these festive holiday vignettes. And so did Ray Charles, who got the Claymation treatment and sang their hit song. Food & Wine says that Seth Werner's ad agency had been hired by the California Raisin Advisory Board to come up with something that would make raisins cool. That almost wasn't the end of the Raisins: Farm Progress says that when the CALRAB folded, it was replaced four years later by the California Raisins Marketing Board. And when you think about it, it's a little weird. That style, better known as Claymation, was already award-winning and at the peak of its cultural currency—thanks in no small part to one of Vinton Studios’ greatest creations, The California Raisins, which were featured in the Christmas special. Even Hardee's got in on the action and produced their own line of collectible figures. While they doubted they could afford that, he said he'd do it for free — as long as the only person he dealt with was Vinton. Two anthropomorphic dinosaur hosts, an intellectual Tyrannosaurus named Rex and a hungry Styracosaurus named Herb (both of whom originally appeared in a previous Vinton special, Dinosaurs! But this is the best Christmas CD ever! I watched it for the first time the other day. So... there's that. I wish one of the networks, or even The Disney Channel would play this great show this time of the year. The Temptations, as the California Raisins, sings Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer. What happened to make The California Raisins' star fall? Piecing the story together is a little tricky, but according to a tiny blurb in the Los Angeles Times, the board ended citing "irreconcilable differences" among the members about fees they were required to pay. Does anyone else have memories about this show? De'Vear Small AKA Dee Smalls Decatur, GA Even if the Raisins wanted to make a comeback, they'd have to do it without the voice that made them famous. The 2 Disc set includes the Raisins TV Specials: MEET THE RAISINS; RAISINS: SOLD OUT and FOUR CLASSIC CALIFORNIA RAISINS COMMERCIALS (LATE SHOW; LUNCH BOX; RAISIN RAY & MICHAEL RAISIN) plus THE CALIFORNIA RAISINS SHOW (all 13 cel animated cartoon episodes from their 1989 Saturday morning CBS-TV series). That's not just any random musician lending them his talent, that's Buddy Miles. California Raisins - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - YouTube Throughout the special, Rex attempts to clarify the true pronunciation and meaning of the term "wassail," his own definition being challenged by several other characters, including Herb. Find great deals on eBay for california raisin christmas. california raisins christmas special full episode; 21 Dec December 21, 2020. california raisins christmas special full episode. Includes Claymation Comedy of Horrors (1991/24 min. That went to No. It was the Raisins' second appearance in a primetime special and their first dedicated feature. The California Raisins are turning out to be the hottest imaginary entertainers in the world. Shop with confidence. But even had the Raisins been poised to make a comeback, it's entirely possible that growers would have found out very quickly that their time had passed. With Cam Clarke, Brian Cummings, Jim Cummings, Rebecca Gilchrist. Meet the Raisins! You can not find this CD at any ordinary record store! … From there, it was only a matter of time before they were covering more hit songs — like "Lean on Me" — and selling albums... around 2 million of them. Good Times! They're raisins. The Real Reason The California Raisins Disappeared. The entire show was claymation and starred the California Raisins and their friends as they reinacted classic Christmas songs. ", Narrator: Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality. Still, while he can still be heard doing session work for guys like David Bowie and Eric Clapton (via The Guardian), it's the Raisins everyone knows. And the talent behind them was also insane. So, Michael Jackson became a California Raisin. It was Christmas for almost two years straight! Great deals on California Raisins Figures. It was great. The show was hosted by 2 dinosaurs and was shown primarily on the Disney Channel in the late 1980's. TheCaptain 15 years 1 month ago Posts: 51; This was probably one of my favorite holiday specials that I loved watching as a kid. It's been a long time sense I have it on cassette! In the book Forbidden Animation: Censored Cartoon and Blacklisted Animators in America, animator Shamus Culhane lamented that while "some of the finest jazz films I directed [...] are considered as racist, and are never shown" he saw some serious unfairness in the world of pop culture. Shop with confidence. Claymation Christmas - California Raisins - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer The Temptations, as the California Raisins, sings Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer.The Temptations, as the California Raisins, sings Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer. Christmas With The California Raisins by The California Raisins: The California Raisins: Music Even Hardee's got in on the action and produced their own line of collectible figures. The California Raisins might be gone, but their influence lives on in a way you may never have considered. 84 on the Billboard charts. That's a shame, because raisins are pretty good for you. Da da da I got the full episode right here so enjoy. It's been a long time sense I have it on cassette! Animated series based on the popular series of commercials featuring singing raisins. 'Re high in fiber, vitamins, and then the Raisins ' second appearance in way... Decatur, GA Meet the Raisins wanted to make the California Raisins - Santa Claus Coming... ( pictured, on drums ) passed away in 2008, due to congestive heart failure recorded back but! Pop culture was in love with the jazzy camels was down to 160,000 tons — near... Late 1980 's, vitamins, and minerals like iron very expensive and time-consuming produce... Based on the Disney Channel would play this great show this time of the networks, or even Disney. 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