All was well worth the challenge, including a moose sighting and incredible natural beauty you won’t find anywhere else. Samuel Holden who in 1820 opened an inn as a stop for cattle drivers en route from Boston to Quebec. There is a lot of rowing and the first portage is long. View Moose River Bow Trip in a larger map Enter your username, and we will send you a new, randomly generated password to your email account. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. I would cut out the portage…you can use Cry of the Loon outfitters for a shuttle…and canoe rental if you want. This is the most popular launch spot for paddlers completing the entire Bow Trip, including the Attean-Holeb portage. The Mosquito Rips drop is just around the corner from the portage put-in; if water is low, boats can be lined through the drop on ropes from river right -- be aware of slippery ledges here. The landing is at the end of the road (45.594068, -70.427042). After the falls, it is 3.5 miles across Attean Pond, through islands, to Attean Landing and the end of the Loop Trip. Stay tuned for detailed schedule and trip logistics. Most of us slept in hammocks. It was first settled by Capt. The Bow Trip The 34 mile Moose River Bow Trip is one of the most outstanding canoe trips in Maine. Located at 45.6528, -70.2661 (Lat. Spectacular scenery and great fishing make this a truly enjoyable trip for all paddlers. Local outfitter Cry of the Loon (207-668-7808) can lead or assist with the trip, providing shuttles (to avoid the 1.25-mile portage), gear, guides, or information. Fire permits are required for all campsites and can be obtained through the Maine Forest Service: 1-800-750-9777. For dinner, I put some pasta in a pot with seasoning, cheese, and beans. Moose River, Maine. Traveled by many individuals each year it affords the paddler a place to experience the quiet beauty of the woods in Northwestern Maine. The Moose River Bow trip is short (~34 miles) but classic, and it's been one of my favorites since the first time I did it in 2011. Surrounded by mountains, islands and incredible scenic beauty, you’ll have memories that will last a lifetime. The Moose River Bow Trip is a scenic 34-mile loop trip that includes Attean Pond, Holeb Pond and the Moose River, just south of Jackman, Maine. The trip is unique in many ways. This route is often crowded on summer weekends and holidays, so please plan accordingly. I look forward to it next year. Recipes are easy to find online. If you like hiking, camping, and canoeing, this is a great trip. These awesome businesses support our goal of connecting people to outdoor adventures in Maine! once you arrive at Holeb pond you canoe across the pond to an inlet starting the 27 mile river. Attean Mountain rises to the left and Sally Mountain to the right. DeLorme: Map 39, B4 / B2 GPS: 45.588436, -70.260067 / 45.594141, -70.427169. For one it makes a complete circle back to your starting point, also the view is superb. Interested in learning more about trails in Maine? The scenery is spectacular. Paddle to the southwest outlet of Holeb Pond into Holeb Stream, which soon joins the Moose River. We started our canoe trip on Holeb Pond near Jackman, ME, USA. The Moose River Bow Trip is a popular, 34-mile scenic paddling loop in Western Maine, featuring lake and river paddling, brief whitewater, a few portages, and great opportunities to view wildlife, including moose! Use only dead and downed wood. The Moose Loop is a water trail that begins and ends in the same exact place:  either Attean Pond landing or Holeb Pond Landing. In 3.1 miles, turn left onto Holeb Road; follow this well-traveled gravel road for 11.6 miles and make a sharp left onto Holeb Pond Road. -- Last Updated: Jun-01-16 6:16 AM EST -- I got out for my first overnight trip in my Wildfire over the Memorial Day Weekend. There are 3 rapids and you can portage all of them, if you choose. The Moose River Bow trip starts on Attean Pond, just outside of Jackman, continues to Holeb Pond with a 1.2 mile portage, then enters the Moose River from Holeb Pond, and meanders its way back to Attean Pond, making a mellow 34-mile flatwater loop. After Camel Rips the River gets deep, though there are a few spots here and there.-- John Canoeing the Moose River Loop | Bow Trip: Day 3, Part One My daughter and I just completed the full Bow Trip, starting and ending at Attean Landing. When you have eliminated the JavaScript , whatever remains must be an empty page. Fires are permitted only at state-authorized sites with an official fire ring. The Moose River Loop (aka Moose Loop or Moose River Bow Trip) and Bow Trip are actually two different adventures found in the same place. From Attean Landing, head west and paddle 4.75 miles down the long arm of Attean Pond (Attean Narrows). The accessibility of this trip lends itself / Lng. When entering Jackman from the south on US-201, turn left onto Attean Road (just before the ME-6/15 junction on the right). This river is made up of quiet river lakes as well as some whitewater. Their trip started and ended at Attean Pond Landing. The Bow Trip begins at Holeb Pond Landing and ends at Attean Pond Landing. Location:  Jackman, start at either Attean Pond landing or Holeb Pond landing Good things: the wild strawberries along it were plentiful and delicious, it wasn't buggy, it did not have trees across it, and when we were 3/4s or so of the way to Holeb Pond, the correct trail joined the road we were on. Turn right onto Spencer Rips Road, 9.7 miles from leaving US-201 (45.482276, -70.273636). Please try again. Your log in attempt was not successful. Moose river I did this trip a few years ago with my daughter who was 13 at the time. There are 8 campsites along this stretch, which can make for a nice first evening for afternoon launches. The crash broke their thwart, but not their spirits. Canoeing the Moose River Loop | Bow Trip: Day 4. I boiled some eggs before I left and took some baggies of oatmeal for breakfast. The Moose Loop is a water trail that begins and ends in the same exact place: either Attean Pond landing or Holeb Pond Landing. If registering more than one person, please register each individually. General route: paddle west from Attean Landing across Attean Pond to the portage to Holeb Pond. This was a fun trip and it helps if you travel with a fun group, too. One night was rather cold so be prepared for that, too. The Moose River Bow Trip. … For more information, contact: Cry of the Loon 618 Long Pond Rd., Long Pond Twp., Me. The rapids are very small…nothing to worry about. Rapids:  class I & II, Camping, Canoeing & Kayaking, Fishing, Hiking, Hunting, Boating, Wildlife Watching, Bureau of Parks and Lands Both townships, accessible from U.S. Route 201 in Jackman, are in Somerset County.This three and one-half day trip avoided the long portage from Attean Pond to Holeb Pond to complete the “bow.” There was an issue with your submission. After 0.5 miles, turn left into a small stream; the large river beyond here is usually blocked by jumbled, weathered logs (dri-ki). There are many options for our moose hunts. Obviously, there is ample water, but you will want to filter it. For details see The Moose River Bow Trip. At the west end of the pond is the 1.25-mile portage to Holeb Pond (45.575079, -70.347465). The Geology of the Moose River "Bow Trip" Maine Geological Survey Introduction A twenty-four mile section of the Moose River is a portion of the "Bow Trip," a popular three-season canoe trip (Figure 2). This was a good trip. Learn more about the fascinating geology of the Moose River Bow Trip, courtesy of the Maine Geologic Survey. The shortest way around Attean Falls is the portage trail on the right. Begin the 0.3-mile portage here, or continue to paddle a bit farther until logs block the waterway and join the portage trail on the left. We camped three nights, … They may be run in high water, but should be portaged in low water. ), about 0 miles away. Check out the beginning of the Moose River Loop & Bow Trip adventure series here: Canoeing the Moose River Loop | Bow Trip: Day 1. Paddlers can complete the entire Bow Trip from here or can shorten their trip to 25 miles by starting here and ending at Attean Landing (thus avoiding much of the lake paddling and the long Attean-Holeb portage). 04945 Telephone: (207) 668-7808 Cell: 207-349-0389 Visit Cry of the Loon Outdoor Adventures Main Site often utilized by people making the popular Moose River "Bow Trip". When I heard that Joe would be leading a trip there on Memorial Day Weekend, I jumped at the opportunity to join. 207-778-8231, Copyright 2014 - 2021 | UNTAMED Mainer, LLC | All Rights Reserved | Powered by True Grit & Determination, Maine, How to find the Abandoned Locomotives, Ghost Trains, North Maine Woods, ATV Trail Maps, Mud Runs, Fishing Derbies, Maine Fair Dates, Maine Lobster Boat Races, Maine Snowmobile Rentals, Maine Snowmobile Maps, Maine ATV Rentals, Jeep Clubs, Maine Hiking Trails, Directions to Maine Waterfalls, Maine Bass Tournaments, LIMITED TIME OFFER: Use code SNOW15 to get 15% off all of our Trail Maps & Adventure Guides! This is followed in 500 yards by the Second Camel Rips, at a 90-degree left turn in the river. On our third site, you can portage to avoid the rapids or just canoe through them and dock at the end of the site. Plan your next non-resident moose hunting trip at River Edge Outfitters. Most paddlers take three days to complete the trip. The 34-mile trip began at Holeb Pond in Holeb Township and ended by crossing adjoining Attean Pond and visiting its beaches in Attean Township. Length:  34 miles for the Moose River Bow Trip, and 25.75 miles for the Bow Trip The Bureau of Public Lands of the Maine Department of Conservation, manages 19,231 acres of Public Reserved Lands surrounding much of the Bow Trip, which encompasses Holeb and Attean Ponds. Angela and Henry paddled the Moose River Loop/Bow Trip in July 2016. Paddle along the beautiful Moose River to improve a campsite and access at Holeb Falls. The Moose River Bow Trip. The Bow Trip is located in 19,000 acres of wilderness managed by the Maine Department of Conservation on the Moose River and Holeb and Attean Ponds. The comment I want to make is about the portage from Attean Pond to Holeb Pond. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. Tent sites along this trip are first-come, first-served and free to use without registration. [For paddlers looking for a shorter trip, with a few rapids and some lake paddling, Spencer Rips is an alternate access point (it is 11 miles from here to Attean Landing). Moose River Bow Trip ... - The 34-mile circuit encompassing Attean and Holeb Ponds as well as the Moose River is a classic northwoods paddling destination in the headwaters of Moosehead Lake and the Kennebec River. If you have an underquilt and a cover, you should be fine. Check out the newest articles in MTF Stories! On Holeb Stream and the above Camel Rips on the Moose, there was a lot of shallow (foot or two) water. There’s a lot of paddling across the pond on day one then there is a long portage to the campsite. The Bow Trip travels through remote forests and bogs and across isolated Attean and Holeb Ponds. Early season archery during the rut and late season rifle hunts in the snow are a favourite of many, but the mid season hunts over water or cutover walking have proven to be just as successful. Wildlife and mountain views are common sights along this remote paddling route. We did the Bow Trip on the Moose River in Jackman, ME with 3 solo canoes and one tandem. The river meanders for 5.5 miles through marshy area before reaching Holeb Falls, a mandatory portage, which is signed. The landing is at the road’s end (45.588378, -70.259610): please park on the left at the sign-designated spaces and offload/upload to the left at the beach. Moose River is a town in Somerset County, Maine, United States. The paddle across Holeb Pond is 3.25 miles to its outlet into Holeb Stream (45.582691, -70.433400), which joins the Moose River in 1 mile (45.573005, -70.442643). … Do not portage on the railroad bed -- this is both illegal and dangerous since these are actively used tracks. I have to almost restrain myself from going up to Jackman and doing it over and over again. You can carry your gear and boat in one trip, but the experienced hikers in my group made two trips: boats first then gear second. Portages:  1.25-mile portage between Attean Pond and Holeb Pond, small portage at Holeb Falls, and 2 optional very short portages around Attean Falls (only run Attean during high water). The portage is 1.2 miles of rugged, rocky, rooted up and downhill terrain. These waterways offer a refreshing getaway from the warm summer sun’s rays. The Moose River Bow Trip is a great beginner overnight paddling trip, enjoyed by both canoers and kayakers. The Moose River Bow Trip The Bow Trip, outside of Jackman, Maine, is one of the most well known multi-day paddle trips in the state of Maine, or for that matter in the Northeast. Their trip was full of challenges and adventure, from paddling in high waves to no campsite availability, and even a canoe crash in rapids. When we went back to get our canoe, we took the correct portage trail, discovered the trees across the trail, and then came out on Attean Pond a ways from our canoe, with no path between the two spots. The Attean Rips portage is on the left, which continues to bypass Attean Falls as well (not shown on the map). Moose river is a multiple day canoeing trip in Jackman, reaching Holeb pond you must navigate dirt logging roads. The first is the Camel Rips ledge drop, 3.75 miles after entering the Moose River. There was no problem at the landing. Forget bringing your kayak cart, because it will be destroyed before you reach the end of the portage. Yards by the Second portage is now surfaced in bog bridging moose river bow trip map shallow foot. Joe would be leading a Trip there on Memorial day Weekend, I put some pasta in pot. This is the most popular launch spot for paddlers completing the entire Bow Trip travels through remote and. 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