2. If mounting the pump in the tank is not an option, install the pump as close as possible to the tank. 0000001572 00000 n Installation Instructions Below is the list of available Aeromotive Product Installation Instructions. When burying is necessary for line safety from traffic, copper tubing should be placed in a continuous run of corrosion-resistant tubing when buried under or otherwise placed in direct contact with a concrete floor or wall. 0000001678 00000 n Early detection can save thousands of dollars in cleanup and environmental, An outside tank is subjected to the elements including extreme temperatures, rain, snow, ice, external corrosion, condensation (which leads to internal corrosion) as well as vandalism. If your truck has a build date prior to 3-20-17. Aside from buying fuel when prices are low, some of the best ways to save money on heating costs are to keep the furnace tuned, set back the thermostat at night (5 degrees or more) and air seal and insulate the house. OFTEC produce a series of useful 'Home Guides' providing advice on oil tank installation and maintenance… and best of … A single tank can be placed next to a propane cylinder with a capacity of 125 gallon (475 l) or less. Be pre-pared to catch and safely store any fuel spilling from the cut line. 3. During the life of an installation, an oil storage tank base will need to provide continual structural support, even though ground conditions may alter from season to season and year to year. Drain your original fuel tank before beginning the S&B Installation process. A supply line cover can also deter vandalism. Heaving frost or an application of force can snap the supply line. Remember, these are general guidelines about home heating oil tank installation. We recommend using a siphon or electronic transfer pump. recommend that you read NORA’s oil tank manual, “Heating Oil Storage Tanks, Guide for Quality Installation and Maintenance.” Why tanks fail The most common cause of failure is corrosion—the deterioration of the tank due to reaction with its environment. 0000010779 00000 n 266 32 This guide is for you. startxref The PDF Documents are exactly what you would find in the product box themselves. Tons of guys find our website when researching info on how to do new fuel lines for their squarebody 73 - 87 Chevy and GM trucks. If the tank begins to weep from internal corrosion, early detection is more likely with an indoor tank than with one located outside. 0000014535 00000 n 11101 – A1000 Fuel Pump 11102 – Pro Series Fuel Pump 11103 – A750 Fuel Pump 11104 – Eliminator Fuel Pump 11105 –… All of these factors contribute to a reduced life expectancy, higher maintenance costs and a greater possibility of an oil leak, Inside tanks are not subjected to frozen product, Inside tanks provide better performance and less maintenance for oil heating systems because the fuel is kept at a constant temperature, Tanks shall be installed on the lowest floor of the dwelling, Inside tank(s) shall be located not less than 5 feet (1.5 m) from any fuel-fired equipment, The tank shall be placed in an area where it is unlikely to be adversely affected by normal household activities, Tanks shall be placed in an area where they can be visually inspected from all sides. 0000003038 00000 n For best results, Holley strongly recommends an in-tank pump. Oil tank fill & vent piping guide: Inspection for Above Ground Heating Oil Storage Tanks (ASTs). 0000009633 00000 n do not handle or install tank without having knowledge and experience in procedures involved with proper and safe installation of an aboveground tank used for storage of stable, flammable and combustible liquids. Consistent with the company’s goal of providing the finest fuel storage tank available, the Roth EcoDWT plus 3 meets and exceeds all applicable codes. The ends of the flexible corrosion-resistant tubing should protrude at least 2 in (50 mm) above the concrete, The supply line(s) should be run as directly, Cross-connected tanks provided with a single fill pipe, shall have the fill pipe connected to the tanks in accordance with B139 or NFPA, Bottom outlet tanks must be installed with the appropriate slope (1 _ in), Any tank(s) that has settled should have the elevation adjusted by a burner technician, The tank(s) must never be moved without completely emptying the tank first. The product supply lines shall be installed on a decline (downward slope) from the tank to the building to prevent the accumulation of water and possible freezing of the product, To allow for frost heaving and movement, the supply line shall have a horizontal loop before entering the tank, Product supply lines shall not be less than 3/8 in (10mm) outside diameter copper tubing.1/2 in (13mm) tubing is recommended, The vent pipe material shall be schedule 40 black steel, Threaded joints in the vent piping shall be made fuel oil-tight using joint compound conforming to CAN/ULC-S642-M, Compounds and Tapes for Threaded Pipe Joint, All tank(s) shall be connected to a vent alarm or whistle which is an effective means of preventing spills, The fill pipe shall be 3 feet (900 mm) above the grade. 297 0 obj <>stream Fuel Lines: NOTE: If installing a new auxiliary tank and valve, drain the fuel from the original tank. S&B Tanks recommends removing only an empty or near empty tank for your safety. This will require some form of shelter or anchoring that does not adversely affect the operation of the tank (e.g. At buildings where two heating oil storage tanks are installed, typically indoors, this Audel Oil Burner Guide sketch shows the proper arrangement of fill piping, vent piping, and oil line piping leaving the tanks. S&B Tanks recommends removing only an empty or near empty tank for your safety. The product supply line(s) leading from the tank to the building shall be protected from physical damage including the weight of snow, ice or other objects which could cause the line to pinch or break and release product. These are arranged by part number. The primary U.S. code governing fuel oil tank manufacturing and installation is the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) code, Section 31. Tanks installed indoors shall not be exposed to direct sunlight on any plastic parts. Average installations range between £2,200 - £3,000 depending on size. 0000003309 00000 n Confirm rules and regulations regarding the location of heating oil tanks on your premises before going ahead with an installation. The aboveground outside tank support legs shall be installed on a concrete pad or reinforced patio stones (see Figure 1). tank handling. With over 25 years experience in oil tank installation of all shapes and sizes our team are perfectly placed to assist you in finding the right oil tank to replace your existing one and provide a one-stop shop to resolving your current situation.. CPS Fuels guide to Domestic Heating Oil Tanks - Heating Oil Tank FAQ’s. 0000004679 00000 n Install … IMPORTANT: According to the Ford TSB 17-0046. P� �,f� t�L�)�.1h3L`��(�p�ш!�q)C7��G?�a�>��! %PDF-1.6 %���� If you have any questions, please call us at 800-773-3047 . 0000001807 00000 n Keep an eye on gallons used per day to know how quickly you're going through oil. This heating oil piping article gives advice and example photos for the installation, inspection, & leak troubleshooting of oil tank fill & vent piping for both buried and above ground oil storage tanks. ԘAzp͎b�rIҲ@�v�4� CC6�S�0�0�2a0f����������l9����Lꌓx%�UYLT�0�0l��e8�8�!�� 1. 0000003086 00000 n >��f��������%��68˂�,�!�K-��s�$f 0000009772 00000 n x�b```b``b`2�� $�����q�I�ő�MP�E��a�|��*��rZ\��^����ǵ2�e ��X7G�2��DL�0!3�DV��”� ����+��`��e�Kϋ��/� �dT>�-��帘���$aJ�k�J�CO%� Ñ^ ����z�:�w�;TD4$�J8�L���hHr���dL�j���d���� �����Z��z�,"��m���pt���Y�9w?_׺��Y��ں������������y1ۏ��D�n�� ��Dk � P����L* I��$�P�����H,�����q�jD6�� Domestic oil storage tanks are easy to forget about once installed, but the Environment Agency and the FPS (Federation of Petroleum Suppliers) recommend that homeowners have their oil tanks checked once per year by an OFTEC inspector. This assures clearance with tank wall. 0000006039 00000 n 3. If installing valve as a replacement, drain fuel from both tanks. We recommend using a siphon or electronic transfer pump. endstream endobj 267 0 obj <> endobj 268 0 obj <>/Encoding<>>>>> endobj 269 0 obj <> endobj 270 0 obj <>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 271 0 obj <> endobj 272 0 obj [/Indexed 279 0 R 3 295 0 R] endobj 273 0 obj [/Indexed 279 0 R 1 285 0 R] endobj 274 0 obj [/Indexed 279 0 R 77 293 0 R] endobj 275 0 obj [/Indexed 279 0 R 123 290 0 R] endobj 276 0 obj <> endobj 277 0 obj <> endobj 278 0 obj <>stream Aboveground home heating oil tanks are primarily regulated by the State of Maine Oil and Solid Fuel Board. The tank itself is nearly indestructible, but light enough to be hefted by one or two people. Always check with local building authorities and fire departments before installing a heating oil tank. driveways) shall be provided with adequate protection. 0000009025 00000 n BEFORE YOU INSTALL: - Replace an existing unitby removing the old unit noting the direction of movement of the float arm. if using a strap attached to a support, ensure that the strap does not cause chafing or increased corrosion). By mounting the fuel pump in the appropriate position on the return tube, it can be installed in tanks ranging from 6 to 12 inches in depth. Fuel Tank Installation. Domestic fuel oil tanks are recommended to be installed indoors whenever feasible for many reasons including the following: Aboveground outside tanks shall be located in conformance with the following: Tanks located in areas exposed to vehicular traffic (eg. GUIDELINES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUND RESIDENTIAL OIL TANKS. Return fuel lines are 5/16”. App will display days remaining to 1/4 tank and days remaining to 1/8 tank so you know exactly when to fill up next. 4. 0000000936 00000 n The Oil Firing Technical Association (OFTEC) is the trade association for the oil heating, cooking and fuel tank industry in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Republic of Ireland. You can monitor your fuel use by checking the fuel depth frequently. TITAN Fuel Tanks . Variances may be requested from the authority having jurisdiction of the site where the property is located, Tank(s) over 275 gallon (1,150 l) capacity shall be not less than 10 feet (3 m) from a property, The tank(s) should be located down grade from any domestic drinking water well, If possible, tanks should not be located directly under house eaves where they may be subject to falling snow and icicles or increased external pitting from dripping water, Tanks should not be placed in intimate contact with the building since leaves and other organic matter can accumulate and cause external corrosion of the tank, All outside tank(s) are at risk of movement, especially new installations placed on recently disturbed ground and shall be installed on a prepared bedding surface with all organic materials such as sod or bark. Where a tank is located in an area subject to flooding, provisions shall be taken to prevent tanks, either full or empty, from floating during a rise in water level up to the maximum flood stage . Detailed Instructions to Install your RDS Auxiliary or Transfer Fuel Tank . 0000015958 00000 n percent of tank capacity by providing an audible or visual alarm signal, providing a tank level gauge marked at 90 percent of tank capacity, or other approved means, and Automatically shut off the flow of fuel to the tank when the quantity of liquid in the tank reaches 95 percent of tank capacity or other approved method of overfill prevention. - Position new unit above tank,aligning it with screw hole pattern in the mounting plate with hole pattern in top of tank. We sell D.O.T/FMCSA-certified 50, 72, 95 combo, and 109-gallon fuel tanks that are available in bright diamond plate. ©2015 Moeller Marine Products, Inc., 801 N. Spring St. Sparta, TN 38583 P931.738.8090 F931.738.8180 www.moellermarine.com 216014 R2 MM085082009 Installation How-To-Guide Let Moeller Show You How! �a�� ����q�BV�ȶ���Cs���t�pQ�"�~as~���jӂ��u��U�UM�֛�3�DX�p��`1���YD��3�xd p���ه C��!�+)��TLxB�e�C*˸� �"�/!��K�z��U]����� tĠ53�* �WI��Ϣ���z�>��n��;�Y�p� ��3 Fq�A��q��a]��F�&,������~x �N���,d�#�.����OΛ�3Ɠjg�1�B똥 We get asked enough times what else guys need in addition to our PTFE hose kits in order to complete the swap we decided it best to make a write up for everyone. Installing the fuel pump in the tank results in quieter operation, less chance of cavitation and a reduction in pump temperature. YOUR MOELLER PROMISE: Every Permanent Fuel Tank is designed for functional durability and performance.For your safety and for ALUMINUM TANK & TANK ACCESSORIES, INC For more information regarding specific rules pertaining to residential heating oil tanks, please contact the Oil and Solid Fuel Board at (207) 624-8608. A well drained sub grade shall also be utilized to provide appropriate drainage. Within 2-feet of sending unit is recommended. This will allow the fuel supply to the heating appliance to be shut off without excessive draining of, have sufficient clearance to allow for replacement. If the capacity of either tank exceeds these volumes, the separation shall be not less than 20 feet (6 m). Increase your truck's fuel capacity and driving range with one of our in-bed auxiliary fuel tank systems for sale. Drain the fuel in the main tank and cut the original fuel lines. 0000001941 00000 n 0000008968 00000 n 0000002899 00000 n xref 0000003387 00000 n The recommendations contained herein are considered standard industry practice for tanks constructed to NFPA 31, Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment in the United States. 0000002991 00000 n 7010217: 56* Gallon (211* liters) Replacement Tank for 2017+ GM truck models 2500 HD & 3500 HD : Crew Cab Short Bed (6 ½ ft.) Inspect tank and filtration systems regularly as freezing temperatures may cause damage, cracks or ruptures. 4-6 in (100-150 mm) of crushed stone. Note: A full tank of oil weighs about 2,000 lbf ( 4500 N ). The tank(s) shall be properly supported and centered to prevent it from shifting, settling, or falling over. New Oil Tanks New domestic oil tanks must meet minimum standards as set down by building control regulations. The Freedom Fill Auxiliary System installation is basically the same whether you have a Ford, Dodge, or GM/Chevrolet diesel truck. 0000009237 00000 n LS or EFI swapping your C10 / K10 73 - 87 squarebody truck. 0000014855 00000 n However, once filled the weight of the fuel, over 3.5 tons, caused the beam ends to sag because there was a small gap between the bottom of the tank and these outboard supports, an installation defect if ever there was one. Store fuel in approved containers. Domestic fuel oil tanks are recommended to be installed indoors whenever feasible for many reasons including the following: A poured concrete basement floor provides the best option for a strong, stable and solid base for the tank There should be no odors from a properly installed inside tank. Almost any fuel spilling from the cut line Auxiliary System installation is the list of available Aeromotive installation! Lbf ( 4500 N ) important factor in avoiding damage to tank and System failure, but light to! Everything you need to know how quickly you 're going through oil used per day to how. To 1/4 tank and filtration systems regularly as freezing temperatures may cause damage, or... Near empty tank for your safety the s & B Tanks recommends removing only an or! Option, install the pump as close as possible to the tank results in quieter operation, less chance cavitation. And unnoticed the float arm nearly indestructible, but light enough to be hefted by one two. 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