I also have a few other things I need to fix, so I’ll be seeing him a lot more, even though this treatment is over next month. Obsessively. I know. I haven’t been at the OCD treatment game long enough to suggest a particular therapy or anything. In a couple of days, I started my fast. Press J to jump to the feed. What scares you about having bad teeth? The best way to start is to stop eating at dinner on a given day and start eating with dinner as the first meal two days later by slowly introducing food into your system by consuming a light snack, then eating a whole meal a few hours … 2. An example of time-restricted eating is if you choose to eat all your food for the day in an 8-hour period, such as from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Cookies help us deliver our Services. This was a year ago, after I had told her about my eating habits. I’ll show her at our next session. Archived. 6.0k … 48 hours will go fine as I don’t really get all that hungry. You don’t have to limit your eating to just evenings, like in 2002. I’ve already said this in my post though. I started ADF in September, F165lbs. I like the fasting focused lifestyle of True ADF with a single big refeed. Most people, for example will eat dinner with family every single day. Sometimes you just got to go for it! Throughout 2017 I probably ate two meals on most days (still not a lot, I know...). It hasn’t gotten better though... it did get better, but it’s just gotten worse and worse these last few weeks. 10 comments. Before that though, I went to bleach my teeth a few times. In theory, a 48-hour fast is simple — you merely give yourself a full, two-day break from eating. It’s really effective way for weight loss. Not in full details though, but she knows I have problems with my teeth. If - and this is quite literally, I guess - starving myself leads to any unpleasantries, I will try the same solution. Then I tried 48 hours, which is in the direction of 5:2 (it was more like 6:1 with 48 hour water fast). Please read below for more information and resources about about OCD and what this subreddit is! To help keep yourself more comfortable and prevent dehydration while you recover, try the following: 1. My way of life is such that it makes sense to fast on the weekends but not during the week. And my teeth aren’t perfect. If you could perfect that you can get rid of this, even if it drives you crazy just try it I would say. Whatever form of water fasting you practice, from IF to extended fasting and everything in between, and whether you're fasting for health, weight loss, self-discipline, longevity, or any of the other myriad benefits of fasting, you've come to the right place—a community of like-minded individuals sharing our knowledge and experiences. In 2 weeks I went from 280-268.2. You can’t whiten the fillings. Everything I have read about autophagy and stem cell growth that results from fasting seems to be great. The increase in cavities may come from a change in your bodies natural abilities to suppress the bacteria through body changes or habit changes. I just a year I got five cavities - even with my strict regiment! What to Expect from a 48 Hour Fast. So even you get more cavities, they can be fixed. What you are referring to is “72’s” and they are a great way to lose weight. It’s recommended you start with a snack size portion and eat more a couple hours later. Also worth noting that my dentist has told me that my dental hygiene is very good. Short term yes, but not long term. This feels like a no win situation, and I’ll probably have ugly teeth soon enough. And teeth can be whitened, and they will look good. When I first tried this, I did it quite spontaneously. Close. 62.3k. I remember a psychologist said something about how OCD can lead to eating disorders. I know it seems like you can't stop and that you don't want to jeopardize having perfect teeth, but there are better solutions (avoiding sugar is good, as long as it doesn't become a controlling obsession. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Perhaps easier, but still not easy. I know it’s hard to separate food and teeth health. How many calories do you put down at meal time? I’ve been eating one meal per day for a while - which I’m assuming still isn’t nearly enough for a grown man in his early twenties. Have you ever tried brushing your teeth regularly just once or twice a day? Posted by 4 years ago. Hey. Well, I have been diagnosed with OCD. Research has told us that eating every four hours helps our metabolism work better, controls blood sugar, and reacquaints us with our body's natural hunger and fullness signals. I brush my teeth until I feel like they are clean and then some. Still, I couldn’t stand having horrible looking teeth while alive. Would you eat once every 48 hours to lose weight? If not that's ok, but they really can help aswell. The "eating window" is the period you have to eat all your calories. I just take a few pills and it gets better again. How many calories were you eating and what were you eating if you don’t mind me asking? Stop eating and drinking for a few hours. Eating … Let your stomach settle. You might also try drinking clear soda, clear broth or noncaffeinated sports drinks, such as Gatorade. It is definitely the way for losing weight, building muscle and body recomp. I’m not a teenager. One day I was wondering what does it feel like to go to bed hungry and wake up the next day without eating anything. I know it’s a choice, but I need to clean my teeth properly. My teeth are far from perfect. Eating Every 48 to 72 hours Hello fasters this past 2 week I have started doing a routine of fasting 48 to 72 hours and then eating one meal, then back on the routine. I see my dentist almost every month, but it’s for a good reason. A corpse with perfect teeth is a corpse all the same. All the benefits of intermittent fasting get stretched out. A subreddit dedicated to discussion, articles, and images regarding OCD. Boom. Anyway, staying away from sugar probably helps (I wouldn’t know for sure as I do not dare eating or drinking anything sweet in order to find out), but it doesn’t make things easy. Also, if your interested and you think it might help, click the spoiler link in the next paragraph. I had five cavities and I haven’t eaten anything sweet since 2016. I have to a certain point, but not with all of these details. You need to eat 6 small meals a day. I’ll most certainly bring it up next session. The 4 hour eating period is called the eating window. I am now 143 size 6 ! I’m not going to spend a few minutes on brushing my teeth if that’s what you mean. I have fillings, and they are visible. If, however, you're worried it might just make things worse, feel free to ignore it. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Hello fasters this past 2 week I have started doing a routine of fasting 48 to 72 hours and then eating one meal, then back on the routine. Hey dude I know you're getting inundated with people telling you your behavior is unsafe and that you should know better, but I think you probably already know that. To actually burn adipose tissue (fat), then the sweet spot is the 5 hour mark between meals. You say you can't stop, but believe it or not, these compulsions are a choice. The dangerous bacteria grows no matter what over time. That’s the problem. With this method, you feel as though you never were sick in … To overcome this you can actually try and brush your teeth only after a meal, so 2-3 times a day, and for a short time. Really? Short term yes, but not long term. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Congrats! Like, no. 10 … I’ve been firing consecutive 48’s for the past 3 weeks. I fasted for 60 hours total but only recorded the last 48 hours of it. Would you eat once every 48 hours to lose weight? Depending on when you ate dinner and when you consume your first meal after you wake up, you can easily go through a 12 to 16-hour fast — with no physiologic change to digestive functions. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I simply hate that thing. I have eaten for over 40 hours (50 something I think), so here I go... :/ Sad day though. This is out of "leading to an eating disorder" and into the "actually an eating disorder" stage. I’ve told my psychologist that I don’t eat much, but most probably don’t assume that it’s on this level when you tell them something like that. I am well aware that it can damage the enamel; which is why I don’t want to eat. Towards the end, I got back to one meal per day. overcleaning of your teeth can lead to damage just as bad as sweets. - ever again. Doing a 48 hour fast goes against about 99% of conventional wisdom about nutrition out there. I don't want to tell you what to do, because that doesn't help anything, just take care of yourself, alright? I’ve brought it up. Remember to Subscribe and like all my videos and don’t forget to Join the movement on Facebook! Personal experiences can vary depending on the type of fast, age, or health of the individual, but these should give you a general idea of what to expect when you fast. I doubt I have anything like that. You're getting enough fluid when you're urinating normally and your urine is clear and not dark. Food poisoning often improves without treatment within 48 hours. Limiting my eating to an eight-hour period of the day seemed reasonable. I read most of what has been said and from what I understand you just want your teeth to look good and not get more bad ones. This is actually overtly dangerous to your health. Thinking limiting your meals as okay or unavoidable is not okay. I haven’t technically started yet though. I know this, but once you have fillings, they will leave marks. However, if you fast much longer, the effects can reverse, decreasing your metabolism ( 27 , 28 , 29 ). Never skip a meal. Don’t know if she still think they look nice. And I do avoid sugar. From my understanding from my periodontist, what you eat doesn’t actually have the same effect, especially on adult teeth, that we once thought. This is just no fun. 0. The 16/8 method involves fasting for a maximum of 16 hours every day with an "eating window" of 8 hours. Weight loss is the primary motivator for many to try intermittent fasting. Well, then I’ll brush my teeth every day (although not as thorough) regardless of whether or not I eat any food. I can’t help it. You just need to drink fluids with zero calories like water and black coffee, while giving up regular food completely for 48 hours at a stretch. Felt great after and plan on shifting between 48 hour and 72 hour fasts every month. Really, when you think about it, were we ever designed to eat 5-6 meals a day, every 2-3 hours? If your last meal is at 11 pm and you do not eat anything until 3 pm the next day, you have fasted for 16 hours. I decided to read The Every Other Day Diet book — the diet that Dr. Mosley tried and decided was too hard. I lost almost 3 pounds from my 48 hour fast. Acid as well. Not eating for two days is quite simple, theoretically speaking. To be honest, I didn’t feel any different. Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss. I don’t know if it’s my diet, but I’ve been feeling ill more often than I usually am. Dr. Krista Varady discovered through studies that the best way to lose the weight was to eat about 500/600 calories a day on the fast day. https://iocdf.org/blog/2017/12/19/thirty-one-days-a-tale-of-body-dysmorphic-disorder/. Teeth can be fixed to look good. Every time I read the answers by some so-called fitness “expert” my eyes roll so hard it makes me dizzy. Studies reveal that fasting for up to 48 hours can boost metabolism by 3.6–14%. Well, I’m done for today... so I’ll have a few days off to relax now. I hadn’t really tested fasting much, except for when I fly, in which case I had found that I can easily go for 24 hours without eating. Your teeth aren't worth that. Your distorted thinking is making it seem as though you have to. I’ll have to, at some point... I’ll wait another few days though. Have you spoken with a professional about your OCD and this specific issue? I have no plans to stop. Good luck. Hah! You need to be food free for at least 16 hours. 5-7 day fast take so much out of me as I am already lean. I did get a small headache for around an hour which I suspect was related. Adjusting my calories to how my body felt as I break my fast. It is a great sustainable eating style for GTX me. I am actually dreading the next time I’ll have to eat. I ate a full meal over half an hour and didn’t feel much different than during a normal day’s meal. What I Learned Not Eating for 60 Hours (48 Hour Fast Extended) ... Really had no problems. I see a dentist regularly. Yes, frequent short fasts seem better to me because it doesn't impair you too much, you don't have to worry about electrolytes and vitamins too much and its mentally easier. It's not healthy to eat every 48 hours, assuming your still a teenager you are still growing and calories will only help with it. Firstly, why? You're already seeing your dentist about six times as often as most people do in a year. You don't have to be suffering this much. Every night when we stop eating and then go to bed, we go through a short-term fast until our first meal of the next day. However, since I have become leptin sensitive, I continued eating lots and lots, out of habit and as a way to distract my mind. I have to see my dentist that often to get my new trays. Please seek help from your therapist to break your unhealthy fixation on dental perfection rather than do this to your body. And do this gradually, by brushing less each day. Eating disorders kill people. You will get anxious, but with time it will get better. So brushing your teeth every eight hours or so will do the same thing. So 48 hours and 72 hours, once a week fitting well into my schedule, but 5:2 not so much. I stay far away from sugar. I’m strongly considering not drinking milk every time I eat. The major advantage of 24-hour fasting is that it is easily incorporated into everyday life. If I eat, I’ll clean them excessively. If I felt like I could do it in five minutes, I would. I strongly suggest exposure response prevention and probably medication to help you. I’m very happy with ADF . If you’re eating every 3 hours, what your body is doing is burning through glycogen (stored sugar). There's no way you can consume adequate food to maintain your body's store of calories, vitamins and minerals by only eating one meal in 48 hours in the long term. Try to pair it with healthier eating and or intermittent fasting, which if you haven't heard is basically eating all of your food for the Day in an 8 hour or less period. The same goes for cleaning my teeth. This is out of "leading to an eating disorder" and into the "actually an eating disorder" stage. You decide when your 16-hour fast begins. And now there appears to be another good reason to regulate your meal timing–eating every four hours actually decrease cancer tumor development. You can tailor your 20 hours of fasting and 4-hour eating window to fit your personal preferences, hunger level, and what’s going on in your life. I’ve stopped eating and drinking a lot of different things because they are either acidic or they contain sugar. One Meal Every 48 Hours, That’s It! One common method is to stop after dinner on the first day and begin eating again at … Researchers divided 100 obese study volunteers (mostly African-American women, without other major medical issues) into three groups: 1. one group followed an alternate fasting plan, which meant on the fasting day they would eat only 25% of their caloric needs and on the non-fasting day they’d eat a little bit more (125% of their caloric needs per day) 2. a second group ate 75% of their caloric needs per day, every day 3. a third gr… And even then, I rarely did it. It does, doesn’t it? If it leads to any pain I’ll just try taking a few pills and see if that helps. Just about every month. Reports of weight loss of 3 to 8 percent of body weight lost in 3 to 24 weeks have been reported. If I don’t clean them excessively, I will probably not be thorough enough and I’ll end up with cavities - which will probably happen either way, as I am probably damaging my enamel. I take no joy in this. People often skip breakfast and choose an 8-hour eating window like 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. A 24 hour fast isn’t a fast, it’s intermittent fasting of OMAD as some people call it. I’m fixing my teeth. My psychologist thinks they look nice, but she’s seen some of my imperfections (I showed her the last time). 8-10 size. 48 hours may not seem like much more, but it had completely different effects. Fasting for 48 hours is hard but manageable. It goes against everything we’re told not to do. Conclusion. There's no way you can consume adequate food to maintain your body's store of calories, vitamins and minerals by only eating one meal in 48 hours in the long term. By trying not to eat your giving in to the ocd, and create a bigger problem than a bad tooth. I had read many articles that suggested that there are a number of health benefits for doing a 48 hour fast. For example. Take care of your overall health by eating normally. I dare you to find a diet that produces better results. 48 hour fast weight loss. People can only consume calorie-free drinks, including water, black coffee, and herbal tea, during a 48-hour fast. Escape Room workers of Reddit, whats the most absurd thing players have done? I have been doing the same except that I fast 24-48 hours. When I do that and go in and out of 2 or 3 day fasts, the weight falls off. Flossing and brushing is good, but not to the point that you're injuring your gums or damaging your enamel.) Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Summing things up shows that eating 4 meals was automatically stealing up to 2 hours … Diet trumps teeth health. The hours you eat is up to you. share. Because of that I have a teeth cleaning ritual, which I do every time after eating something. But find a therapist who has and can. Aaaaaand... here I am! But even if one of your teeth goes bad, it can be fixed. Right now I’m going through an Invisalign treatment. The stages of fasting outlined below are based off a water fast, a traditional fast in which you abstain from any food and only drink water for 12-48 hours or longer. this sounds like body dysmorphia over your teeth which is a serious condition on the spectrum of OCD and associated disorders. I have been feeling great and will stick to this method until I get to my goal weight, Starting Weight before fasting: 290 Beginning weight with the routine: 280 Goal Weight: 200. save hide report. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. As long as you dont go overboard on the candy/sugar you will be just good :) Do you go to the dentist at all either? https://www.reddit.com/r/meatogains/comments/bsoflv/true_alternate_day_fasting_bulking_and_cutting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app, I eat around 1200 calories. Slowly losing weight and size. It's getting a unsafe point it sounds like. I’m thinking maybe I’ll reduce it to one glass per week or something. I linked below a post I made about it. In 2 weeks I went from 280-268.2. I could probably go more than that as well. I’m in my early twenties. I know I’m probably damaging my teeth anyway. It sounds silly, I know... I’m just too worried about my teeth, which leads to excessive flossing, brushing and mouthwash with fluoride. Depends on what kind of meats I’ve eaten, the ritual could take me close to 10 minutes. Try sucking on ice chips or taking small sips of water. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Which includes a requirement that whatever I put in my cant have any sugar, or it has to contain nothing more than few grams of sugar. Book me to send you a private video..!!! I just finished cleaning my teeth and, at this point, I find it so excruciating that I’d much rather go without it for as long as possible. Heres my feedback about a 48 hour fast that I did from 7 pm on Friday evening through to 7pm on Sunday evening, (Ive just finished this fast). I never had any symptoms of disease or sickness when I was eating once every 48 hours and once every three days. I feel really good. ... and I can say that the fasting/silent days are very different to eating/speaking ones. I usually fast 36-48hrs depending on the circumstances or day. The enamel of our teeth isn't indestructible, and forceful overcleaning can damage it. Of cookies I break my fast day seemed reasonable damaging your enamel. changes. 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