Rate this article: Share via Email Share via Email Share on LinkedIn Share via whatsapp Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share this article: There isn’t one perfect weight for rabbits – as with all pets, breed and size make a huge difference. You can also earn money from rabbit pellets (fertilizer) as well as rabbit pelts and fur! Yes, there are bloodlines within the Californian and New Zealand bred that are more aggressive faster growers which can greatly exceed expectations in cooler growing conditions with 5 pound fryers achieved in 8-9 weeks. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. A dwarf rabbit should weigh about 5-7 pounds when an adult. Rabbits should always be fed a diet that is primarily grass hay, offered in unlimited amounts. All photos and text copyright 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019,2020 Willow Creek Farm. They usually reach their full body size between 8 and 9 months of age. Until 3 months of age, most babies gain about an ounce each day. Building the Shelter. Lion Heads should be from 2 1/2- … Stories and Pictures 5. The Nature Trail, Holland Lop Litters of Babies! Florida White: The smallest of the 3 most popular breeds is the Florida White, weighing only about 4-6lbs full grown. He was 8 pounds, 15 ounces. Newborn cottontail rabbits can weigh between 1 and 1.4 ounces. The adult weight for this rabbit is 7-10lbs. They are bit skittish, since it is on the bottom row and they are used to being on the top row, but they will settle in. yes I raise and breed rabbits and I am 12 years old I get all of my stuff from a top rabbit breeder and it would be wise to re breed. Miriam's Bunnies, Day by Day Growth of Newborn Bunnies 4. The perfect butchering age is around 8 weeks of age. ( Log Out /  Rabbits really don't eat much pellet at all until around 4 weeks. The body of an ideal Californian is plump but fine boned. There is nothing wrong with it being so un-steady, especially since they easily reached butcher weight in time, but it is strange to me. Cottontails at this age should be eating natural foods — grasses, weeds, fruits and vegetables — and should now weigh 70-80+ grams. Medium (8 to 10 pounds) Large (10 to 14 pounds) Giant (16 to 20 pounds) (See chart of breeds.) Weight Of A Netherland Dwarf Rabbit The weight of a netherland dwarf rabbit is between 500g to 1.6 kg. If you must provide a rabbit with milk, don’t use cow milk. Two girls: “Sunshine” (15) and “Little Miss” (13). Feed part of their daily ration of greens/pellets/nuggets, as treats and rewards during training. 4. We are expecting our Red New Zealand x Palomino cross babies to be born today or tomorrow. The weight chart shows minimum and maximum weights according to the American Rabbit Breeders Association Standard of Perfection. 8 weeks old 4 lbs. These pellets are filled with protein and will help add the … Would it be wise to re breed her soon? – for adults, an approximate amount to feed would … This will lead to unhealthy weight loss. Smiles” (5). Interesting enough it does follow the commercial grower schedule of 5 pound in 10 weeks, 5.5 pound in 11 weeks and 6 pounds in 12 weeks. These are champagne x palomino crosses and they are weighing in at 4 lbs this week. There is nothing wrong with it being so un-steady, especially since they easily reached butcher weight in time, but it is strange to me. From 8 weeks to 8 months, the rabbit can gain 0.5 to 0.75 lb/week and is not considered full grown until 14 months of age. A rabbit hutch is basically a wooden box divided into two sections. One of my rabbits was significantly smaller than the other one when they were young, even though they were from the same litter. I know hollands are smaller than dutches, but I wouldn't think a dutch would be double her normal weight. And three boys: “Young Man” (17), “Braveheart” (12), and “Mr. I have been encouraging people interested in getting rabbits to get those that are above 8 weeks old. A newborn rabbit will have little to no hair. Personally i would feed a lot more then a egg cup a day to a 9 week old baby rabbit as they are still growing so require more (just like when you bring an 8 week old puppy home they have 4 meals a day) and then when they are between 4-6 months old start to cut it down to just an egg cup a day. Once she's fully grown, you should feed her a set amount of pellets depending on her weight. I would have expected them to grow at a more steady rate. I am wife to an amazing man (“Mountain Man”) for  21 years now. Their ears, unlike that of the Jump, are erect and also close together, reaching between one and three inches in size. Change ). Are they getting hay? This means you will need a larger breed so it will be a decent size by the 8-week mark. Rate this article: Share via Email Share via Email Share on LinkedIn Share via whatsapp Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share this article: There isn’t one perfect weight for rabbits – as with all pets, breed and size make a huge difference. The babies are doing well. Desired sizes for Flemish Giants. Rabbits require a hutch for shelter. The other giant breeds (like the Checkered Giant, Giant Chinchilla, and Giant Angora) will be a bit smaller, but not by a whole lot. Although it’s logical to assume that a less-active rabbit will gain weight, the opposite is sometimes the case. Californian doe's also have large litters, averaging about 6-8 kits per litter. This quality gives Californian's a high meat-to-bone ratio. A rabbit should be fed twice a day, in the morning and evening. The links below include information about the appearance of baby rabbits as they grow. A Flemish Giant kit, at 8 weeks, should be 3-4 pounds or thereabouts. I haven't done weekly weigh-ins in a… I haven’t done weekly weigh-ins in a few years, we just weigh at 9 weeks to determine timing for butcher. … Two girls: “Sunshine” (15) and “Little Miss” (13). A medium sized rabbit should weigh 7-8 pounds, and a giant should weigh 10-22 pounds. This is a dwarf-sized rabbit that should have a maximum weight not exceeding 4 lb. ( Log Out /  After looking at their weights and growth rate I was surprised. We have been blessed with 5 children. How much should my rabbit weigh. Rabbit meat is seasonal any month of the year. This is too dense in calcium. They should weigh 55-70+ grams and be 4″ or longer — he should fit in your palm but not fill your hand. Baby rabbits drink milk from their mother’s until they’re 8 weeks old. From this age until 7-8 weeks old you will still be feeding your baby bunny with milk, but you will also add alfalfa (higher in calcium and protein – ideal for growing rabbits but too rich for adults) and pellets (young-rabbit pellets, higher in protein). Hi, one of my meat rabbits just lost a large litter. Do not purchase more than 6 weeks worth of feed at a time, as it will become spoiled. Step 3 View the rabbit's fur. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The first two have been moved to the growing out cage. However, the amount may need adjusting depending on the individual rabbit. The Champagne x Palomino babies are doing great in the growing out cage now. Newborn cottontail rabbits can weigh between 1 and 1.4 ounces. A baby's ears are closed between 1 and … They usually weigh between 7.5 and 10.5 lbs as adults. Females and males can become sexually mature at 4 months and 8 days. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Mini Rex … Compared to hogs or cattle, rabbits use much less space! The long term applicability of this study is stated as Rearing strategies only affected body weight development, feed intake in the first parity. Weigh the rabbit. Dwarf rabbits usually weigh 2 to 2.5 extra pounds according to ARBA. We are happy to have you visiting us! They weigh-in at about 2.5 lbs this week. A single doe can produce 1000% of per body weight in meat per year. If you happen to have in your care a baby rabbit of 3-4 weeks old or more than, things are quite clear for you. Sometimes an ill or elderly rabbit may require special dietary attention, perhaps needing a measured amount of quality pellets or homemade ground-pellet mush, but the rabbit should also be encouraged to eat grass hay. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Typically, its weight ranges from 2-4 pounds. I enjoy being a wife and homemaker, homeschooling mom, farm girl, and helping my husband run our custom fiber processing mill. Now that I have a chocolab puppy of 15 weeks old, I am not quite sure if it is really a breed dog or not! Personally i would feed a lot more then a egg cup a day to a 9 week old baby rabbit as they are still growing so require more (just like when you bring an 8 week old puppy home they have 4 meals a day) and then when they are between 4-6 months old start to cut it down to just an egg cup a day. Mini Lops should weigh around 5 pounds, a pound more or less should be ok. Thanks for sharing. The guidelines you should follow depend on the age and weight of your pet rabbit. I am wife to an amazing man (“Mountain Man”) for  21 years now. A bunny should never be separated from their mother before this. I am very surprised of how much the puppies actually may weight! If the rabbit becomes anxious because of activity near the feeding area, such as a barking dog, active children, or other loud noises, the rabbit may not want to eat. They can weigh between 3 and 5 ounces when they venture out of the nest at between 15 and 20 days old. See: muesli is unhealthy for rabbits and how to slowly transfer rabbits onto a healthier diet. They have settled into being on the lower level. Muesli-style foods aren't recommended for rabbits. So your feed price is much higher by waiting to dispatch, plus you have to have those extra cages if you have more rabbits coming up. The weight chart shows minimum and maximum weights according to the American Rabbit Breeders Association Standard of Perfection. ... lose weight during the first few days of life, within a couple of weeks they're back to their birth weight. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! A Flemish Giant can take up to 1.5 years to reach their maximum weight and a breeder should wait until the rabbit is slightly over a year old before breeding. I would have expected them to grow at a more steady rate. Giant breed rabbits mature more slowly and do more growing than small ones so you may want to delay by a month for breeds like Giants and French Lops. ... Standard Rexes are considered medium-sized rabbits. We have been blessed with 5 children. At one point or another, almost every owner of a Flemish Giant asks, “How big should my rabbit be?” To help answer this question, this chart is set-up as a basic guideline to give you an idea of what most common minimum as well as the best desired sizes are, based on age, for your giant bunny pals. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! My baby boy was born on April 16th. They now weigh in at 3.75 lbs. Once the rabbits are 3 months old they should be kept in separate cages or put females with females and males with males. His weight is partially attributed by his height. A Flemish Giant kit, at 8 weeks, should be 3-4 pounds or thereabouts. 7. 1. Let the weaning begin! Favorite Answer. ( Log Out /  Come walk with us through the ups and downs of family farming in the Rocky Mountains! You don’t mention hay. Day 7: fur begins to grow 2. At 9 weeks he was 14 pounds, 3 ounces. 4 lbs. Do you think I should palpate her or anything like that? A rabbit that is around 14 days old … Keep in mind that females are larger than males. Rabbit's will continue to growing at a much slower rate for a few more months, filling out rather than getting larger. Baby Rabbit Growth Time Lapse Photos: Birth – 8 weeks. A rabbit that is around 14 days old will have a complete coat. I’ve also noticed that this litter is lighten-ing more than others and taking on more grey in their brown coats than usual. The closest equivalent is kitten milk. I don’t know about 8/9 weeks, but at 12/13 weeks, Bandit’s weight was roughly half of his adult weight. By age 4 months, most infants have doubled their birth weight, and by 1 year, most … Rabbits-Online.co.uk, Rabbits Growing Up Some signs of development in baby rabbits: 1. Baby Rabbit Growth Time Lapse Photos: Birth – 8 weeks. From one year old, your rabbit will then start to eat larger quantities. Come walk with us through the ups and downs of family farming in the Rocky Mountains! So, you should try a mix of milk, water, … Here are the weekly photos of Champagne D’ Argent x Palomino kits from birth to 8 weeks of age, including weights from 3 weeks on. Flemish Giant rabbits are usually born about 3-4 oz, and by 8-9 weeks weigh 5 lbs. This will be my last baby rabbit update post as there isn’t as much change and growth in the next couple weeks. Thank you. I would have expected them to grow at a more steady rate. Now he's 24.8 inches long. They can weigh between 3 and 5 ounces when they venture out of the nest at between 15 and 20 days old. ... ← Baby Rabbit … It was concluded that young does should have a body weight around 4 kg at first insemination to optimize litter size. The daily diet of an adult pet rabbit should consist of: Unlimited access to hay; ... – for baby rabbits, vegetables should only be fed to after 12 weeks of age and introduced one at a time in quantities under 1/2 oz. Find out about children’s average weight and height from infancy to 8 years – and learn what your child’s growth percentile really means. Tru-Luv Rabbitry, How Should A 8 Weeks Old Look Like 2. Here are the weekly photos of Champagne D’ Argent x Palomino kits from birth to 8 weeks of age, including weights from 3 weeks on. I haven’t done weekly weigh-ins in a few years, we just weigh at 9 weeks to determine timing for butcher. Keep in mind that females are larger than males. You can give it between 50-80 g of pellets per day, but keep giving all of its daily vegetables, accounting for 5-6% of its body weight. Their coats are a very pretty silver-ish brown (as if that’s a word), they have much more silver coloring to their brown than our crosses usually do. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. There are other considerations. Building the Shelter. It should eat fruit three times per week for the rest of his life. My now 4lb holland lop was about 1.5lbs when I got him at 8 weeks if I remember correctly. It’s hard to believe, but the baby rabbits are already 8 weeks old! If she was mine I would wait at least a week and be sure she doesn’t get mastitis. How much should my rabbit weigh. One section has wire mesh on all sides, and the other section is closed in with wooden sides with only the bottom being mesh wire. Adult rabbits 2-4 lbs = 1/8 cup pellets daily, rabbits 5-7 lbs = 1/4 cup, 8-10 lbs = 1/2 cup, and 11-15 lbs = 3/4 cup. Medium (8 to 10 pounds) Large (10 to 14 pounds) Giant (16 to 20 pounds) (See chart of breeds.) Kits are separated from their mothers at around 8 weeks old before being sold on by breeders and pet shops. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. They are continuing to grow and weigh-in at 3 lbs now. I believe it is hard to know without seeing how a 8 weeks old should look like. When … Thanks. There is nothing wrong with it being so un-steady, especially since they easily reached butcher weight in time, but it is strange to me. Rabbit growth can also be dependent on breed. You can see that in the pictures, especially on the side view. You can read more about how we do this here. Your rabbit should be on an adult ration by 6-7 months old. Hopefully Little Miss Fuzz Tail took this time. Smiles” (5). So I am planning to do weekly weigh-ins on the next litter to see if they gain at such an un-steady rate. With a rabbit that young, you should ALWAYS free feed. I wasn’t familiar with how fast rabbits grow. I would have expected them to grow at a more steady rate. After looking at their weights and growth rate I was surprised. Two and a Half Weeks Old: Cottontails should begin to look “fluffy” at this stage. His weight falls somewhere within the 80th percentile we were told. Pellets should be kept to a minimum for the adults, but can be unlimited for the babies. Here are the weekly photos of Champagne D' Argent x Palomino kits from birth to 8 weeks of age, including weights from 3 weeks on. In this blog we are sharing what we learn as we build and run our little homestead at high-altitude to provide natural, home-raised food for our family. ... a medium rabbit should weigh 7-8 pounds, and a large rabbit should weigh 9-27 pounds. The progression in the pictures was quite surprising. This means you will need a larger breed so it will be a decent size by the 8-week mark. They should weigh 70 grams or more, and be over 4-4 1/2″ long – he should fit in your palm but not fill your hand. I think everyone has different opinions when it comes to how much pellets to feed. In this blog we are sharing what we learn as we build and run our little homestead at high-altitude to provide natural, home-raised food for our family. I would have expected them to grow at a more steady rate. At birth he was 22.5inches long. They are eating hay and pellets and drinking from the water bottle, in addition to still being with their mama and nursing. 07/21/2016 at 7:47 AM 5. This meat rabbit dresses out great for a rabbit of small size. A rabbit hutch is basically a wooden box divided into two sections. I haven’t done weekly weigh-ins in a few years, we just weigh at 9 weeks to determine timing for butcher. 8 weeks old. With the babies it’s hard to say. I haven’t done weekly weigh-ins in a few years, we just weigh at 9 weeks to determine timing for butcher. All photos and text copyright 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019,2020 Willow Creek Farm. We are happy to have you visiting us! He's tall just like my 6'7" husband. We wean our rabbits at 6 weeks of age so these little guys are ready. 8. Actual weights for rabbits sold as pets may vary as much as 2 or 3 pounds. Inadequate availability of fresh water may reduce food intake as well. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. A grass hay like timothy should make up the bulk of their diet. My dog Ulaph’s weight log since he was 8 weeks old is as follows… (in kilograms) 8W: 2.0, 9W:2.5, 10W: 3.1, 11W:3.7, 12W:4.1, 13&14W: not measured, 15W: 5.7kg So roughly 1.6kg at 12 weeks, and 3.2kg adult weight. After looking at their weights and growth rate I was surprised. I personally have not found any website providing such information and therefore, using my own rabbits as an example, I am using this post to enlighten new comers how baby rabbits look like on a week by week … Juniors aged below six months should not weigh more than 2lbs while seniors, aged six months and above should not exceed 4 lbs. I think everyone has different opinions when it comes to how much pellets to feed. So I am planning to do weekly weigh-ins on the next litter to see if they gain at such an un-steady rate. Measure 25g (an eggcup-full) of pellets per kg of your rabbit's body weight; for a medium-sized rabbit (2kg) feed a maximum of two full eggcups. I think you were lied to and did not purchase any purebred "giant" breed. In order to determine if a rabbit is a healthy weight, vets use a body condition scoring scale, which can easily be done at home following … If you’re offered a rabbit younger than 8 weeks by a breeder, walk away. Pellets should make up less of a rabbit’s diet as he or she grows older, and hay should be available 24 hours a day. Now they’re both very close in weight. I enjoy being a wife and homemaker, homeschooling mom, farm girl, and helping my husband run our custom fiber processing mill. Step 3 View the rabbit's fur. Healthy treats. And I don't know about you, but my 4 week olds don't eat but half of what my 8 weeks olds eat. After looking at their weights and growth rate I was surprised. 6. Rabbits require a hutch for shelter. Backyard Bunnies, Kit Development 3. A newborn rabbit will have little to no hair. And three boys: “Young Man” (17), “Braveheart” (12), and “Mr. I just had my 8 week old holland lop weighed at the vet's and she is just barely .45 kg (1 lbs.) I wouldn’t rebreed until her mammary glands are back to normal. They are growing well. Weigh the rabbit. Pellets should be fresh, and should be relatively high in fiber (18% minimum fiber). Actual weights for rabbits sold as pets may vary as much as 2 or 3 pounds. (1.8 kg). Rabbit meat is very low in cholesterol and is low in fat. After looking at their weights and growth rate I was surprised. Step 4 Check the baby cottontail rabbit's ears. A female rabbit is a Doe, an old female rabbit would be a Sr. Doe depending on is age and weight. ( Log Out /  At this stage, they’re still physically immature and aren’t close to reaching their full size. Three Weeks Old: At this age, their fur should be standing up a little more off their bodies and they should start to appear to have normal rabbit fur. 3.75 lbs. Very interesting. 17 ), “ Braveheart ” ( 13 ) husband run our custom fiber processing mill natural foods grasses. 5-7 pounds when an adult % of per body weight around 4 weeks are separated from their ’... Bunnies 4 years now eating hay and pellets and drinking from the same litter an female... 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