The first ever tool-free adjustment system slickly allows the skier to tune ski performance on wax skis, skins, and skates. Fischer boots fit Fischer and Rossignol Turnamic bindings, Rottefella NNN bindings, and Salomon/Atomic Prolink bindings; Read more about which compatibility between boots and bindings in this guide: "Buying bindings" Cross country ski boots Classic. Universal; These bindings will accept any boot, regardless of style. %PDF-1.7 To release your boot, turn the lever at the front of the binding by hand or insert the tip of a touring ski pole into the pole tip slot on the release lever and twist. It is an innovation that is set to inject new energy into the market without shaking its foundations: a major breakthrough, yes - rewriting the rules, no! <> Safe Lock feature prevents unintentional opening of the binding during race action. Developed for a new Nordic future, the Fischer Turnamic Pro Skate Binding, compatible with NNN® soles, brings unprecedented ease-of-use. SNS bindings have their own unique system and are only compatible with SNS boots.--- Discover our SNS bindings : for MEN | for WOMEN. Rossignol is using cookies in order to offer the best service. It has a completely neutral impact on the ski’s natural behaviour, allowing it to express its full potential in the form of complete and no-loss energy transfer. Explore winter with the Rossignol Evo XT 60 cross-country skis. The TURNAMIC® binding has a user-friendly entry mechanism providing individual adjustment possible in seconds and tool-free. Compatibility of bindings for cross country and roller skis When buying equipment for cross country skis (also named nordic skiing) and roller skis, you have to ensure that the bindings and the footwear you choose are compatible. Fischer Turnamic bindings I started out in the neutral position and everything seemed to be working well with good grip and smooth, fast glide. The metal bar on your boots should easily hook into the binding. You twist the toe piece to the right or left to open and close the binding. TURNAMIC® respects the ski’s construction, thanks to its non-intrusive IFP plate. EASY - easy use The bindings quickly slide onto the plate without the use of tools. Another difference from NNN is the Turnamic plate system useing 2 plates vs one… the claim is there is less camber distortion from a 2-piece plate. Place the toe of each boot against the rubber bumper and click into the binding. The Race Pro bindings are manual in and out. It is an innovation that is set to inject new energy into the market without shaking its … %���� endobj The Evo XC 60 Posigrip Cross-Country Skis with TURNAMIC Bindings ($265) come mounted and ready to go. Turnamic Control Step-In IFP Binding. You can use the IFP’s Turnamic bindings with all NNN as well as Prolink ski boots. 4 0 obj The biggest development with this new binding is its adjustability which is easier than NIS. 1 0 obj Control bindings included. These reliable bindings, which slide onto a pre-mounted Integrated Fixation Plate (IFP)(not included), are intuitive and easy to use. You can also simply step in (automatic binding style), then use your pole tip to turn the Turn Lock to get out. This philosophy is reflected in TURNAMIC® products’ compatibility with the worldwide NNN®* standard. For retailers, it paves the way for extremely fast, tool-free mounting and removal across the entire range. Rossignol Race Jr Classic Turnamic Binding $65.95. The main advantage of Turnamic Bindings is its tool-free mounting and customization. Choose another country to access to localization specific content. If this is not the case, clean your outsole and your binding. Has anyone removed the binding plates of the Turnamic bindings in order to put their own bindings on? This philosophy is reflected in TURNAMIC® products’ compatibility with the worldwide NNN®* standard. Once you are in the binding, you need to lock it by pushing the lever down. The good news is Turnamic bindings are compatible with all NNN boots. The basic requirement of a binding is to hold your boot onto the ski and to be trouble-free. Prolink, NNN® and Turnamic® bindings and boots are all interchangeable. TURNAMIC® IS A GROUND-BREAKING NORDIC PLATFORM DRIVEN BY THREE KEY CONCEPTS: EASY A focus on simplicity and ease-of-use has resulted in an innovative new binding platform with easy, tool-free binding installation and adjustment; and simple, intuitive binding entry-and-exit.TUNABLE Easy, tool-free adjustment allows performance to be adapted based on snow conditions and/or skier level through the positioning of the binding in order reach the desired balance of grip and glide.DYNAMIC The simultaneous development of each component (ski, binding, boot) unlocks a new level of technicity, comfort, and performance specific to each application, from touring to skate and classic. {��M��]�kW�iL The Turnamic binding uses a step-in locking mechanism for your ski boots. Learn more. These bindings have an automatic entry; just step-in! Pre-mounted step-in Turnamic bindings offer tool-free adjustment to enhance ski grip or glide. stream �ߒ[x?����D�r8���3-�i��c0�N|��L�)�L���}��5 cX 7��3�{F{ӎ��~���q9)q�S�D�H$YxPn��I{;�4>JN/1���� ^��y���Aî�~p�o�=��� mV�%�U�:Tw���O�aH�I%��8��&r���+ؽ�I.q�h�0RmI2�8�A���kmq��ЃҀS-�DR��T���"+��ph�f�d';h#g�m��|f[-$a�4��\�8/�NE�XE��沬n�8u��b�)_=SܬjPi.�`krF���Ο������>�fI�R0��z��Ũ�z-�_ �%�ڮnQ������oh���?� Moving the binding forward provides more grip and moving it back allows better glide. Good to know. TURNAMIC® is designed to be “Open”, because while it represents an opening towards the future of nordic skiing, it also maintains an unfailing link to the traditions of the discipline. ?ϓR��8�⌃s� d��RP} This is the junior version of the regular adult adapter plate. Rossignol and Fischer collaborate to make a new binding system, Turnamic, which uses IFP (integrated fixation plate). $49.99. The easy, tool-free fore/aft adjustability allows customized performance based on snow conditions with our new simple Step In system for … To use the Turnamic bindings on your cross-country skis, simply step into them with your ski boots. Just thought I'd write a quick summary of what we know so far. Sign up to be the first to know about new product! EASY - easy use The bindings quickly slide onto the plate without the use of tools. Introducing the new Turnamic® Nordic system, compatible amongst existing NNN® & Prolink® boot soles, the CONTROL STEP IN is an easy to use touring binding designed for recreational off-trail skiers. endobj New Collection Cross Country SkiwearShop now. New Fischer Turnamic skate binding developed for World Cup athletes allows them to precisely position the binding, quickly and without tools. You can adjust the position of bindings forward for more grip and backward for more glide with ease. You need to install the plate on your skis, but you are totally tool free in the further setup of your bindings. This system uses a new plate that only accepts their new Turnamic bindings. Please enter your email address below to receive a password reset link. The good news is that pretty much any NIS binding will work with the kit. <>/Metadata 80 0 R/ViewerPreferences 81 0 R>> You never know exactly where your wax pocket is going to be until you’ve been on the snow, but I waxed according to the paper test and it was spot on. Put the toe of your ski boot in the notch of the binding. The first step is to find out the forward pressure system and examine the midsole area of the boot. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. By continuing your navigation you accept our privacy policy. <> Turnamic bindings are easy to get in and out of; simply twist the Turn Lock mechanism at the front. You can turn the lever to the sides to open or close the lock. Please type the letters and numbers below. Fischer claims that you can do it with your gloves on, but I prefer to put them off. �Y�j�tI�Ҕ ����XV��ʧ�d�2pN��khɚ�@%`. In addition to the toe binding, NNN bindings also include a series of matching ridges on the boots and ski for greater grip and control. )�+u����6�"A��A0��Irp4J_����5(�,Z�N���w���J�s�� �o���D��I��H���J��?�]i|j��~{"� ��ś��Zݞ�Sd�#Wg�,�ݱ�o�>���鉙,*��}�������� This easy-to-use concept allows the skier to very quickly and easily adjust the position of the binding on the ski according to the required level of glide and grip. Intuitive and easy to use. To release, just twist the lever with your pole or … F�9��9�����h��@C��>���d6���[�p�(n��:�|�;���f�9n��\��J}Ÿ!Y�I���L �OS���YusA_���v�k������!��QՇ�����i|��XRk ��Ao��!��ĕ�*ü���;KU��*��p���Ϫ���R���gҨ%}�q�`�nAjAV�&��F!��r�������͝ p��{�- ��e��آި�G�� Rottefella has also produced three versions of the MOVE binding to work with other plate systems. There are now bindings where the position on the skis can be adjusted. However, it’s important to keep in mind that NNN bindings made by Rottefella will not accept a TURNAMIC boot. The other major asset of TURNAMIC® is its ability to adapt to different snow conditions as well as the skier’s level of proficiency. To take advantage of that opportunity you need to purchase a $119 “Move Switch Kit”, and you also need to purchase bindings to use with the MOVE switch. The Turnamic Race Skate and Classic bindings offer a step in feature. A NNN boot will fit into a TURNAMIC binding and a TURNAMIC boot will fit into a NNN binding. Sign up for the newsletter and get 15% off! TURNAMIC boots will also fit into Prolink bindings as well. By continuing your navigation you accept our privacy policy. The binding position on the IFP base plate can be moved as much as 1.5 centimeters forward or back. 3 0 obj Then, you can mount the bindings on the plate without a screwdriver. /���qx@��0Y� &�a����1L`V���L��I��y=P�gu�d,�n~ԭ�WT�iA��p.e�-JЁJVP����K������eR��SЁ��ςڮ��,�+P([O,��(�H�#�R���j:"5T�&kEhߐ���h��%��� PwK�X)� �A]�y��q�ɜ�0�a�8�>��Iʮ�9.�%{p���j��&����M�D� Z�ϰ�*��`#jvߨuu�ԺD�^��d�}#Z��^d�|A.�tX��RU���3� E�{�$�!�^~W��}������)�Iq �? Rossignol Kids' Step In Jr Nordic Bindings. Also, the Turnamic binding is adjustable in 0.5cm increments just like Xcelerator. With their user-friendly shape, waxless design and TURNAMIC bindings, they're perfect … 2 0 obj Bindings updated fall 2020 Full length steel edges gives excellent control, especially in icy conditions Sidecut of 62-52-60 is versatile and can fit in machine groomed tracks Control step-in bindings are compatible with Turnamic, NNN and Prolink boots Some manufacturers provide recommended skier weights as a general guideline. The TURNAMIC® bindings and soles are based on existing standards as they are compatible with the worldwide established NNN® profile*. For skiers, it allows very intuitive foot entry/exit and adjustments with few constraints. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. TURNAMIC® is designed to be “Open”, because while it represents an opening towards the future of nordic skiing, it also maintains an unfailing link to the traditions of the discipline. The L2 Screw Mount Plate is an Integrated Fixation Plate (IFP) plate that converts any Nordic race or tour ski for use with Turnamic® system bindings. endobj TURNAMIC® has been designed to allow extremely easy operation for all stakeholders in the market. The Turnamic bindings tick the boxes. When it’s time to ski, the Turn Lock mechanism can be operated even with a gloved hand, making entry and exit easier than ever before. �M�Ȱ��?�9��Kt�A� ���n�k�w�:�8�/ӑ�2�ū9�i���I�ߦ��. Bindings are easy to use, simply step into them and ski. Many skiers will find this easier than the old up and down front throw style. Rossignol is using cookies in order to offer the best service. FLOWFLEX® technology allows binding to flex with the ski for optimal power transfer. The new products with their ground-breaking technologies are made for the requirements of cross-country skiers of all age groups and ability levels. The baseplate is two pieces, enabling the ski to bend more than with the one piece rottefella baseplate. Turnamic are the new bindings from Fischer and Rossignol. The new Turnamic bindings are adjustable without a tool/key and include 7 mounting locations from -1.5cm to +1.5cm. x��=�nG����H.���m.A`��}�{�X$�@I�41�aHʂ����z�d%QE�$bq�é���W����M�iv�Q_���f3;��_�_ߞ����=�_���ީ.�h�~x��׉��W������������à�!�ݿ�Qo�a~�7�����u��i�i擼p4�41Y���9�7�J������F��j�M�鉟�N�dq1�u���=�&�j�eO��ͽ���ɧ۩����L6W�N'+��-�p����U������S�'o�r1����9��B��g`ʦ�d��y��J-W���/�ޣ_m������- �j��r������"I��ӹDŘ���Qy2M�C�%E~8*3�Z��9�� z�&�3�;�D%K�>�Sc`�2A�r��g�$9=���3V*���8E>�\!S��.f��0��ƤeRh�a���rLmN����F�竰7�M�f ���鉛$0T`y��X�~��(��2A����;��6����Fn!mY&���IQ� CJ�z�3����oU�D��(�2�sInU�������*�( Beginner's Guide to Cross Country SkiingGet Started! Next years Fishcer/Rossignol skis will have the baseplate for this binding. One shop said use a heat gun and it takes hours. Turnamic bindings slide onto this plate and are adjustable, just like the NIS system. Included, premounted TURNAMIC® Race Skate bindings allow easy, step-in entry and are compatible with any skate-ski boots with TURNAMIC, NNN or Prolink soles ; Tool-free adjustment allows bindings to move back to adapt to soft snow conditions for improved glide ; Imported. If your ski plate has a numbered adjustment mechanism on it and no notches, it’s an IFP plate, and you’ll need a Turnamic binding. These classic skis have a shorter, wider footprint than many more advanced skis. This adjustability is the main advantag… Ski Type: Kids/Youth. NNN bindings use a short metal rod in the toe of the boot which connects with a corresponding clip-in binding on the ski. The bindings quickly slide onto the plate without the use of tools. To maximise the overall effect, Rossignol has designed an entire range of boots featuring its own soles, ideally tailored to this new technology and each type of discipline. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Put your skis down on the ground, open the bindings by pulling the lever. Step is to find out the forward pressure system and examine the midsole area of the regular adult adapter.... Ski boot in the toe piece to the sides to open or close the lock place toe... As Prolink ski boots adapter plate TURNAMIC® respects the ski ’ s construction, thanks to its non-intrusive plate... Compatibility with the worldwide NNN® * standard products with their ground-breaking technologies are made for the newsletter get! 0.5Cm increments just like the NIS system binding, compatible with all NNN.! Two pieces, enabling the ski ’ s construction, thanks to its non-intrusive IFP plate your boot! 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