According to the North American Breeding Bird Survey, the Blue-winged Teal has seen stable populations. Blue-winged Teal. Nesting Habitat A digital collection at Montana State University Library. Common Name: Blue-winged Teal Scientific Name: Anas discors Measurements Both Sexes Length 14.2–16.1 in 36–41 cm Wingspan 22–24.4 in 56–62 cm Weight 8.1–19.2 oz 230–545 g~ Cool Facts The Blue-winged Teal is among the latest ducks to migrate northward in spring, and one of the first to migrate southward in fall. Sign up with your email address to receive the latest news and information about upcoming events. Therefore, they take off early on spring and fall migration, leaving their breeding grounds in the United States and Canada well before other species in the … It does not include local names. Blue-winged Teal are dabbling ducks, which means that they feed in shallow water by dunking their heads under to search for food, or eating food on the surface of the water, like duckweed. The Blue-winged Teal is a small duck that breeds across much of North America. The body is tan with dark brown speckles. MORE IN DUCK CATEGORY. What are their flight patterns? The oldest recorded Blue-winged Teal was approximately 23 years old. The blue-winged teal (Anas discors) is a small dabbling duck from North America. The breast and flanks are a darker rusty red, darker and the pale patch on the rear flanks can be white but often has a slight rusty colour tinge. Teal are small ducks, fast in flight, flocks twisting and turning in unison. Blue-winged Teal. Category: Duck. Occasionally found in Andean Lakes. Blue-winged Teal Anas discors Teal are small ducks, fast in flight, flocks twisting and turning in unison. Flight is fast and direct with steady wing beats. Return to Teals. Adult Blue-winged Teal have an average maximum life span of about 12 years, which is a bit less than for … Blue-winged Teal (Spatula discors) male. What to look for? Therefore, they take off early on spring and fall migration, leaving their breeding grounds in the United States and Canada well before other species in the … Your information will not be shared with any third party. Blue-winged Teal are widespread and numerous, though their population has ups and downs depending on habitat conditions (wetter years tend to be better for ducks) and nest predation, which in some years can destroy up to 90% of nests. UID. For more information on the Blue-winged Teal and sources of information used in this blog (these are the sources that I am using to learn as I blog), please visit. Yellow-billed Cardinal. The genus Spatula of which the Blue-winged Teal is a member was officially resurrected in 2009. The scientific name is derived from Latin Anas "duck", and discors, "variance",… As early as 1923 Arthur Cleveland Bent bemoaned the loss of 50% of suitable habitat for prairie pothole ducks due to settlement of the North American middle west. In coastal areas, their preferred estuary and inlet habitats are threatened by increased development, however their ready adoption of nest boxes is promising. and large amounts of aquatic invertebrates found in shallowly flooded wetlands. Common Name. Scientific name: Anas discors Length: 15 inches Weight: 1 pound Wingspan: 23 inches. You can find Blue-winged Teal around here in the spring and in the fall foraging around the water’s edge of our ponds. The Blue-winged Teal has a slate gray neck and head with a blackish crown. Related People. There is low concern. What to look for? In contrast to Blue-winged Teal x Northern Shoveler hybrids, the iris colour in Cinnamon Teal x Northern Shoveler is either clear yellow, orange, or red. The adult male has a cinnamon-red head and body with a brown back, a red eye and a dark bill. Blue-winged Teals have the highest annual mortality rate (reaching 65%) of all the dabbling ducks; possibly as a result of hunting and long over-ocean migration. ]ANAS DISCORS, Linn. The female Blue-winged Teal has a coarsely marked brown body with darker cap and eyeline on the head, and black bill. It mainly feeds on plants. Scientific Name: Anas discors : Conservation Status: Common : The blue-winged teal is named for the light blue patches of feathers on the inner portion of the wings. The legs and feet are yellowish to orange. In flight, the large, pale blue patch on the inner part of the leading edge of the wing can be seen. Dr. Pam Rasmussen Department of Integrative Biology MSU Museum Division of Natural Science Michigan State University 20 Natural Science Building Scientific Name Common Name FWC FWS FNAI MAMMALS Family: Didelphidae (opossums) ... Anas discors blue-winged teal Anas crecca carolinensis green-winged teal Subfamily: Merginae (mergansers) ... Vermivora pinus blue-winged warbler Vermivora peregrina Tennessee warbler The adult female has a mottled brown body, a pale brown head, brown eyes and a grey bill and is very similar in appearance to a female blue-winged teal; however its overall color is richer, the lores, eye line, and eye ring are less distinct.Its bill is longer and more spatulate. And so the shoveler has it retained its specific name, and the blue-winged teal did as well and the cinnamon teal. Where do they take up residence? Two subspecies of cinnamon teal reside within the Andes of … A group of teal has many collective nouns, including a "coil", "dopping", "knob", "paddling", and "spring" of teal. The species is, however, common during spring and fall migrations between wintering and breeding grounds 2.. Blue-winged teal breed from … The wings have a green speculum and a pale blue shoulder patch visible in flight. The secondary flight feathers form an iridescent green speculum and the underwing is whitish. Pairs and small groups of this tiny dabbling duck inhabit shallow ponds and wetlands across much of North America. Like a good snowbird the Blue-winged Teal prefers warm weather and has adapted to migrate north later in spring and south earlier in fall than other ducks. Hence, they love dropping in at Carillon Stonegate Pond as they migrate. What is their conservation status? The Blue-winged Teal is a major exception to this rule. Blue-winged Teal dabble to feed on the vegetative parts of aquatic plants (algae, duckweeds, pondweeds, etc. This teal is seen all over the North American continent throughout the year at any point in time. Both sexes show a large amount of white on the underwing. These colourful ducks can easily be identified by the large areas of light blue feathers seen on their wings, when in flight. Predation by red foxes significantly reduces the number of ducks in the midcontinent area of the USA. The female is much grayer and has a dark line through the eye. Blue-winged Teal are dabbling ducks, which means that they feed in shallow water by dunking their heads under to search for food, or eating food on the surface of the water, like duckweed. The female is drab and mottled brown and her wing patch is subdued with an almost black-green speculum and no white border. References available upon request from About half the size of a mallard, the blue-winged teal are easily recognized by their grey-blue shoulder patch and by the male’s white head-crescent and flank patch. The bill is black. Despite these problems the Blue-winged Teal maintains a stable population and remains one of the most populous ducks in their range. And look for a distinctive white crescent in front of the eyes that is black-edged. The decaying ice sheet left behind depressions formed by the uneven deposition of till in ground moraines. It has reportedly been found in South American territories too. Otherwise its body is a light brown heavily covered with dark brown spots, a color pattern that helps it hide among wetland vegetation. Common Name: Blue-winged Teal Scientific Name: Anas discors Measurements Both Sexes Length 14.2–16.1 in 36–41 cm Wingspan 22–24.4 in 56–62 cm Weight 8.1–19.2 oz 230–545 g~ Cool Facts The Blue-winged Teal is among the latest ducks to migrate northward in spring, and one of the first to migrate southward in fall. However, the following wetter years created more pothole wetlands and the Blue-winged Teal responded in good numbers (Rowher). Seemingly a warm-weather duck, the Blue-winged Teal is largely absent from most of North America in the cold months, and winters more extensively in South America than any of our other dabblers.. BLUE-WINGED TEAL. These depressions fill with water in the spring, creating temporary wetlands.). Look for a much smaller version of a Mallard duck. Teal Key facts Scientific name: Anas crecca Status: Resident breeding species and winter visitor Breeding birds: 1,600-2,800 pairs Wintering birds: 220,000 Conservation status: Green Length: 34 - 38 ; A small dabbling duck, a Blue-winged Teal is dwarfed by a Mallard and only a touch larger than a Green-winged Teal. They are “dabbling ducks” - they feed in the water by tipping forward and grazing on underwater plants. The Blue-winged Teal has a slate gray neck and head with a blackish crown. Name in Spanish: Pato de Ala Azul. The nest is a shallow depression lined with grass lined and some down pulled from the parent’s own body (Bent). The genus Spatula, from the Latin for spoon, was first proposed in 1822 by German zoologist Friedrich Boie (Wikipedia). ]ANAS DISCORS, Linn. Latest Sightings of Blue-winged Teal The latest sighting details and map for Blue-winged Teal are only available to our BirdGuides Ultimate or our BirdGuides Pro … They almost never dive. Identifying waterfowl gives many hours of enjoyment to millions of people. It mainly feeds on plants. Blue-winged teal are the second smallest duck in North America and are highly distinctive during flight due to their bright blue wing patch. Profile: Blue-Winged Teal Background Massachusetts is at the eastern edge of the blue-winged teal's distribution. Anas discors blue-winged teal Aythya affinis lesser scaup Family: Phasianidae (pheasant, grouse, turkeys and their allies) ... Scientific Name Common Name FWC FWS FNAI Designated Status Family: Accipitridae (hawks, kites, accipiters, harriers, eagles) ... Vermivora pinus blue-winged warbler Geothlypis tristis common yellowthroat And their wingspan is approximately two feet. And look for a distinctive white crescent in front of the eyes that is black-edged. Their high-pitched peeping and nasal quacking are commonly heard in spring. Species ID #. Season codes include S for summer-only, W for winter-only, and Y for yearlong. Here is a link to the sounds of the Blue-winged Teal. These depressions fill with water in the spring, creating temporary wetlands. Blue-winged Teal: Scientific (Spatula discors) Order: ANSERIFORMES: Family (Latin) Anatidae: Family (English) Ducks, Geese, Swans: Other name(s) Sarcelle à ailes bleues: Breeding Regions: NA: Breeding Range Subregions: s Canada and USA: Nonbreeding Range Subregions: Countries (BETA)map In good numbers ( Rowher, et al actively hunted but at lower rates other... Of seasons Drought, and discors, “ variance ”, which ended about 10,000 ago! Wings have a green speculum and the Blue-winged Teal are long distance,... Birdforum is the largest member of the wing can be seen ponds, and is FREE. Has adapted to breed in shallow wetlands. ) in shallowly flooded wetlands. ) of right! Edge of the leading edge of the upper wing coverts ( feathers ) are –. 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