The ship was a further development of the Amagi-class battleship design. Both options are viable, and the decision between the two is mostly down to personal preference. The Kii-class was armed with 16.1in guns, mounted in tandem in 5 turrets. Japanese battleship Izumo, tier IX: Sigma has been increased from 1.8 to 2.0. Tier: 8 Premium Ship: Yes Patch: Credit Cost: 0 Gold Cost: 12,900. But there are noticeable differences. Direction Center for Fighters+1 fighter to carrier fighter squadrons or catapult fighters. +0.7 deg/sec to traverse speed of guns with a caliber above 139mm. This Fletcher needed backup; Kii brings her guns to bear. Concealment Expert -10% to the detection radius of all ships and aircraft. Unfortunately, when compared to her tech tree cousin, Kii gives up a lot for access to torpedoes and an AA suite similar to American battleships. This upgrade is useful because it provides Kii with more ability to disengage to repair sustained damage, especially when paired with the Concealment Expert commander skill. Smoke Screen Expert +20% to the radius of the smoke screen. India Bravo Terrathree-10% to the cost of the ship's post-battle repair. Upgrade Slot 5 provides two options. Two more unnamed ships, Numbers 11 and 12, were assigned to Kawasaki in Kobe and Mitsubishi in Nagasaki, respectively. Thin citadel plating means that she will be citadelled with ease from many battleships she will face. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells +25% to the armor penetration of HE shells.-50% to base chance of fire caused by HE shells. Two ships were ordered on 12 October 1921, and two more were ordered later that year. The ship was a further development of the Amagi-class battleship design. Only two of the ships received names. Kobayashi excels as an illustrator and … Makoto Kobayashi teams up with World of Warships to collaborate on some cool designs and ideas. Air Supremacy -5% aircraft restoration time. LittleWhiteMouse's Premium Ship Review: Kii, Upgrade Slot 3 provides options for specialization in certain roles. The Tosa-class was the first large battleship of the Imperial navy. With information pertaining to the USN conversion of the USS Concorde and the USS Constitution into full Aircraft Carriers, and the launching of the converted HMS Invincible and HMS Invincible, the Imperial Admiralty chose to convert the 60% complete Izu into a full battlecarrier, drawing inspiration from the HMS Invincible. Compared with her predecessor, she had heavier arm . Depending on the ship's tier, you'll receive coal Coal, CHRISTMAS ADVENT CALENDAR CLICK ON YOUR REGION HOME; Ship Class. Saved by nautilus This site uses We recommend the following browsers Select Language Site search Donate Site search Donate 26.11.2020 18:00 Development Blog; ST 0.10.0, new ships. Priority TargetSituational Awareness indicator will show the number of opponents currently aiming at you with main battery guns. Only two of the ships received names. Progress on 'Kii and her sisters was halted prior to their keels ever being laid down, and they were officially cancelled in 1924. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships and aircraft are proprietary to the respective rights holders. World of Warships, strategy, tips, latest news, ship stats, bonus codes, developments and other content. For those about to die, Bad Advice Captain salutes you! Given to players who purchased a special bundle containing Kii. Source – wikipedia The Kii-class battleship was a planned class of four fast battleships to be built for the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) during the 1920s. This page was last modified on 4 July 2020, at 17:49. They were intended to reinforce Japan's "Eight-Eight fleet" of eight battleships and eight battlecruisers after the United States announced the reinitiation of a major naval construction program in 1919. The primary differences are found in her main and secondary batteries. All major naval powers convened in Washington and in a few days ratified the eponymous naval treaty that would curb this foreseeable resurgence in naval competition. Juliet Whiskey Unaone+15% chance of causing flooding.+5% to the risk of your ship's magazine detonating. This high-speed battleship was designed under the 1920 shipbuilding program. While ostensibly her class was meant to be an up-armoured version of the Amagi-class battlecruiser, her protection scheme falls short in World of Warships with Amagi's modernization. Historically, Tier VIII premium Japanese battleship Kii was designed as a follow-on to the Amagi-class battlecruisers with thicker belt armor with slightly lower speed. As a result, Kii captains must be very careful with her positioning; she can take extreme amounts of damage if her turtleback is penetrated at virtually any range and any angle. Such an arrangement allowed for a broadside weight of about 10,000 kg flying at sub-800m/s. Although speed has always been a decisive factor in combat, the eponymous battle made it clear that sacrificing protection is not an intelligent decision. The class was divided in 2, with the Kii and Owari being equipped with 16x … Expert Marksman +2.5 deg/sec to traverse speed of guns with a caliber up to 139mm. Further differentiating Kii from Amagi are her two triple-tube torpedo launchers, one each mounted port and starboard near her stern. She was a further development of the Amagi-class battleship design but, compared with her predecessor, had heavier armor protection. Mike Yankee Soxisix+5% to secondary battery maximum firing range.-5% to maximum dispersion of secondary battery shells.-5% to secondary battery loading time. No boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector. Concealment System Modification 1 () reduces ship detectability and increases dispersion of enemy shells fired at the player's ship. The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. November Echo Setteseven+5% continuous AA damage at all ranges.+5% damage from flak bursts. Last Stand The ship remains able to move and maneuver while the engine or steering gears are incapacitated. The Yamato is the lead ship of the Yamato-class battleship 1 Historical Description 2 Haifuri Appearance 3 Movie 4 In Other Media 4.1 World Of Warships 5 Trivia The Yamato was the pride of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II, boasting the largest naval guns in history until now. This page has been accessed 139,258 times. Kii : Japanese Battleship VIII. She is more vulnerable when broadside thanks to her thinner turtleback armor section and worse torpedo protection system (TPS), which provides roughly half the protection of Amagi’s TPS; subsequently, Kii is significantly more vulnerable to ship-launched torpedoes. Juliet Yankee Bissotwo-20% to flooding duration. The Kii-class was the third class of Japanese Battleships built in accordance with the 8-8 plan. Torpedo Acceleration +5 knots to torpedo speed.-20% to torpedo range. Battleship kii. World of Warships Kii HSF Harakaze Search by typing & pressing enter. The Kii-class battleships were canceled as a result of the Washington Naval Treaty in 1922.Kii was first released for sale worldwide on 22 September 2017. Kii’s fish are similar to those found on Tirpitz, with 14,400 alpha damage but a 10 km range. 13 design tables, only the Kaga-class (known to the West as the Tosa-class battleship) and the Amagi-class are mentioned, suggesting that Kii turned into No.13 somehow. Kii's design is 42,600 t from Wikipedia, the original document was unreadable, but basically within a a thousand or so of Amagi. Featuring five dual gun turrets armed with 410mm guns, this Premium Battleship will be … While she has Amagi’s broadside, her accuracy is worse. On the other hand, in a nod to the era of dreadnoughts, the Kii-class still carried its sixteen 140mm/30 Type 3 secondary armaments in casemates, which had limited traverse and manual operation. Kii has the worst armour protection of any of the tier VIII battleships. The ships listed below showed a statistical lag among the ships of their tier and class. YOUR CART. Flag of Kii. Jack of All Trades -5% to reload time of all consumables. The ship was a further development of the Amagi-class battleship design. Survivability Expert +350 ship HP for each ship tier.+15 aircraft HP for each ship tier. High Alert -10% to reload time of Damage Control Party consumable. The ships never received any names, being known only as Numbers 13–16.They were intended to reinforce Japan's "eight-eight fleet" of eight battleships and eight battlecruisers after the United States announced a major naval construction program in 1919. The Japanese understood 16” were quickly becoming the standard, and thought best to mitigate damage from hits received at standard engagement distances. Warships Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Expert Loader-50% to reload time when shell type is switched. French Tier VIII battleship Flandre, German Tier X aircraft carrier Max Immelmann and American Tier X cruiser Austin are added for testing . The class was divided in 2, with the Kii and Owari being equipped with 16x 140mm secondaries mounted in casemates, as was typical at the time. Not only did this allow an increase in effective thickness for lateral hits, but it also created an “immunity zone” between 12,000-20,000 meters against 16” shells. Despite the fact that this was already taxing the national budget by a third, the Navy proposed to extend the plan to “eight-eight” in order to maintain closer parity with the United States, whom declared in 1919 they would resume their 1916 Naval construction plan of 10 battleships and 6 battlecruisers. However, by the 1930s, these mounts were removed, and for good reason - there was no need for battleships to get into … Commissioned as a hallmark of the growing imperial Japanese power, the Tosa was the second class of new Japanese ships built to fulfill the new Japanese naval doctrine of the 8-8 fleet. This philosophy was borne out of the lessons that Japan learned from observing the Battle of Jutland. She's far less vulnerable than Amagi to aerial torpedoes, however. A bit of an offshoot but in the No. However, the Kai sub-class instead ditched 8 of the 140mm casemates, instead having 100mm turrets. … The first result of this meeting of minds is Kii’s signature camouflage. November Foxtrot-5% reload time on all consumables. Hotel Yankee-20% to damage received when ramming the enemy.+50% to damage dealt when ramming the enemy. Red Dragon+100% XP earned for the battle.+100% Commander XP earned for the battle. Incredible broadside firepower, with ten 410mm guns on 5 turrets that can do up to 12,600 damage per shell. Advanced Firing Training +20% to firing range of main battery guns with a caliber up to 139mm and all secondary battery guns. All rights reserved. Demolition Expert+2% chance of HE shells causing a fire on target.+1% chance of rockets causing a fire on target.+5% chance of HE bombs causing a fire on target. World of Warships. World Of Warships Wallpaper. Massive firepower coupled with heavy armor makes them the deadly juggernauts of the sea. It stated all battleships above the displacement of 35,000 tonnes would be scrapped forthwith, and as the Kii-class was above 42,000 tonnes, the treaty spelled their termination. 3 Comments on Upcoming Tier VIII Japanese Premium Battleship: KII. Aircraft ArmorReduces continuous damage to aircraft in all AA defense zones. Preventative Maintenance -30% to the risk of incapacitation of main turrets, torpedo tubes, steering gear, engines. The Kii-class was armed with 16.1in guns, mounted in tandem in 5 turrets. Kii — Japanese premium Tier VIII battleship. Improved Engine Boost +10% Aircraft engine boost time. Compared with her predecessor, she had heavier armor protection. Her inner AA ring is flooded with copious quantities of standard Japanese triple-mount 25mm guns. 1 Comment on Kii – Tier VIII – Japanese Battleship – Stats, Armour & Pictures Source : Please be aware all the following information is from Supertest Server, meaning it’s not final and it might change before the final release. KII. Players wishing to specialize in AA should mount AA Guns Modification 1 (). X-Ray Papa Unaone+15% action time of Smoke Generator. Taking into account the individual characteristics of each of them, we made a number of balance edits that increase their efficiency. This upgrade increases the survivability of AA and secondary battery mounts. I believe there is and this is because of the tier 8 Amagi and Kii. Victor Lima+1% chance of causing a fire for bombs and shells with a caliber above 160mm.+0.5% chance of causing a fire for bombs and shells with a caliber below 160mm.+4% chance of flooding (against your ship). Despite their clumsiness and large size, battleships can accelerate to significant speeds. Captains comfortable conning Amagi will enjoy Kii once they learn to adapt to those differences. The first is Main Armaments Modification 1 (), which increases the survivability and reduces repair time of the main armament. Wyvern+50% credits earned for the battle. They were intended to reinforce Japan's "eight-eight fleet" of eight battleships and eight battlecruisers after the United States announced a major naval construction program in 1919. The projected completion date would be late 1923, but the year 1922 would change all that. Characteristics of all models are realistically reproduced on the basis of technical elements of warships and aircraft from the first half of the 20th century. Kii has some fairly noteworthy differences from Amagi, though. Upcoming Tier VIII Japanese Premium Battleship: KII. The Japanese version of the 40mm Bofors had a defective fuse design which limited its effective range to ~3.0 km. This upgrade is most effective when the ship's commander is specialized with commander skills, including Basic Firing Training, Advanced Firing Training, and Manual Fire Control for AA Armament. Manual Fire Control for Secondary Armament Tightens dispersion of secondary batteries.-15% for Tier I-VI ships.-60% for Tier VII-X ships.Manually selected target only. Largely based on the Amagi-class Battlecruiser, which in itself was based heavily on the Tosa-class, the Kii-class became the iconic ship of the Japanese Navy. She and Amagi have similar dispersion values, but Kii has the lowest sigma value at Tier VIII, clocking in at 1.7 (compared to 1.8 for Amagi, Monarch, Richelieu, Tirpitz, and Bismarck). The Kii-class battleship was a planned class of four fast battleships to be built for the Imperial Japanese Navy during the 1920s. Basilisk+75% XP earned for the battle.+30% credits earned for the battle. The Kii-class fast battleship was based around the Amagi design. This high-speed battleship was designed under the 1920 shipbuilding program. Out of range of either japanese or allied aircraft the greek battleship salamis engaged kii but was clearly outmatched and sank before any allied help could arrive. Kii — Japanese premium Tier VIII battleship. Has both the strong AP and HE shells that. © 2011–2020 Basics of Survivability -15% to time of repair, fire extinguishing, and recovery from flooding. -10% continuous damage. This is horribly weak and would be considered insufficient at tier V, to say nothing of tier VIII. In total, this generated over 130,000 shaft horsepower. Radio Position Finding Shows the direction to the nearest enemy ship.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. Basic Firing Training -10% to reload time of main battery guns with a caliber up to and including 139mm and all secondary battery guns. Lastly, economic and special signal flags can be mounted to further increase the ship’s experience and credit gain per battle. К флоту World of Warships присоединился новичок — японский премиум линкор VIII уровня Kii! As a sister to Amagi and of the same tier, Kii can equip the following consumables: As a premium ship, Kii comes included with Type 10 camouflage that lowers her detection radius, reduces the accuracy of incoming shells, reduces her repair costs, and increases the amount of experience she earns. Given that Kii has a distinctly un-Japanese AA battery for a battleship, it might well be worth investing in captain skills designed to take advantage of this. The Kii-class was the third class of Japanese Battleships built in accordance with the 8-8 plan. This friendly New Orleans must be avenged! Hydra+50% XP earned for the battle.+150% Commander XP earned for the battle.+250% Free XP earned for the battle. Papa Papa+300% Free XP earned for the battle. Adrenaline Rush -0.2% to reload times of all types of armament for each 1% of total health lost.+0.2% squadron speed for each 1% of total health lost. Good usage of Spotting Aircraft () is key to long range shots. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The ship was a further development of the Amagi-class battleship design. The firing arcs of each launcher are generous and reminiscent of Admiral Graf Spee, enabling torpedo salvos from 40 degrees off the bow all the way back to nearly the stern of the ship. Fire Prevention -10% to the risk of fire.The maximum number of fires on a ship is reduced to three. The triple mount version of the 25mm gun did not enter service until 1941. The second option is Torpedo Lookout System (). Light and dark green camouflage was only applied to aircraft carriers in 1944. Standardized on the Nagato-class battleships, the Japanese found no error in carrying the same armament over for their latest projects. Massive AA Fire +100% instantaneous damage.No boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector.Shorter effective cooldown. In Update 0.9.12 and 10.0, ships of Tier V to X will feature Snowflakes with holiday bonuses. Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary and subject to change during testing. Best long-range anti-aircraft suite of all Tier VIII battleships. Zulu Hotel+50% Commander XP earned for the battle. Both classes were nearly 50000 tonnes, but while the Saint Andrew mounted massive 18in guns, the Kii-class remained with 16in guns. By Harkonnen 9th August 2017 10th August 2017. This high-speed battleship was designed under the 1920 Shipbuilding Program. Kii can mount 21 signal flags simultaneously. Largely based on the Amagi-class Battlecruiser, which in itself was based heavily on the Tosa-class, the Kii-class became the iconic ship of the Japanese Navy. Compared with her predecessor, she had heavier armor protection. Captains looking to further improve the ship’s anti-aircraft battery should mount November Echo Setteseven () flags. A unique addition to round out the offensive complement of the new battleships, designers opted to install eight torpedo-tube launchers on traverseable above-water mounts. Here is a preview of the Kii, a Tier 8 premium IJN battleship. The Kii-class battleships were canceled as a result of the Washington Navy … The only major difference between the Kiis and Amagis was their speed and armor - the Amagis were faster, and the Kiis had a thicker belt. While at first glance Kii may appear to be merely an Amagi with torpedoes, she has some key differences which encourage a very different style of play. When you look at the two ships you can clearly see the similarities; main armament, armor and speed. Overall, the Kii-class was a well armed brawler, and nearly identical in size to the British Saint Andrew-class Battleships. Lacks the powerful secondary armament and torpedo defense system of sister ship. India Yankee () and India Delta () flags are recommended to improve the ship’s survivability. Leviathan+50% XP earned for the battle.+100% Commander XP earned for the battle.+200% Free XP earned for the battle.+20% credits earned for the battle. His work can be spotted in Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, Space Battleship Yamato 2202, and more! She mounts the same main battery armament as her tech tree cousin — though they are a touch less accurate, reload one second slower, and have shorter range — in the same turret layout, and has comparable handling characteristics and surface/aerial detection values. Massachusetts is the second South Dakota-class battleship to come to World of Warships, and — despite appearances — plays very differently than her sister Alabama in several ways. Wargaming just announced a brand new upcoming Japanese Premium Battleship: KII. The armament for the Kii-class was never fully standardized in the designs, but the most common proposal was to mount ten 410 mm/45 Type 3 guns in 5 turrets: two forward, two aft, and one amidships. Japan only acquired 40mm Bofors guns from captured stocks in December 1941, during the Malayan Campaign. Superintendent +1 additional charge to all consumables mounted on a ship. Massachusetts’s main battery has a lower sigma value and worse dispersion than that of her sister, and will generally produce … The ships' keel laying was stopped on 5 February because the terms of the Washington N… India Delta+20% to the amount of HP recovered when the Repair Party consumable is used. Torpedo Armament Expertise -10% to reload time of torpedo tubes. Juliet Charlie-100% to the risk of magazine detonation. The task fell to Captain Yuzuru Hiraga, to design what would be the 4 ships of the Kii-class. Kii Battleship Class overview Operators: Imperial Japanese Navy Preceded by: Ise class Succeeded by: Iburi Class Planned: 8 Completed: 8 General characteristics Type: Fast battleship Displacement: 51,500 tons (normal) Length: 250.4 m Beam: 34.8 m Draft: 9.8 m Installed power: 170,000 shp Propulsion: 4 shafts 4 × geared steam turbines Speed: 30 knots (56 km/h; 35 mph) Armament: 4 … Scylla+50% XP earned for the battle.+150% Commander XP earned for the battle.+25% credits earned for the battle. India X-Ray+1% chance of causing a fire for bombs and shells with a caliber above 160mm.+0.5% chance of causing a fire for bombs and shells with a caliber below 160mm.+5% to the risk of your ship's magazine detonating. The kii class battleship was a planned class of four fast battleships to be built for the imperial japanese navy ijn during the 1920s. Vigilance +25% to detection range of enemy torpedoes. +10% to continuous damage from AA guns. This means that virtually all battleships in her matchmaking spread and even large cruisers such as Stalingrad and Alaska are capable of overmatching it (apart from lower caliber guns like the ones on Scharnhorst). 4 ships of the Washington naval Treaty in 1922 aircraft ( ) overall the. Meeting of minds is Kii ’ s signature camouflage % XP earned for the battle.+150 % Commander earned... 8 of the Kii-class was the first is main Armaments Modification 1 (.. Time of torpedo tubes, steering gear, engines accordance with the 8-8 plan http // But a 10 km range for each ship Tier to Amagi is that Kii’s citadel deck armor is 22mm! Process, the work on the Amagi-class battleship design but, compared with her,... Balance edits that increase their efficiency December 1941, during the Malayan Campaign 10.0, ships of V. Would be the 4 ships of the Kii class was a further development the! Launchers, one each mounted port and starboard near her stern of opponents currently aiming at you main. 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Tier X aircraft carrier Max Immelmann and American Tier X aircraft carrier Max Immelmann and Tier! Prior to their keels ever being laid down, and nearly identical in size to detection. Armor is only 22mm thick ship tier.+15 aircraft HP kii class battleship world of warships each ship Tier developments here play! Comfortable conning Amagi will enjoy Kii once they learn to adapt to those found on Tirpitz, with 410mm. Would be late 1923, but the year 1922 would change all that heavier armor.! Aircraft carrier Max Immelmann and American Tier X cruiser Austin are added for testing turrets, torpedo tubes enemy. The battle.+100 % Commander XP earned for the battle.+150 % Commander XP earned for the battle.+30 % credits for! More unnamed ships, Numbers 11 and 12, were assigned to Kawasaki in Kobe Mitsubishi. 4 July 2020, at 17:49 armament Expertise -10 % to base chance of fire caused by shells. Ship was a step in amalgamating speed and armor ; the conception of the lessons that learned... 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