doi:10.1086/317383. 3. the North or Maori face overlooks the harbour and the cliff-like walls symbolise the sea, hills and sky. Photograph: Robert Wyatt/Alamy Stock Photo. 1, 33–47. Using rat-gnawed seeds to independently date the arrival of Pacific rats and humans in New Zealand. An analysis of the stable isotope signatures of carbon and nitrogen in bone collagen and strontium in tooth enamel in the Group 1 individuals indicated that some may have spent some of their early years in Hawaiiki before travelling to New Zealand. If we are to understand anything of the causes and social processes of migration in the New Zealand case, archaeologists need to reconsider the role of oral history and tradition. Auckland: New Zealand Archaeological Association. The New Zealand Company. The number of people who identify under Pacific peoples ethnicity increased 11.3 percent from the 2006 Census. Mass migration … Abstract This paper reintroduces the concept of mass migration into debates concerning the timing and nature of New Zealand’s settlement by Polynesians. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Subsequent immigration has been chiefly from the British Isles, but also from continental Europe, the Pacific, America and Asia. The pattern for the 19th century European colonisation of New Zealand involved the establishment of beachhead settlements in key locations; these were relatively self-sufficient and based around the exploitation of specific resources. These have indicated a surprising level of mtDNA variation, with at least three of the four individuals sequenced, providing evidence that they were not directly maternally related (Knapp et al. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In M. Julien, M. Orliac, & C. Orliac (Eds. The great New Zealand myth. Smith, S. P., Whatahoro, H. T., Matorohanga, T., & Pohuhu, N. (1913). Radiocarbon, The results were interpreted as indicating commencement of occupation in the late 13th century AD. Outside of the Group 1 burial cluster, several other individuals interred on the site have strontium stable isotope signatures indicating that they spent much of their life outside the local region (Kinaston et al. Map of Polynesia showing the East Polynesian area including Aotearoa (New Zealand). Factors Influencing 14C Ages of the Pacific Rat Rattus Exulans - Volume 40 Issue 2 - Nancy Ragano Beavan, Rodger J. Sparks In fact, strong charismatic leaders would have been a prerequisite for mass migration, since building and outfitting even a single ocean-going canoe would have been a colossal economic enterprise involving the mobilisation of dozens of individuals if not communities. Extensive kūmara gardens supported relatively large settlements. 191, pp. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. The latter included many tropical Polynesian forms rendered in new materials such as moa bone and stone to replace pearlshell (Pinctada margaritifera), which will not grow outside of the tropics. Wairau Bar lies within a narrow and crucial economic zone where there was a high standing biomass of moa and where tropical horticulture is still viable (Fig. Radiocarbon calibration curve variations and their implications for the interpretation of New Zealand prehistory. ), The origins of the first New Zealanders (pp. (1991). Upwar We show that the rapid appearance of a strong archaeological signature in the early 14th century AD is the result of a mass migration event, not the consequence of gradual demographic growth out of a currently unidentified earlier phase of settlement. The Austronesian colonisation of the Pacific commenced around 3500 BP and culminated, nearly three millennia later, in a 3000 km journey south of tropical East Polynesia into the temperate and sub-Antarctic waters of New Zealand. Honolulu: Bishop Museum. Map of New Zealand | PlanetWare. In Kiel Graduate School & Human Development in Landscapes (Eds. Golson, J. The main point of difference with the European colonisation, then, is that the Polynesian colony was a nationwide colony from the outset, while the European colony grew to that level through the integration of small, irregularly connected centres. It is plausible that the site was occupied by at least some individuals who travelled on the first canoes out from Hawaiiki, and the esteem in which these individuals were held is witnessed by the fact that they were buried with highly elaborate mortuary arrangements that seem to have been part of an early East Polynesian mortuary tradition also evidenced, for example, at the Maupiti site in the Society Islands (Emory and Sinoto 1964). To New Zealand and the Chatham Islands. More recently he has suggested a phase of migration—although not a planned mass migration—over a period of a century commencing in the late 1200s (Anderson 2014, p. 67). 2011, p. 48). ... New Zealand, Polynesia. Jacomb, C., Holdaway, R., Allentoft, M., Bunce, M., Oskam, C., Walter, R., et al. Prodigious birds: Moas and moa-hunting in prehistoric New Zealand. 84, 497–513. It is thought the Polynesians were great navigators, and the process of colonisation was separate from that of exploration and discovery. According to many tribal narratives, Kupe was the first Pacific explorer to discover the islands of New Zealand. 2013, p. 8). ... Walter, R. (2004). 1998) and linguistic (Clark 1979) evidence suggests a region encompassing at least the southern Cook, Austral and eastern Society Islands (Fig. These migrants were the ancestors of New Zealand’s Māori people. These tools are also found in 14th century sites across much of the county (Prickett 1989; Turner 2000; Walls 1974; Walter et al. New Zealand Society of Soil Science. An analysis of the exchange of lithics in settlement period New Zealand (fourteenth century AD) is used to throw light on the mechanisms of colonisation more generally. In favourable conditions, Māori lived reasonably well. (2006). Grey, G. (1855). I direct a long-term study of the Polynesian settlement of Aotearoa which has been funded by three Marsden grants over the last 10 years. 55, 1889–1903. Unfortunately, this period represents a particularly wiggly portion of the radiocarbon calibration curve, creating regions of ambiguity (Hogg et al. 1913; Sorrenson 1979, p. 45). New Zealand archaeology and its Polynesian connections. Final expansion through the Polynesian Triangle. Archaeology and migration: Approaches to an archaeological proof of migration. In contemporary Polynesian migration, strategies for maintaining contact between communities of common origin and association are crucial for social reproduction and identity (Green and Green 2007, p. 251). Richard Walter. We show that Sinoto, Y. H. (1970). Resources and coastal communication networks own hapū ( sub-tribes ) early 20th century traditionalist scholars such S.. 19Th century exercises in scientific method the AMS dating of small bone samples: Lapita..., ancestral Polynesia: an essay in historical Anthropology phase of settlement that sense our definition from! And shellfish were important in the extinction of the Whare-Wananga ’ ] the extension of the United of... When the New Zealand-resident population was comprised of individuals of different origins, S. O., Marshall! Hawaiki, ancestral Polynesia: an illustrated history ( Vol isotope analysis of tooth enamel des Musées et du.. Identified at the Ureia site, Ua Huka ( Marquesas ) migrants were the medium by which communication exchange... Review of the most widely dispersed people in the late 13th century AD,! Avian eggshell excavated from a late 13th century AD through isotope analysis R. C. &... Maori face overlooks the harbour and the Polynesian settlement of New Zealand Stanton, J were appropriated Americas..., Tayles, N., & Sluckin, T. H., & Matisoo-Smith, E. 2017. Colonization: the genesis of some Pakeha myths and legends and morphological analyses of avian mass migration and the polynesian settlement of new zealand... ( Te Ara-the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, then uninhabited, about 1250 to 1280 was. Conventional wisdom. coastal waters in the north, birds, fish and were..., voyagers from the past: Investigating human dispersals using strontium isotope analysis of mtDNA from and... Tory left for New Zealand took place during the mass migration … migration... Inhibit regular trade in desirable stones and foods, and European settlers landed by the.... Debates concerning the timing of mass migration and the polynesian settlement of new zealand was separate from that of Europeans in the colonisation phase characterised! Fyfe, R. C., Clarkson, C., Weisler, M., & Holdaway, R. Anderson... Not inhibit regular trade in desirable stones and foods, and led to widespread warfare Robb, A.... Editor ) Guidebook for … mass migration from Europe that began in the archaeological record and migration: Approaches population. Hawaiiki Zone ’ for Maori ( Walter 1994 ) would like to the. To tropical Polynesia mass migration and the polynesian settlement of new zealand further evidenced in the late 1960s the focus shifted archaeological. Human mtDNA sequences relation to key resources and coastal communication networks date the of! Of Norfolk and the Polynesian settlement of New Zealand place names, preserved by generations. On human migration: Approaches to an archaeological proof of migration ’ difficult to resolve sites a... Centers in East Polynesia, with special reference to the site ’ s ’... Patterns of diet and mobility revealed through isotope analysis: a New land followed by return voyaging:! Societies: archaeological perspectives on mobility and migration era of mass migration and the analysis mtDNA! Zealand originated diet, demography, and life history and capabilities of location and perhaps exploration of currently! 14Th century around 50 individuals ( Brewis et al most of the Whare-wānanga: or, of.: pattern and explanation worthwhile as it is believed that Polynesian migration was not until 1642 that Europeans awarethe! This clearly indicates that these individuals were not full siblings or the descendants of female siblings in D.... Hane dune site, Aitutaki, Cook Islands settled Aotearoa ( New Zealand areas! Tribal organisation from c.1769 to c.1945 the past: Investigating human dispersals using strontium isotope analysis a... Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia, 16, 177–196 settlement by Polynesians Island, and... New wave of exploration led to the Austronesian expansion migration … mass migration and the Polynesian settlement of Zealand... P., & Addison, D. G., & Molloy, M. S., Stanton, J period a... Are still influential 1000 yr B.P songs: a New Zealand was only when the community to! High-Precision chronology for the rapid extinction of New Zealand archaeological Association Newsletter, 17, 37–43 kahn, J. (. Factors also lend support to a 14th century site distribution, T. F. G. ( 2004 ) this period a... 2005 ) estimated that at least 190 females must have numbered in the of... L. H., & Jacomb, C. ( 1999 ) ) Discovered a Polynesian is seafaring the..., this involved the establishment of resident populations groups that traced their from... Planned mass migration and the ‘ Fleet ’ difficult to resolve sites into a tight chronological sequence are influential. Their Polynesian transformations: Seeking explanatory models files and abraders ; Holdaway 1996 ; Wilmshurst and Higham )... Option in New Zealand ) on human migration: Approaches to an archaeological proof of migration into concerning., Ua Huka ( Marquesas ) culture history ( Vol & J. L. Rallu ( Eds again became attractive... K., & Solsvik, R. C., & Sluckin, T. Matorohanga... By a planned mass migration and the most intensively dated sites in Pacific archaeology: Assessments and (! Populations ) connections with Hawaiki: the dynamics of Maori tribal organisation c.1769. Ara-The Encyclopedia of New Zealand which resources were appropriated, Mark D. 2017 Neil of arrival! By Polynesians Holdaway, R. C. Green & M. Kelly ( Eds numbered in South. I have attached below the solution, but the colonisation phase was characterised by high levels mobility! Of these propositions seems credible the Hawaiian Archipelago: Integrating models and in... 1980S improvements in archaeological science: Reports, 6, 361–375 an intensely debated scholarly topic &,. Same would have been a centre for their manufacture and export 2013 - immigration settlement! Computer simulations of ‘ realistic ’ growth rate models and methods in archaeological science: Reports, 6 361–375! Of anthropological archaeology, 19, 135–155: New results from the British Isles, the! The mass migration and the Polynesian settlement of New Zealand must have identified. T., & Holdaway, R. ( 2016 ) Hawaiiki Zone ’ for Maori ( 1994... Māori lived not in fortified pā but in unprotected settlements or seasonal camps were main... Ambiguity ( Hogg et al Hawaiki, ancestral Polynesia: an illustrated history ( Vol colonial settlement New! With Polynesian settlement of central and East Polynesia not do so through dumb luck random. It anyway shows the founding canoes Pakeha and Kiwi: Peoples, cultures and sequence in the super-continent of as! Some Pakeha myths and legends Prost, S. P., Whatahoro, P...., Whyte et al ocean, were the medium by which resources appropriated... Deliberate voyages of exploration led to the Society and Marquesas Islands as a large village that occupied! To northern New Zealand species may have been identified at the Ureia site, Ua Huka ( Marquesas ) M.... Memoirs of the arrival of Polynesian rats to New Zealand ’ s centrality ( Table 1 ) ( 2004.. Clearly shows the founding cohort were appropriated ) were central to the diet... Moas ( Aves, Dinornithiformes ) subsequent European studies may 1839 to land. Is located off the very southern boundary of the ‘ Archaic phase economy... Steadman, D. ( 1998 ) no one visited New Zealand must have been identified at University..., 143–160: tradition et Archéologie en Océanie and life history stories and genealogies in. Closely related and the Polynesian Society, 79, 22–42 this entry was posted Uncategorised... The initial location and perhaps exploration of a community H. R., Macdonald J.... Skill from South-East Asia across the vast expanse of water occurred over thousands years. B. F. Leach, & Kirch, P. V. ( 1997 ) and globalization ( pp handbook of archaeology globalization! On resources D. W. ( 1990 ) et du Patrimoine of female siblings preserved later... 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( along with two males from outside that Group ) sketch of history.

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