This slate of officers will be presented to the 57th Supreme Chapter in Baltimore, Maryland, on July 16-19, 2020. Joe lives in suburban Chicago with his wife of 2, years and two teenaged children. The College Panhellenic Council (CPC) serves as the governing body for the sororities on campus that are members of the National Panhellenic Conference. National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) The National Pan-Hellenic Council at UT Dallas includes four historically African American organizations:. Not currently recognized Violation of F&SL Minimum Standard - Officer Training Minimum Attendance, Responsible: Chapter must complete educational workshop. After graduation, Mike served on the national staff as a Leadership Consultant and Director of Expansion, helping to establish seven new chapters. As a student, Mike served his chapter as Archon and Warden and was named Pi Kappa Phi’s Student of the Year in 1994. Chapters In order for a fraternity or sorority to operate at Penn State, they must be recognized as an affiliate group of their inter/national fraternity or sorority, otherwise known … It has the legislative power to conduct the affairs of the Fraternity between Grand Chapter Business sessions. After graduation, Joe served as Executive Vice President of Pi Kappa Phi Properties for two years. David is an alumnus of the Alpha Eta Chapter at Samford University, where he served as IFC Vice President and the chapter’s lead representative for the 2002 Supreme Chapter. Founded at GVSU: April 28th, 1979 September 17, 2020 November 25, 2020. He is currently the CEO – Americas for The Instant Group, a global leader in innovative workspaces. Sigma Pi Theta Rho Chapter. After graduation, Joe served as Executive Vice President of Pi Kappa Phi Properties for two years. Joe was initiated into the first associate class of Epsilon Omicron Chapter at Villanova University, where he served as IFC Vice President and President, as well as President of the Northeastern Interfraternity Council. Chapters recognized for 2020 Accomplishments. William received a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from the University of Tennessee and is currently a Senior Vice President with Bank of America Corporation in Charlotte, North Carolina. Each January, Pi Kappa Phi recognizes its top-performing chapters and individual members in six regions according to their performance in the previous year in the areas of governance, growth, member experience, branding and communication, scholarship, campus involvement, and service and philanthropy. About the Organization. Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity - Alpha Delta Chapter - University of Washington From the beginning, Pi Kappa Phi has been led by extraordinary men. Because of that leadership, we have prospered in good times and persevered during difficult ones. Joe was initiated into the first associate class of Epsilon Omicron Chapter at Villanova University, where he served as IFC Vice President and President, as well as President of the Northeastern Interfraternity Council. UW Kappa Delta, Seattle, WA. Founded Nationally: December 10th, 1904. As a volunteer, Joe served as Chapter Advisor, Area Governor, and currently serves as the Pi Kappa Phi National Historian. As a volunteer, he has served as a Chapter Advisor, a City Events Coordinator, the founding President of both the Eta Rho Alumni Chapter and Eta Rho Housing Corporation, and as a prevention education program facilitator. In a unanimous decision, the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity has revoked the associate chapter status of the fraternity on Elon University's campus. The National Council of Pi Kappa Phi is the fraternity’s governing board of directors. JOSEPH A. BRADY III, EPSILON OMICRON (VILLANOVA). He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Villanova University and a master’s in business administration from the UNC-Chapel Hill. Bill Brasch with Clea Newman. David lives with his wife, Desha, in Washington, D.C., where he consults as a Senior Marketing Account Manager at ICF. Since his clerkship, James has maintained an active law practice, primarily focused on rental purchase law and insurance coverage analysis. Alpha Kappa Alpha Nu Theta Chapter. Each individual is listed with the officer for which he has been nominated. James returned to Samford to attend law school at the Cumberland School of Law, after which he clerked for the Alabama Supreme Court in Montgomery. A student representative is appointed each year by the seven alumni members of the Council. Mike was initiated into the Beta Eta Chapter at Florida State University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in English literature. Privacy Policy | © 2021 Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Address: It was born to unite young university women in a common purpose of strengthening their lives so that in everyday living they will be able to stand true to Christian principles. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Villanova University and a master’s in business administration from the UNC-Chapel Hill. The National Council. View fullsize. Phi Kappa Pi (ΦΚΠ) is a Canadian national fraternity.Founded on March 22, 1913, … 2018-2019 Council of Archons Selected. Charlotte, NC 28273. Motto: OΥΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΣΠΑΣΕΙ ΗΜΑΣ ("Nothing shall ever tear us asunder") … The lawsuit names as defendants the Pi Kappa Phi national and Washington chapters, the fraternity alumni association and two fraternity house … National President. From the beginning, Pi Kappa Phi has been led by extraordinary men. Alan lives with his wife of 25+ years, Molly, in Decatur, Illinois, where he is an Assistant Professor of Management & Marketing at the Tabor School of Business at Millikin University. In recent years, Pi Kappa Phi … The seven volunteer National Officers are elected to the National Council every two years by the Grand Chapter. Under conduct review 10/7/19 Phi Gamma Delta FIJI Phi Delta Theta ΦΔθ Phi Kappa Tau ΦKT Phi Kappa Psi ΦKΨ. As “leaders by choice”, the brothers of Pi Kapp strive to uphold a reputation of success in and out of the classroom. Pi Kappa Alpha ΠKA Pi Kappa Phi ΠKΦ. Elected every two years by the Supreme Chapter, the National Council consists of seven alumni members. Because of that leadership, we have prospered in good times and persevered during difficult ones. He and his wife Elizabeth live in Charlotte and have 2 adult children, Marshall and Jordan. 2015 Ayrsley Town Boulevard, Suite 200 Today’s presidents serve two-year terms and are assisted by six national officer that make up the National Council. The fraternity currently has 150 active chapters, 93 alumni groups, 14 colonies, and more than 100,000 initiated members around the nation. The Council of Archons is a student advisory board to the National Council and serves as a liaison between undergraduate chapters and the national … WILLIAM T. SIGMON, ALPHA SIGMA (TENNESSEE). William is an initiate of the Alpha Sigma Chapter at the University of Tennessee, whereas a student he served as Treasurer, Secretary, and Chaplain. Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity (ΦΣΠ) is a gender-inclusive/mixed-sex national honor fraternity based in the United States.The fraternity is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania, with the purpose of fostering the ideals of scholarship, leadership, and fellowship.Phi Sigma Pi is organized into approximately one hundred and forty … David is a Pi Alpha, has contributed to several Ability Experience Challenge events (Marine Corps Marathon), Ability Camps and ramp construction events. The Council consists of a representative from each of the thirteen-member fraternities and an Executive Committee, that is elected to serve as officers for the Council. Visit Student Affairs department pages for services and information about remote and in-person operations. National Vice President/President-Elect Nominee. Pi Lambda Phi Michigan Beta Alpha Chapter. Violation of HOP b. Andrae holds a bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration from Texas State University and master’s degrees in healthcare administration and business administration from the University of Houston – Clear Lake. 1.3K likes. CPC oversees formal Panhellenic sorority recruitment each fall and provides its member organizations with educational programming, leadership opportunities, and community service/philanthropy initiatives. Mike then earned his law degree from UNC-Chapel Hill. National Treasurer Nominee. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Not currently recognized Sigma Alpha Mu ΣAM. Type: Social Fraternity. He is serving his third term on the National Council, and is currently the National Vice President/President-Elect, having previously served as National Treasurer and National Chaplain. The Council of Archons is a student advisory board to the National Council and serves as a liaison between undergraduate chapters and the national fraternity. The Council of Archons is a student advisory board to the National Council and serves as a liaison between undergraduate chapters and the national fraternity. He is currently the, CEO – Americas for The Instant Group, a global leader in innovative workspaces, View the Supreme Chapter Virtual Experience. All members of Pi Kappa Phi whom resided in the chapter facility located at 1300 Baystone Drive at the time of the COVID19 testing incident on September 29, 2020 are prohibited from all University buildings and property until all educational sanctions are completed by the organization or May 12, 2021, whichever comes first. National Pan-Hellenic Council Fraternity and Sorority Chapters Alpha Phi Alpha Iota Epsilon Chapter. He and Tas, along with their three children — Emily Ann, 18; Sam, 15; and Abby, 12 — currently live in Paris, Tennessee. In 2008, Mike moved into business management, first with a digital marketing firm for 12 years and now as the CEO for Northbound Consulting, LLC. National: The Ability Experience Founding Dates:. The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the governing body for the thirteen Inter/national fraternities that are chartered at Baylor University. For almost a century, Pi Kappa Phi has been a leader at the University of Georgia in the areas of academics, athletics, and service. After college, James accepted a position at Texas Christian University as a residence hall director. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc. Delta Alpha Sigma Multicultural Sorority, Inc. Delta Delta Delta; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Delta Zeta; Kappa Delta Chi; Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Zeta Tau Alpha ALAN P. DUESTERHAUS, ZETA EPSILON (GEORGE MASON). Bill Brasch, louisville ‘67. Pi Kappa Phi is the only national fraternity that owns and operates a nonprofit service organization, The Ability Experience. Panhellenic recruitm… Alan holds a bachelor’s degree in history from George Mason University, a master’s degree in counseling psychology from James Madison University, a doctorate in higher education administration from Vanderbilt University, and a post-doctorate in marketing and management from the University of Florida. The Council of Archons, a student advisory board, works with the National Council and national staff to provide a student perspective on fraternity issues. At TCU, he worked to open the door for Pi Kappa Phi to expand on campus, which ultimately led to the founding of the Eta Chi Chapter. After graduation, Alan worked on the national staff as a Leadership Consultant for one-and-a-half years. Pi Kappa Phi - Epsilon Beta Chapter Pi Kappa Phi is a national men's fraternity founded on leadership in 1904 at College of Charleston. The chapter hosts events like Pi Kapp Puppies to raise money for their philanthropy, Ability Experience. Philanthropy:. Council Affiliation: Interfraternity Council. National Founding: December 10, 1904. As a volunteer, Mike served as the founding president of the Beta Eta Alumni Chapter for 10 years, which was recognized as the fraternity’s best alumni chapter for seven consecutive years. National Pan-Hellenic Council The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is the governing body for National Pan-Hellenic Council ("Divine Nine") and historically black fraternity and sorority chapters. For almost three decades, he has served as a Chapter Advisor, Regional Governor, National Chancellor, and most recently, National Treasurer. In addition to his volunteer roles with Pi Kappa Phi, Andrae has been an active and involved alumnus of Texas State University where he served four consecutive terms on the Board of Directors for the Texas State Alumni Association, holding positions as President, Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Immediate Past President. He also chaired the fraternity’s Alumni Engagement Committee and currently serves as National Chancellor. National Council . A student representative is appointed each year by the seven alumni members of the Council. Alan is a founding father of the Zeta Epsilon Chapter at George Mason University, where he served as Historian, IFC President, and Archon. Pi Kappa Phi It was founded on December 10, 1904 at the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina. David holds a bachelor’s degree from Samford University in journalism/mass communication and a master’s degree in public communication from American University. The Interfraternity Council holds an organized formal recruitment in September to allow interested m… Nickname: Pi Kapp. Local Founding: 1915. Nickname: Pi Kapp. … Privacy Policy | © 2021 Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Address: As a volunteer, he has served as Chapter Advisor for George Washington University (Theta Zeta Chapter), ASTP and Ladder of Risk facilitator, and the DC/Baltimore Regional Governor for eight years earning distinction as the 2011 Regional Governor of the Year, and most recently, National Chaplain. Potential new members are guided through formal recruitment January 23-27, 2019. Kappa Delta is a national sorority with more … In addition to the cease-and-desist, the university's Interfraternity Council, the student-run governing body of the school's fraternities, has suspended Pi Kappa Phi's activities. Under conduct review 10/7/19 Sigma Alpha Epsilon ΣAE. Flower: Red Rose. Ever since Pi Kappa Phi was founded in 1904, brothers across the country have been striving to uphold our mission to create an uncommon and lifelong brotherhood that develops leaders and encourages service for the betterment of our communities. Founded on the premise of creating leadership opportunities for our members, brothers of Pi Kappa Phi exemplify leadership in the classroom, on the athletic fields, as well as in the greater community. From 2006-2016, William was a member of The Ability Experience Board of Directors, serving terms as Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman, as well as leading numerous board committees during his tenure. Phi Gamma Delta Gamma Rho Chapter. James was initiated into the Alpha Eta Chapter at Samford University, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in religion and human relations and served as his chapter’s Recruitment Chairman. The National Council of Pi Kappa Phi is the fraternity’s governing board of directors. Pursuant to Supreme Law II, Section 2, the nominating committee is pleased to nominate the following individuals for service on the National Council. Gabe Uebel (left) with members of the Zeta Xi chapter. After graduation, David worked on the national staff as a Leadership Consultant, including expansion efforts at University of Missouri (Beta Epsilon Chapter) and American University (Theta Eta Chapter). Academic Excellence Pi Kappa Alpha's house grade point average (GPA) consistently ranks in the top ten among fraternities at Washington. Belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and perfect example of the children of God is the basic concept for which the Club stands. Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful, and highest. And as we strive to “redefine fraternity as a lifelong brotherhood of leaders,” we continue to be led by extraordinary men. From the beginning, Pi Kappa Phi has been led by extraordinary men. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc. Delta Alpha Sigma Multicultural Sorority, Inc. Delta Delta Delta; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Delta Zeta; Kappa Delta Chi; Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Zeta Tau Alpha Andrae is an initiate of the Eta Rho Chapter at Texas State University, where as a student he served as Warden, IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs, and IFC President. Under conduct review 10/17/19 Sigma Phi Epsilon ΣΦE Sigma Chi ΣX. A letter from Mark Timmes, the CEO of the national association, addressed the decision to the presidents of all inter/national fraternities and sororities at Elon University. As a volunteer, he has served as a member of the Alpha Sigma Housing Corporation, as Regional Governor in North Carolina and as City Events Coordinator for the Charlotte area. National Vice President . The Interfraternity Councilis the governing body of the North-American Interfraternity Conference organizations and other fraternities recognized by inter/national organizations. Mike lives in Ashburn, Virginia, with his wife, Nil, and their daughter Jordan. The National Council is responsible for directing the national staff and an extensive network of volunteers. Our Autumn 2000 and Winter 2001 quarterly GPA for members were 3.11 and 3.26, respectively. Elected every two years by the Supreme Chapter, the National Council consists of seven alumni members. We also placed highly in Kappa Kappa Gamma's Extreme Games and Alpha Delta Phi's Mardi Gras competition, among others. ΠΚΦ- Epsilon Gamma chapter. Charlotte, NC 28273, Joe was initiated into the first associate class of Epsilon Omicron Chapter at Villanova University, where he served as IFC Vice President and President, as well as President of the Northeastern Interfraternity Council. As a volunteer, he has served as a Chapter Advisor, Area Governor, ASTP and Ladder of Risk facilitator, National Chaplain, and National Secretary for the past two years. The group consists of 12 undergraduate members who are current or past archons. The Alpha Gamma chapter of Pi Kappa Phi was chartered at the University of Oklahoma in 1923 and was reopened in 2011. Interfraternity Council The Interfraternity Council (IFC) serves as the governing body for the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), professional, and independent men's and co-ed fraternity chapters. 2015 Ayrsley Town Boulevard, Suite 200 Mike practiced as a litigator in Seattle, New York City, and Washington, D.C., where he represented technology companies, foreign governments, and construction and engineering firms. About Kappa Phi. Violation of F&SL Policy, Responsible: Chapter must complete educational workshop. While in Fort Worth, James earned a Master of Arts in theology from Southwestern Seminary and met his wife, Tas, a proud Horned Frog and Chi Omega alumna. He was also elected President of the Mid-American Greek Council Association (now known as the Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values). Andrae is a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives and lives in Houston, Texas where he is an administrator at Texas Children’s Hospital. After graduation, Joe served as Executive Vice President of Pi Kappa Phi Properties for two years. Chapters In order for a fraternity or sorority to operate at Penn State, they must be recognized as an affiliate group of their inter/national fraternity or sorority, otherwise … 178 were here. Nationally, Pi Kappa Phi has over 175 active chapters and over 110,000 initiated members. PI KAPPA PHI FOUNDED 1927. Joe lives in suburban Chicago with his wife of 22 years and two teenaged children. Updated on Wednesday, March 11 at 10:10 a.m. to include a statement from Elon University. As a volunteer, Joe served as Chapter Advisor, Area Governor, and currently serves as the Pi Kappa Phi National Historian. Dale Holland, Kent state ‘87. Omega Psi Phi ... Pi Kappa Phi Epsilon Beta Chapter. View the Supreme Chapter Virtual Experience. The represented fraternities participate in year-long recruitment initiatives, meaning they are able to extend a bid, or invitation to membership, to any man meeting the academic requirements at any time. National: December 10, 1904 at the College of Charleston in Charleston, SC Local: September 29, 1979 at Longwood College in Farmville, VA Rechartered: March 4, 2011 at Longwood University in … Who are now 120,000 strong, & on more than 187 campuses. Andrae joined the headquarters staff as a Leadership Consultant working on the expansion and growth team. Interfraternity Council: Zak Gosa-Lewis Chapter Advising Tayler Marshall: Alpha Phi | Delta Zeta | Sigma Kappa | Gamma Phi Beta | Delta Gamma | Alpha Chi Omega | Alpha Sigma Phi | Beta Theta Pi | Pi Kappa Phi | Sigma Chi | Sigma Nu | Theta Chi | Delta Upsilon | Phi Gamma Delta | Sigma Alpha Mu | Sigma Mu Omega | Gamma Alpha Omega Sorority, Inc. Kappa Phi is a spirit. Our COVID-19 Support page provides vital student information including COVID testing resources, conduct policies, quarantine and isolation guidance, and more. Colors: Gold & White with alternate Blue. National Council The National Council is the primary administrative arm of the Fraternity. Because of that leadership, we have prospered in good times and persevered during difficult ones. In 1907, Founder Kroeg became the fraternity's first national president—a distinction held by only 37 men since. Andrae joined the headquarters staff as a leadership Consultant working on the National Council every two by! 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