A pair of roller skates that Alix races with. Ein Stift, mit dem Penny schreibt und ihre Nerven beruhigt. This is a list of random villains that have appeared in miraculous ladybug and cat noir season 2 1 Ladybug and cat noir 1.1 season 2 1.2 Heroes' Day 1.3 Simon's deck of cards that he uses for his hypnotism tricks. Read the last chapter before this. Also, given Gorizilla's massive size and how he was using both hands to subdue them, he's unable to secure Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous. Eine Süßigkeitenbox von Gina Dupain, in der sie ihre Süßigkeiten lagert. But the villains' costumes are just as brilliant, and the sheer volume of the great ones give fans plenty of cosplay choices to pick from. März 2020: 323 76 24 „Marinette unter Verdacht“ „Ladybug“ 7. Jagged Stone's guitar which he plays during concerts and free time. Miraculous Ladybug - Big Bang (Dancing To The Music) - Synthesia Piano Cover - Duration: 0:35. Owner: Miraculous Ladybug Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Manchmal ist ein akumatisiertes Objekt auch die Waffe des akumatisierten Superschurkens. These are objects that Hawk Moth's Akumas have possessed in order to transform people into supervillains. A brooch that Chloé gave to Sabrina as a proof of their friendship. Ein japanisches hölzernes Schwert, das Tomoe als Blindenstock verwendet. A golden bracelet that August wears on his left wrist. Bee Miraculous • Butterfly Miraculous • Cat Miraculous • Dog Miraculous • Dragon Miraculous • Fox Miraculous • Goat Miraculous • Horse Miraculous • Ladybug Miraculous • Monkey Miraculous • Mouse Miraculous • Ox Miraculous • Peacock Miraculous • Pig Miraculous • Rabbit Miraculous • Rooster Miraculous • Snake Miraculous • Tiger Miraculous • Turtle Miraculous, Bear Miraculous • Beaver Miraculous • Buffalo Miraculous • Deer Miraculous • Eagle Miraculous • Falcon Miraculous • Goose Miraculous • Otter Miraculous • Owl Miraculous • Raven Miraculous • Salmon Miraculous • Thunderbird Miraculous • Wolf Miraculous • Woodpecker Miraculous, Chinese Miracle Box • Miraculous potions • Miraculous spellbook • Native American Miracle Box, Cane • Flute • Hand Fan • Horseshoes • Lyre • Jump Rope • Ruyi Jingu Bang • Shield • Spinning Top • Staff • Sword • Umbrella • Yo-yo, List of Akumatized objects • List of Lucky Charm objects, Adrien's computer • Gabriel's computer • Ladyblog • Marinette's computer • Max's flash drive, Adrien's cellphone • Alya's cellphone • Audrey's cellphone • Chloé's cellphone • Gabriel's cellphone • Luka's cellphone • Marinette's cellphone • Nino's cellphone • Rose's cellphone • Sabrina's cellphone • Wang's cellphone, The Challenge • Fill My Shoes • Side by Side • World's Greatest Chef contest, Adrien's Christmas hat • Adrien's scarf • Marinette's derby hat, Adrien's bags • Alya's bags • Chloé's bags • Marinette's bags • Marinette's purse • Nino's bags, Adrien's bracelet • Chloé's bracelet • Graham de Vanily Twin Rings • Jalil's necklace• Lila's necklace • Marinette's bracelet • Sabrina's brooches, Chloé's Sunglasses • Kwagatama • Jagged Stone's glasses, Adrien's schedule • List of Marinette's creations • Marinette's banner • Marinette's magic box • Valentine's Day card, Histoire • Majestia Issue 56 • Marinette's diary • Marinette's sketch pads • Maths • Rose's notebook, Egyptian papyrus • Ladybug's and Cat Noir's sculpture • Painting of Emilie Agreste, Les aventures de Ladybug & Chat Noir • Solitude, Marinette's dolls • Mr. Cuddly • Mr. Squid, Camembert • Candy apples • Cookies • Croissants • Macarons • Marinette Soup, Number One • Rock Giant • Ultimate Mecha Strike III, Black substance • Love letter • Jagged Stone's guitar. A case that Vivica uses to carry her guitar on her back. A watch Adam wears during his lacrosse game. Wie gut kennst du Miraculous Ladybug? CrystalSnow. A perfume bottle Rose sprayed on the love letters that she wrote for. Dabei handelt es sich um Objekte, die von Hawk Moths Akumas besessen wurden, um Menschen in Superschurken zu verwandeln. MariChat- Miraculous ladybug fanfiction Chapter 11- Akuma. Eine Kette die Lila gekauft hat, welche dem. 10 Antibug. Creator: Eine Notiz mit abwertenden Kommentaren, die Kim Ivan geschrieben hat. A tube of lip balm that Miss Bustier gets from Marinette as a birthday present. "The Bubbler" Follow/Fav Miraculous Starts. MiracleRus 2,707,245 views Share via Email Report Story Envoyer. (AU) The actress that plays Ladybug in the world phenomenon Miraculous movies and the actor that plays Chat Noir hate each other in real life. Ladybug Fashion Autumn In Paris 4.107145. Meanwhile, Chat Blanc tells Ladybug that as soon as he finds her, she’ll give him her Miraculous. Together, they're a crime-fighting duo who protect Paris against the mysterious villain Hawk Moth and his akuma. „Ladybug gegen Cat Blanc“ „Cat Blanc“ 5. Ein Handy, mit dem Alya kommuniziert und Videos für den. List of Akumatized objects Sometimes, an object will also end up being the Akumatized villain's weapon. Ladybug tries to fix her mistake to made up to Chloé to mend it to prevent her next Akumatation. The name tag attached to a lanyard with an image of Ladybug's mask, that Thomas Astruc wears around his neck when he's at the movie premiere. Ein Notizbuch, in das Marc seine Geschichten hineinschreibt. Ein Koffer, den Vivica nutzt, um ihre Gitarre zu transportieren. Marinette Dupain-Cheng a.k.a. However, once it becomes an akuma, it turns black with translucent purple highlights.In \"Catalyst (Heroes' Day - Part 1)\", when infused with extra power by Scarlet Moth they're crimson with bright red edges and white markings.In \"Party Crasher\", the butterfly in it's chrysalis form is the same color when it's purified by Ladybug or Hawk Moth and before … After Tikki gets lost Marinette can't transform, so when the akuma attacks she has to let out the hero inside her as Marinette. Ladybug (voiced by Cristina Vee in the English version and by Anouck Hautbois in the French version) is a 15-year-old jet black haired, blue-eyed, budding fashion designer at Collège Françoise-Dupont and her family operates a renowned bakery. Eine Brosche, die Chloé Sabrina als Beweis ihrer Freundschaft schenkte. -» Miraculous - Geschichten von Ladybug und Cat Noir. Years later, they start talking on a dating app, without knowing each other's real identity. Ein Kopfschutz, den Nora beim Boxen trägt. Besitzer: Eine Brille, die Wayhem für die Party bei Adrien trägt. Eine ägyptische Halskette, die Jalil um den Hals trägt. Informationen Ein neues Skizzenbuch, das Gabriel nutzt. Now that season 2 is officially done, I made a list. Schöpfer: These are objects that Hawk Moth's Akumas have possessed in order to transform people into supervillains. „Aller Anfang ist schwer – Teil 1“ Akuma - Miraculous Ladybug AU Fanfiction Updates every two Saturdays 12pm AWST time. Oh, and also: Astruc has decided to make a sequel and is calling out the old cast! A jewel that Kim planned to give Chloé for Valentine's Day. Die Rose von Adrien, die Kagami in ihrem Notizbuch hat. #adrien #adrienette #ladybug #marichat #marinette #miraculous #miraculousladybug. A family heirloom that's been passed down by Rolland's ancestors for generations as a tradition. Ein Anhänger mit einem Bild einer Ladybug-Maske, der für den Einlass für die Premiere nötig ist. The toy Cat Noir staff that Sabrina uses when she and Chloé play their versions of the iconic superheroes. Dec 19, 2020 - Explore Hannah Squire's board Eine Schneekugel, die Chris neben weiteren Spielzeugen besitzt. Ein Spielzeugzauberstab, den Manon besitzt. First episode: 1 List of students 2 Sightings 2.1 Episodes 3 Trivia 4 References In alphabetical order by last name: While Miss Bustier is the class' main teacher, Ms. Mendeleiev teaches them science and Armand D'Argencourt teaches them physical education. Lila ha… MIRACULOUS | FELIX | Full HD Episode Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir Season 3 Episode 24 English Dub - Duration: 19:16. Eine Kamera, mit der Vincent Asa Fotos macht. The same tablet that the girls were using when they were watching a video of, A purse that Marinette made, which she uses to carry, With the help from Catalyst's power during the events of "Ladybug", Hawk Moth simultaneously re-Akumatizes few students and staff of, This is a set of special handcuffs that prevent. The stylus pen that Nathaniel uses when drawing on his tablet. In "Santa Claws", after the Akumatized object, Santa's hat, is destroyed to release the Akuma, it is never seen again, destroyed or fixed, afterwards, followed by the twins' hats in "Sapotis", Marinette's bracelet in "Gorizilla", the rose Cat Noir gave to Tom in "Weredad", XY's mask that he stole from Kitty Section's idea in "Silencer", and Future Chris Lahiffe's spray can in "Timetagger". Eine Armbandkapsel, die Ondine trägt, wenn sie schwimmt. Miraculous Ladybug: MariChat Fanfiction. The titular villain created three new objects: Rogercop's whistle, Evillustrator's stylus, and Lady Wifi's cellphone, but none of them contained akumas, as Ladybug discovered when she destroyed the cellphone. A parasol with a cloud pattern that Aurore carries around with her at all times. Ein Lippenstift, den sie zum Geburtstag von Marinette geschenkt bekommen hat. A charm that Marinette gave to Adrien, which. Eine goldene Glocke, die Adrien Agreste als Cat Noir um seinen Hals trägt. This is likely because most of the akumatized objects were just broken in two or all the pieces were still there, while these akumatized objects just became a pile of ash that blew away in the wind. I wonder how's that gonna go. Ohne diese kann Ladybug weder den Glücksbringer rufen noch den Akuma zu einem guten Schmetterling zurückverwandeln, doch mit Cat Noir gelingt der Sieg dennoch. This is a list of random people who were akumatized by hawk moth in miraculous ladybug … Ein Hut, um den sich Ella und Etta gestritten haben. How will Chat react? The rose that Cat Noir gives to Marinette when he comes over for brunch. It was all a shock to Chat as he did not expect this from his princess, a girl who seemed so shy. A parasol that Aurore carries around during the weather girl competition. A bracelet capsule that Ondine wears when swimming. Die Rose, die Cat Noir Marinette gibt, als er zum Essen kommt. Ladybug sneaks up behind him, tackles him, and takes his staff. A wooden Japanese training sword that Tomoe also uses as a guiding cane. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Assorted objectsWeapons (sometimes) Handschellen der New Yorker Polizei, um Techno-Pirate festzunehmen. Ein Fechtschwert, mit dem Armand seine Schüler unterrichtet. Sometimes, an object will also end up being the Akumatized villain's weapon. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir Theme Song, https://miraculousladybug.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Akumatized_objects?oldid=717855. März 2020: 324 77 25 „Der Kampf der Miraculous – Teil 1“ „Heart Hunter (The Battle of the Miraculous - Part 1)“ 8. Eine Uhr, die ihr die Einschaltquoten ihrer Sendungen zeigt. Miraculous Ladybug Wiki ist eine Fandom-TV-Community. Ein Umhang, der speziell von Gabriel Agreste zum 20. In case you’re too pressed for time to fully catch up on the Miraculous Ladybug episodes, or just don’t like the tone or the general story of the individual episodes, but you still want to keep up with the plot as a whole (especially with the multiple hiatuses between episodes) I have a list of key episodes that people have to watch. Simons Kartenset, das er für seine Hypnosetricks verwendet. Her Akuma is in her pearl earring. A compilation of one-shots that may or may not become continued in the future. Akumatized villains introduced in season 3. The lyrics of Ivan's love song for Mylène, written on a piece of paper. A boxing helmet that Nora wears on her matches. A chef hat that Wang wears while preparing food. The whistle that Roger uses as a policeman. Die Maske, die XY in seiner Imitation von. Akumatisierte Schurken Verschiedene ObjekteWaffen (manchmal) A pair of fake comedy glasses that Wayhem was going to wear at Adrien's party. The decorative bell that Cat Noir wears around his neck as part of his costume. Marinette is beautiful, sweet, joyful, clumsy, and a bit awkward, but respected by her peers and is extremely intelligent despite her occasional clumsy ways. A bird whistle that Xavier uses to attract pigeons. This is not my art all rights go to the drawer. A fox-themed necklace with the power of Illusion. März 2020: 322 75 23 „Falsches Spiel“ „Félix“ 6. Ein Schalter am Kontrollbord, damit der Zug fährt oder in Notfällen bremst. See more ideas about miraculous, miraculous ladybug, ladybug. A newspaper cut out of Ladybug's picture that inspired Théo of how to make the Ladybug and Cat Noir statue. A brooch with the Chinese symbol for love that Marianne wears, gifted to her by Master Fu. Chloé gives Sabrina a new brooch in "Antibug". Welcome to the official Miraculous Ladybug YouTube channel Two high-school students, Marinette and Adrien, are chosen to become Paris’ superheroes: Ladybug and Cat Noir. Eine Taubenpfeife, mit der Xavier Ramier Tauben anlockt. A pair of ice skates that Philippe uses when he's skating on the ice. Watch Queue Queue Synopsis: When Marinette loses her earrings, Tikki turns into Akuma-Kwami, and can akumatize other kwamis. Hawk Moths Akumas This is a list of Akumatized objects. Jagged Stones Gitarre, die er bei Konzerten und in der Freizeit spielt. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. … Ein Ring, den Sabine Cheng an dem Ringfinger ihrer linken Hand trägt. Eine goldene Rose, die an Audreys Hut befestigt ist. I think this is the optimal order in which to watch the episodes, because it fixes some plot holes and makes the character development shine, but I’m ignoring the Christmas special cuz I really don’t get where that fits in the character arc. Der Stylus, den Nathaniel beim Zeichnen auf seinem Tablet verwendet. Her civilian self is Lila Rossi, her fourth Akumatization but her second unique form. Before it is turned into an akuma by Hawk Moth, the butterfly is pure white and bluish. Der Hauptbestandteil von Markovs Persönlichkeit. Information Eine Kochmütze, die Wang beim Zubereiten von Speisen trägt. In order to release the Akuma so that Ladybug can capture it, every Akumatized object must be broken. Reflekta's Akumatized object is replicated onto people she turns them into her copies, but hers is the only one to contain an Akuma or to have the power to transform people. Sobald er jedoch zu einem Akuma wird, wird er schwarz mit leuchtenden violetten Bereichen. Das Tablet, mit dem sie die Nachrichten an Adrien gesendet haben. The rest of the akuma attack seemed to go by very quickly. A movie director who wants to show the world what 2D animation is capable of. An ice cream scooper that André uses to serve his customers. The rose Kagami keeps pressed in her notebook that Adrien gave to her when he invited her to the ice rink in ". The main component that grants Markov his personality. The Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir! Bevor er von Hawk Moth in einen Akuma verwandelt wird, ist der Schmetterling komplett weiß. Ein Glücksbringer von Marinette als Geschenk für Adrien, welchen. 26 Fragen - Erstellt von: Cookie - Entwickelt am: 01.03.2017 - 20.881 mal aufgerufen - 23 Personen gefällt es In diesem Quiz teste ich euch, wie gut ihr euch mit den Gegenständen auskennt, in denen die Akumas drin waren. The Nose Knows: He uses the charm Marinette gave to Adrien (which is also the object possessed by the Akuma) to track Adrien's scent. Ein Behälter mit Seifenblasen-Lösung mit einem Seifenblasenstab, mit welchem Nino spielt. Hawk Moth's Akumas 1 Wo war der Akuma bei Lady WiFi drin? Appearances By: Anon Life. A bracelet with an animal tooth attached to it that Otis wears. Ein Weihnachtsgeschenk von Marinette an Adrien, der es Santa Klaue schenkt. Ein Eisportionierer, den André nutzt, um seinen Kunden Eis zu servieren. Golden bracelet that August wears on her right Hand Polizei, um Gitarre... Goldene Rose, die Band als Produzent aufzunehmen using to play a game called 0:35... Also uses as a tradition catch fish Ladybug-Maske, der es Santa Klaue schenkt knowing each 's. Everyone knows Hand trägt with a cloud pattern that Aurore carries around during the events of `` Uhr, Wang. Super Pinguino '' gespielt haben a smart watch that Nadja wears to keep track of her show 's.! 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