Master the technique of Ho’oponopono to heal others and yourself Master the technique of Ho’oponopono to heal others and yourself The Ho‘oponopono technique finds its origins in early Polynesian culture. That is the beauty of the ho'oponopono technique. Give this technique a chance with an open heart and mind – or not. hello with the best wishes and the best moments for you. Practice as much or as little as you feel is good for you. These phrases are: I Love You After accepting the fact that this was the end of my life. When I am up and functional, I found my self very angry with few people in my life who hurt me to my core. Dear Isil Ersu, yes definitely consult with healing professionals and medical specialists. I would never see my wife, my children, my mother or anyone else broke my heart. Whilst you can achieve good results from any point of starting, you will get your best results when you take 100% responsibility for everything that has happened in your life. What Is The Ho Oponopono Process? There is nothing negative about acceptance because acceptance is the basis for transformation. I very much want to let go and forgive my abuser but I have so much anger and hate for him that I’m finding it difficult. I know the home course and this original ho’oponopono-process of Morrnah since 8 years. Would you be willing to share examples of how you used it ito 1) relationships, 2) in the health issue, and 3) business? I have enjoyed my journey. (she has special needs) My wife asked me to open her door for her. I’m sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you. She asked me to share with the lady and then showed me my words written on this ladies desk verbatim. This video is about how the Hawaian technique which enables to heal and cure oneself. Ultimately, I found peace, purpose, and happiness. It’s not about forgiving yourself it’s about being able to change the energetic vibration.. knowing we are all one, by saying these words you vibrate forgiveness to the person who did you wrong and in turn bring energetic harmony, I want to bring back a very good friend of mine with whom I have not met or talked for years only do text once in a blue moon. Or how is actually use? Feel it. Ho opono pono teaches us that We have been mistaken in who or what we think we are. Thats exactly who we all have been killing inside of us for many years, especially as we all grow up and enter the work force. I am sorry, I forgive myself and I love myself. The rational as I see it is simple: it’s not about changing the world, but our perspective about the world. Imagine if thousands did it! I knew ho’oponopono many years ago but I use it when I face hard time with my around and it was working at that time. Ho’oponopono Technique The Ho'oponopono TechniqueHo’oponopono - A Powerful Spiritual Self Healing TechniqueHo’oponopono is one of the most effective and powerful spiritual healing techniques.In fact it’s an ancient Hawaiian forgiveness technique and self-healing practice.You can use it on any problem and you don’t need to know the cause of the problem, which is Ho'oponopono is a Hawaian forgiveness technique which centres around four phrases: I love youPlease forgive meThank youI'm Sorry But what do these phrases mean, what do they do and why are they I have read zero limits and can tell you it’s fantastic! Peace and Love. Jane, you can study this topic and apply it to your life without a paid healer. Perdonàme por favor Please Forgive Me I’m sorry for ___________. Thank you in advance. Some questions do not have immediate answers because we’re not yet ready to hear them. soften, accept. When we experience stress or fear in our lives, if we would look carefully, we would find that the cause is actually a memory. I didn’t find any testimonies from who worked there, Sp I am skeptical of this story, However, I encourage any one to use the technique disregarding whether the story is true or not.. I’ve been doing this forgiveness technique for several months and I must say it solves my problems. Thank you Sebastian, I loved the way you simplified everything with your simple but full of wisdom statement “Darkness has no identity itself, bring it to light and it will automatically disappear”. ” I am sorry”- because whatever I have done, if it is wrong I am apologizing for that Thanks for the opportunity to finally heal and transform the lie. For your personal development, and both the long and short-term results it brings to your life. Remember your remorse from step 1 as you ask to be forgiven. Ho'oponopono is as easy as life can be. We are free. It is clearly the good part of Joe Vitale’s job to spread the name of ho’oponopono from the time of “Zero limits” across the world – but the illusion is inclusive: people know the name, but did not hear about the real content of ho’oponopono or even forget it. It was the only time I have done this prayer, but I can tell you this “I’m sorry.” “I forgive me.” “Thank You.” “I love you.” These 4 little simple phrases have more impact on the way I move forward. The first time I heard about this technique I thought it was very simple and I didn’t care much. The results are often astounding. Use infinite patience to get immediate results. But I still feel vague about who to thank and ask forgiveness… How did u do this. 2. It is a beautiful piece which you can use to bring you greater peace within all elements of your life. What your friend will or will not do is not your responsibility. The Mantra “i love you, please forgive you, i’m sorry, thank you.” is not ho’oponopono and is not hawaiian. Nothing these days is actually ‘Original’ . May I practice hoponopo theory in the name of god ?? Everything you see, everything you hear, every person you meet, you experience in your mind. Having done so you will notice good things happening as a result. If you are interested in taking it to an even higher level then check out how you can use Ho'oponopono as a part of your daily life. I absolutely believe it was Ho’oponopo that turned my life around. ho‘oponopono, a traditional Hawaiian forgiveness process. As the story goes, Dr Len cured an entire ward of criminally insane patients without actually treating any of … It is good to stay with propensities of personality than to suppress or modify them to project different . Ho ' oponopono: All About This Millennial Spiritual Technique Read this article here #personaldevelopment Translated Si quieres hacerte una idea clara de que es el ho´oponopono, estás en el lugar correcto. When i read your statement it made me have an epiphany of sorts!! And I want to do it for my daughter! Another person’s name, I am sorry. When your perspective changes your reality changes simply because your experience of it is now different. PS: The Pacifica Seminars website has very important information about Ho’oponopono and Hawaii. We do very much owe the forgotten child inside of us an apology for all the pain it has suffered. It does require a mental shift to access its greatest healing abilities, and cleansing on that level is well worth it. Separateness is an illusion that comes from self-identification with the ego (our bodie… That doesn’t change anything. To change anything in the physical world something needs to happen on this plane. And it WORKS!! I started feeling angry and hopelessness. He gave with Dr. Hew Len togehter ho’oponopono seminars (at that time Morrnah was still alive). It’s not a joke. Following the tour I asked the librarian about the edgar casey readings and shared apart of my experience with her. You can live in that hurt or you can decide to make the best of the moments you have left and stop letting that hurt take away from your present and the relationships around you now. I will always be grateful to her and for her teachings. When I was battling with brain injury after being attacked a few months ago, I found the process almost magical in helping me forgive and let go of the anger I was experiencing. Good! Is it working? Say it to your body, say it to God. What you are experiencing is normal. Denise what do you think about this new version? I finally had to just stop watching. I love you. What more can I ask for? Pacifica Seminars in Germany is the only organization in Europe, where you can learn Morrnah’s original Ho’oponopono-process today, that was developed by Morrnah. The process is to forgive... “I am Sorry” – Step 1. Learn about the Ho'oponopono Process, Ho'oponopono technique, cleaning tools, Mabel Katz at That was long over due!!! We call it as ‘karma’. I am sorry The secret is there is no such thing as “out there” – everything happens to you in your mind. Morrnah gave him this kind of order to do so (and at that time he worked really for the good to help Morrnah for her special spiritual job) and in classes, we both attended between Nov. 86 and later, Dr. Len was always telling in detail at the beginning that he was doing exactly this, nothing else. Our government is using our area to test 5g.. the implications are so scary because the radiation it will give us all is microwave radiation.. Every lampost has these transmitters on and if they are withing 30 metres of it you are basically being slowly cooked.. alongside putting smart meters in which also give off very high unsafe levels of radiation. Next time you feel these, redirect them to something constructive, e.g., run around the block, clean your house, engage in a creative project. It does required you put yourself at the point for total responsibility for your life and experience though. Dear Hayley, may God bless your partner with healing a cure and a full and speedy recovery and the same for all the doctors and the right donor, may it be speedy and good. When I try something I don’t go to people saying it worked! Family healing and resolution I am sorry, please forgive me for anything in me that may be contributing to my experience of this problem with my family. Look at it, accept it and feel it fully but without adding a narrative (i.e., don’t add “I am feeling like this because…”). Feel like losing my mind. I literally lived in my parents basement, and did not leave it for an entire year (with the exception of an occasional trip to the store). You don’t need anyone to be by your side on time, you don’t need anyone to hear you. I am grateful. I recognised the issues. Pacifica Seminars offers a home course in English. Any advise is appreciated and many thanks in advance to all.. She tried to take me to the book but it was missing from the library. I start practicing ho’oponopono after my trip to Hawaii a few month ago. If that’s what you think then that’s your truth and you are right. I love you. I really hope that Morrnah’s original Ho’oponopono-process regains fame among the people. Dr Jess’s Forgiveness Ritual Inspired By Ho’oponopono Focus on a specific person or situation that has upset you – It can be now or in the past. I wouldn´t recommend taking all the bad you hear happening in the world on your conscience. renu verma and irk tried this method, it works! Joe Vitale has a book called “Zero Limits” that discusses You say this regarding a person any person whom you are holding judgment against. Ho oponopono Ho’oponopono is a practice based on four principles to healing. By Read more… show gratitude & BELIEVE. Since I practise Hooponopono on this issue, it has never grown into the size it used to be and no more bursting and throbbing for over 5 weeks now. If to translate it from Hawaiian language, it means “to correct, to fix, to manage”. If you hate me but all I feel is love and respect for you then where is the broken relationship on my end? The Famous Ho’oponopono Story Of Dr. Hew Len. Repentance, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Love are the only forces at work – but these forces have amazing power. Or believe it’s hot air and ignore. Time Morrnah was still alive ) changing my perspective about the world, but there ’ s Ho oponopono... Wish you the best wishes and the associated issues are external, and paralyzing shame that can tra n your. 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