For single trunk just prune off shoots. A mature Reclinata can reach 35 feet tall with a 12 to 20 foot spread. The fruit of the Senegal Date Palm is edible. Even if it does not fall into recession, Senegal could lose as much as 6.7 percentage points of GDP growth as a result of the expected slowdown in tourism (-60%) and transport (‑9%)1. The species is dioecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but only one sex is to be found on any one plant so both male and female plants must be grown if seed is required). The growth rate is faster than P. canariensis. Download Historical Data Save as Image. The leaves of the Senegal Date palm produce a brown like dye. phoenix reclinata is an evergreen Tree growing to 6 m (19ft) by 4 m (13ft) at a medium rate. DESCRIPTION. Senegal gdp growth rate for 2017 was 7.41%, a 1.05% increase from 2016. Growing this tree in Zone 8 requires a sheltered location to prevent it from being damaged by freezing weather. Tel:(239) 283-1329 | Fax: (239) 283-4594. Something to keep in mind is that no two Reclinatas are alike. Moderate growth. Great choice for a coastal specimen palm. This palm is too large for all but the largest residential landscapes. Senegal Date Palm Tree, Phoenix reclinata, Wild Date Palm. This palm is too large for all but the largest residential landscapes. The fiber in the Reclinata tree is used for mats, ropes, baskets, string, and roofing material. Keep weeds and turf away from the base in a radius of five feet (1.5 m.). Senegal Date Palm is a fast grower having proper fertilizer and needs low to moderate water when established. The report includes country-specific three-year forecasts for major macroeconomic indicators, including commodity and financial markets. The heart of the palm can be eaten and the sap harvested for syrup or palm wine. Please check your download folder. The Reclinata has reportedly been naturalized in Florida, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, and Leeward Islands. The information includes maximum height, diameter, growth rate, cold hardiness, crown diameter, growth zone and cost. It makes a powerful statement against large backdrops with its gracefully curving stems. Senegal Date Palm: Scientific Name: Phoenix reclinata: Hardiness Zones: 9b-11: Mature Height: 20-30 Feet: Growth Rate: Fast: Flower Color: Tiny cream colored flowers: Water Needs: Drought tolerant, likes well drained soil. Phoenix reclinata: Senegal Date Palm 4 Growing easily in full sun or partial shade, Senegal Date Palm will thrive on any well-drained soil. Zone: 9-11 (no colder than 20°F) Growth Rate: Moderate. Description: Hardy Range: 9B – 11 Mature Height: 25 to 35’ Mature Spread: 12 – 20’ Growth Rate: Moderate. Tropical and subtropical Africa. This palm is too large for all but the largest residential landscapes. In addition to having edible date like fruits you can also eat the buds raw or cooked this and the heart is also edible. Phoenix reclinata - Senegal Date Palm. Prevent injury to the trunk by keeping turf well away from the trunk. The growth rate of Senegal Date Palms will vary greatly depending on soil type, sunlight, temperature and other factors. Clumping palm with curving trunks and arching fronds. The Senegal Date Palm can have it’s basal shoots removed with the end of a spade or a sharp knife in order to control the amount of trunks it has. This palm is too large for all but the largest residential landscapes. Old frond bases are medium brown and remain on the trunk forming a showy trunk which is attractive all year long. They are very costly to purchase due to the slow growth rate. It has a moderate growth rate and can grow to be a striking medium sized palm that looks especially attractive when viewed from a balcony overlooking the tree! Origin. The Phoenix reclinata is considered a slow grower but compared to other palms this palm is a relatively fast growing. Large specimen grade Senegal Date Palms with multiple trunks over 20 ft. height command a high price. They are very costly to purchase due to the slow growth rate. Native to . They are very costly to purchase due to the slow growth rate. It is drought tolerant and prefers bright sunny locations with well drained soil. This beautiful date palm is known for its clumping ability to make a center piece as large as 50 FT in all Directions. They are listed alphabetically below : The Phoenix Reclinata (Senegal Date Palm) - General information and specs on the Phoenix Reclinata. It is round with an orange color that measures 1/2 inch to 1 inch in diameter. Some specimens can grow over 10 feet tall. United Nations - World Population Prospects, The current population of Senegal in 2020 is. In growth terms, Senegal has performed well over the last two years, and its outlook for 2020 and 2021 remains favourable although there is some risk the COVID-19 pandemic could significantly alter this outlook. Call Palmco today at 239-283-1329 and ask us about these unique and useful palms. Common Name: Senegal Date Palm; Wild Date Palm . A beautiful and rather striking palm that produces slender, arching trunks and graceful heads of attractive leaves. A mature specimen of Senegal date palm can reach 35 feet in height with a 12 to 20-foot-spread and creates a striking tree which casts a light shade. Form and size. This cold hardy date palm tree is more commonly referred to by it’s variety name, Senegal Date Palm. Backlinks from other websites and blogs are the lifeblood of our site and are our primary source of new traffic. Phoenix reclinata is a dense, clumping and dioecious palm having erect or oblique stems usually 8-10 meters high having trunk diameter 15-25 cm. This increases the size of fruit and ensures a crop the next year. It was the first economic contraction since the last quarter of 2011, amid the impact of the pandemic shock. They are very costly to purchase due to the slow growth rate. Palmco offers a wide variety of quick-growing, beautiful Bamboo... Common Name: Senegal Date PalmScientific Name: Phoenix ReclinataZone: 9A-11Growth Rate: SlowOrigin: AfricaSalt Tolerance: ModerateDrought Tol. Plants should receive adequate moisture during periods of drought. Grows slow to moderate growth to 25 feet tall. This palm is not affected by lethal yellowing disease. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. A beautiful smaller multiple trunked hardy palm. Please check your download folder. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. The Phoenix reclinata, or also known as Senegal Date Palm is a beautiful and unusual palm that grows in huge clumps that can make a dramatic specimen plant perfect for yards, parks, and campuses. We are one of the oldest nurseries in Santa Barbara and one of the premiere specialty palm nurseries in the country. Give plenty of room to grow into. It’s long botanical name is Phoenix reclinata ‘Wild’ Date Palm. Propagation is by seed or division of the many The Reclinata date is similar to the dates you would buy in the store but is smaller and has less flesh they are edible. Phoenix reclinata: Senegal Date Palm 4 Growing easily in full sun or partial shade, Senegal Date Palm will thrive on any well-drained soil. Large specimens command a high price. What a tree. A showy palm with year round interest, Senegal Date Palms are versatile enough to grow easily in full sun, partial sun or partial shade. The Reclinata is Cold Hardy down to 25 degrees Fahrenheit. This cold hardy date palm tree is more commonly referred to by it's variety name, Senegal Date Palm. The Reclinata fruit is called a date and follows the female flower. The palm is elegant when lit from below at night. Annual GDP Growth (%) Senegal. (15)Senegal Date Palm (Phoenix reclinata): This moderately fast-growing palm is native to tropical Africa. Common Names: Senegal Date Palm. Good seaside palm… Plants should receive adequate moisture during periods of drought. : HighTypical Height: 25'-30'. We have provided a few examples below that you can copy and paste to your site: Your data export is now complete. Common Name: Senegal Date Palm Scientific Name: Phoenix Reclinata Zone: 9A-11 Growth Rate: Slow Origin: Africa Salt Tolerance: Moderate Drought Tol. The services sector was the most affected (-2.8%), namely accommodation & food services (-29.2%); transportation (-15.4%) and information & communication ( … No Residential Calls Please. For queen palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana), royal palm (Roystonea regia), Mexican fan palm (Washingtonia robusta) and Senegal date palm (Phoenix reclinata) the percentage of cut roots that branch and continue growing is directly proportional to the length of the remaining stub. This is a very cold hardy tropical showstopper with a slow growth rate. Description. Chart and table of Senegal population from 1950 to 2020. Ornamental Characteristics: Reclinatas have curved, slender brown trunks and a dense crown of stiff and feathery fronds. Date palms prefer dry soil and excess moisture can inhibit growth. If you use our datasets on your site or blog, we ask that you provide attribution via a link back to this page. Pruning off too many fronds at one time can cause the palm to decline. Data Source: World Bank MLA Citation: Senegal gdp growth rate for 2016 was 6.36%, a 0.01% decline from 2015. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. Senegal. Mature Height: Up to 50′ Wow! Date Palms are stately and majestic trees that add a formal, luxury resort-style look to any landscape. Large clusters of orange, edible fruit are produced by mature female trees. Large numbers have been planted in downtown New Orleans. Phoenix reclinata is cold tolerant to 25°F (-4°C). It is best used as an accent … Pronunciation: FEE-nix reh-clin-AH-tuh . MORE Palms: Reclinata STATS. Global Economic Prospects examines trends for the world economy and how they affect developing countries. A few leaves are often trimmed prior … On the Phoenix Reclinata you will want to trim new trunks that are trying to … Now, it's known that old and mature pygmy date palms can grow between 6 and 10 feet tall in five to seven years, with the germination of seeds taking three to six months. Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera. The Reclinata is native to Tropical Africa, The Arabian Peninsula, Madagascar, and the Comoro Islands. The current population of Senegal in 2020 is 16,743,927, a 2.75% increase from 2019.; The population of Senegal in 2019 was 16,296,364, a 2.79% increase from 2018.; The population of Senegal in 2018 was 15,854,323, a 2.82% increase from 2017. WHOLESALE PALM TREE AND BAMBOO INQUIRIES. This beautiful date palm is known for its clumping ability to make a center piece as large as 50 FT in all Directions. Cold Tolerance: Should survive Orlando cold snaps: Light Needs: Much prefers full sun So let’s recap beautiful centerpiece, cold hardy, edible fruit, edible vegetable, and wine. Phoenix reclinata is a tropical beauty with a reclining, graceful, curving nature. For more information on the purchase of a Senegal Date Palm Tree, feel free to give us a call at the farm and we’d be happy to help. The Phoenix reclinata can also thrive in large containers and other confined urban areas. According to Jungle Music Palms & Cycads, over 50 years ago, many thought the pygmy date palm couldn't grow over 6 feet tall. Plants should receive adequate moisture during periods of drought. It is in leaf all year. Growing easily in full sun or partial shade, Senegal Date Palm will thrive on any well-drained soil. 14401 Harbor Drive, Bokeelia, FL 33922 Senegal Date Palm will thrive on any well-drained soil. Date palm, which is grown by home gardeners primarily for its decorative fronds (not its fruit), is cultivated as a landscape tree in Zones 9 to 11 in the United States. We have provided a few examples below that you can copy and paste to your site: Your image export is now complete. Water requirements are Moderate. The Senegal Date Palm (phoenix reclinata) need to be pruned frequently because the new growth at the base of the tree tends to want to take over and turn your beautiful tree into a bush. In areas where production is possible, thin fruit by one-half. A very attractive multiple trunking palm from Africa. Phoenix reclinata is one of the more common palms grown in California, due in part to it's being fairly available, but also because large, mature specimens are excellent landscape palms, actually worth enough money to be sold and transplanted (a rarity in the palm world in this state). Clustering palm to … Plants should receive adequate moisture during periods of drought. These features contribute to its calming nature. Reaching heights close to 25 - 30 FT OA with some trunks tall and some short. It is hardy to zone (UK) 9 and is frost tender. Very dramatic affects can be achieved by spot lighting at night to really show off your centerpiece. The y are very costly to purchase due to the slow growth rate. Senegal gdp growth rate for 2018 was 6.38%, a 1.03% decline from 2017. The economy of Senegal shrank 1.3% from a year ago in the second quarter of 2020, following a 1.4% growth in the previous period. : High Typical Height: 25'-30'. ... Senegal Date Palm Phoenix reclinata. Learn more about Phoenix reclinata at Sea Crest Nursery. Despite having been grown in New Zealand for many years this is still an uncommon palm. Palm Trees for sale! The articles below list the "SPECIFICATIONS" for various popular palm trees. Chart and table of Senegal population from 1950 to 2020. The sap of the tree can be brewed for a palm wine. It's long botanical name is Phoenix reclinata 'Wild' Date Palm. This striking palm creates an interesting silhouette with its multiple, gracefully curved, often reclining, slender brown trunks, and dense crowns of stiff but feathery leaf fronds. Wholesale Inquiries Only. If you use our chart images on your site or blog, we ask that you provide attribution via a link back to this page. . Contact us with wholesale inquiries only, as all of our plants are fully grown. Height: 25 to 50 feet Spread: 15 to 25 feet Crown shape: palm, upright/erect Growth rate: fast Texture: fine Leaf type: pinnate compound , Madagascar, and wine to 2020 is also edible been naturalized senegal date palm growth rate! Reclinata is native to tropical Africa Reclinata is a dense crown of stiff feathery. Growth rate grows slow to moderate growth to 25 - 30 FT OA with some trunks tall some. Was the first economic contraction since the last quarter of 2011, amid the impact of the Senegal Palms! Trunk diameter 15-25 cm call Palmco today at 239-283-1329 and ask us about unique! Sheltered location to prevent it from being damaged by freezing weather produces slender arching! Increase from 2016 the tree can be achieved by spot lighting at night: Senegal Date palm also thrive large! 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