This difficulty arises for several reasons. Because some chemical compounds used for fertilizers have other industrial applications, the consumption data may overstate the quantity available for crops. In other words, Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch — the pioneers of this technological breakthrough — are estimated to have enabled the lives of several billion people, who otherwise would have died prematurely, or never been born at all.4. This region includes Central Europe, the Baltics, Balkans, Ukraine and Turkey. November 2020 This statistic shows the global consumption of fertilizer by nutrient in 2013, 2014, and 2018. MIT Press. How many people does synthetic fertilizer feed? IFA Annual Conference, Montreal, 11-13 June 2019 “Fertilizer Outlook 2019 - 2023”, PIT, Market Intelligence and Agriculture Services, IFA Despite a fall in sugar production in 2018/19, international prices have continued to suffer from oversupply. How does fertilizer use relate to income? Africaâs Green Revolution Gord Cope details how fertilizer companies and governments are working to overcome the problems that hinder fertilizer consumption in Africa. IFA Global Sustainability Conference. ISBN: 9780262194495. Solar energy, consumed to generate electricity or directly as heat, accounted for about 9% of US renewable energy consumption in 2019 and had the largest percentage growth among renewable sources in 2019, according to the EIA. He concluded that 40 percent of the global population in 2000 were dependent on food production from synthetic fertilizers. Furthermore, preferences for pulses and legumes tend to decline as incomes rise and food choices widen. Consumption: Year. Firstly, legumes tend to be lower-yielding relative to cereals and other staple crops. âFAO, in collaboration with other members of the Fertilizer Outlook Expert Group dealing with fertilizer production, consumption and trade, provides forecasts of world and regional fertilizer supply, demand and potential balance. launch a campaign on zero growth of the fertilizer consumption by 2020. World demand for total fertilizer nutrients is estimated to grow at 1.6 percent per annum from 2015 to 2019. Help us do this work by making a donation. (P2O5) Single superphosphate (P2O5) Triple superphosphate (P2O5) Other P straight (P2O5) P fertilizer consumption in Brazil and India was considerably larger than domestic P … For 2010–2014, four nations with high P fertilizer use (China, India, Brazil, and United States) accounted for 66% of world P fertilizer use (as P 2 O 5) as well as 72% of world P fertilizer production. All events. This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. Palgrave Macmillan. Please consult our full legal disclaimer. This entry can be cited as: Our World in Data is free and accessible for everyone. p. 2 ⢠Why mineral fertilizer? Couldn’t we have relied on these non-synthetic nitrogen sources instead? The combined “Haber-Bosch process” remains the primary industrial method for the production of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer. ADDIS ABABA, August 12, 2019 ... With a stable water supply and access to improved potato varieties and fertilizer, Askale has been able to increase her yield, harvesting as much as 120 quintals of potatoes on the same hectare of land. Available online. Fertilizers such as nitrogen often end up in water sources, and contribute to the acidification of soil. It also features a regional report on the South American fertilizer industry and a thorough overview of changing molten sulfur prices. This is because in the atmosphere, nitrogen exists in its largely unreactive N2 form, rather than in a reactive form which plants can utilize. This is true of yields today, but also true of historical yields — in the late nineteenth century, Western European legume yields were typically less than half that of staple cereals.12. World News. In addition to water and sunlight, crops need three key nutrients to grow: nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. N+P 2 O 5 +K 2 O Region / Country. Ambitious with Ammonia Henrik Rasmussen, Haldor Topsoe Inc., USA, discusses improvements in ammonia production. One-stop-shop for the world's most comprehensive statistical information on fertilizer & raw materials supply and fertilizer consumption. Fertilizer Consumption (Mt nutrients) 1961 2000 2013 Chinaâs consumption 1.0 34.7 52.7 World consumption 31.7 137.0 180.8 Chinaâs share 3% 25% 29% Fertilizers have played a key role in the success of India's green revolution and subsequent self-reliance in food-grain production. However, this is within the range of the annual fluctuations over the course of a decade in which global demand is set to remain broadly stable. Results published by Erisman et al. This amounts to an annual growth rate of 6% over the past 10 years. Predictions of a global food crisis — that the world’s food production would not be able to keep pace with population growth — have a long history. Utilizing a range of long-term evaluations, spanning a total of 362 seasons of crop production, of crop yields and nutrient budgets across the world, Stewart et al. The objective of this work was to estimate world fertilizer sulfur use efficiency (SUE) for major cereal crops grown around the world. 09-11 March 2021. €15.3 billion in 2018. Nitrogen is often the nutrient that is limiting to further crop production, despite Earth’s atmosphere containing more than 78 percent. Malthus (1798). In 2013, the consumption of nitrogen fertilizers reached some 111.3 megatons. Addressing this question partly relies on retrospective guesswork about whether, in the absence of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer, we would have managed to supply nitrogen via other methods. The potash market had some weather- and price-related ups and downs in 2019, but major ... consumer of potash fertilizer, accounting for approximately 20 percent of world potash consumption. Fertilizers have played a key role in the success of India's green revolution and subsequent self-reliance in food-grain production. As we explore in detail in our entry on Crop Yields, crop yields and fertilizer application typically show a strong positive relationship. If organic nitrogen could today support a large share of the global population then it is because synthetic nitrogen has enabled it to do so by adding reactive nitrogen to our agricultural systems. She sold 100 quintals and kept the rest for her family’s consumption. Africa’s Green Revolution Gord Cope details how fertilizer companies and governments are working to overcome the problems that hinder fertilizer consumption in Africa. Its Fertilizer Archive goes back to 1961 and is online here. Below we draw upon several published estimates, which tend to converge on a similar share of the global population. Despite weather issues in the United States in 2019, global phosphorus fertilizer consumption is increasing. Critical Urea Moves Data on the fertilizer consumption per hectare arable land in 2012 are published by The World Bank. 26-28 May 2021. This product summarizes fertilizer consumption in the United States by plant nutrient and major fertilizer productsâas well as consumption of mixed fertilizers, secondary nutrients, and micronutrientsâfor 1960 through the latest year for which statistics are available. Though Australia fertilizer consumption fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 2002 - 2016 period ending at 68.1 kilograms per hectare in 2016. The Indian fertilizer market was worth INR 6,258 Billion in 2019. Global market value is likely to rise to more than US$185 billion until 2019. IFA Global Sustainability Conference. J.Johnson. Basic slag (P2O5) Ground rock dir. Register . The global fertilizer market is expected to value at USD 155.8 billion in 2019, and it is expected to register a CAGR of 3.8% during the forecast period (2019-2024). Vaclav Smil derives his calculations based on the use of nitrogen crop, livestock and human protein (of which the building blocks are nitrogen) balances. The Greek Fertilizer Sector Endorsing Sustainability in a Changing World. Nonetheless, general estimates tend to converge on a figure in the range of 40-50 percent of the population. In 2016, fertilizer consumption for Australia was 68.1 kilograms per hectare. Singapore uses 2759.60 kg per hectare of arable land, Seychelles 1,750.00 kg per hectare of the arable land, Malaysia 1726.60 kg per hectare of the arable land, etc. The World Bank’s Fertilizer Price Index is expected to rise 2 percent in 2019, following a projected increase of 9 percent in 2018. Find Out, Online tool for visualization and analysis. Reay, D. (2015). Still, overall in 2018, Rahm said, global shipments of the leading finished phosphate products increased 2.4% (1.7 million tons) to 69.4 million tons. 10 The United States and the European Union are the leaders of the coal phase-out; they both set historical minimum consumption in 2019 but are still the 3 rd and 4 th global coal consumers in the world, with 397 mtce and 253 mtce, respectively. (2005) concluded that between 30-50 percent of yield increases could be attributed to synthetic fertilizer inputs (and typically even higher in the tropics). World coal consumption variation, 2018-2019 provisional Open. The topic of the conference includes fertilizer markets of a region with growing economy and good prospects for fertilizer consumption. Fertilizer consumption measures the quantity of plant nutrients, and is calculated as production plus imports minus exports. In fact, it’s estimated that nitrogen fertilizer now supports approximately half of the global population. An Essay on the Principle of Population: Or, A View of Its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness; with an Inquiry Into Our Prospects Respecting the Future Removal Or Mitigation of the Evils which it Occasions. Since then, Erisman et al. IFA Plant Nutrition Solutions Conference. Notably there have been a number of additional contributors to productivity gains in agriculture throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, including crop breeding, irrigation, mechanization, and farm management techniques — untangling the individual role of nitrogen fertilizers alone is challenging. All of our charts can be embedded in any site. (2005) concluded that between 30-50 percent of yield increases could be attributed to synthetic fertilizer inputs (and typically even higher in the tropics). The index rose 8 percent in the third quarter of 2018 (q/q) on high energy costs and tight supplies and was more than 18 percent higher than 2017Q3. Fertilizer application, combined with other productivity factors such as improved crop varieties, genetic breeding, irrigation and mechanization led to a significant inflection in crop yield trends across the world in the 20th century. Some residential and commercial buildings … (2012) in the scientific magazine Nature are shown in the chart.7, These results also tie closely with Vaclav Smil’s widely-quoted estimates, which we discuss later.8, Firstly, it’s important to note that these estimates are understandably difficult to derive with a high degree of certainty. Agronomy Journal, 97(1), 1-6. World News. The time reference for fertilizer consumption is the crop year (July through June). You have the permission to use, distribute, and reproduce these in any medium, provided the source and authors are credited. The fertilizer industry was heavily challenged in 2016. Overall, this has increased the amount of reactive nitrogen which can be recycled through our agricultural systems; with more livestock, we also have more manure to recycle. However, as is often the case with food insecurity and famine, this is largely attributed to sociopolitical, stability and economic factors rather than an inability to produce enough food. Another potential nitrogen source is that of organic wastes — nitrogen is supplied in many organic farming systems today in the form of animal manure. Critical Urea Moves ISBN 978-1-137-28696-3. The red line represents the size of the global population which would therefore be supported. Increased productivity and excess crops allowed farmers to allocate an increasing share of output to livestock — particularly grain-fed animals. launch a campaign on zero growth of the fertilizer consumption by 2020. The European fertilizer market will grow to earn revenues of approx. Here are some of the countries in the top 10 list whose fertilizer consumption are highest in the world as Qatar tops the list with 6,898.70 kg per hectare of the arable land. Fertilizer products cover nitrogenous, potash, and phosphate fertilizers (including ground rock phosphate). Secondly, the global food system is complex and geographically highly unequal: high-income countries have moved beyond the stage of aiming to meet basic nutritional requirements from food production, and now dedicate a large share of food production to meat (which is a much less efficient nitrogen converter) and bioenergy production.9. The data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. âWe project shipments outside of China will increase 2.8% or 1.5 million tons this year.â In the last five years between 2014-2019, world nitrogen fertilizer demand has increased by 1.24%, P2O5 demand by 1.97%, K2O demand by 2.47% compound growth rate. In 2016, fertilizer consumption for Colombia was 659.5 kilograms per hectare. In fact, we did; prior to Haber-Bosch and the creation of synthetic nitrogen inputs, most agricultural systems relied on the recycling of manure, wastes and other biomass back into the soil to maintain nitrogen balance. Fertilizer consumption measures the quantity of plant nutrients, and is calculated as production plus imports minus exports. World fertilizer trends and outlook to 2020 viii Summary World consumption of the three main fertilizer nutrients, nitrogen (N), phosphorus expressed as phosphate (P 2 O 5), and potassium expressed as potash (K 2 O), is estimated to reach 186.67 million tonnes (N, P 2 O 5 and K 2 O) in 2016, up by 1.4 percent over 2015 consumption levels. Ambitious with Ammonia Henrik Rasmussen, Haldor Topsoe Inc., USA, discusses improvements in ammonia production. Ambitious with Ammonia Henrik Rasmussen, Haldor Topsoe Inc., USA, discusses improvements in ammonia production. Countries such as India and ⦠Stewardship. License: All the material produced by Our World in Data, including interactive visualizations and code, are completely open access under the Creative Commons BY license. It also features a regional report on the South American fertilizer industry and a thorough overview of changing molten sulfur prices. EVENTS. If Fritz Haber had not discovered how to make synthetic nitrogen, would we have found alternative solutions to support a population as large as today’s? China has been a significant contributor to the world’s increased use of fertilizers, and Asia’s fertilizer consumption has grown faster than any other part of the world. Our World In Data is a project of the Global Change Data Lab, a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Number 1186433). This amounts to 44 percent of the global population in 2000 being fed by nitrogen fertilizers, rising to 48 percent in 2008. The increase in fertilizer consumption has contributed significantly to sustainable production of food grains in the country. All events. Fertilizer consumption as a share of production shows the agriculture sector's vulnerability to import and energy price fluctuation. In fact, according to USDA estimates, corn will once again be the top crop by acreage this spring, with an estimated 92 million acres being planted. Yields tend to increase with fertilizer application, Eutrophying emissions per 100 grams of protein, Eutrophying emissions per 1000 kilocalories, Eutrophying emissions per kilogram of food product, Fertilizer application rates over the long-run, Nitrogen fertilizer use per hectare of cropland, Phosphate and potash price indexes over the long-term (1900 = 100), Phosphate fertilizer use per hectare of cropland, Potash fertilizer use per hectare of cropland, Share of suicide deaths from pesticide poisoning, World population supported by synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, World population with and without synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. individual crops; fertilizer price index is based on NOLA urea, Tampa DAP and Midwest Potash prices weighted by global nutrient consumption. Though Colombia fertilizer consumption fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 2002 - 2016 period ending at 659.5 kilograms per hectare in 2016. Around the world, the use of nitrogen fertilizer grows steadily each year. After China, India is the second largest ammonia consumer in the world, with a demand of about 17.7mt in 2018. One solution would have been to greatly increase the production of nitrogen-fixing legume crops. IFA Annual Conference, Montreal, 11-13 June 2019 âFertilizer Outlook 2019 - 2023â, PIT, Market Intelligence and Agriculture Services, IFA Despite a fall in sugar production in 2018/19, international prices have continued to suffer from oversupply. None of these had a more dramatic impact than the ability to produce synthetic nitrogen fertilizer. Smil, V. (2004). As we see, nitrogen fertilizers only became available following the commercialization of the Haber-Bosch process from 1910 onwards. Here are some of the countries in the top 10 list whose fertilizer consumption are highest in the world as Qatar tops the list with 6,898.70 kg per hectare of the arable land. â¬15.3 billion in 2018. Solar photovoltaic cells, including rooftop panels, and solar thermal power plants use sunlight to generate electricity. This is further shown in the chart. Utilizing a range of long-term evaluations, spanning a total of 362 seasons of crop production, of crop yields and nutrient budgets across the world, Stewart et al. Offsetting the demand contraction in China were extraordinary demand gains in a host of markets around the world, most notably in other parts of Asia and in Latin America. There are a number of scientific and technological innovations which have allowed for rapid growth in crop productivity, particularly in the second half of the 20th century. To match demand, food production will need to almost triple and this [â¦] U.S. nitrogen fertilizer consumption was 12.2 mmt in 2018, but fell to an estimated 11.9 mmt in 2019, he said. A global estimate therefore hides these inequalities; it may be the case that less than 48 percent of the population in high-income countries rely on nitrogen fertilizer to meet basic food requirements, whereas this share is higher in lower-income nations. applic. The FAO Fertilizer Database is online here. Africa’s Green Revolution Gord Cope details how fertilizer companies and governments are working to overcome the problems that hinder fertilizer consumption in Africa. Legumes â such as peas, beans and other pulses â have the unique ability of being able to convert atmospheric N2 into reactive nitrogen, which can then be used for crop growth. The index rose 8 percent in the third quarter of 2018 (q/q) on high energy costs and tight supplies and was more than 18 percent higher than 2017Q3. As noted earlier, leguminous crops (i.e. IFA Events. Fertilizer consumption as a share of production shows the agriculture sector's vulnerability to import and … Erisman, J. W., Sutton, M. A., Galloway, J., Klimont, Z., & Winiwarter, W. (2008). In 2018, Asia-Pacific was the largest geographical segment of the market studied and accounted for a share of around 60% of the overall market. However, as we cover in detail in a recent blog post, organic farming (that is, agriculture without synthetic inputs) can often have a greater environmental impact than conventional agriculture. As Smil (2004) discusses in detail, previous societies could typically support only small numbers of domesticated animals, and as a result, had very limited supplies of manure and animal wastes.13. Here we have extended this estimate to 2015 with the continuation of the assumption that 48 percent of the global population are fed by nitrogen fertilizers. Fertilizer consumption measures the quantity of plant nutrients used per unit of arable land. The time reference for fertilizer consumption is the crop year (July through June). She sold 100 quintals and kept the rest for her familyâs consumption. Western Canadian phosphate consumption has increased by 378,000 mt going from 541,000 mt in 2010/11 to 919,000 mt in 2019/20. “Fertilizer Outlook 2015-2019” P. Heffer and M. Prud’homme, IFA - 1 - ECONOMIC AND POLICY CONTEXT The world economy is progressively recovering, but remains fragile Growth in world gross domestic product (GDP) remained disappointing in 2014. The global fertilizer market is expected to value at USD 155.8 billion in 2019, and it is expected to register a CAGR of 3.8% during the forecast period (2019-2024). Every euro invested in a fertilizer in Europe provides, on average, a five-fold return for the farmer, ensuring increased food production and his or her financial security. All other material, including data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data, is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. Select All: 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961: Total. Most fertilizers that are commonly used in agriculture contain the three basic plant nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Available online. As a result, the Haber-Bosch process is likely to have enabled the lives of at least 3 to 3.5 billion people today. This has serious consequences for the environment as well as for agriculture. Production is expected to contract further and to be below consumption in 2019/20, Previous editions of this indicator, Fertilizer consumption (100 grams per hectare of arable land), reported data on a crop year basis, but this edition uses the calendar year, as adopted by the FAO. Without Fritz Haber’s discovery, this would never have been a possibility. In 2018, Asia-Pacific was the largest geographical segment of the market studied and accounted for a share of around 60% of the overall market. Discover. It is projected to gain momentum from 2015, with increases of 3.5% in 2015 and 3.8% in 2016. After China, India is the second largest ammonia consumer in the world, with a demand of about 17.7mt in 2018. The creation of synthetic nitrogen delivered reactive nitrogen to the soil which could then be recycled in the form of organic wastes and biomass. It should be noted that this growth in agricultural output — from both industrial and organic farming — has undoubtedly resulted in important ecological and resource pressures. The increase in fertilizer consumption has contributed significantly to sustainable production of food grains in the country. Fertilizer use, kilograms per hectare, is calculated by WRI by dividing the total fertilizer consumption, measured in kilograms of plant nutrient, by the total hectares of arable and permanent cropland.The measure of fertilizer consumption is an aggregate of nitrogenous, phosphate and potash fertilizers. The contribution of commercial fertilizer nutrients to food production. Global market value is likely to rise to more than US$185 billion until 2019. Production is expected to contract further and to be below consumption in 2019/20, p. 5 ⢠Environmental impact of fertilizer p. 9 ⢠The fertilizer industry p.16 ⢠Fertilizer industry dynamics. You have the permission to use, distribute, and reproduce these in any medium, provided the source and authors are credited. The topic of the conference includes fertilizer markets of a region with growing economy and good prospects for fertilizer consumption. Legumes are the one exception to this condition. Traditional nutrients--animal and plant manures--are not included. With little consumption in industrial applications or biofuel fertilizer, 99% of urea in the country is used for direct application for growing food crops. Whilst this might have credibly increased the total availability of reactive nitrogen to some extent, it’s unlikely to have been a widely-scalable solution for several reasons. Carl Bosch, another German chemist and engineer, was able to take Fritz Haber’s laboratory-scale process and develop it at an industrial scale. Erisman et al. Traditional nutrients--animal and plant manures--are not included. Fertilizer use, kilograms per hectare, is calculated by WRI by dividing the total fertilizer consumption, measured in kilograms of plant nutrient, by the total hectares of arable and permanent cropland.The measure of fertilizer consumption is an aggregate of nitrogenous, phosphate and potash fertilizers. With little consumption in industrial applications or biofuel fertilizer, 99% of urea in the country is used for direct application for growing food crops. Today, we can support a global population of around 7.4 billion (and growing), with many consuming far in excess of requirements.3. AFRICA Fertilizer Map 2019 by Antonella Harrison â Africaâs population is set to rise 20% by 2030 from the current 1.2bn and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is the region with the greatest food security risk as it has the highest projected increase in population. Virtual Event . DEFINITION: Average fertilizer use (kg per ha of cropland 2000). Fertilizer consumption measures the quantity of plant nutrients used per unit of arable land. Find Out Nature Geoscience, 1(10), 636-639. DEFINITION: Average fertilizer use (kg per ha of cropland 2000). Fertilizer price index Strengthening demand … Our articles and data visualizations rely on work from many different people and organizations. Stewart, W. M., Dibb, D. W., Johnston, A. E., & Smyth, T. J. Fertilizer consumption as a share of production shows the agriculture sector's vulnerability to import and … Synthetic nitrogen not only increased crop yields, but also enabled an expansion in livestock numbers. âIn 2019 this total is projected to increase 0.6% to 69.9 million tons,â he said. Fertilizer price index Strengthening demand The latest fertilizer news, industry trends and events from World Fertilizer magazine, including coverage of the potash, nitrogen and ammonia sectors. (2005). Fertilizer industry overview ⢠What is fertilizer? The April issue of World Fertilizer covers a variety of different topics, including sulfuric acid processing, mist elimination, bagging and blending, and fans. Sugar consumption in the U.S. 2009/10-2019/20 Consumption volume of sugar across India 2015-2020 Forecasted centrifugal sugar domestic consumption APAC 2021 by country Ehrlich, P. R. (1997). Fertilizer consumption measures the quantity of plant nutrients used per unit of arable land. Because some chemical compounds used for fertilizers have other industrial applications, the consumption data may overstate the quantity available for crops. Fertilizer consumption (kilograms per hectare of arable land) from The World Bank: Data Learn how the World Bank Group is helping countries with COVID-19 (coronavirus). We will always indicate the original source of the data in our documentation, so you should always check the license of any such third-party data before use and redistribution. Singapore uses 2759.60 kg per hectare of arable land, Seychelles 1,750.00 kg per hectare of the arable land, Malaysia 1726.60 kg per hectare of the arable land, etc. Learn how the World Bank Group is helping countries with COVID-19 (coronavirus). ... bly influencing the world markets and prices. This product summarizes fertilizer consumption in the United States by plant nutrient and major fertilizer products—as well as consumption of mixed fertilizers, secondary nutrients, and micronutrients—for 1960 through the latest year for which statistics are available. 5 Crop & Fertilizer Price Indices1 Index 2014-2015 = 100 Fertilizer prices remain affordable –fertilizer index is down 16 points year-over-year, while the crop price index is down 3 points year-over-year Understanding the significance of nitrogen fertilizer requires a brief explanation of its role in global crop production. A 10‐yr data set (2005–2014) was obtained from the Food and Agriculture Organization, the US Geological Survey, and an array of other published research articles. Work was to estimate World fertilizer magazine, including rooftop panels, and reproduce these any... Used for fertilizers have played a key role in global crop production our charts can be cited as: World! 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