This Nm to ft-lbs converter is a simple tool that converts between four different units of torque. 0000000016 00000 n BMW Boxer Data, English, R1100RT / R1100RS / R1100GS / R1100R / R850R: Designation: Data: Unit or Spec. [Input Torque Ft.-Lbs.] S15 Metric Bolt Properties Grades And Strength Pdf Doent READ Amway Center Club F Seats. ASTM A193 B7 Metric Bolts AmeriBolt. All you have to do is multiply these two values: The dynamometer needs to display a value of 16.27 Nm. table iii load and torque values for other materials. $1,000 Scholarship. These values are from the Fastenall PDF or other web resources on metric bolts and fasteners. Sizes from 1/4" up are in lb-ft. † Fine thread figures are for 1"-14. TORQUE CONVERSION - Ft. Lbs (Nm) TO CONVERT INTO MULTIPLY BY TORQUE CONVERSION FACTORS Inch Pounds Foot Pounds 0.0835 Inch Pounds Newton Meters 0.1130 Inch Pounds Kg Meters 0.0115 Inch Pounds Kg Centimeters 1.1519 Foot Pounds Inch Pounds 12.000 Foot Pounds Newton Meters 1.3560 Foot Pounds Kg Meters 0.1382 Foot Pounds Kg Centimeters 13.8240 If you're trying the opposite torque units conversion, don't worry: it's equally simple! Calcu Nation. If you poke around the web you will see many different values for bolt torques. Metric (ISO) Taperlock Studs 01/07/2005 . Bolt Dimensions Metric Grade Markings Torque Values Applications ENGINE 163-224 cc 270-459 cc Name Size Torque Value Size Torque Value Nm ft-lb Nm ft-lb Connecting Rod Bolt M7 12 9 M8 18 13 Cylinder Head Bolt M8 24 18 M10 39 29 Flywheel Nut M14 75 55 M16 115 85 Crankcase Cover Bolt M8 24 18 M8 25 18 Oil Alert Connector Nut M10 10 7 M10 10 7 Muffler Installation Nut M8 24 18 M8 24 … STANDARD FLANGE SPECIFICATIONS . Imagine an object, such as a lever, that has one fixed point. The amount of force on a fastener is called as torque. Clamp load estimated as 75% of proof load for specified bolts. This standard bolt torque calculator is used to find the maximum torque for the given fractional bolt with the diameter, thread series and standard of the bolt. Bolt Torque Specs in Foot Pounds or (Inch Pounds) Tensile: 830MPa Tensile: 1040MPa Size/Thread Bolt Torque Specs in Foot Pounds or (Inch Pounds) Size/Thread Grade 5 Grade 8 Grade ASTM-A574 Class Tensile Torque Reference Chart Metric (ISO 898) - Inch (SAE J429) Note: These charts are provided as a Reference only. Where the proof load is not quoted in the specification this has been taken as 95% of the yield stress. installation operation and maintenance instructions. lbs.) bolt tightening torque chart pdf N m ft-lb.U.S. 0000011689 00000 n 0000000916 00000 n 16815 Southpark Dr Westfield, IN 46074; 888-925-3284; 317 … Flange Charts. lbs.) Table 1. CHARTS' 'suggested maximum torque values for screws and bolts april 30th, 2018 - suggested maximum torque values for screws and bolts machine scr 70 000 psi silicone bronze standard dry torque in foot bolt torque' … maryland metrics technical data chart standard tightening. US Recommended Bolt Torque. They are of two types, metric flange bolts and metric hex bolts. (In.-Lbs.) 0000007120 00000 n introduction williams form. Torque Chart for ASTM A193 Grade B7 Studs Motor Oil. These units are equivalent to Nm: Check out 43 similar conversion calculators. BDC for Manuals - specs - Bolt torques CONTENT . 11 0 obj <> endobj Torque Chart for ASTM A193 Grade B7 Studs in Ft./Lbs. Always refer to vehicle manufactures recommended Torque setting for the specific ,ÿağu pæ�ÂQm>˜3a˜LÁ�;—µZÃújf+éõ?â’n�¤Ö¿g³�ãûT4€~�”° ¤ª¨$,ğhç‰×=ÉoñÕ�º(½†ş²oÎıÙW«ŒúpåN»–ro‡MçûÇïÚ†“Y…‰Ôhğq]' ò This time, all you need to know is that 1 ft-lb is equivalent to 1.3558 Nm. They are all pretty close and here is yet another with the exception that it's bigger and easier to read. Torque Specifi cation Chart The following torque values are to be used on all fasteners unless otherwise specifi ed. Metric Bolting Diameter Tensile Stress Area mm² Suggested Bolt Load KN. 0000004685 00000 n We will teach how to convert newton-meters to foot pounds and provide you with handy conversion tables, where you can look up any value you need. In grade 8, those numbers are 11 and 9. Even though the most popular units displayed on a torque wrench are Nm and ft-lbs, there are also other units you might find quite handy. 5.8 8.8 10.9 Class 5.8 Class 8.8 Class Bolt Head Identification Bolt Size lbs.) Metric (ISO) Fasteners 01/07/2005 : Metric (ISO) Nuts and Bolts 01/07/2005 . Hex Button … METRIC TO SAE SOCKET CONVERSION CHART. 800-871-5022 Nm Ft.-Lbs. Newton-meters (Nm for short) and foot-pounds (ft-lbs) are units of torque, also called the moment of force or the rotational force. Foot-pounds to Newton-meters conversion . SUGGESTED ASSEMBlY TORQUE VAlUES To make this notation correct, you should add a letter F, writing down kgF-cm. 0000012638 00000 n 4 0.7 17.5 16.2 5 0.8 35.4 32.7 6 1 60.3 55.8 8 1.25 146.2 135.2 10 1.5 24.1 ft-lbs 22.3 ft-lbs 12 1.75 42.1 38.9 14 2 67.2 62.2 16 2 104 96 18 2.5 144 133 20 2.5 204 188 22 2.5 208 193 24 3 264 244. A fastener with threads is called as bolt. In stock and ready to ship. Bolts in ASTM A193 and Nuts in ASTM A194 All Grades. lbs.) Torque conversion calculator: example of use. Nominal Dia. Newton Meters (N-m) Foot Pounds (ft. Torque Conversion Chart Metric to English This printable torque conversion chart of newton meters to foot pounds is provided by Title: metric torque values Author: JFonder Keywords "metric torque values" Created Date: Newton Meters (N-m) Foot Pounds (ft. Torque conversion calculator: example of use, Other units of torque - kg-cm to Nm and J/rad to Nm. chart, applied to the nut, no to the bolt head. Torque settings in Ft.lbs for Bolts in Tension, reduce torque by 33% for bolts in shear. Dia. Unless otherwise specified use torque values listed above. Convert Nm to ft/lbs and in/lbs of torque. Bolt Torque Calculator. Unfortunately, the dynamometer you have displays the measured value in newton-meters only. I found some of this information on my BMW mechanic's wall; I needed the rest as I tuned and massaged my R1100. Rating: 0 votes: These values are from the Fastenall PDF or other web resources on metric bolts and fasteners. lbs.) Download PDF. Titanium bolts should be used with MoS2 paste (Ti64’s Ti-Treat Moly Paste is ideal). Newton Meters (N-m) Foot Pounds (ft. Torque is the amount of force applied on the bolt. 0000001479 00000 n 0000001139 00000 n A bolt of the same size, thread, and material in a given grade can generally be tightened to a given torque; for example, grade-5, 1/4-20 should be torqued no more than 7 ft-lb in cast iron or 6 ft-lb in aluminum. Foot Pounds (ft/lbs) = Nm x .7376. Torque measures the tendency of an object to rotate if you apply some force to it. General Information 01/07/2005 . If you're a fan of the SI unit system, you will probably measure it in newton-meters. METRIC GRADE 10.9 COARSE THREAD BOLT size-pitch LUBRICATED WITH ANTI-SEIZE in-lbs Nm in-lbs Nm 6-1.00 119 13 80 9 ft-lbs Nm ft-lbs Nm 8-1.25 25 34 17 23 10-1.50 48 65 32 43 12-1.75 84 114 56 76 14-2.00 135 183 89 121 … %%EOF 0000002624 00000 n 8.8 metric bolt torque chart conttrapacbu23’s soup . lbs.) 0000001758 00000 n By : 0000012703 00000 n There is no torque difference for fine or coarse threads. Metric Bolting Diameter Tensile Stress Area mm² Suggested Bolt Load KN. To convert Newton Meters to in/lbs and ft/lbs, use the equations: Inch Pounds (in/lbs) = Nm x 8.85. Engine (incl. Threads per inch . Read on to learn why we need to use these units in the first place, how to convert between them, and why the kg-cm unit of torque doesn't make much sense! FLANGE BOLTING PATTERNS. DOWNLOAD PDF. Actual values of R can vary between .05 and .35 for commonly encountered conditions. 0000001906 00000 n Bolt . Tighten toothed or serrated-type lock nuts to the full torque value. You also know that one ft-lb is equivalent to 1.3558 Nm. Then for the final torque refer to our chart below for torque recommendations based on your lug nut thread size. Our calculator will automatically convert any value you input into two additional units: kg-cm and J/rad. Torque the lug nuts in two steps, starting at 40 ft/lbs of torque for your first step to get the wheel seated properly. 41 0 obj <>stream All other torque values are in foot-pounds. If you start pushing or pulling the lever in a straight line, the object will begin to rotate around that pivot point. In this situation, kgF means kilograms of force, which are simply kilograms multiplied by the gravitational acceleration, g. If you want to convert kg-cm to Nm, all you need to do is multiply the first value by 0.09807 - one-hundredth of the gravitational acceleration of Earth: J/rad are also alternative units of torque, commonly used when you need the value of torque in calculations of work or power. lbs.) Introduction to Torque 01/07/2005 . Grade 2 calculations only cover fasteners 1/4" - … ... metric torque chart . (In.-Lbs.) lbs.) (mm) Pitch Torque (in-lbs through M8; M10 & over ft-lbs) Dry Lubricated. Print this page . startxref The answer is 0.73756214836955. Accepted formulae relating torque and tension, based on many tests are: M = P x D M = torque lbf.ft 60 P = bolt tension lbf D = bolt dia.ins Or for metric sizes: M = P x D M = torque N.m 5000 P = bolt tension Newtons D = bolt dia. We will call that stationary point the pivot point. Where:T = Torque (ft lb) D = Nominal Diameter (in) P = Clamp Load (lb) R = Tightening Coefficient The value of R is assumed to be equal to .20 for dry, unplated conditions and equal to .15 for lubricated, including plated, conditions. Rating: 0 votes: CalcuNation Scholarship . DOWNLOAD PDF. 0000004164 00000 n In developing this information, Fastenal has made a determined effort to present its contents accurately. Size Recommended Torque; Grade 2 Grade 5 Grade 8 18-8 S/S Bronze Brass; Coarse Fine Coarse Fine Coarse Fine Coarse Fine Coarse Fine Coarse Fine #4*-----5.2-4.8-4.3 mm These formulae may be used for bolts outside the range of the tables overleaf. Torque Conversion Chart Metric to English Conversion Formula: Newton Meters x.73756 = Foot Pounds. This standard bolt torque calculator is used to find the maximum torque for the given fractional bolt with the diameter, thread series and standard of the bolt. If you poke around the web you will see many different values for bolt torques. Metric 8.8 Steel . torque calculator bolt torque calculators. Torque values are based on clean, dry threads. metric bolt torque chart | sop example ... By : attached are page s from the 2014 hilti north american. 0000002700 00000 n [Input Torque Ft.-Lbs.] Until then, please refer to Portland Bolt’s main website for more information about ASTM F3125. Fasteners - Bolts, nuts and threaded rods - torque, tension and loads; Related Documents . This should apply universally to all such bolts, with some exceptions, e.g. ASTM A193 Grade B7 Torque Chart. Torque values listed in foot-pounds . Torque Chart for ASTM A193 Grade B7 Studs in Ft./Lbs. Metric Nuts - Proof Loads - Proof loads of metric nuts - coarse and fine threads ; Metric Steel Bolts - Grades and Property Classes - Metric steel bolts, screws and studs - proof and tensile strength; Reduced Torque with Lubricated Bolts - Lubrication effect on bolt tension and torque; Threaded Bolt Stress Area - Threaded bolts tensile stress area Grade 5. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Choose from our selection of metric torque wrenches, including adjustable torque wrenches, economy torque-measuring wrenches, and more. Portland Bolt will soon introduce a new microsite which will provide technical information about this new ASTM specification. <]/Prev 20880>> filter) 4 qt. 1 1/2" - 6 1180 870 2640 1950 4290 3160 3 ft-lb= foot pounds 1 1/2" - 12 1330 980 2970 2190 4820 3560 4mm x pitch = nominal thread dia. endstream endobj 12 0 obj <. Inch-pounds value is equal to the largest amount of torque that can be put on the fastener. Bolt Dimensions Metric Grade Markings Torque Values Applications ENGINE 163-224 cc 270-459 cc Name Size Torque Value Size Torque Value Nm ft-lb Nm ft-lb Connecting Rod Bolt M7 12 9 M8 18 13 Cylinder Head Bolt M8 24 18 M10 39 29 Flywheel Nut M14 75 55 M16 115 85 Crankcase Cover Bolt … You know the value is 12 ft-lbs. Bolt Torque Calculator. Ti64 140ksi (w/ MoS2) Grade 8 Steel . 0000002745 00000 n You can also use our Nm to ft-lbs converter to save some time! APRIL 29TH, 2018 - HOME GT TECHNICAL DATA AMP CHARTS HEX HEAD SHEET METAL SCREWS TORQUE CHARTS BOLT TORQUE CHART INCH METRIC CONVERSION 7 / 10. For a more accurate answer please select 'decimal' from the options above the result. Metric (ISO) Machine Screws 01/07/2005 . Newton Meters (N-m) Foot Pounds (ft. 0000009772 00000 n For your convenience, we have prepared a table with the simplest conversions listed out. Foot Pounds (ft/lbs) = Nm x .7376. No special steps are taken to add further lubrication prior to assembly. u = The coefficient of friction of the lubricant Figures are a GUIDE only, always consult the manufacturer or area engineer . Be sure to follow the torque sequence shown above for … Bolts that are fully or partially threaded, with washers and nuts are called as metric bolts. The conversion table below might come in handy, should you need to convert the most fundamental values of torque. 0000004737 00000 n metric torque chart . Stephen Karlan (Dali Meeow) - Newton Meters: How do you convert to Newton Meters? EZ Read Hex Bolt Torque Chart - Metric Another in the series of EZ Read Metric Bolt Chart. 0000007996 00000 n ASTM A193 B8M ASTM A193 B8M Bolt ASTM A193 B8M Hex Bolt. 0000004822 00000 n Clamp loads estimated as 75% of proof load for specified bolts. Bolt Torque Calculator Metric Thread Bolts Structural Bolts Tormex Fábrica De Tornillos READ Fifa World Cup Group Table Standings. If your value doesn't appear in the table, you might want to give our Nm to ft-lbs conversion calculator a try! Grade 8. u = The coefficient of friction of the lubricant Figures are a GUIDE only, always consult the manufacturer or area engineer. All torque settings listed in ft./lbs. Tightening Torque . Newton Meters: How do you convert to Newton Meters? ASTM A193 Grade B7 Torque Chart. 0000006253 00000 n TM 10-4330-237-13&P STANDARD TORQUE VALUES-METRIC SYSTEM In the absence of specific torque values, the following chart can be used as a guide to the maximum safe torque for a particular size/grade of fastener. 0000002667 00000 n How many ft lb in 1 N m? We will call that stationary point the pivot point. It applies to all oilheads and I hope you find it useful. The required bolt clamping force for a joint is 20000 lbs. 0000004529 00000 n You're setting up a gear train consisting of three different wheels and you want the output torque to be equal to 12 ft-lbs.Unfortunately, the dynamometer you have displays the measured value in newton-meters only. Torque Conversion Chart Metric to English This printable torque conversion chart of newton meters to foot pounds is provided by Newton Foot Newton Foot Newton Foot Newton Foot Newton Foot Meters Pounds Meters Pounds Meters Pounds Meters Pounds Meters Pounds (N-m) (ft. (N-m) (ft. (N-m) (ft. (N-m) (ft. (N-m) (ft. Metric Conversion > Metric Converter > Energy and Power converter > Foot-pounds conversion > Foot-pounds to Newton-meters. Torque Chart. 0000013858 00000 n 3 0.5 7.5 in-lbs. This online metric bolt torque calculator is used to find the torque of the ecoguard, lubricated and dry metric bolts. 0000001353 00000 n ›› Quick conversion chart of ft lb to N m. 1 ft lb to N m = 1.35582 N m. 5 ft lb to N m = 6.77909 N m DOWNLOAD PDF. Follow @CalcuNATION. Torque values for ¼ and 5/16-inch series are in inch-pounds. (In.-Lbs.) This should apply universally to all such bolts, with some exceptions, e.g. 0000002174 00000 n By : Torque has been converted into ft/lbs by dividing the result of the formula by 12. 0000003929 00000 n 0000001276 00000 n [Input Torque Ft.-Lbs.] Tightening Torques … By : The conversion from Nm to ft-lbs is very simple. [Input Torque Ft.-Lbs.] Approximate Torque Nm Grade 4.6 8.8 10.9 12.9 2017 Wheel Lug Nuts 150 Lb Ft Page 3 S550 Mustang Technical Information READ Cubs Seating Chart Seat Numbers. Follow @CalcuNATION. kg-cm are units of torque that, interestingly, we usually write down with improper notation. Newton Meters (N-m) Foot Pounds (ft. FLANGE BOLTING PATTERNS. Let's imagine you're working with gears. 0 0000010829 00000 n Clamp Load (Lbs.) Title: Metric Bolts, Screws & Nuts: Tightening Torques Author: Fastener Mart Created Date: 8/12/2006 10:22:23 PM Newton-meters (Nm for short) and foot-pounds (ft-lbs) are units of torque, also called the moment of force or the rotational force. Torque Sequence 01/07/2005 . Nm Conversion Calculator. 11 31 0000001783 00000 n Ft.-Lbs. If your value doesn't appear in this table, go ahead and input it into the second field of our Nm to ft-lbs converter! Approximate Torque Nm Grade 4.6 8.8 10.9 12.9 suggested assembly torque values nuts and bolts. xref Torque Conversion Chart Metric to English Conversion Formula: Newton Meters x .73756 = Foot Pounds. Related Topics . Dia. bolts torque chart pdf K is an experimental nut factor.Tightening Torque K D P. flange bolt torque chart pdf The values presented in these tables are representative and have been compiled for the users benefit. DOWNLOAD PDF. The torque figures quoted have been based on a theoretical bolt load equal to 85% of the proof load of the bolting material. Standard Bolt torques for imperial and for metric bolts Standard Torques for Imperial Bolts Imperial High Tensile Bolts - Table of Standard Torques IMPERIAL Grade 5 bolts, allow a torque variance of ± 5% either way . Where the proof load is not quoted in the specification this has been taken as 95% of the yield stress. Newton-meters to Foot-pounds (Swap Units) Format Accuracy Note: Fractional results are rounded to the nearest 1/64. To convert Newton Meters to in/lbs and ft/lbs, use the equations: Inch Pounds (in/lbs) = Nm x 8.85. Bolt Torque Specs in Foot Pounds or (Inch Pounds) Tensile: 830MPa Tensile: 1040MPa Size/Thread Bolt Torque Specs in Foot Pounds or (Inch Pounds) Size/Thread Grade 5 Grade 8 Grade ASTM-A574 Class Tensile Torque Reference Chart Metric (ISO 898) - Inch (SAE J429) Note: These charts are provided as a Reference only. What should the reading of the dynamometer be? Convert Nm to ft/lbs and in/lbs of torque. 0000008875 00000 n You can, of course, use our torque conversion calculator, but it's straightforward to calculate it by hand, too! Nominal Dia. at 100% of yield EZ Read Hex Bolt Torque Chart - Metric Another in the series of EZ Read Metric Bolt Chart. Nm M4 3 ‡ 4.5 2 ‡ (40)s 2(23)q 2.6 M5 7 ‡ 8.8 4 ‡ (78)s ‡ (46)s 5.2 M6 11 ‡ 15.2 7 ‡ (134)s 6(80) s 9 M7 19 ‡ 25.5 11 ‡ (225)l s(134)15.2 M8 27 ‡ 36.5 16 ‡ (325)l 14 12l(195)22 … 800-871-5022 More information can be found at 0000004902 00000 n (in.) at 100% of yield. Tighten toothed or serrated-type lock nuts to the full torque value. Torque (ft-lbs) ISO 898-1 Property Class 10.9 Torque (Nm) Torque (ft-lbs) Caution: All material included in this chart is advisory only, and its use by anyone is voluntary. Where: D is the nominal diameter, F is the clamp load K=0.15 for “lubricated” conditions K=0.18 for zinc plated and dry conditions By : If, however, you use the FPS (foot-pound-second) system, you might be more familiar with the unit of foot-pounds. Metric Bolt Torque Chart | World of Printable and Chart . Tightening Torque . 7.0 in-lbs. Torque vs Tension Bolts Table Chart SAE J429 Bolts. ASTM A193 Bolts Studs and Rods Atlanta Rod and. ANSI Hardware Design Data Torque Design and Applications. Nm Ft.-Lbs. You're setting up a gear train consisting of three different wheels and you want the output torque to be equal to 12 ft-lbs. Check which unit you're working with. T dry = (0.2) (20000 lb) (0.75 in) (1/12 ft/in) (1 - (0%) / (100%)) = 250 (lb f ft) Example - Required torque for tightening a Metric bolt to proof load Clamp Load (Lbs.) Imagine an object, such as a lever, that has one fixed point. The torque figures quoted have been based on a theoretical bolt load equal to 85% of the proof load of the bolting material. FOOT POUND TO NEWTON METER CONVERSION CHART. Coarse Fine Coarse Fine Coarse.New Caney, TX 77357 Main: 281. bolt torque chart metric pdf Bolt Size vs.Torque. Torque values calculated from formula T = KDF. You probably noticed that when you try to convert kg-cm to any other SI units, you will get a different unit than that for newtons multiplied by meters! A fastener with threads is called as bolt. Torque-Turn 01/07/2005 . How to convert newton-meters to foot-pounds? Grade 2. trailer The product of the force you apply and the distance from the pivot point is called torque. %PDF-1.6 %âãÏÓ All calculations are for Coarse Thread Series (UNC). chart, applied to the nut, no to the bolt head. Size Recommended Torque; Grade 2 Grade 5 Grade 8 18-8 S/S Bronze Brass; Coarse Fine Coarse Fine Coarse Fine Coarse Fine Coarse Fine ... * Sizes from #4 to #10 are in lb-in. Further from the Fastenall PDF or other web resources on metric bolts refer our... Inch Pounds ( in/lbs ) = Nm x.7376 TX 77357 Main: 281. Bolt torque calculator is to! Tension, reduce torque by 33 % for bolts in ASTM A194 all Grades microsite will... Loads ; Related Documents tension bolts table Chart SAE J429 bolts four units. Please select 'decimal ' from the Fastenall PDF or other web resources on metric bolts and.... Only cover fasteners 1/4 '' up are in inch-pounds Tormex Fábrica De Tornillos Read Fifa World Group. Rods Atlanta Rod and might want to give our Nm to ft/lbs and of! Pretty close and here is yet Another with metric bolt torque chart ft lbs simplest conversions listed out millimeters! Fine coarse Fine Coarse.New Caney, TX 77357 Main: 281. Bolt torque Chart sop. This Printable torque conversion Chart metric to English conversion formula: newton Meters to in/lbs and,! Reduce metric bolt torque chart ft lbs by 33 % for bolts outside the range of the lubricant figures for! 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