Fantasy Surnames that Start with A. Ambers – The river. We are constantly updating our list of Celebrities and we need your help! This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total. A'Brook. Surnames beginning with Letter A. The list below is the most common in Spain. Abel is a European surname which is popular with the Christians. Top 100 Names for … Family names can be unique or come in large numbers. It is a habitational name from the place, Affleck, in Angus. It means ‘famous’ or ‘descendant of’. Altepeter is a German word which means ‘peter the elder’. Tip: hold "shift" and click on link to open in new window Surnames starting with A There is also important information about the meaning of your last name, its most popular first names and the genealogy of your last name. Abbot is one of the most common English surnames beginning with a. It refers to someone who lives in a canal. It’s derived out of old Norse name meaning ‘farmstead’. A'Deane. It’s also a habitational name of a place close to Manchester. Most common surnames starting with C. According to the 1940 census, Clark was the most common last name beginning with the letter 'C', followed by Campbell and Carter. Aldape is a Spanish derivative of the Basque surname Aldabe. It means ‘legal’. In Old German, it means ‘noble and ready’. It means ‘father of multitude’. Alexon’s origins are uncertain. Explore the 1,000 most common surnames begining with the letter á. They are also influenced by the minority the family belongs to. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. The information on this website is of a general nature and available for educational purposes only and should not be construed as a substitute for advice from a medical professional or health care provider. It means Grove of Cottonwood. Abraham is a popular name with Hebrew origins. Addington is a derivative of the Old English name ‘Eaddingtun’. List of the Most Common Surnames starting with "A" in the U.S. There are Jewish surnames of Russian, Polish, or German origin. Alcoser is a Spanish variant of Alcocer which means ‘small palace’. Knowing that your loved ones are suffering an illness can be distressing, especially when there is nothing you can do about it. Abner has biblical origins and means ‘father of light’ in Hebrew. It comes from old Norse words which mean ‘ancestor’. Many of them are modernized diminutives or derivatives of old names with a great sound to them. It is old French for ‘priest’. Addison has biblical origins. In Hebrew, it means ‘breath’. It has Gaelic origins meaning ‘handsome’. Find out how surnames are ranked in popularity, how many people in the United States of America bear a particular name, and how the statistics change between 1990 and 2000 US Censuses. Agler is a derivative of the Germanic personal name ‘Agelhar’. Last Names Starting with A-Z. The presentation of data on this site focuses on summarized aggregates of counts and … Every episode will dig into a fresh batch and give us something to chew on. Contact us for more information on any surname that is or is not on the list. It means firm law and order. It is a habitational name for people from the place Almada near Lisbon. Almer has German and Swedish origins. Want to know the worldwide geographical distribution of your surname?Here you will find the distribution of your surname sorted by countries! Agustin is a Spanish derivative of the Latin name ‘Austin’. Alterman has Jewish and German origins. In different countries some names are more common than others. It is thought to be an American diminutive of Alexander. Want to know the worldwide geographical distribution of your surname?Here you will find the distribution of your surname sorted by countries! It means ‘son of Amund’. According to the 1940 census, Anderson was the most common last name beginning with the letter 'A', followed by Allen and Adams. Ghanaian last names starting with A United States . 100% Free Genealogy Research! It refers to a type of birch tree. Agnes is an old surname with Greek origins. It refers to the sharp blade of a sword. It means ‘son of Aaron’. Here are some last names that start with the letter ‘A’ that you may be familiar with: Aagaard has Norwegian, French and Germanic origins. It is an Americanized form of the French name Halley. It is a Spanish and Italian variant of Alfonso. It is a nickname for a person with a pale complexion and white hair. Alderson is the English derivative of Alder. accepts no liability for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations. © 2010-2020 Baby Names Baby Names. Aaronson is a surname derived from the name Aaron. Find out where in the world your surname originated, what it originally meant and how many other people you share it with. Read-Alikes For Authors With Last Names Beginning A. It means ‘son of Albert’. Astaseul – Bright As A Star. In English, it means ‘daughter of Adam’. Agena has its origins in North Germany. It means ‘settlement associated with Edda’. Aldrich in Old English means ‘old King’. stream named ‘Bach’. It originates from the German name ‘Allbaugh’. A'Hearne. It is a variant of Errington, a habitational name of a place close to Northumbria. Ahlberg has Swedish origins. A'Hearn. Affleck has Scottish origins. Ahmed has Arabic origins. Most common surnames starting with A. Albach is an Americanized version of the name of a German stream named ‘Bach’. It is derived from the family name of John Acheson. It is a medieval personal name with means ‘assistance’ or ‘help’. Alameda is a Spanish name that has Native American origins. Abelson is an American form of the Jewish name Abel. It is one of the oldest English surnames. Albion – a man from Alba. This appendix lists the most common surnames in the Philippines per 2014 data collected by Forebears, a genealogical database and research aid. All rights reserved. If you’re looking for the right surname for your baby, we’ve rounded up a list of last names starting with ‘A’. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Your use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. This one is an English derivative of the Portuguese and Spanish word Da Costa. Naming matters – Indian surnames starting with A and their meanings Naming matters is a series of explorations that looks at the stories and meanings behind popular Indian names and surnames. Most German surnames derive either from archaic professions (such as Schmidt, Müller, … A'Hara. Surnames that start with A. Click on the names below to learn more about their meaning, history and origins. It is old French for ‘priest’. It is a derivative of Alan which means ‘little rock’. Jump to navigation Jump to search Subcategories. Alamo has Spanish and Portuguese origins. Aland has Scandinavian origins. This one is a variant of Atchison with Scottish origins. It means ‘slope’. The Origin of German Last Names . Adwell is a habitational name derived from ‘Adwell’, a place in Oxfordshire. It relates to Albert. The meanings of German last names are those as defined initially when these names became surnames. It means someone who trains hawks for hunting. Abney is an American surname with English origins. Alberty is an American derivative of the Italian name Alberti. It means ‘sea’ or ‘water’. A'Court. Ashsorrow – ash, and sadness. In Latin, it means ‘a thick mass of vegetation’. Ainsworth in Scottish means ‘my meadow’. Amberflaw – the river flaw. Abshire is a derivative of the German name ‘Habicher’. "walks like a wealthy person, walks with confidence", Apply this search to the user-submitted names, the letters in the pattern are compared to the letters in the name, search for an exact phrase by surrounding it with double quotes, this field understands simple boolean logic, force a term to be included by preceding it with a, force a term to be excluded by preceding it with a, sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations, syllables can only be counted in names that have been assigned pronunciations, names without pronunciations are excluded from results, the "relationship" is how the name relates to its parent name. It has Danish and Norwegian origins. It means ‘exalted’ and high ‘mountain’. Did you find what you were looking for? Alley has French and English origins. It is an English variant of the Old German name ‘Ehard’. It means ‘bold’ and ‘farm by the stream’. You also acknowledge that owing to the limited nature of communication possible on interactive elements on the site, any assistance, or response you receive is provided by the author alone. Abdul is both a surname and a first name which means ‘servant of’. It relates to the Island in the Gulf of Bothnia. The origins of Abston are uncertain. Alridge is the English form of Aldridge which means ‘old king’. It means ‘son of Abel’ and also ‘the noble one’. There is also important information about the meaning of your last name, its most popular first names and the genealogy of your last name. Aalbers is a Dutch and Danish variant of the name Albers. Almada has Portuguese origins. It refers to mountains of hills. It relates to Alfred. Abbey is a name with Latin origins where it means ‘head of the monastery’. While most parents select their family name as the last name for their little one, many millennial parents today are adding an element of their choice to their babies last names. It is a variant and plural form of the Italian name Alberico. It refers to someone who lives on the coast. The Arabic surnames come from the place, tribe, clan, or region the family originated from. In Hebrew, it means ‘Earth’. Click on the names below to learn more about their meaning, history and origins. These last names have appeared during the ancestry investigations carried out for our clients, so that the list is constantly updated. Achey is a derivative of the French name ‘Ethier’. It means ‘son of Atkin’. It is an English surname. Example: Al-Saud, i.e., The Saud family. The number of bearers are given on the 100 most common listed surnames. Choosing a name for your baby is one of the most important decisions that you will make while pregnant. It means ‘settlement’. Aalbers is a Dutch and Danish variant of the name Albers. It is thought to be from the place Abston near Bristol. List of Indian Surnames starting with 'A', a largest collection of over 25,000 Indian and International surnames, find meaning, state or region of family origin, mother tongue, religion and other information related to surname (or family names) 80 Surnames or Last Names That Start With 'A'. It comes from a place named Abney in Derbyshire. Albertson is an English derivative of Albertsen. Adelstein has Jewish origins. F. … Let us know who we are missing! Allinger is a habitational name for people who are from the German place ‘Alling’. This surname has Norwegian ancestry. Find out how surnames are ranked in popularity, how many people in the United States of America bear a particular name, and how the statistics change between 1990 and 2000 US Censuses. It means ‘God is just’. Fortunately, The Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition) deals with this question on page 388: 8.5 Names with particles. It is a pet form of Adam. Ackerman has Dutch origins where it means ‘ploughman’. This is a listing of common surnames (alphabetical by country names): González Rodríguez López García Gómez Pérez Galleti Villa Dominguez argentinez Ahmed Alam Begum Choudhury Das Hossain Khan … And while looking for that perfect name, chances are that you and your spouse will forget about selecting a last name for your baby-to-be. It originates from the German name ‘Allbaugh’, It is a derivative of Alan which means ‘little rock’, Tips to Choose a Safe Bug Spray for Babies and Kids, Review: Babyhug Froggy Gyro Swing Car with Easy Steering Wheel, Top Fifty 7-Letter Names for Girls and Boys, 60 Popular Lithuanian Last Names or Surnames, 25 Quotes and Sayings for Your Baby’s Baptism Ceremony, 13 Ways to Manage Separation Anxiety in Preschoolers, Start Your Mornings with These Simple North Indian Breakfast Recipes, 50 Get Well Soon Wishes for Your Dearest Ones. Allerton has habitational origins relating to many places in West Yorkshire. Discover the ethnic origin and meaning of last names. It means ‘noble bear’. Alan is an English and Scottish name which is both a first and surname. Tip: hold "shift" and click on link to open in new window Surnames starting with B Adley is thought to be a derivative of the name of the place Hadley. Discover the ethnic origin and meaning of last names. In this post, MomJunction shares a compilation of 200 Jewish surnames with their fascinating meanings and history. A comprehensive guide to the origins, meanings, etymologies and distribution of thousands of British surnames. Aaronson is a surname derived from the name Aaron. Amundson is the American variant of the Swedish name Amundsen. Pronunciation : case sensitive: see the pronunciation key for a guide on how to write the sounds; sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the pronunciation Please try again later. Adrian is one of the oldest names with origins in Latin and Greek. It means ‘son of Abel’ and also ‘the noble one’. Albania – pure person. It means ‘settlement by the alders’. Surnames starting with the letter A List of surnames. A'Brassard. Should you have any concerns about your health, or of that of your baby or child, please consult with your doctor. Most Arabic last names start with Al-, which basically means, The-. The letter M is associated with a lot of last names, some popular and some unique. Click a Star's photo to read more informations. The surname is a derivative of ‘Adam’. The surname Accurso has South Italian origins. It means son of Albert. 123 authors starting with "a" The origins of this surname are uncertain but it is thought to be habitational English or Scottish. FEN Learning is part of Sandbox Networks, a digital learning company that operates education services and products for the 21st century. Look up the meaning and origin of your last name. Akridge is a habitational name which is thought to have originated from ’oak ridge’. Alfredson is an Americanized version of the Norwegian Alfredsen. The following tables … It means ‘brave’, ‘strong’ and ‘hardy’. The Forebears surname database may include or not include diacritics on certain surnames, and treats "San/Santa/Santo" as lowercase. Alder has Old and Middle English origins. It has origins in English, German, Dutch and many other cultures. These last names beginning with ‘A’, have profound meanings in old languages and cultures such as Greek, Latin, Gaelic, English and German. Almy has no known origins except to William Almy from England in 1631. Adkins is a modern derivative of the Middle English name Adkin. Browse British Surnames. It refers to the tip of a sword. Ashbluff – ash-colored cliff with a broad face. 80 Surnames or Last Names That Start With ‘A’, 80 Surnames or Family Names Starting With ‘A’ With Their Meanings. Ambrose has Greek origins and means ‘immortal’. The surname Aaron has both Hebrew and Arabic origins. Many names include particles such as de, d', de la, von, van, and ten.Practice with regard to capitalization and spacing the particles varies widely, and confirmation should be sought in a biographical dictionary or other authoritative source. Greek last names starting with A Adler has German origins where it means ‘eagle’. But surnames like Cohen, Israel, and Levi are specifically Jewish in nature. For example, the surname Meyer means dairy farmer today, whereas, during the Middle Ages, Meyer designated people who were stewards of landholders. It relates to the names of a number of places in Spain. Pick one from this comprehensive list of last names starting with … Browse surnames from A to Z and find out a little bit of your own family history. Albee is a habitational name of people from Ailby in Lincolnshire or Alby in Norfolk. Jump To: AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ AR AS AT AU AV AW AX AY AZ It means ‘rich’ and ‘dark’. It means ‘settlement associated with Edda’. Pronunciation : case sensitive: see the pronunciation key for a guide on how to write the sounds; sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the pronunciation Surnames beginning 'J' Jack, : Anne, 30.3 Han, ser, 20.5 Rob, 30.3 Thos, 30.3. A'Court Wills. It means ‘pure’ in the feminine form. Most often, surnames get corrupted over a period of time, and their original meanings change. It is an occupational name meaning ‘precious stone’. Albimbert – bright-army. It means ‘lower part’. Alba has Spanish, Italian and Romanian origins. Alejandro has Greek origins and means ‘protector of mankind’. Last Name. Albus has German origins in the name Weiss. It is also a variant of Alexander in Persian. It means ‘to praise’. A'Court-Wills. Last Names Starting With A-Z. Just Enter a Name and Search Now! It relates to Albert. Alber is a reduced variant of ‘Albert’. Albright is an American variant of the German name Albrecht. Alexander is both a first and surname which means ‘protector of mankind’. These are lists of the most common Spanish surnames in Spain, Mexico, The Caribbeans (Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Dominican Republic), Central America, South America, and Philippines Spanish. For the commonest surnames here on Familypedia, see Familypedia:Reports. Adriano is the Spanish and Italian derivative of the Latin name ‘Adrian’. It’s also a nickname for Abigail. First Name. List of Scottish Surnames starting with 'A' and over 25,000 surnames or family names of different origins, find meaning of surname, surname variants, origin, religion, region of origin, mother tongue and more Jewish surnames are thus quite interesting due to their wide range of origins. FE-Baby Name. It means ‘from the old forest’. Abbot is one of the most common English surnames beginning with a. It means ‘wise counsel’. Aldana is a habitational name for people from the town of Aldana in Basque Country. It denotes a higher status, as a ‘head’. Abelson is an American form of the Jewish name Abel. Category:Jewish surnames. Allwood is an English derivative of ‘Elwood’. Alfred is one of the most popular Old English names. It also refers to those living in a house with an eagle as their symbol. 8. Airhart is a modern form of the German name Ehrhardt. Name Aaron and Greek interesting due to their wide range of origins name with means ‘ old ’! That the list a Dutch and Danish variant of Alcocer which means ‘ daughter of Adam ’ peter! Allerton has habitational origins relating to many places in Spain there are Jewish.... Elwood ’ almy from England in 1631 are uncertain but it is medieval! Most important decisions that you will find the distribution of thousands of surnames... 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