The value of Years will be displayed on X axis. The title, axis labels, legends, etc. In particular, the Javascript object ctx = canvas.getContext("2d") as mentioned in the previous section is essential for entire HTML5 Canvas line chart drawing. Each dataPoint has x variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and y variable determining the position of the vertical axis. In order to interact with this canvas through JavaScript, we will need to first get the element by Id and then create a context. Give it a TRY! When we're creating a chart using the Chart.js framework, we're going to need a canvas element. 3: lineJoin [ = value ] This property returns the current line join style and can be set, to change the line join style. lineTo() to draw lines width and coordinates. 1 We have released it under the MIT license, so feel free to use it in your own project or your school homework. In this tutorial I will show you how to use JavaScript and the HTML5 canvas as a means to graphically display data by using bar charts. Suppose that Y-Axis has the same count of labelled units as that of X-Axis. To draw on