Scientific name: Pituophis catenifer sayi We have thousands of exotic reptiles for sale from top breeders from around the world. BULL SNAKES IN THE WILD! Additionally, bull snake care is easy. Click on the animal you are looking for, enter your email address and be automatically notified the second we get them back in stock! After rinsing off the wound area, you need to apply mild antibacterial soap to clean the wound perfectly. Pretty straightforward, right? Juvenile Bull Snakes can be kept in an enclosure measuring 24”x12”x12” until they exceed about 3 feet in length. If a bull snake is handled soon after eating a large meal it may regurgitate. Egyptian Egg Eating Snake. Bull snakes naturally eat mice and rats so, if you wish to feed them, choose food that is of appropriate size for them. Other than rodents, it also feeds on small rabbits, pocket gophers, ground squirrels, frogs, lizards, and ground-dwelling birds found in this region. Now let's move on to the specific care requirements for keeping one as a pet. They are constrictors. These reptiles attain a length of approximately 6-feet and are often mistaken for rattlesnakes. Out of stock. Humidity. Bullsnakes are slow moving snakes and they are good climbers. You’ll still need to provide a temperature gradient and a hide or two. New Arrival Quick View. Price $329.99. The bullsnake possesses relatively small teeth, making its bite quite painless and comparable to a nip from a cat. Most keepers recommend 1.8 x 0.6 x 0.6 meters (6 x 2 x 2 feet) cages as the minimum size to house a full-grown adult drymarchon. Quick View. In this article, I'll explain how to care for a bull snake in captivity. Its Latin name is Pituophis sayi, and it lives in the central part of the United States. A single bull snake needs at least a 75-gallon tank. It also needs to be escape-proof. ), they do have mouths full of small, sharp teeth. With 25 years of experience shipping Rat Snakes & Bull Snakes throughout the United States we pride ourselves on providing you with the highest quality reptiles along with overnight delivery and a full guarantee. How To Prevent a Bull Snakebite There are lots of things that you need to consider before you get a venomous pet but when you get a bull snake as a pet you can rest assured that they are not going to do much harm as others snake can do. Schokari Sand Racer. You also need to take into account where you will keep your snake. Live rodents can turn the tables on a snake and cause serious harm by biting -- especially rats. There is a many. Some believe that they owe their name to this behavior. Transport victims to nearest medical care facility 6. In captivity the easiest and most reliable prey prey items are suitably-sized rodents. First Aid For Venomous Snake Bites Current American Red Cross first aid for venomous snake bites includes: The head is usually the color of the ground, but dark vertical lines are present between the upper labial scales. Jump to. This can be unnerving to a first-time snake keeper. Bull snake, pine snake and gopher snake are different names for a single species (Pituophis melanoleucus or Pituophis catenifer). Life History Humidity requirements are low for Bullsnakes; however, they should have a water bowl large enough to soak in if desired. Now after knowing this kind of myths about treating Snakebite, let’s know how you can prevent a snake bite from a bull snake. Some farmers let them live in their barns so they can prey on rodents and keep the populations in check. So why do anything else? Your email address will not be published. New Arrival Quick View. All rights reserved. Make sure there are no holes or gaps that snakes can creep through, because they are notorious escape artists. And give them water and hiding areas. We have a few captive bred Albino Bull snakes for sale at extremely affordable pricing. New Arrival Quick View. Specific Care Information: Relative Care Ease: Average The Bull Snake requires a large enclosure of at least 4' x 2' x 2'. Give them a clean cage with sufficient floor space. The Bull Snake (Pituophis catenifer sayi) originates from North America. are some of my favorite colubrid snakes. Experts are also of the opinion that handling a snake right after it has been fed may result in the species losing interest in feeding. Create a proper temperature gradient inside the cage. That's a brief background on bull snakes in general. Add To Cart. In my experience, bull snakes will eat thawed rodents without any problems. Prioritize floor space over height, as these snakes don't typically climb. BULL SNAKE, CHRISTMAS MOUNTAIN #2 - CB 2020 FEMALE, Pituophis catenifer sayi (Produced at Reptile Rapture) $185.00. After the initial bite from a bull snake, you must rinse off the wound and its surrounding area with fresh and clean water. This species can be defensive on occasion but with the right care and regular handling, they make great pets for the more confident keeper. Color Variations and Markings As far as appearance goes, these snakes generally have a yellow or cream-colored base with brown or reddish-brown blotches down their backs. Adult wild (or normal) bull snakes have strongly keeled scales that may vary in ground color from tan, through straw yellow, to pale orange. Bullsnake (Pituophis catinefer sayi)Description The bullsnake is a heavy-bodied snake that ranges from three to five feet in length. But I don't know if I would recommend it as a beginner type of snake. Wild-caught juveniles will likely become more docile after frequent handling, although wild-caught adults will likely remain aggressive. WE HAVE ONE OF THE GREATEST SELECTIONS YOU WILL FIND INCLUDING AROUND. Additional Feeding Tips. They should be kept in an enclosure at least 8 ft. x 4 ft. in size. Like I said earlier, bull snakes are easy to care for if you provide for their basic needs. With that being said, I think just about anybody could handle the care requirements for a bull snake or its closely related cousins, the pine and gopher snakes. Price $19.99. The humidity of your Bull Snake enclosure should be kept at 50% to 60%. Specific Care Information: Relative Care Ease: Average The Bull Snake requires a large enclosure of at least 4' x 2' x 2'. This image is filed under Creative Commons 3.0 license. The humidity of your Bull Snake enclosure should be kept at 50% to 60%. Some of the snakes in the wild are believed to grow to a gargantuan size of 8 feet. Quick View. Youngsters will take small mice while large adults may happily consume large weaner rats. Based on customer feedback, Rabbit and Quail + quail eggs make an excellent food source. These snakes can also be quite large and impressive when they reach adult size. Bull snakes are nonvenomous constrictors, so if one bites your dog, his life is not in danger, but a trip to the veterinarian is still appropriate. When you buy a bull snake from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee. Although they are completely different species, they are confused for each other due to their similar scale color and stripes. You can email us your question, and we will post a response on the blog for the benefit of other readers as well. If you have a question about the care sheet provided above, or any other aspect of snake care, check out our Q&A blog. And after the corn snake, the black rat snake is the member of this snake family that you'll most often find as a pet. They are all members of the Pituophis genus. I recommend offering frozen / thawed rodents to your bull snake, for purposes of safety and convenience. If live prey is not readily available, it feeds on the eggs of ground-dwelling birds. Over 100 pages of corn snake care advice, in e-book format. That means you should not expect to find their food in cans, like dog or cat food. Every Gentleman Requires a Cane. As carnivores, they’d normally eat any animal they could get into their mouth. Closely related to the pine and gopher snake, the bull snake is an impressive species.They are beautifully patterned and quite docile. So healthy, captive-bred specimens are fairly easy to find. In fact, a bull snake will do well in a cage that ranges from room temperature (low to mid 70s Fahrenheit) to about 10° above room temperature. There are around nine sub species of the snake species Pituophis catenifer. Design: HTML5 UP. The average weight of captive bull snakes is conservatively pegged at 2 kilos, but it is widely speculated that in the wild, they can accumulate the bulk of about 4.5 kilos too! Average rate: $12.50/hr. I suggest an enclosure in a rack system always be at least half the snake’s body length. You should also put rocks, climbing branches, and a shelter in your snake's terrarium so it feels safe and mentally stimulated. In the case of tubs, this usually means starting them off in 6 quarts, eventually upgrading them to 28 quarts, and, finally, placing a full-grown adult in a tub that’s at least 41 quarts. Housing. This means either live,  pre-killed, or frozen rats and mice. I’m sure you already know that snakes are carnivorous. If you are looking for a good species of snake to keep as a pet, you might want to consider bull snakes and their relatives. Water Snakes. (are we keeping them correctly?) I recommend offering a single rodent of the proper size, rather than offering multiple smaller rodents per meal. Search the world's largest care website free! The proper food and feeding regime should be considered essential to your bullsnake care routine. Your pet snake will also regurgitate if it is subjected to unnecessary stress soon after it has been fed. Bull snakes are gaining more popularity every year amongst reptile breeders. Juvenile Bull Snakes can be kept in an enclosure measuring 24”x12”x12” until they exceed about 3 feet in length. gallery photo posted by orchidspider: Welcome to's If you offer one appropriate-sized rodent every week to 10 days, your snake will do just fine. It is a constrictor, a snake that kills by squeezing prey until the victim can no longer breathe. These snakes generally have good appetites and a strong feeding response, provided they are healthy. To care for a snake, keep it in its own glass terrarium that's lined with a substrate like shredded newspaper or pine shavings. Baby Albino Super Anaconda Hognose Snake. Quick View. When they do this over dry leaves or a similar ground covering, it produces a sound similar to a rattlesnake. Don't be surprised if your bull snake grows to a length of six and half feet -- or even longer. Bullsnakes also mimic rattlesnakes by hissing and vibrating their tails when they are threatened, frightened or cornered. Within the context of this care sheet, an "appropriate" sized rodent is about the same width as the snake's widest part, or slightly larger. They will bash their head into a perceived threat and then immediately retreat without biting. Other than these facts, there exist … Bullsnake care is relatively easy. But there is one potential issue: their size. The Bull Snake, Pituophis melanoleucus, is a hissing constrictor from North America.This snake is also called the gopher snake (in western North America) and the pine snake (in eastern North America). These snakes tend to be long and slender with short, stout heads. They are overall beige to light brown with dark brown or black blotches. Pinesnakes, Bullsnakes, Rear Fanged & Other Snakes These are animals that are currently out of stock. Download yours today! Bull Snake Gary Ruplinger. If the snake has been killed, and it can be done safely, bring the dead snake with you. I wrapped the corpse of a juvenile bull snake I found on the road around a slender branch of a young aspen tree, coiling it into three even loops. Bull Snake Care Sheet. © 2019, Black rat snakes are found in the central portion of North America, and in the wild they're sometimes mistaken for rattlesnakes. Bull Snake Bite While bullsnakes (Pituophis catenifer) do not possess fangs and dangerous venom like rattlesnakes (Crotalus sp. Since their bite is non-venomous, this is the only way they can kill their prey before ingesting it. T… Hatchling Care A hatchling bull snake only needs a 10 gallon enclosure for the first couple months of its life. Bullsnakes breed in March or April (depending upon their location) and usually lay their eggs in April, May, or June (again, depending upon when the snakes breed.) They typically lay 12 eggs in sand or other protected areas and leave the eggs to incubate unprotected. Download yours today, and start learning! But a secure lid is still recommended to keep your snake safe in its enclosure. These go by the common names of Gopher Snake and Bull Snake, depending mainly on regional variation. Gopher, Bull, Pine Snakes Care Sheet Common Name: Gopher Snake, Pine Snake, Bull Snake Latin name: Pituophis catenifer, Pituophis melanoleucus, Pituophis sayi Native to: Gopher Snakes (P. catenifer) are from the western United States and can be found as far north as Canada and extend as far south as Baja, Mexico. They reach their adult size, six feet or longer, by two years of age. Housing juvenile Bull Snakes in a smaller enclosure helps them feel more safe and secure and makes the snake easier to care for as it matures. Bullsnakes save farmers hundreds of dollars when it comes to rodent control. $350.00 $285.00 Sale. the Bull Snake, Indigo, and even Rat Snake), this snake will appear small. Albino Bull Snake Pituophis catenifer sayi. Don’t use any soap or hand wash as fresh and clean water is enough to rinse the wound. In my opinion, the bull snake makes a very good pet for most keepers. If you have multiple snakes or limited space, the fox snake will be easier to keep. Housing juvenile Bull Snakes in a smaller enclosure helps them feel more safe and secure and makes the snake easier to care for as it matures. People often mistake bull snakes for rattlesnakes in the wild, because they exist in the same range and bear similar colors. CORN SNAKE - BLOOD RED PIED - CB #2 - Elaphe [Pantherophis] guttata. Garter, Gopher, Bull, & Pine Snakes UNDERGROUND REPTILES SUPPLIES SOME OF THE BEST GARTER SNAKES, GOPHER SNAKES, BULL SNAKES AND PINE SNAKES FOR SALE IN THE WORLD! Create a proper temperature gradient inside the cage. Bullsnake Diet They like to bluff when confronted by an enemy. If you decide to get one, be ready to care for it for the next 15 to 20 years, or even longer, depending on the species. Offering frozen / thawed mice and rats is safer for your pet snake and more convenient for you. Under NO circumstances should you leave a live rodent in a snake's cage without supervision. A dark line extends diagonally rearward from the eye to the posterior throat. Bullsnakes for Sale in the United States. People really care about these misconceptions, too. Bullsnake Care This species can grow quite large, and requires an equally large habitat. There are around nine sub species of the snake species Pituophis catenifer. The bull snake is Pituophis catenifer sayi. Here's a good rule of thumb for feeding bull snakes of any size. 5. Bull Snakes should be given a basking area with slightly higher temperatures than the ambient 78 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. They are one of the largest snakes you’ll find in the US and that size means they need more space and more food than most other species. Privacy policy. These snakes are crepuscular, which means that they are most active at night, but especially active around dawn and dusk. Price $69.99. When the prey dies, due to lack of oxygen, the snake devours it as a whole. A keel is a longitudinal ridge on a scale. Fortunately, these snakes tend to have healthy appetites in captivity, making them easy to feed. These snakes have a very long lifespan; when bred in captivity, they can live for more than 20 years. Probing is the only reliable method of sexing. Prominent dark dorsal blotches run … Snakes eat one animal at a time in the wild, so you should duplicate this in captivity. Bullsnakes and Gophersnakes are both real snakes, subspecies of the Gophersnake species Pituophis catenifer. Baby Bull Snake $ 199.99 These Captive Bred Baby Bullsnakes Are Approximately 15 – 16 Inches In Length And One Of The Largest Species Of Colubrids In North America. Ball python bites are rare, but there are some reasons your pet snake may decide to bite: when it’s young; if it’s held improperly or grabbed — you … However, they are not venomous and in fact are rather shy and docile. This seems to garner a particularly strong feeding response for this species. Provide a water dish that's big enough for your snake to climb into, as well as a hide box where it can go to feel secure. On top of that, a bull snake in the wild will often rattle its tail when it feels threatened. One of the great things about the bull snake is that it doesn't require very specialized conditions, with regard to temperature and humidity. Bullsnakes are sometimes confused with rattlesnakes. Care Sheet – Japanese Rat Snake Scientific Name Elaphe Climacophora Naturally Occuring Variants Blotched, Striped, Albino Range Japan and Kunashir Island Size 120 to 160cm Habitat Barns, Houses and other Buildings, Forests, Rice Fields, Bamboo Thickets, … You need to be prepared to feed your snakes with their natural prey. They kill their prey by coiling around them and squeezing tight. There are no significant visual differences between males and females. Ball pythons (also known as royal pythons) are a terrestrial species of constricting Rather confusingly the common name Bull Snake is also used to describe certain sub species of the closely related Pine Snake (Pituophis melanoleucus).Care for pine snakes is similar to gopher snakes so this care … Obviously, a bull snake does not have a rattle at the end of its tail, but many snakes use the tale-rattling technique to warn predators. This is the 35 " Poly Resin … This mimicry works in the bull snake’s favor, unless the creature it is trying to intimidate happens to be carrying a large rock or handgun. This only adds to the confusion between bull snakes and rattlesnakes. But, are they the right pet snake for you? The diet of a bullsnake mainly comprises rodents found in this region. Despite the aggressive sounding name, these snakes are harmless and they make great pets. Like I said earlier, bull snakes are easy to care for if you provide for their basic needs. A constrictor that the bullsnake is, it grabs its prey by mouth and slowly constricts it using its entire length. On average, cribos are active, diurnal snakes that need some room to roam. Don’t get a venomous snake, especially if this is your first pet snake. In the 18th century the cane replaced the sword as an essential part of a gentleman's attire. Feed pinkies if the snakes are 12" … The bull snake is one of the largest snakes native to North America, reaching an adult length of six to eight feet. Here's a good rule of thumb for feeding bull snakes of any size. Their hissing/puffing noise resembles the snorting of a bull… Call us 608-221-0094 Rest assured that a bullsnake poses no danger to you or to any other pets living under your roof. There are quite a few breeders in the United States who produce these animals. Generally speaking a “suitably s… In particular, we will talk about housing, temperature requirements, feeding and more. Colubrids for sale - Reptile rapture offers great selection of Colubrids at best price and with live arrival assurance on Colubrids. Egyptian False Cobra. Awl Headed Snake. Their belly is yellowish with black spots. Over 100 pages of care advice. Compared to some other North American snakes (e.g. Price $134.99. These go by the common names of Gopher Snake and Bull Snake, depending mainly on regional variation. Bull snakes, gopher snakes, and pine snakes (Pituophis spp.) Others believe they owe their name to the loud snorting sound they make whenever they are threatened, which is similar to the noise from a bull. © 2019, Brandon Cornett | All rights reserved. And give them water and hiding areas. Bull snakes are commonly bred in captivity. In Maricopa, Pinal, and Pima counties (where most of us live), they are all Sonoran Gophersnakes. All rights reserved. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling your snake or working in its terrarium to protect yourself from the possibility of contracting Salmonella , a bacteria that is often carried by reptiles and amphibians and which can cause illness in humans. Bullsnakes are non-venomous snakes and their bite causes no harm to humans or animals. Two related species are also kept as pets. Adult bull snakes grow to an average of 4 to 7 feet. Wild-caught juveniles will likely become more docile after frequent handling, although wild-caught adults will likely remain aggressive. New Arrival Quick View. Give them a clean cage with sufficient floor space. Bull snakes are rather heavy-bodied, small-headed, and may reach 2.5 metres (8 feet) in length. I'll also explain why they make good pets for mature and conscientious keepers. You need a hbitat with the proper environmental conditions. All of the snakes that seem to be interchangeably called either Gophersnake or Bullsnake are all Gophersnakes. You should also know that snakes have very long life-span. If OC Animal Care is unable to locate the owner, you may place a hold on the animal for legal adoption at the end of its retention period. You can feed babies a little more often than that, about once every five days. While this is usually a docile species, the bull snake has a reputation among some keepers of being aggressive and are seen as ferocious eaters. When I say "relatives" in this context, I am referring to pine snakes and gopher snakes as well. 8 affordable bird sitters in Huntington Beach, CA. The reason for this is that bull snakes can be a bit hyper as babies and juveniles. Do not lift the snake for a few days after it has eaten. Add To Cart. Bull snake, (Pituophis catenifer), North American constrictor snake of the family Colubridae.These snakes are called bull snakes over much of their range; however, in the western United States they are often called gopher snakes. At reptile Rapture ) $ 185.00 and quite docile with the proper size, six feet or longer, two... Active, diurnal snakes that need some room to roam can grow quite large, and rat... Care for if you provide for their basic needs in their barns they! ( where most of us live ), this snake will do fine. Breeders in the wild will often rattle its tail when it feels safe and mentally.... That they owe their name to this behavior wild-caught adults will likely more! 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