During his tour, he participated in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations in response to Hurricane Katrina in September 2005. At the 4 August 1981 keel-laying ceremony, the Honorable John F. Lehman, Secretary of the Navy, affixed his signature to the LSD 41 keel; the first keel of an amphibious assault ship lain in more than five years. His afloat career culminated in command of USS Whidbey Island (LSD 41). Her leadership ability allowed her to guide diverse teams through extremely complex situations with exceptional results. In July 2015, Master Chief Logsdon joined the Commander, Navy Installations Command enterprise as Command Master Chief, Naval Base Coronado, supporting every Navy community at eight installations, with 143 tenant commands, and 37,000 Sailors and civilians. On 5 December 1991 Whidbey Island deployed with MARG 1-92 representing the Amphibious Ready Group's operations in the Black Sea with a series of port calls. Nearly incomprehensible amounts of … As a second-class petty officer, she has become Deck Department’s Leading Petty Officer supervising 36 Sailors, which includes senior enlisted, her peers and junior Sailors alike. In September and October 1989, Whidbey Island participated in Hurricane Hugo disaster relief operations in the Caribbean. In October 2018, CDR Hempeck fleeted-up to command of Naval Ocean Processing Facility (NOPF) Whidbey Island after serving as the Executive Officer starting June 2017. USS Whidbey Island (LSD-41) is a Whidbey Island-class dock landing ship of the United States Navy. The design of this sword became the model for the sword still worn today by U.S. Marine Corps officers. The Whidbey Island-class dock landing ship USS Rushmore (LSD 47), with elements from 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit and the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, concluded exercise Iron Fist 2018 off the coast of Southern California, Feb. 7. USS Whidbey Island (LSD-41) is a Whidbey Island-class dock landing ship of the United States Navy. Along with 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit, Whidbey Island participated in Exercises Bright Star, Noble Shirley and Infinite Moonlight. In February 2006, he reported to USS HARPERS FERRY (LSD 49) as Executive Officer. Completing a successful homeport change from San Diego to Pearl Harbor and two Western Pacific deployments assigned to Carrier Strike Group ELEVEN, FIVE, and Expeditionary Strike Group SEVEN, his exceptional crew earned the Spokane Trophy for operational and combat excellence in the Pacific Fleet. His first sea tour was aboard USS Camden (AOE 2), PSNS Bremerton, WA, where he served as an Undesignated Seaman and later a Signalman 3rd Class. Captain Meyers commanded USS GREEN BAY (LPD 20) for her maiden deployment and was the commissioning CO of USS SAN DIEGO (LPD 22). OFFICIAL PAGE of USS WHIDBEY ISLAND- INTREPID VANGUARD "First in Her Class, First Always!" Shortly after, Whidbey Island rescued and transported over 8,100 Cuban migrants from the Straits of Florida during Operation Able Vigil and participated in the restoration of the legitimate government to Haiti during Operation Uphold Democracy. Whidbey Island subsequently participated in the largest Non-Combatant Evacuation conducted by the U.S. Navy since Vietnam. The dark blue and white colors refer to the sea, with the angular green area, representing the evergreen terrain of Whidbey Island, backed by blue sky. Senior Enlisted Leader. Whidbey Island was the first amphibious ship from the East Coast to deploy to the European Theater with LCACs. Chief Staff Officer. Kevin Goodrich ... USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), USS Cape St. George (CG 71), USS Nassau (LHA 4), USS Whidbey Island (LSD 41) and USS Bataan (LHD 5) as well as duty in Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) 2. The boat was reportedly approaching Whidbey Island rapidly but stopped after the warning shots were fired.[3]. After being deployed to the Horn of Africa, she assisted the Comorian vessel MV Al Marjan and her crew when they were released by Somali pirates on 2 December 2007. While inport Aqaba, Jordan in July 2006, she was recalled through the Suez Canal to support contingency operations due to the crisis in Lebanon. Tours ashore included Expeditionary Warfare Training Group Pacific, the Naval War College where he completed his Joint Professional Military Education Phases I and II, the Joint Chiefs of Staff J-5 (Iraq Division), the Force Readiness Officer for Commander Naval Surface Forces Pacific, and most recently the Executive Officer for Surface Warfare Officers School. CAPT Junge is a Naval War College Professor and career surface warfare officer with afloat service in frigates, destroyers, and amphibious assault ships. USS Whidbey (AG-141) was a Whidbey-class miscellaneous auxiliary acquired from the U.S. Army where it was known as USA FS-395 during World War II Army operations. Enlisting in the Navy in 1990 as an Engineman, Commander Gray was selected for the Seaman to Admiral Program and was commissioned in 1996. Upon completion of recruit training, he attended Gas Turbine Class “A” School and was designated a Gas Turbine Systems Technician (Mechanical). The gold crown emblazoned on red at the center of the wheel recalls the expedition under the British Crown, which explored the Pacific Northwest in the 1790s. On 1 July 1997, Whidbey Island departed for Unitas 38-97 setting a record for amphibious landings with several UNITAS participating nations before returning home 13 December 1997. Ashore, Captain Wells attended the Naval Postgraduate School where he received an M.S. Native of Baltimore, Maryland, Captain Meyers received his commission through the Enlisted Commissioning Program and graduated from the University of South Carolina in 1994. Prospective Command Master Chief. Whidbey Island's first deployment was to the Mediterranean in January 1987. Tripoli is the second ship in the USS America (LHA 6) class of large-deck amphibious ships built by Ingalls Shipbuilding and is scheduled to be christened in September 2017. USS WHIDBEY ISLAND (LSD 41) Mar 2019 - Present 1 year 8 months. Captain Wells has various personal and unit awards including two Legion of Merits, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, three Meritorious Service Medals, four Navy Commendation Medals and two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals. Dyksterhouse currently serves as the command master chief for USS Whidbey Island (LSD 41). In August 1990, Whidbey Island again deployed to the Mediterranean as part of MARG 3-90. (74) Leadership Biographies (75) Initial Test Results for the Self-Heating and Spontaneous combustion of Linseed Oil, 01 Dec 10 (76) USS WHIDBEY ISLAND HAZMAT List and User List (77) Safety Data and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Linseed Oil (78) WHIDBEY ISLAND Repair Cost … In August 2016, he was assigned as the Command Master Chief Electronic Attack … Captain Christopher Wells While deployed, Whidbey Island's crew visited Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates; Split, Croatia; and Rota, Spain. This award recognizes the performance of a CMDCM, Chief of … This article includes information collected from the Naval Vessel Register, which, as a U.S. government publication, is in the public domain. Whidbey Island was laid down on 4 August 1981, by the Lockheed Shipbuilding, Seattle, Wa. Ashore he has served as an officer recruiter and with four different Washington DC staffs. Master Chief Logsdon is a graduate of the NDU Keystone course, NPS Naval Senior Leadership Symposium and MCPON Executive Leadership Symposium. The wreath of Western Hemlock, the State Tree of Washington, represents the spirit of the ship's namesake. Mr. Sanders is a graduate of Morehouse College where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. First Lt Presley O’Bannon, who led the Marines into the first battle fought by U.S. troops on foreign soil, was presented a scimitar with a Mameluke hilt by Hamet Karamanli in recognition of his bravery. Commander Gray is reporting to Whidbey Island from Afloat Training Group Atlantic, where he served as Chief of Staff. ; launched on 10 June 1983, sponsored by Mrs. Sally Gorton, wife of Senator Slade Gorton; and commissioned on 9 February 1985. Whidbey Island, the first ship in a class designed specifically to interface with the Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC), assisted in the operational and developmental testing of the amphibious assault craft from July to September 1985 and again in May and July 1986. At the completion of the exercise, crew and troops enjoyed a few days in the port of Marmaris, Turkey, before transiting the Suez Canal en route to the North Persian Gulf. Sanders also served on USS Horne (CG-30), USS Ticonderoga (CG-47) and USS Whidbey Island (LSD-41). He served in multiple operational squadrons including Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 136, Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 133, and Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 131. In July 2004, he assumed command of USS Whidbey Island (LSD 41). The gold and red colors of the winged trident portray the excellence and courage of those who will man the ship. Executive Officer. Whidbey Island safely transited the Suez Canal as well as the Straits of Tiran, Toranto, Gibraltar, and of Messina, visiting ports such as Alicante, Spain; Antalya, Turkey; Haifa, Israel; Palermo, Italy; Genoa, Italy; Souda Bay, Greece; and Aqaba, Jordan. After further steaming around the Western Mediterranean in support of Operation Desert Storm, Whidbey Island returned to homeport March 1991 from her extended seven-month deployment. With members of the Sixth Fleet, the USS Inchon Band, and representatives from the other MARG ships, Whidbey Island made port calls to Samsun, Turkey; Constanţa, Romania; and Burgas, Bulgaria, becoming the first United States amphibious ship and the largest U.S. warship to operate in the Black Sea, the first U.S. Navy ship to visit Samsun in 70 years and the first U.S. Navy ship to ever visit Burgas. NIOC Whidbey Island NIOC Yokosuka NCTAMS LANT NCTAMS PAC NCTS Bahrain NCTS Naples ... All Leadership. In June 2006, Whidbey Island deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He reported to Pensacola, Florida for CTR "C" School in 1999 for more training. In April 2016, he was promoted to the rank of Command Master Chief. In January 1993, Whidbey Island deployed in support of Operation Sea Signal/Able Manner, enforcing alien migration policies off the coast of Haiti. The trident is the traditional symbol of sea power; however, the winged trident of LSD-41 further represents the revolutionary dimension of amphibious warfare this ship introduces. By the time Whidbey Island reached her first port, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, the ship had been out to sea for 126 straight days. in Systems Engineering and Analysis. He entered active naval service in April 1991, reporting to Recruit Training Command at Great Lakes, Illinois. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Oil prices up on word US ship fired on boats in Persian Gulf", USS WHIDBEY ISLAND's Newly revised website (still in progress), http://www.thetimes.co.za/News/Article.aspx?id=648534, List of United States Navy amphibious warfare ships, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=USS_Whidbey_Island_(LSD-41)&oldid=981753158, Cold War amphibious warfare vessels of the United States, Active amphibious warfare vessels of the United States, United States Navy Washington (state)-related ships, Ships built by Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Company, Articles with dead external links from March 2016, Articles needing additional references from February 2019, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the Naval Vessel Register, Articles with dead external links from July 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 4 Colt Industries, 16-cylinder diesel engines, 2 shafts, 33,000 shp (25 MW), This page was last edited on 4 October 2020, at 07:24. During July and August, she evacuated 817 American citizens, out of a total of 14,555 evacuated by the Iwo Jima Expeditionary Strike Group, via Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC) with Personnel Transport Module. During Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, HIGGINS launched 31 Tomahawk missiles and participated in the clearance of the Kahr Abd Allah waterway. Based in the Pacific Northwest at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, WA, VAQ-138 projects electronic dominance utilizing the new EA-18G Growler. Captain Meyers completed Department Head tours as Weapons Control Officer and Combat Systems Officer aboard USS HIGGINS (DDG 76) and USS BENFOLD (DDG 65), where he participated in the first DDG Sea Swap. Whidbey Island returned to homeport on 5 June 1992. The crew received the Armed Forces Service Medal and the NATO Medal, returning to homeport 29 February 1996. In 2016, during his tour onboard USS JOHN C STENNIS (CVN 74) he was selected as a Command Senior Chief. On 3 June 1996, Whidbey Island entered Norfolk Shipbuilding and Drydock Company (NORSHIPCO) for a Dry-docking Phased Maintenance Availability (DPMA) and received a Women at Sea Certification. CDR Smith. He also earned an Associate of Arts in Applied Marine Engineering from Coastline Community College, a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies, and a Master of Science degree in Global Environmental Management from American Military University. With troops of 26th MEU (Special Operations Capable), the ship participated in Exercise Bright Star off the coast of Egypt. CMDCM Matthew P. Logsdon Later that year, Whidbey Island deployed to the littorals of South America and West Africa during UNITAS 34-93/WATC 93, the first Whidbey Island-class ship to deploy to this region, leading the southernmost amphibious exercise ever at Tierra del Fuego, returning from deployment 17 December 1993. In November 2006, Whidbey Island departed the Northern Persian Gulf and returned home, stopping in Civitavecchia, Italy and Tunis, Tunisia en route, arriving 6 December 2006. His initial sea duty assignment was with MCM ROTATIONAL CREW ECHO aboard USS CHIEF (MCM 14) and USS ARDENT (MCM 12) as DCA, First Lieutenant, Electrical Officer, and Auxiliaries Officer. The ship also participated in the National Training Continuum, Operations Noble Eagle, Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Swift Freedom. On 1 October 2007, Whidbey Island deployed from Little Creek Naval Amphibious Base. Leadership. Captain Kevin P. Meyers USS WHIDBEY ISLAND (LSD-41) is the first ship in a class designed specifically to interface with the Navy's newest amphibious assault landing craft, the Landing Craft Air Cushion, or LCAC USS Whidbey Island (LSD 41) Crew List. 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