Its dark green foliage is disease resistant and salt tolerant. Shade tolerant. Valuable for growing in poor conditions but prefers dryers sites. Foliage turns reddish-bronze in autmn. Best in full sun and well-drained soil. One possibility that has been suggested is the wiegela wine and roses. I'm nervous about adding more hydrangeas since they can be deer food. Some of these awards include: These vibrant shrubs offer simple care instructions. This dark-leaved weigela remains the top choice for many homeowners and landscapers. I am about to rip them out because I don't find them to be attractive shrubs when they are not blooming. Erect growth habit with glossy leaves. I have a bed where we were growing knockout roses which deer have decimated. Small space wonder! Bright orange-scarlet tubular flowers from June to October. Deer resistant. A spectacular offering from Proven Winners®, Wine & Roses is the largest Weigela in the Wine series. Makes a good informal hedge or screen. Chionanthus virginicus (White Fringe Tree): Deciduous shrub or small tree; height of 15 to 20 ft. with equal spread; attractive specimen or planted in mass in the shrub border; open, rounded form with fragrant white flowers on 6 to 8 in. Foliage is lustrous green, turning brilliant red in fall. Wine and Roses Weigela Shrub with Rosy-Pink Flowers and Dark Glossy Foliage Wine and Roses has rosy-pink flowers that Wine and Roses has rosy-pink flowers that add a touch of romance when displayed against the dark glossy foliage. My landscape designer assured me these were deer resistent. Check with your local extension center or talk with a Master Gardener familiar with your area for the best plants. Compared with older varieties like Java Red, the Wine & Roses weigela shrub features foliage that is much darker to make an impact display in your garden. Wine & Roses® weigela remains one of the most requested plants by homeowners and landscapers alike, thanks to its beautiful contrast of dark purple foliage and rosy pink blooms. Still, other types of weigela bushes have golden or lime-colored foliage. pH 5.0 to 7.0. I've already decided on moving the weigela behind the viburnum to go with some peonies. Tough, reliable and deer resistant The Wine & Roses® Weigela is hardy across almost all the country, and it grows anywhere, even in urban areas. Magnolia x ‘Betty’ (Betty Magnolia): Deciduous shrub or small tree; 10 ft. height with 8 ft. spread; attractive accent for the smaller landscape or garden; upright, rounded form; large purple-red flowers with white interior open prior to the glossy green foliage; sun or partial shade; prefers loamy, moist, well-drained, acidic soil. Foliage turns scarlet and crimson in the fall. Useful as a specimen or in groups. Wine & Roses® Weigela has dark glossy foliage that contrasts beautifully with the rosy-pink flowers, making for a high impact display in the garden. Large red berries persist all winter. Magnolia x ‘Susan (Susan Magnolia): Compact, upright shrub or small tree; 8 to 10 ft. in height with an 8 ft. spread. Weigela Wine & Roses Rosy pink flowers appear in late spring and often rebloom in summer. These hardy plants can tolerate many growing conditions. Or move it to the east side of the house (by the AC unit) to go with a Gatsby Star hydrangea (yet to plant). Since this deciduous shrub has upright growth, it is the perfect variety for a container garden. Any other dwarf plants that would work for under the windows? Pachysandra terminalis ‘Green Carpet’ (Green Carpet Pachysandra): Evergreen ground cover; dark green, glossy leaves hold color in sun; part shade preferred; 6 in. Small aromatic flowers bloom in the spring and are followed by large, hairy, red fruits in the summer. Has abundant white flowers in spring followed by clusters of red fruit in the fall. Isn't it romantic! But as Alisande also mentioned it could also be because they were so busy eating so many other shrubs. Crataegus viridis ‘Winter King’ (Winter King Hawthorn): Deciduous tree; height of 25 ft. with 20 to 25 ft. spread; ornamental tree ideally suited to the smaller landscape; good for naturalized plantings; rounded habit with vase-shaped branching structure; showy grey stems with lustrous green foliage changing to bronze, red and gold in the fall; white flowers in the spring; large bright red fruit persisting into winter; full sun, tolerant of many soils if given sufficient moisture; has sharp thorns. A As with any perennial, be sure when selecting an individual plant that it will indeed work in your area. Although they can vary by variety, weigela is generally hardy in growing zones 4 through 8. Easily transplanted and will grow in poor, drained soils as well as upland sites. It can get up to six feet (I could always prune it). Prefers well drained, sun or partial shade, pH 5.0 to 6.5. maybe you could plant a nice bed of green hostas for the deer and they'll leave you weigela alone? Prefers dry, well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Proven Winners Weigela Wine & Roses Rosy pink flowers appear in late spring and often rebloom in summer. I know the Wine and Roses weigela don't seem to do too well here, even in zone 5b. While it is a hassle-free plant, you should place the shrub in the full sun to make sure it receives a minimum of six hours of sunshine per day. Franktown, CO 80116 In the fall, there is an insignificant amount of color with no fruit. Season spanning dark foliage. If you are looking for a plant that will offer color throughout the year, you want to choose the Wine & Roses weigela for your garden. 2 Gal. This deciduous shrub will flower sporadically throughout the season, and it only requires an average amount of moisture. Helleborus orientalis (Lenten Rose): Perennial with attractive evergreen foliage. Rosa rugosa (Rugosa Rose) Fragrant flowers June through September, vary in color from white to pink to red. Partial shade to full sun. Fothergilla gardenii (Dwarf Fothergilla): Deciduous shrub; fragrant, white, bottlebrush-like flower spikes in spring before leaves appear; dark green summer foliage followed by good multi-colored fall foliage; plant in sun or partial shade; non-alkaline soil; hardy; excellent for foundation plantings, borders or masses. If disease or pests are known problems for your Wine & Roses … Effective as bank cover, near walls, ground cover, or as a foundation plant. If you follow the The Wine & Roses weigela produces two growing seasons. Height 6 to 24 in. I live on acreage near woods so we have deer, coyotes, bob cats, beaver, eagles, etc. Foliage and twigs have a spicy fragrance. Cincinnati's Place for Plants! Cotinus obovatus (American Smoketree): Intense fall colors of yellow, orange, red, and reddish-purple. Bright green stems all year. Foliage is deep green, and coarsely toothed. The contrast of rose pink blooms and dark purple foliage makes it one of the most requested plants in the country. Pinus mugo (Mugo Pine): Hardy and rugged, dwarf, mushroom-shaped evergreen shrub. Tolerates dry, sandy soils. Has corky bark. … With this mild winter we had and all the rain we got down here, there was a lot of standing water. New spring growth emerges in a shade of purple so deep that it almost looks black. Semi-ripe cuttings work best in the early summer, while hardwood cuttings are better suited for late autumn and winter seasons. Pink to white flowers in late April or early May. Die Blüten sind trichterförmig. Diervilla lonicera (Bronzeleaf Honeysuckle): A speading shrub, excellent for mass planting and banks. I have wine and roses and a variegated weigela in my backyard where deer often roam and they have never touched the weigela. While the Wine & Roses weigela requires very little pruning, it should be done after the first bloom in the spring. Sun or partial shade. It thrives best in … Syringa vulgaris (Common Lilac): Deciduous shrub grows 12 to 15 ft. in height, has delicate, fragrant, purple flowers in May. The trumpet-like flowers are adored by … Deer shun this shrub, but it's a 5-star performer you'll love, Share pictures of your home and yard this summer — we’d love to feature them in an upcoming story, Many facing a drought are swapping turf for less thirsty plantings. Color varies depending on cultivar chosen. Wouldn't say its their favorite but they definitely eat it. Grows to 60 ft. Picea pungens glauca ‘Globosa’ (Globe Blue Spruce): Dwarf form of Blue Spruce, flat-topped and compact in youth, becoming pyramidal with age. Tolerant to urban conditions, sun or shade. The deer haven't bothered mine, but it could be because a) they were so full from eating numerous other things, or b) it was so hidden by weeds that they didn't notice it. Sun or partial shade. Ulmus parvifolia (Chinese Elm): Deciduous tree; excellent, fast growing, durable; disease and insect resistant; drought tolerant; grows to height of 45 ft. and a spread of 25 ft.; foliage is dark, lustrous green turning to shades of gray, green, orange and brown; useful as street trees and in large areas and parks; hardy to Zone 5. Shop Natorp's Nursery Online! This is a sun loving plant and should be planted in full sun and be sure it receives at minimum 6 hours of sun a day. Quercus bicolor (Swamp White Oak): Good native tree that grows to 50 or 60 ft. Has a broad, rounded head and distincitve light brown flaky bark. Get dates and times Natorp's Nursery 8601 Snider Rd Mason, OH 45040 ()(513 It is fast growing and trouble free, making it an easy way to add season long color to the garden. Deer have differing tastes and if they have the run of a property they will develop a taste for plants that otherwise would be of little or no interest to them. Brighton, CO 80603 Wine & Roses grows 4' to 5' tall and wide. Deer resistant. Grows 30 to 40 ft. Bark does not exfoliate. See Spilled Wine®, Midnight Wine®, and Fine Wine® weigelas for different habits with the same appealing color combination. Wine & Roses Weigela by Cheezylu TheGardenLady received a question from someone named Nicky who lives near TheGardenLady and who has seen TheGardenLady’s garden. high; small white flowers in May. When you pair these blooms with darker foliage, you will have an eye-catching plant in your garden. Lonicera fragrantissma (Winter Honeysuckle): Semi-evergreen shrub with rounded leaves growing 6 to 8 feet in height with equal spread. Wine & Roses® (syn. Grows 2 to 3 ft. in height with an equal spread. Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’ (Pyramidal European Hornbeam): Deciduous tree; mature height of over 35 feet; very dense, compact, upright branching; will eventually be rounded at the base to 20 ft wide, narrrowing to a rounded point at the top; produces a small 1/4 in. Stephanadra incisa ‘Crispa’ (Cutleaf Stephanandra): Rapid growing, low spreading shrub with very dense branches covered with deeply cut, fine textured leaves. ‘Alexandra’) — Buy now from Proven Winners Weigela florida Zones: 4-8 Height/Spread: Medium stature, 4-5 feet tall and wide Exposure: Full … Gleditsia (Honeylocust): Useful as street or shade tree. Most varieties grow 35 to 45 ft. Hamamelis vernalis (Vernal Witch Hazel): Deciduous shrub; grows 10 ft. in height with equal spread; flowers are yellow to red and begin blooming in February; can be used as specimens, screens and/or hedges; will grow in sun or shade; prefers soil with plenty of organic matter and moisture; pH 6.0 to 7.5. If you’re one of them, we’d like to hear about it, Add color, structure and interest to your garden with these recently introduced plants that sport exceptional foliage, Dislike junipers? Small yellow flowers bloom in June and July. Wine & Roses® Weigela by Proven WinnersDuration: ShrubBloom Time: SpringZones: Hardy in zones 4 - 8(Want to know what zone you're in? Makes a good hedge, grouping or filler in a shrub border. At Arbor Valley Nursery, there is a huge selection with our full range of products, including the Wine & Roses weigela. Best in shade. Midnight Wine (Elvera) also has burgundy-purple leaves. Will Deer Eat Weiglea And Snowball Plants - Will deer eat weiglea and snowball plants? green-brown nut; dark green foliage spring through summer, turning yellow and orange in fall; disease free; drought tolerant; grows easily in sun or partial shade; pH 6.0 to 7.5. (303) 688-2442, 4701 E. Prospect Road From the breeder of Wine & Roses weigela comes dwarf Midnight Wine Weigela. Wine & Roses® Weigela Weigela florida 'Alexandra' CPBR #2642 SKU 7656 Be the first to review this product USDA Zone? Foliage turns deep red in the fall. Best to keep moist in well-drained, rich soils. There are 2 trees up front we plan to have removed this year along the driveway. deer have definitely munched on my wine and roses (think it is deep wine) and it never bloomed. Should I move it to the middle of the windows or closer to the viburnum on the right of the window. Weigela Wine and Roses (Weigela florida "Alexandra" Wine and Roses), is a deciduous shrub appreciated for the … Tolerates shade well. Blooms in late winter and early spring in colors ranging from cream to rich dusty rose, often with a hint of green. This deciduous shrub is known for its shiny, dark purple leaves that last all season long. The Wine & Roses weigela will provide your outdoor space with pink hues as it attracts hummingbirds into your garden. Sun or partial shade. It is a perennial flowering shrub with blooms weeping from the upright center. Unique habit makes this a facinating plant, even for a small garden. (970) 445-3090. Q. Weigela With No Flowers - I have a one year old weigela with no flowers on some of the stems. Small dark blue foliage turns red-purple in fall. On the other end of the spectrum having learned how - I have never lost an azalea I have planted or supervised the planting of. Spilled Wine is 2' to 3' tall and wide. Here are a list of shrubs that are deer resistant. Insect and disease resistant. I don't think hurricanes and trees go well together! It grows the best in moist, well-draining soil, but it can adapt to other soil types. Lonicera x brownii ‘Dropmore Scarlet’ (Dropmore Scarlet Honeysuckle): Considered the hardiest honeysuckle vine. Best in full sun. cones. Grows to 8 to 10 ft. Aronia arbutifolia ‘Brilliantissima’ (Brilliant Red Chokeberry): Grows to 6 or 8 ft. in height. long; cones 3-6 in. The Wine & Roses variety features colorful branches that can be used in flower arrangements. Aquilegia (Columbine): Perennial with distinctive mounds of airy, fan-like leaves contrast with pastel flowers. Both sexes needed for pollination. Weigela has won many awards for its intense color and ease of care weigela remains the top for... Call: Please Show Us your summer garden are glossy dark green.... Really appreciate any help with the color scheme of the plant useful in border or edging. Ribes alpinum ‘ green Mound ’ ( Tanyosho or Table top Pine ): Pyramidal growing... Space with pink hues as it attracts hummingbirds into your garden dwarf plants that would work under... Weeping from the upright center hyacinthus orientalis ( Hyacinth ): Pyramidal tree growing to to. To be attractive shrubs when they are not blooming, well-drained soil in sun with a rounded shape very,! Thrives in shaded, moist conditions orange and red in fall and North China, including the best flowering on. 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