The ITTF supervises the staging of World Championships annually, and several other world title events. The rules in this page aim to give a basic indication of competitive table tennis in England. Undergraduates/Graduate Students All undergraduate students enrolled in 7 or more hours (6 or more hours for graduate Games will be played at the Student Recreation Center. TABLE TENNIS RULES Singles Game Scoring The winner of a match shall be the player who first scores 21 points, unless both players have 20 points, in which case the winner must gain a two point lead to win. ]�Q]���������0���IyDŽ ��(,cp�D�)!oо���#�% Singles Play I. Serves may land anywhere on the opponent’s side of the table in singles play. Each side of the table alternates serving two points … All participants must show a valid ID prior to each game. However, for doubles play there are a few subtle variations to the rules of table tennis. Your Equipment While there are fewer restrictions in a friendly match, the ITTF carefully regulates the equipment used during a tournament. As a beginner, it's nice to be told which basic table tennis rules are the ones that you need to know straightaway, and also to have a bit of an explanation about some of the tricky aspects. A History Of Interior Design By John F Pile Pdf. The tabl e shall be i n surface rectangular, 9ft i length, 5ft in width; it be supported in such a ay that its upper surface shall be 2ft 6ins. m:�zT�kAq������{�{cۇ*%��Y�FwHۂKd.���_zJC�2 above the floor.1.2 It shall be made of any material and shall yield a uniform bounce of about 23 cm. Matches are normally contested as best of five, seven or nine games: that is to say, the first person to reach 11 points in three, four or five games respectively. Contact Jordan Baxter,, if you have any questions. ��� ^��6u����F��H�6���S� ���>g�`�I�U1'u���D��wyA]��AO��Ř��A���&�f4�� �\�]>��D��c�IΥ�~�mQ`�WFJVn(�ܬu;䥦��T���F����"�mkm ����@���:hn�?�#e5�A". (8 3/4 in.) endobj IMPORTANT NOTE. Table Tennis Rules Download the Official Rules. A let ball, which is then replayed, is called in the following cases: If the served … �!E������W�?qk0 �qG>בRV(G �+�yW!z��1-��_%��M�ٖ`��i]$�H�!�[��h�����G7s�D�E�����=e�s��,��@z��m�=e�\�Z endobj 1 0 obj This provides a neat option to print all the rules on a single page, which you can hang at your workplace, ho… 3����R��,~�1d�D�!ZA�5���IT� i2d���D�a�G�噛dF|� TABLE TENNIS SINGLES 1. - The dimensions of an approved table tennis table are: 9ft long, 5ft wide, 2.5ft high - The approved height of a table tennis net is: 6 inches Official Rules of Table Tennis - USA and International Table Tennis Rules . For doubles matches, the court shall be 36 feet (10.97 m) Once the ball is put in play by the server, either player can score a point. The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF), founded in 1926, is the world-governing body of the sport of table tennis with 226 member Associations in the world. Release 1. The object is to hit the ball so that it goes over the net and bounces on the opponent’s half of the table in such a way that the opponent cannot reach it or return it correctly. Major Table Tennis Rule Changes. A point is won by a player when the opponent cannot hit the ball with a racket over the net and onto the other side of the table. stream SAFETY & ETIQUETTE RULES OF TABLE TENNIS Draft Version 1.0 Ararat Table Tennis Federation – Safety and Etiquette TIPS & RULES (VS-Version 1.0 – Feb, 2013) longer than 10 minutes. %µµµµ A game is won by being the first player to win 11 points, and be at least 2 points ahead of his or her opponent. Any material can be used for the plane and which can yield a … It can be viewed on the link below: Handbook 2020 ITTF Handbook – PDF Version. endobj 1-JAN-2020. Table Tennis Singles/Doubles Rules and Regulations Eligibility Below are the guidelines that participants must follow in order to be eligible to enroll or play in UREC intramurals. 2. THE COURT The court shall be a rectangle, 78 feet (23.77 m) long and, for singles matches, 27 feet (8.23 m) wide. Whether you're playing singles or doubles, the rules of table tennis are essentially the same. The main difference relates to the service rules and the order of play, but there are also some other table tennis doubles rules … THE TABLE. Updated July 2020. What is let ball? Abov the floor, and shall lie in a horizontal plane. endobj In singles, the center lines serve no purpose, so ignore them. THE TABLE 1.1 The table shall be in surface rectangular, 274 cm. You receive a point if your opponent fails to return the ball over the net and land it on the opposing side of the table, or if he strikes the ball twice in succession, allows the ball to bounce twice, hits the ball with a piece of apparel or the side of the racket, touches the ball with his free hand or moves the playing surface. 4. 01. %PDF-1.5 The rules & regulations of the ITTF can be found in the ITTF Handbook of 2020. December 27, 2018. 2 1. The winner chooses to either serve or receive first, or … <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 3 0 obj FRIEND AT COURT 2020 HANDBOOK OF RULES AND REGULATIONS 17869_USTA-Friend-at-Court-2020.indd 1 11/21/19 4:31 PM It shall be supported so that its upper surface, termed the playing surface, shall lie in a horizontal plane 76 cm. xœµ[[Û¶~_ ÿAè“\tµ¢DÝzŠÉ6i4EÝœ—¤²-{ÕúV[Þ`ÿý™ÞeQk§§²¶erHοofHß¼Üwí¢žuÁ?ܼìºzöÐ̃O7÷ÛÝ7÷O»ææ}½l7u×n7?þ¼úé6xuÿâêæ XÜ/^\± †,HÒ"(8òà~ýâ*Ž²8 –êÍÏ/®>…'× ÏÃâå5¼d,¼Å—8ð% ŗ$܈—[&á?ñ°ÆOY¸Ý¢‰ûÝJH‘ÂîD˝h¹ÅOLuèÄÃÃäàþ틫װ,\šZOZQ‘YëùBݦ7o’¾Š$Š),ZªT –o^¿» nȱó"ÊJî5A½ÞYUœË¿­'¨í4làÿtÊÃwT5ç ½°\ÃsT+Ùµž†7ôø±™ä¨jZÒ=ºE ßÈ7cŸþÍǗõý'BþÉ,=žYò(.\Ký+3ºhVœWQ’ögõojçÿ¡Ë,M£´tgͼm«“¶çCBZFUÌ¿F9F ú"EˆoøógpUpB°”E,€a³"õyõâêîÐUžGy†«+HxžEL~´d7ïQê»Û_ The Laws of Table Tennis are the same for both amateurs and professionals, BUT for higher levels of play there are many additional Regulations which supplement these "basic" rules. Serves must touch the server’s paddle, the server’s court, and then the opponent’s court. The playing surface shall not include the vertical sides of the tabletop. We recommended to warm-up with your opponent for 2 minutes only before start of any major TT events - friendship games and tournaments. 3. b¾Ò áQ•»ªÊ § Áª. As of 2001 the aim of the game is to score 11 points (it was previously 21) by outmanoeuvring your opponent into either hitting the ball into the net, hitting it off the table or missing it completely. BASIC RULES OF TABLE TENNIS AS PER THE ITTF . Download the Laws of Table Tennis (PDF) Download the Complete ITTF Regulations Handbook (PDF) Source: ITTF. The official rules and regulations of ITTF help you to avoid doing the illegal serve in table tennis.I also explain some study cases of “fault serve”. The entire table area is in play, including the edges. Participating Countries Table tennis is not confined to England only. Related Articles. <> <> (5 ft.) in width. December 27, 2018. To start, flip a coin (do not “PING” for serve). Here are some of the basic table tennis rules below Table. Paddles must be standard size, weight, and shape for table tennis. Check Also. A���}��� Q�����׭Z�� �UGbb�F�X�,ZxN�rꗺܖu��wR9l���e�d۪�4�@cP�$R�fO��^��ӽ�k� table tennis doubles rules pdf, Singles and Doubles Open Table Tennis League. There are the basic serving rules that every table tennis players should know! 1 0 obj However if you want the official rules, then read this. This section is for you. It is played in both men’s and women’s category. If the players are in wheelchairs, a player receives a point if his opponent does not maintain minimum contact with his seat… 3 0 obj Table Tennis Rules. (2 ft. 6 in.) At least, I hope it won’t be. 4 0 obj x��ZKo�8����Z�Qo-�tzЃm`0��z� �r���JJg�﷪�)K�l`��ؖXd��'�~���������g�V���{�����/�q�=n��8��g~�~�/uc��|}�'������ţ,����Y�X�2YT�.�o�N,�4ο��/�W��Z)s��Z+�b7��Z�̠��5?�녌{� }��Luy}����{�vϘ�Cn��g�#��p湞�8����vi/2�o�۟)�]��=��%��I�v���d�G��A2 >��%s8�p�����K�q�D����_���#x��A9<8�瓘�����9�Ǧ��4+NR�Am�,��QҲ#�d�@�����7�;h������Ѣ�E��ɑ��wۭۃ�]��[t��&��nΙ$����9p��]-�e��+�8wx�x��Μ��za�2�맄m�����&vr7�M@E�������� Contact International Table Tennis Federation MSI, Avenue de Rhodanie 54B, 2 1007 Lausanne SWITZERLAND (SUI) Tel:+41 21 340 70 90 Fax:+41 21 […] Scoring . N\��Q?���GR���)s@��4]� �nP�Cݚ�Ґ2��PC;����5��t��u_�uI��JD�ް���H�e/�C�?�{�&*�~��n�1��#��E4�?���#J7J/�&�y�â$�1 Note: Except where otherwise stated, every reference in these Rules of Tennis to the masculine includes the feminine gender. USATT Rules of Table Tennis Approved June 24, 2019 Page 2 of 2 4.3.3. stream So that's what we are going to do in this article. It is … THE LAWS OF TABLE TENNIS a return but thereafter either player of the disabled THE TABLE The upper surface of the table, known as the playing surface, shall be rectangular, 2.74m long and 1.525m wide, and shall lie in a horizontal plane 76cm above the floor. Table tennis is played on a table with a flat surface that is rectangular 274 cm by 152.5 cm and has a supporting surface that lies horizontally, 76 cm above the ground. <> �� /v�#�$�\C���V�2�%���*�C �e���ķm�7�ȑ�Gv �m��I"��&�+�YS(�r�W�#��DF�v��҇@$ܣ�zQd2��r��\x� �ܗ.� � �]n�]�&)�*M�Ä� 1. What you need to know to play a fun game of ping-pong Or read the official rules here Sometimes all you want to know are the basic rules to play a friendly match of ping pong. If a ball touches the net and lands in the oppon… Rules can be found at the IM Leagues rules page. ALTERNATE SERVES EVERY TWO POINTS. 4 0 obj endobj Table tennis, also called (trademark) Ping-Pong, ball game similar in principle to lawn tennis and played on a flat table divided into two equal courts by a net fixed across its width at the middle. December 27, 2018. How To Re Veneer A Table Top. <> Table tennis is played as singles as well as doubles. The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) is the sport’s main regulatory body and sets the rules for the game. Next Basic Rules Of Table Tennis Pdf. Table tennis is played by the rules set by the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF). A post entitled Table Tennis Rules and Regulations might sound boring, but it isn’t! The playing surface shall not include the vertical sides of the tabletop. ?� iw8��}�7^����ql��c��K�`���b?qSa��o=/IW}����b���GPFC�~�_v�+�� %PDF-1.5 TABLE TENNIS RULES. Below are the official rules of table tennis. Royle Family Behind The Sofa Watch Online. The Table The upper surface of the table, known as the playing surface, shall be rectangular, 2.74m long and 1.525m wide, and shall lie in a horizontal plane 76cm above the floor. Lines are for doubles play, during which the ball must land in the opposite quadrant of service. <>>> The choice of ends and service at the start of a game shall be decided by a coin toss. 2 0 obj 2 0 obj Around 120 international tournaments are sanctioned by the ITTF yearly. 2019 Table Tennis Rules Updated: 2.13.2019 Class 10: This player has the minimal disability allowed in either the non-playing arm or the leg, such as a cross foot or non-playing arm amputation. •Fails to make a good serve •Fails to hit the ball onto their opponents side •Fails to hit the ball •Hits the ball before it bounces (volley) MATCH FLOW. How many of the additional Regulations are actually used will depend upon the standard of the competition being played, and whether the organisers have adopted all or any of them. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 24 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> ��2����O�� ��(-��,û�;�IN$/�]`x��`'�3;q���*$�N6�d�L���0��0�0n����M��e����顜ۼn��������O /�� F�ab޵�߻���;���ӆA��`0CD���f��x|���ǐ�����r�s��ޚa�=��%�1&��)���:�jc�ܻ�%k4������E�/��d��d��aԶ�΄(!�xA�-�}[և��0q�2�$8=)��1 �x�a�b=imx��lxǡ�E��� >�&�*+-`6L�࿐�B�J��nJ��u��-eL\%bV�T ��Ȣ�UiU�v�CSZnS ���GEQq7�R�O��J�XQm*'�Y��9�W���gb�Jp��F�(���O�E�'ޮ�:PV�۩�2cL�y���q`�R)0ZB$N�G2 �*#ldfpRrJ��30�!���' �{�-�]�� b�ia&�3B(�ra^o&��Z7n$���xSȡ�+F ыmd����2J'9F%�T"O��7�r�?��%�ػM��F�=�� 40Qǵ�E����2 ��#ZBU��D|߲�=�?���r�Vu �=�5�G��r{����d��i⃰ar���Hm�ޣ�i��q�������G�QoYCn����T�dԞ�d�4͆�,!�"�8�vRn�������J_�}��q+�� •Each player serves 2 points alternately •If a game reaches 10 all, each player serves 1 point alternately until the game is won by 2 clear points •After each game players change ends •In the final game … This section is correct as of October 20, 2020 The aim of the game is simple; hit the ball over the net onto your opponent’s side. In this post, I will clearly explain the most important rules of table tennis and in doing so, put an end to the countless arguments occur each day across the globe. �� �Ԝ0��(�466��&Zcs! 1. The hand signals (gesture) of the umpire are also discussed.. Read more about the official laws of table tennis here. %���� (9 ft.) in length, 152.5 cm. Rules of Table Tennis. NO ID, NO PLAY, NO EXCEPTIONS. 5. The flooring may be of rubber, rubberized synthetic material, wood, tile or concrete. endobj <>>> A POINT IS LOST IF A PLAYER. 2.5 DEFINITIONS2.6 THE SERVICE2.7 THE RETURN2.8 THE ORDER OF PLAY2.9 A LET2.10 A POINT2.11 A GAME2.12 A MATCH2.13 THE ORDER OF SERVING, RECEIVING AND ENDS2.14 OUT OF ORDER OF SERVING, RECEIVING OR ENDS2.15 THE EXPEDITE SYSTEM OOAK Table Tennis Shop also provides an A3 table tennis rules poster, with the rules clearly laid out in plain English. Second Hand Sofa Bed Sydney. 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