Please contact the Biology Department Chair for additional information. Student workers earn at least the current minimum wage and are paid monthly, with the first payroll on or around October 15. Once you’ve been accepted to Wingate University and completed the FAFSA, the Office of Admissions will contact you with your estimated student financial aid package. After admission to the University, the academic credentials of each student are reviewed to determine scholarship eligibility. As the name says, FELS offers loans, but you can have the loan forgiven if you follow the rules and obligations of your program. purpose of making such information openly available to students and parents. To be considered for the scholarship, you must have a 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA and demonstrated financial need. You must not be in default or owe a refund under any federal or state loan or grant program. Applications will be accepted starting on January 15, 2020. You are responsible for paying the interest on this loan type during all periods. The federal government pays the interest on this loan type under certain conditions. Additionally, 80% of students received need-based financial aid that year. Wingate University Graduation Rates - 4 Year Graduation Rate: 41.00% - 5 Year Graduation Rate: 47.00% (2019) The mission of Wingate University is to develop educated, ethical, and productive citizens at … Students are notified of their scholarship … For more specific eligibility criteria, definitions and information about this scholarship, see the U.S. Department of Education's announcement on the Federal Student Aid site. Wingate University's RaiseMe micro-scholarships are available for incoming freshman who attend high school in the United States. Founded in 1896, Wingate University is a laboratory of difference-making that serves more than 3,600 students in North Carolina. Learn More, Created by the 2011 NC General Assembly, this is a need-based program for NC residents attending private institutions of higher education located in North Carolina. Baccalaureate Colleges--General: These institutions are primarily undergraduate colleges with major emphasis on baccalaureate programs. You must be a legal North Carolina resident and NC resident for tuition purposes to be eligible for the FELS program. Wingate University determines how much you can borrow based the results of your FAFSA. You must also be willing to work in North Carolina in a designated critical employment shortage profession and maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress. Wingate University determines how much you can borrow based on the results of your FAFSA. Share your thoughts and perhaps thousands of students will benefit from your unique insight on the subject! Average Total Aid Awarded. The FELS loans have different amounts, depending on your academic program. Wingate offers 35 undergraduate majors as well as six master’s and four … Scholarship for undergraduate or graduate students attending Wingate University enrolled in the School of Pharmacy. Some departments post jobs with the Office of Career Development. Following its Judeo-Christian heritage, the University seeks to cultivate the following in its students: Knowledge, Faith, and Service. But credit-worthy students or students with credit-worthy co-borrowers can borrow money through these programs. Thanks for visiting the Wingate University Women's Volleyball scholarship and program information page. Founded in 1896, Wingate University is a laboratory of difference-making that serves more than 3,600 students in North Carolina. You must register with the Selective Service System, if required. Apply online at, Was developed to help active members cover education costs if transferring to Wingate University. Value. Pell Grants usually are awarded only to undergraduate students who have not earned a Bachelor’s or a Professional Degree. Undergraduate programs or courses are offered via distance education Graduate programs or courses are offered via distance education Study abroad Weekend/evening college Teacher certification: Approved by the state for initial certification or licensure of teachers. Once you have a job offer, go to the Office of Student Financial Planning to get a work-study contract and to fill out the required tax paperwork. Here you'll have access to information regarding the school and information on their Softball program like who to get hold of about recruitment, names of past alumni, what scholarship … The helpful GI Bill Comparison Tool website is a quick way to see which one is the best match for you. Tuition exchange programs create scholarship and tuition remission opportunities for the children of current faculty and staff. If you can read this, don't touch the following fields. You begin by creating an account at … Here you'll have access to information about the school and information on their Football program like who to contact about recruiting, names of past alumni, what scholarship … Welcome to the Wingate University Football scholarship and program info page. $25,603 / … Here you'll receive specifics on the college and information on their Women's Volleyball program like who to get hold of about recruiting, names of past alumni, what scholarship … Cross Country/Track - N/A. The Office of Admissions notifies the students about the scholarship … Academics. The Children of Fallen Heroes Scholarship is available for Pell-eligible students whose parent or guardian died in the line of duty as a public safety officer. Please be aware that you cannot begin working on campus until you have completed the appropriate paperwork and your supervisor has received approval for you to begin work. Learn More, A need based grant awarded to a student based on completion of the FAFSA. Learn More, The parent of a dependent undergraduate student enrolled at least half-time, may be eligible to apply for a PLUS Loan to assist with their child’s educational expenses. Admissions staff review all eligible applicants for the following academic scholarships: A need based grant awarded to a student based on completion of the FAFSA. Wingate University Student Comparisons - Average GPA: 3.46 - Average ACT: 21 - Percentage Female: 71.00% - Percentage Male 29.00% (From Members) The mission of Wingate University … Wingate University offers three tuition exchange options. Once the Office of Student Financial Planning determines the amount of loans you’re eligible for, an award letter is sent to you detailing your maximum loan eligibility. Chapter 1607 Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP): Chapter 33 Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008. This aid averaged $28,091 per student during the 2019/2020 school year. Learn More, These loans are available to Undergraduate and Graduate/Professional students with no requirement to demonstrate need. Unlike loans, grants and scholarships don’t have to be repaid after you graduate. Each department on campus is responsible for the individual positions available in their department. Bachelor's Master's Doctor's First Professional, Academic/career counseling service Employment services for students, Dual credit Advanced placement (AP) credits. (Error … Named in honor of Wingate University’s ninth president, the Jerry E. McGee Scholarship provides financial assistance to eligible Wingate University students. If you choose to apply for the program, keep your contact information up to date on the SEAA Student Portal. Publisher It’s a significant benefit for the employees of Wingate University. The True Homes Scholarship will be automatically applied to financial aid packages for new first-year and transfer undergraduate students beginning with the fall 2019 semester. You may be eligible for more than one program. Those eligible for the scholarship will be contacted directly to apply. You can contact departments directly, either in person or by phone, to ask about available positions. The Forgivable Education Loans for Service program was established to provide financial assistance to qualified students enrolled in an approved education program and committed to working in critical employment shortage professions in North Carolina. The Wingate University Academic calendar runs on a semester basis. Here you'll have access to information regarding the school and information on their Women's Basketball program like who to get hold of about recruitment, names of past alumni, what scholarship … Recipients must be seeking a first baccalaureate degree and may be enrolled full-time or part-time. B. Wingate offers 35 undergraduate majors as well as six master’s and four doctoral programs. Grant and scholarship … NCNBS is awarded to students based on completion of the FAFSA and meeting the residency requirements outlined by the State of North Carolina. Federal and State grants, as well as scholarships awarded by Wingate University, may be available to assist with your college expenses. After admission to the University, the academic credentials of each student are evaluated to determine the eligibility of the scholarship. Wingate University Academic Scholarship Program This award is for U.S. high school seniors who are planning to attend Wingate University. Here’s a breakdown of available aid types: Federal and State grants, as well as scholarships awarded by Wingate University, may be available to assist with your college expenses. Wingate University 301 E. Wilson Street, Wingate, NC 28174-0159 (704) 233-8000 301 E. Wilson Street, Wingate, NC 28174-0159 Please email Ms. Karen Elizabeth Smith if you have questions about veterans’ benefits. This is the Wingate University Women's Basketball scholarship and program details page. Alternative student loan programs made available by private lenders help fill the gap between the financial aid you receive and the money you still need. In that case, you can choose the one that best matches your educational plans and life goals. Academic Scholarships are awarded to qualified undergraduate applicants who have been admitted to Wingate University's Main Campus. The above information was obtained via the publicly-available Integrated Postsecondary 100% of full-time undergrad Wingate University received financial aid in the form of grants, scholarships, fellowships from the institution or from Federal, State or local government agencies. Founded in 1896, Wingate University is a laboratory of difference-making that serves more than 3,600 students in North Carolina. Wingate University Scholarships: Start Earning in High School Over 1 million high school students are earning no-essay college scholarships for their grades, activities, and other achievements. Was established in 1970, when Ms. McCurdy created the scholarship specifically for worthy students who are permanent residents of Stanly County, North Carolina. Awarded to qualified students after they’re admitted to Wingate University, undergraduate academic scholarships are renewable for up to eight semesters. Emergency grant funds will be available to eligible Wingate students who are experiencing unexpected expenses or financial hardships related to changes in campus operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Under federal law, Wingate University must certify your choice of lender and its guarantee agency. To become eligible for the scholarship, you must be a rising sophomore or junior, pursue a biology or chemistry degree, meet the minimum GPA requirements, and provide a recommendation letter from a faculty member. Wingate has released the President's List and the Dean's List for the Fall 2020 semester. Complete our application to apply for Tuition Exchange at Wingate. Deadline date for applications is March 16, 2020. Awarded to qualified students after they’re admitted to Wingate University, undergraduate academic scholarships are renewable for up to eight semesters. The student must have a weighted grade point average of 3.0 … Learn More, These loans are available to eligible Undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need based on the results of the FAFSA. Belk Scholarship Sponsored by: Wingate University Applicant must have a minimum 3.8 GPA, rank in the top 5% of secondary school class, or have a minimum combined SAT I score of 1300 (composite ACT … (704) 233-8000, NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association), Baseball - South Atlantic Conference At the time of application, You must present a cumulative minimum grade point average (GPA) of: 3.00 for graduating high school students (weighted GPA), 2.80 for undergraduate students pursuing an associate or bachelor’s degree, 3.20 for students pursuing a graduate or professional degree. To be considered for this award, a student must be a NC resident, have financial need, and be a resident of a rural county. Wingate University is a private comprehensive university with nearly 2,700 students on three campuses in Wingate, Matthews and Hendersonville, in North Carolina, United States. compiles self-reported information provided by colleges and universities, for the You can find eligible degree programs on the College Foundation of North Carolina’s FELS page. This $1,000 per year scholarship will benefit students in 25 Carolinas counties on top of any academic- or need-based grants. As a result of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security, or CARES, Act, Wingate University students can apply for financial assistance through the HEERF Program. Earnings from work-study positions go directly to the student; they are not automatically applied to the student’s account. It’s important to know which benefits you are qualified to receive. You can visit FASTChoice to review a list of lenders that our students have used in previous years and complete an application with the lender of your choice. All Rights Reserved Explore each to see which may suit your family’s needs: To learn more about any of the tuition exchange programs we offer, stop by the Office of Student Financial Planning on the first floor of the Stegall Administration Building. Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Select programs also provide funding for housing and books. You will be required to complete a certification form with the Office of Student Financial Planning to qualify. Additional information is available here. The Coy Muckle Scholarship was established to assist ordained ministers who are employed by a church as a full-time or bi-vocational pastor. Football - South Atlantic Conference Learn More, Developed by the North Carolina Baptist Foundation, this scholarship provides funding to students who are members of a church affiliated with the Baptist State Convention of NC. Learn More, Graduate/Professional students, enrolled at least half-time, may be eligible to apply for a PLUS Loan to assist with their educational expenses. The University is home to the Cannon College of Arts and Sciences; the Levine College of Health Sciences; the Byrum School of Business; and the College of Professional Studies, which includes the Thayer School of Education and the School of Sport Sciences. Learn More. To qualify for this scholarship, a student must have a Pell-eligible EFC and be less than 24 years of age or enrolled at an institution of higher education at the time of his or her parent’s or guardian’s death. Education Data System (IPEDS), operated by the U.S. Department of Education, which Check out Wingate University (Wingate) Merit-Based Scholarships in Wingate, NC to find Albert W. Dent and Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarships, American University National Achievement and National Merit Scholarship, UNCF STEM Scholarship, CollegeXpress Community Service Scholarship for Multicultural Students, Alannas Scholarship… Basketball - South Atlantic Conference These scholarships range in value based on applicant eligibility and are awarded by the Office of Admissions once you have been admitted. It was founded by Baptists in 1896 as Wingate … Sign up for … Wingate offers 35 undergraduate majors as well as six master’s and four … If you feel you may be eligible, please contact the Financial Planning Office at Undergraduate academic scholarships range in value based on applicant eligibility and scholarship type. Work-study provides part-time employment for Wingate University students with financial need, enabling them to earn money to pay for their educational expenses. The mission of Wingate University is to develop educated, ethical, and productive citizens at home and abroad. The award is only open for the qualified undergraduate students who are admitted into the Wingate University's Main Campus. This video file cannot be played. The average need-based scholarship or grant awarded to first-year students at Wingate University was $28,035. Wingate University - In State Tuition $35,290 - Out Of State Tuition: $35,290 - 4 Year Graduation Rate 41.00% (2018) The mission of Wingate University is to develop educated, ethical, and productive … Additional Information: Academic Scholarships are awarded to qualified undergraduate applicants who have been admitted to Wingate University's Main Campus. The University’s motto is “Faith, Knowledge, Service.”. Welcome to the Wingate University Softball scholarship and program information page. In addition, you must also meet these eligibility requirements: Email is the official form of communication between the FELS Program and you. Visit the FELS page to apply online or to obtain more information about the FELS program. You will be required to complete an application form with the Office of Admissions and submit proof of PTK membership. Links to the lists can also be found on the Registrar's page. Please be sure to visit, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), U.S. Department of Education's announcement on the Federal Student Aid site, GlaxoSmithKline Women in Science Scholars Program, College Foundation of North Carolina’s FELS page, Council of Independent Colleges Tuition Exchange Program, Certificate or associate degree programs: $3,000, Bachelor’s degree programs: freshmen and sophomores $3,000, Bachelor’s degree programs: junior and senior: $7,000, Certificate and/or associate degree programs: $6,000. They award less than half of their baccalaureate degrees in liberal arts fields. Learn More. Applicants must have high moral character and a minimum 3.0 GPA. Scholarships are awarded to female students majoring in biology or chemistry. Wingate Scholarships from University of Glasgow, listed on - Masters & PhD Grants, Bursaries & Awards Worldwide. All students are eligible to work on campus through either the Federal or Institutional Program. Students are not guaranteed a position on campus and are responsible for finding employment. How do I get started? Learn More. Your name will be added to the list to view those postings in the CareerGate-Powered by Purple Briefcase the summer before your first year at Wingate University. Based on average net price, earnings potential, student and alumni reviews, and additional factors. Wingate University Scholarships and Financial Aid. Unlike loans, grants and scholarships don’t have to be repaid after … Preference is given … The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers a number of education programs that help with tuition. SPCC Gateway Scholarship Build on your success at South Piedmont Community College and complete your bachelor’s degree at Wingate for $2,500 per year or less. After admission to the University, the academic credentials of each student are reviewed to determine scholarship … Check out Wingate University (Wingate) Scholarships for College Freshmen in Wingate, NC to find BEF General Academic Scholarship Program, AKSARBEN Scholarship Program, Horatio Alger National Scholarship Program, Lax Scholarship, AREMA Women's Engineering Scholarship, Young Christian Leaders Scholarship… You’re not required to use student loan programs provided by banks. In the 2017/2018 school year the student to faculty ratio was 15:1.There are 178 full time instructional teachers. Wingate University determines how much you can borrow based on the results of your FAFSA. FSEOG funding is awarded by the Financial Planning Office with priority given to Pell Grant recipients. 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