Regardless if they were Guardians or Not. [quote]Just watched the latest fireteam chat episode and Bungie confirmed that Saladin does have a Ghost. The Rezyl Azzir card "Before These Walls" touches on that when it points out that Rezyl was what would eventually become known as Titan. Guardian refers to "Guardian of The Last City" to my understanding. Saladin and the other commanders hoped that by putting additional pressure on the Empress they would force her to accept the challenge. 50 years later, Saladin visited Kepre's village again. He angrily declared that they must channel their Light into burning the Cabal Empire to ashes and that Zavala's hopes for a peaceful resolution would not come to fruition. Due to his history of combating the Fallen, they hoped he would appeal to their line of thinking and offered him to retake the position of Vanguard Commander but to their dismay, Saladin rebuffed their offer as he still trusts in Zavala and Ikora's decisions. She then searched the crater where Saladin had created for his body and returned his Ghost to him so he could be resurrected. I will look upon your new weapon and deliver my congratulations in . With the Guardian, he at first saw them as a promising student that needed training but of course he makes sure that they stay humble and focused. Another general there is captured, revealing that the Brood was planning to take over the Scarlet Keep on the Moon, using stolen Light to summon a massive invasion force. The Iron Lord promised he would and hoped that Osiris would support him when it came time to enact it.[37]. Saladin himself would return to take charge of the event after the Red War. Saladin recently also displays distaste for Osiris due to his infamous exile of the Last City, and also further explains that it was Ikora Rey who reformed the Warlock order, not Osiris. Felwinter explained it was a Warlord's Ghost and had proven useful, but Efrideet was backed up by Saladin. However, before her death, Lakshmi mentioned that she received aid from Osiris, explaining how she got her hands on Vex technology, leading the Vanguard to conduct an investigation into Osiris, who fled after the coup had failed. Well Bungie added a nice little tid bit, saying that he might have since become a Guardian. [5], Sometime after Saladin recruited Efrideet into the Iron Lords, they encountered an Ahamkara, which were able to grant wishes. He was heavily against the armistice with the Cabal, wishing to eradicate the enemies of humanity, and now calling against the Vanguard allying with the House of Light, made other Guardians to view him as a warmonger. However, she only agreed to join if he promised she could throw him again if they ran out of ammo once more. [4], Having joined the Iron Lords, Efrideet participated in their campaign against the Warlords. Saladin commanded the city's southern walls from the Fallen assault, which nearly overwhelmed the Guardian's defences several times. Later, following the reckless actions of the Crow during Season of the Risen, Saladin offered his life in Crow's place, becoming a Bracus in the Imperial Cabal ranks. He has the title Lord,but it not and "Iron" Lord. Saladin ultimately has one more conversation with Crow, who deeply regrets that Saladin now has to pay the price for his actions, stating it should have been himself, that he could have died for something he had believed in. Zavala convinces her to aid the Vanguard in fighting back against the Lucent Brood, and Saladin, originally skeptical of an alliance with the Cabal but sickened to see the Hive wield the Light, oversees a joint Vanguard-Cabal operation to capture Lucent Brood leaders for Psions to interrogate. You are not allowed to view this content. Saladin sent a message to his former pupil in the aftermath berating him for allowing the Cabal to continue living so that they could carry out attacks like that within their wall, warning him that the Cabal were like the Warlords and could be given no quarter. Notable info: Former Iron Banner handler. Lakshmi-2 of the Future War Cult, led the other factions in an attempted coup to oust the Vanguard and forcefully expel the House of Light using Vex portal technology. Saladin confronts Fera about the massacre and is disgusted to discover that she has become the area's warlord and has bled the village dry. As Segoth smiled and shrugged at their response, Saladin raised his shield at Perun's command alongside his two comrades as the hostile Lightbearers opened fire. They quickly developed a reputation as defenders of humanity and several Warlords joined their cause, including Felwinter, who donated his stronghold on Felwinter Peak to be their headquarters. Parafia pw. [4] Efrideet's aim proved true and Saladin destroyed the Walker, saving Patch Run. [10], The trio travelled to Shaxx's fortress, discovering his people were seemingly well-fed and had winter clothing. For more information, please see our He was using a torch in the trailer instead of his ghost and never has a ghost next to him when he is on the tower, where as all the vanguard guys/gal and Shaxx (crucible) have their ghosts next to them. She quickly shot that Risen in the head without looking and then dodged as the third opened fire, but quickly ended his threat by throwing a Solar knife into their head. Lord Saladin Forge is a Titan Guardian partnered with the Ghost Isirah and one of two known survivors of the original Iron Lords. He turned towards the town and informed her that it had forty-three inhabitants, only half of whom were capable of fighting. As she and Saladin left their comrade to his work, Efrideet expressed surprise that Saladin did not know that Felwinter was an oathbreaker and that was why Radegast hated him. After getting revived by Isirah Saladin was approached by a local man named Kepre, Kepre begged Saladin to help his village which was plagued by thieves. One of the last members of the Iron Lords. The in-game lore is just the tip of the iceberg. After assisting in the liberation of the The Last City, Efrideet once more departed Earth and rejoined her secret group. Unlike the rest of her compatriots, she did not . [16] Despite the City being saved, Saladin remained furious with Shaxx for disobeying his orders during the middle of battle. After letting Fera go Saladin stormed the local warlord's encampment and brutally killed him and his soldiers. "Saladin," his Ghost had said, sounding like it spoke from the end of a very long, very wide tunnel. Fera sits on her throne while flanked by her men. The two play board games together to sharpen their tactical acumen and maintain their friendship. She meet with four representatives from the village, including the last known Speaker, and told them that they would be provided with an armed escort to the City if they decided to join. Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it's not there. This may take some time Aren't Iron lords/warlords just what guardians used to be called? He used to be found in the Traveler's Walk area of the Tower, and sold gear in exchange for Glimmer and Iron Banner Reputation. Zavala was unsure that all of Caiatl's followers would accept such a challenge, but Saladin warned that they might also lose and warned that he did not believe Caiatl would thank them for their diplomacy while holding a knife to their throat. [10], Despite the Iron Lord's successes and the growth of the Last City, Efrideet grew weary of fighting and the constant violence the life of a Guardian entailed. A replica of Saladin's battle axe was created by the blacksmith company Sword and the Stone. As his prisoner struggled, Saladin demanded to know more about the data they stole, how they had crafted the Light-dampening tech, and where the rest of the Psion cell was. Zavala and Caiatl signed an armistice ending hostilities between the Vanguard and Cabal Empire, with any Cabal who continued to fight humanity becoming outlaws in the eyes of the Empire. {{ Niiiice lost an iron lord in exchange of an emo who is having an identity crisis All my homies hate crow. They wished each other a happy Dawning, and Efrideet offered an ornament for Tyra's ship as a Dawning gift but was told to give it to the ship's current owner, as Tyra no longer wished to travel the stars. While searching for a pig that was stolen from the village Saladin reached an antenna base that was used to spy on the villagers, there he finds the stolen pig as well as its thief. [3], The Walker was annihilated in the Arc blast, but a few Fallen survived and continued to advance on Patch Run. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but doesn't he trailer say the Iron Lords existed before the Guardians, and therefore wouldn't have had ghosts? This occurred after his defeat of Guhrn Or'ohk, Valus in ritual combat, who challenged Saladin's right to exist on an even footing with the Cabal in their Empire. Despite being famously serious, Saladin does have moments of humor, mostly with old friends like Efrideet. Being a Guardian means being a servant to the Vanguard/Tower/City. SALADIN: Find me again at the Iron Temple, Young Wolf. Can confirm he has one, one of the last cut scenes it highlights stone carvings within the Iron Temple. [/quote] Saladin asked what they would know, and Silimar declared that it would mean it was safe to build a city to the sky. The Speaker questioned how the City would be governed, and she told him that would be up to those who lived there and that the Iron Lords would merely protect the walls. Although the heavy fire pushed them back, their shields protected them, and the Iron Lords returned fire, quickly cutting down the trapped enemy. Soliciting/Plagiarism/Phishing/Impersonation, This site uses cookies to provide you with the best possible user experience. Saladin, Efrideet and? As Shaxx announced he would march to reinforce the southern walls, Saladin informed them that he had broken the Fallen's assault and that the City was saved. [34], Although Saladin disagreed with the plan, he was pleased that at last they had found some way to potentially break the stalemate and take decisive action. Declaring that he was still an Iron Lord, Saladin promised to be in the fray himself to exact retribution and hoped to see the Young Wolf on the battlefield doing the same. Before she could reply, two Fallen Skiffs appeared and deployed a Walker to assault the Patch Run. Ward . 1. In addition, to the Empress's recommendation, Saladin organized a tournament similar to the Iron Banner for the Cabal, even calling the contestants his "Iron War Beasts", which quickly became popular amongst the cabal. Saladin decides that he will never give mercy to an enemy if that mercy comes at the cost of mercy for their victim.[13]. There goes that theory For what it's worth, I enjoyed speculating on this while we still could. Briefing the Young Wolf, he ordered them to continue disrupting Cabal operations after the offer was transmitted to Caiatl, who had yet to respond. Alongside his fellow Iron Lords, Saladin travelled to defend the Last City alongside its Guardians. Saladin gave Fera a wolf talisman and asked her to protect the villagers and others she found. The other Iron Lord declared that they were knights and asked if she did not want to be a dragon slayer before charging the beast once more. Together, they declared themselves the Iron Lords and vowed to bring an end to the rule of the Warlords. Others in the Tower tried to get Saladin, Shaxx, and Zavala to sit down and talk about the events of Twilight Gap to repair their friendship, but none of those efforts worked due to their stubbornness. Saladin walked to the antenna base where he discovers that someone built a house next to it. "You have to move." Because Saladin stood unmoving. Seems that the Iron Lords were chosen in their prime as well, but nothing to back that up. Few games have lore as deep as Destiny does. ". Directed by Jason Jones Writing Credits Cast (in credits order) Produced by Music by Cinematography by Matthew A. [7] When she arrived, Efrideet discovered Warlord Citan and two other Risen attempting to rob the bar and threatening Wu Ming. A fight ensues and Saladin kills both Fera and her men. His former pupil reminded him this was not an easy decision, but Osiris noted it might be an inevitable one due to the proud nature of the Cabal and that further escalation could put the City at risk. [21] Further, Saladin did not approve of how the conflict with the Cabal was handled, ending with an armistice, nor how the Vanguard allowed the House of Light to be granted sanctuary within the Last City, as he didn't trust either the Cabal or the Fallen. [26] Although Ixel was eliminated, three other Psions escaped with Vex data. The Guardian brings this awful truth to the Vanguard and during the meeting, Saladin, along with nearly everyone else, is left speechless. `#${standardizeBungieGlobalCode(userDetail.user.cachedBungieGlobalDisplayNameCode)}` : ""}`}}. Wellp, I guess he does have a ghost. Unable to defeat the mutant Devils on his own, Saladin began seeking out Guardians to help him form a new generation of the Iron Lords to end the threat of SIVA once and for all. However, the defenders eventually drove the Fallen armies into retreat. She pointed out there was no dignity in letting the village die either. A fitting title if there ever was one. [18] After destroying the remnants and the chamber, the Guardian returns to Felwinter Peak, where Saladin gifts them a newly forged sword and names them the first of a new generation of Iron Lords. After sitting out of the Red War due to lacking his Light, Saladin watched for several years as the Vanguard struggled against new threats and the Arrival of the Black Fleet. Get it on Google play. The Psion stayed quiet but attempted to retaliate with its psychic powers, causing Saladin to quickly grab them by the throat and dangle them over the edge of the wall. Efrideet carefully kept her face neutral and ignored Saladin looking at her in shock, keeping ready to draw her hand cannon in case things turned violent. From them, Rasputin would repair itself enough to allow it to speak directly to Ana and the Guardian, and reveal the true extent of Clovis Bray's deceit. Saladin was outraged at this underhanded tactic and ordered their efforts redoubled against the Cabal in revenge. He's such a nice guy underneath the armor. Although he nodded in polite greeting to Osiris, Saladin began berating Zavala the moment the Commander transmatted into the room, demanding to know why they were not engaging in a full-scale war with the Cabal after everything that had happened. [2], As the Iron Lords began to recruit, Saladin left to defend the village of Patch Run from a Fallen House that frequently assaulted it. Osiris agrees with the plan and Ana speaks with Lord Saladin, who while wary of the Warmind, agrees to allow them access to Felspring's remains within the Iron Temple. Interesting, since you become a Guardian by dying and being revived by a Ghost, so did Saladin die? [19] After Rasputin was awakened on Mars and declared itself the guardian of humanity and the solar system, Saladin expressed deep concern for the situation. Cookie Notice After many months of hard fighting, the Guardians succeeded in holding the line against Xivu Arath's Horde and saving Mara Sov's Techeun Coven from the Ascendant Realm, allowing the Awoken Queen to conduct the ritual to excise the Witch Queen's worm. He disparaged the Psion race as cowards for their continued servitude to the Cabal and Empress Caiatl, noting that while he understood their initial subservience to the Cabal, the deposing of Calus and death of Ghaul should have been their opportunity to rise and free themselves. [10], Several weeks later Efrideet and Saladin led an army of Iron Lords to Shaxx's mountain stronghold, having put down the Devil activity in the Cosmodrome. Upon hearing that Saladin Forge and several other Lightbearers were banding together in a new organization dedicated to stopping the fighting between Risen Warlords, Efrideet sought out Saladin to request permission to join them. Here is a list of the top 10 funniest lore entries in Destiny. The ghost picks it's guardian. Ultimately, the Guardian succeeded in thwarting the Witch Queen's plan and killed her but her Ghost, Immaru, managed to escape. Be sure to read the sidebar rules and check our FAQ for your question before posting. `${userDetail.user.displayName}${userDetail.user.cachedBungieGlobalDisplayNameCode ? However, like Shaxx, Saladin respects all the classes of Guardians. Thus, as Crow struggled with reconciling with Uldren Sov's experiences with only a few years of his own, Saladin stated that it wasn't his time for a final death. I don't know if Lord Saladin's grimoire entry was written before the rest of the Iron Lords story was written but apparently Lord Saladin trained both Shaxx and Zavala.. A hero to the City and a legend in his own right, Saladin Forge led the City's defense during the Battle for the . As Segoth revived, one of his bullets struck Radegast in the head, and Saladin provided covering fire for Perun to help his Ghost revive the Iron Lords leader. As thousands of survivors and Lightbearers flocked to the growing city, it became a target for the Fallen. Saladin ordered the Young Wolf to stop this plot and prevent the Cabal from creating an army of Exo-Legionaries. As the battle turned against the Vanguard, Saladin ordered all fireteams to retreat to the Ridgeback District and to halt all advances, believing that the City was lost. Unamused, the Warlord ordered them to leave and declared the people there his, but they refused to abandon the civilians to his rule. As it was recently discovered that Rasputin began as a submind planted into an Exo Frame before being made a Lightbearer, Ana believes that Felspring may contain not only Felwinter's memories but also Rasputin's code and linguistics that they could use to repair the Warmind faster. Worse however, they find that Savathn revealed herself and to the Guardian's horror, the Witch Queen gained control over the Light along with her forces, the Lucent Brood, even having their own Ghosts. Instead, she ventured out into the Solar System and joined a secret community of other Lightbearers who embraced pacifism. along the way, he got into a battle with risen thugs that ended in a draw. 1 Saint-14. [17], One year after the events of the Taken War, the Fallen and the House of Devils managed to unearth SIVA, and their Splicers tried to harness the technology. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. They confronted him when Segoth arrived at the village to punish the citizens for sheltering the Iron Lords, holding higher ground as Segoth and eight of his followers arrived on Pikes in a narrow pass that only allowed three to approach at a time. Nodding in respect, Saladin threw the Psion over the cliff edge, but as they began to fall Saladin saw his reflection in the eye of the Psion and felt their last thoughts of terror but also their ancestors reaching out to welcome them and a mixture of emotions he could not feel as a human. She countered there was no time for that and instead offered to throw him at the Walker, causing Saladin to laugh until he realized she was serious and declaring there was no dignity to that. Efrideet left Earth and joined a group of Lightbearers at an undisclosed location to explore new ways to use the Light without violence. Things come to a head during the assault on the Moon when Crow, instead of showing up to help, goes to the H.E.L.M. Upon their deaths, he hoped to that he would never have to revisit his past but continued to honor their legacy with the Iron Banner tournament and with the threat of the Devil Splicers, he realized that the danger was greater than keeping the full story of the Iron Lords and SIVA a secret. Despite this, Efrideet did understand that the Devil Splicers had to be fought, knowing the threat they posed to the Last City. [8], Amongst the Risen who joined the ranks of the Iron Lords was Silimar, an old friend of Saladin. By comparison, Zavala's resolve and purpose, while emblematic of any Titan, are tempered by a somewhat more forgiving view of humanity and the other denizens of the Sol system. Efrideet then threw Saladin like a javelin towards the advancing Walker. Being a Guardian means being a servant to the Vanguard/Tower/City. He was using a torch in the trailer instead of his ghost and never has a ghost next to him when he is on the tower, where as all the vanguard guys/gal and Shaxx(crucible) have their ghosts next to them. [28] Thanks to Crow's investigation and the Young Wolf's fieldwork, the task force discovered the Cabal had crafted miniature devices based on the Traveler Cage used by the Red Legion to cut off the Light from the Guardians that could be attached to Ghosts, allowing them to easily kill the Lightless Guardian. But how would be have been revived then? The one Felwinter kept losing. Most of the lore that makes Destiny as deep of a game as it . As communications were reestablished, Saladin heard Osiris, Saint-14, and Shaxx declare that each of their sectors were secure. These differences lead Saladin to view Zavala as slightly naiive, while Zavala sometimes sees his former mentor as obstinate and uncompromising. She demanded that the Warlord pick on someone his size, although the Warlord was twice her size. Lord Saladin not appearing in the Tower: If during the Iron Banner event, Lord Saladin does not appear in the Tower, players should return to Orbit and try relaunching into the Tower activity again. The relationship between Saladin and the Young Wolf became strained when his pupil began utilizing Stasis, as Saladin was adamantly opposed to any wielding of the Darkness. After the eleventh time the tower was destroyed, Saladin met with Silimar in its ruins and upon his friend's revival by his Ghost, questioned him about why he kept rebuilding and calling the tower doomed. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Admitting he had never seen her miss a shot before as he wondered what had taken her so long to reach him, Efrideet revealed a few Fallen had survived the Arc strike. As the Guardians make progress in undoing the Endless Night, learning that the event was orchestrated by Savathn, the Witch Queen, the Consensus Factions, growing increasingly paranoid towards the House of Light and disagreeing with the Vanguard's leadership, approached Saladin. Unable to destroy the techno-virus, the Iron Lords sealed it beneath the earth. As the Warlord's Ghosts materialized to resurrect their Guardians, Efrideet aimed her hand cannon at them and demanded that they leave without their Guardians, who would be returned to them if they followed the Iron Decree. However, Efrideet offered to throw him, causing Saladin to laugh until he realized she was serious and declared there was no dignity in that. He ordered them to hit the Cabal hard to ensure they never attempted to steal from the Vex again. Saladin however states that is where the similarities end, as he has seen Caiatl lead her people with purpose and conviction, traits he has not seen in the former emperor, but Calus retaliates with the knowledge of how eager Saladin used to be in slaughtering her troops when Caiatl first arrived and wondered what that says about his own convictions which leaves the Iron Lord unable to respond. is the Internet home for Bungie, the developer of Destiny, Halo, Myth, Oni, and Marathon, and the only place with official Bungie info straight from the developers. By continuing to use this site, you agree to the policies documented at, Our policies have recently changed. while he did not have his Ghost to heal and resurrect him. Do you think the new campaign cutscenes in ROI will show what fate befell his Ghost? Grinning under his helmet, he shouted back that they were knights and he wanted to be a dragon slayer. Or can Ghosts give Light to people who are already alive and make them Guardians? [24] After Ma'rag's elimination, Saladin sent a message to the Young Wolf informing them that Caiatl's push into the Sol System had been halted thanks to their counter-assaults and Crow's intel gathering. The former Warlock indicated that might be the case and asked if Saladin would have such a plan contingency plan prepared. However, since becoming a Bracus, many of the Cabal would disagree to Saladin's addition to the War Council, being challenged six times in a Rite of Proving. The Iron Lords were soon approached by the Warlord Felwinter, who wished to join their ranks and offered his keep at the top Felwinter Peak in the Old Russian Cosmodrome to serve as their headquarters. Some were chosen like Shin as mentioned in the comments. [6], With their recruits gathered, Saladin and his comrades began their campaign against the Warlords. After the destruction of the SIVA Crisis, Saladin Forge knighted The Guardian and names them the first of the new generation of Iron Lords setting out to rebuild the Iron Lords and once again create a beacon of hope for the Last City. Saladin and the rest of the Iron Lords were confused by Silimar's constant building of a tower that he rebuilt every time it was assaulted by the Fallen and Warlords. He is bad enough to be a guardian:) that war axe <3 truly a beautiful weapon. He was revived by his Ghost as Efrideet arrived at the field and mocked him for thinking she might miss. Though Lord Saladin wouldn't take an active part in the operation concerning the surprise return of the Leviathan, the personal craft of the former emperor of the cabal, Calus, he nonetheless advised Empress Caiatl when she ordered her fleet to blockade the massive vessel as it hanged derelict near the Moon. Their relationship became strained, although Saladin continued to remain on good terms with Zavala. Eris goes out on stealth missions, yes, but doesn't fight. [3], Saladin agreed to Efrideet's plan and began to warn her not to miss as he gathered Arc energy around himself. However, since the Battle at Site 6 that nearly destroyed the old order, Efrideet pursued her own path in finding ways to use the Light non-violently, showing a commitment to pacifism. He complimented them on their first victory over Caiatl's forces on Nessus and noted that Osiris had informed him that they had interrupted a Cabal ritual known as the Rite of Proving, which Osiris had compared to the Crucible, although Saladin did not see the similarities. However, after reintegrating the subminds, Malahayati and Charlemagne, into the Warmind, Ana Bray would develop an unconventional method in restoring Rasputin at a quicker rate: the Ghost of the Iron Lord Felwinter, Felspring. Apparently he does have one. Stoic, serious and experienced yet somber and grim are the best words to describe Lord Saladin. Saladin listened in despair as Osiris convinced Zavala to go through with the plan by placing their faith in the Young Wolf and their fireteam. He declared only a fool would continue to rebuild a tower that kept being destroyed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Her enclave cut off communication during the crisis, so Efrideet joined the resistance against the Red Legion in the guise of a refugee and participated in the assault to reclaim the Last City and kill Ghaul. Lord Saladin is the last of the Iron Lords, and the proprietor of the Iron Banner Crucible event in the Tower. The Iron Lord even regales Crow with one of his stories, of how he once showed mercy to a foe, but it ultimately led to more victims being made. [15], During the first Dawning following the liberation of the Last City, Efrideet contacted Tyra Karn.
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