The Seleucid Empire was a Hellenistic state ruled by the Seleucid dynasty founded by Seleucus I Nicator following the division of the empire created by Alexander the Great. He says that Russia is the new military superpower of the Pope, but the word of God declares that it is Washington D.C., which will be the military power of the One World Government. The 70th week of Daniel was fulfilled on time, after the 69th week, from 27-34 A.D., when Messiah and His disciples preached the New Covenant to the Jews for seven years. The return of the Anunnaki really could be the return of our real creators. Is he a false prophet? I agree that Cahn is a false teacher and I distrust anyone who appears on Sid Roth. Steve, it's really sad to watch your show these days. Prophecy of Zechariah. Everything We Expect Is At Your Very Door. The Egyptian-mediated truce between Israel and Hamas took hold on Friday. 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Steven Ben-Nun, who used to be called Steven Ben-DeNoon, of Israeli News Live; seems authoritative with all of his information and use of Bible verses, but I would steer clear of him, as he is teaching false prophecy fulfillment explanations. God and Magog: Its Getting Real, Folks. DREAM ON .. i pity you. Good Parents. If You Are Unsaved, Accept His Offer Of Life. 1 A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. Protected: The Swan, The Mayor And The Man (This is a private posting and only a few received the password via email. Daniels Closed Book Until The Time Of The End. Is the Power Of The Holy People Already Shattered? Joseph Biden Declares On National TV That 70,000,000 Trump Voters Are The Enemies Of America, Aaron Brickman: Financial Crashes Often Directly Coincide With Torah Holy Days and Lunar Events. This Is Fascinating And Very Concerning. The irony of your comments on the websites is that now youre accountable, because Ive shared Scriptural truth and youve ignored it. ReadThe People Of The Prince Of Daniel 9, He proclaimed, Recently such a scripture from Daniel 11 was fulfilled and the world went right past it. Will Yandex Become the New World Order Search Engine? FBI Singles Out Conservative Agents in Purge, Retaliates Against Whistleblowers: GOP Lawmakers, F.B.I. Podcast: Sabbath Joy. Daniel 12 was sealed up until the judgment of the Jewish nation in 70 AD, so that they didnt understand it and flee Judea. Israeli News Live is an independent news source, examining world events from a prophetic out look. But, in the end, the Bible really does show the last days, the last seven years, the tribulation being from 9- 23 to 27 2017 to 2024. But, God did tell Daniel to roll up and seal the scroll until the end of time, not the end of Jerusalem. Why are you trying so hard to discredit another brother, and then sell what you believe? And now the world is being united again by one language economic and world religion. Video. An explosive new round of hostilities between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza broadened with frightening speed on two fronts Wednesday, while waves of mob violence between Jews and Arabs. These things were foretold in Revelation but did not exist then, so, they prove what you call duality to be reality. I also learned a great deal and thank you for that. Rabbis Reject Messiah. It fits the Dragon in the prophecy on Virgo, you know, the Revelation 12 sign of a woman in heaven clothed with the sun in her back As an entity he very well can come down from Nibiru also known as planet X or planet 9, and we really could see these great miracles and battles as humanity helplessly watches like as in a Spiderman of Superman movie. A Dream Twice, A Number Thrice And A Boy Concussed Had Visions. Here is the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 study which explain this in more detail. Israeli News Live - Steven Ben-Nun - Welcome To The War Israeli News Live - Steven Ben-Nun Print PDF eBook Originally posted on August 3, 2019 @ 4:08 am Steven is a saved Jew. A Flood Of Information On Precisely The Things We Need To Know, Mike From Around The World [CODE RED] January 5th Sun Moon Earth Changes Start Showing 11:10:22, Back From The Mountains And All I can Say Is Brace Yourself. Well all stand before our Righteous Judge to account for our beliefs. Jacob Stein might be the loneliest Jew this Purim. How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline You Need To Read This, Hebrew Word Study: Kamala Biden Said To Mean Repeating The Sins of The Days of Noah. Not every broadcast is examined in this light but the topics that clearly are fulfilling Biblical prophecy is what we watch for keeping people in the know as Israel awaits her coming Messiah. After careful consideration - I have to write this as a testimony as a witness submitted as Ambassador for The, here in the video below, going way beyond his scope and making inaccurate and unfounded claims. What do you think? I am a born-again Christian who truly believes the Jews are God's chosen people and abhor replacement theology. Heavenly Father, I pray that you bind Satan, his demons and his spirits, and cast them away from this website, and from the visitors of this website. You said; Understanding the historical fulfillment helps the saints know where were at on the Revelation Fulfillment Timeline, so that were prepared for His return. His persecution of the Jews began in 171 B.C. Steven teaches with his wife, Jana, on the misunderstood subject of Biblical Equality. The Two Witnesses are the Old and New Testament (the olive trees) which provided oil to the Church of Messiah during the church eras of Thyatira and Sardis (the two lampstands). King James Bible, Who Are You Amir Tsarfati? I Am Proud Of Putins Speech And Proud Of His Enmity With The Satanic West, Which Promotes War, Pedophilia, Homosexualism And Every Wicked Deed On Earth. Don't hold anything back. about Will Yandex Become the New World Order Search Engine? They are the enemy of Messiah and His saints. Former Adjunct Professor at the University West Florida, she also has her Nursing Mid-wife Degree from The Czech Republic. Dogman. Trump Will Serve His Second Term As President. You cant just give up. November Super Exciting As Trumps Team Tightens The Noose Around The Neck of Lyin Biden. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, let Him lift you up. But, they also see the Nemesis solar system coming through as well, and think it is really the same as in Sitchins 12th Planet book, Nibiru. The Public Humiliation of Donald Trump Is By Design Straight From The STASI Playbook. I think your heart might be in the right place. Food, Fuel, Water, You. Steven Ben-Denoon is misleading his YouTube subscribers with his false prophecy fulfillment explanation. The seven seals, trumpets and bowls could represent three time periods. Let no man despise thee. He Can Be No Less Than Perfect, And Perfect By HIS Standard. Transcribed by Sister Torres Steven Ben-Nun: Erev Tov Chaverim; I'm Steven Ben-Nun you're watching Israeli News Live and we are going in this evening about the parent's rights that recently in Israel has been proposed to be put into law taking away the rights from the parents giving children rights over their [Read more.] 2 views. Steven Ben-Nun with Israeli News Live speaks internationally. The Hagmann Report February 1st, 2023 With Randy Taylor. 22 days ago. Bob van Dijk's Blog, The False Doctrine of the Flat Earth book by David Nikao, Protestant Reformer Martin Luthers Perspective On The Jews, Tony Ognibenes Testimony Against Paul Sides And Ed Moore, A List Of People Who Oppose The False Teachings Of Paul Sides, Unbiblical Secret Rapture And 7 Year Tribulation By Doug Batchelor, Rome and Jerusalem at War The destruction of the Jewish Temple. Understanding the historical fulfillment helps the saints know where were at on the Revelation Fulfillment Timeline, so that were prepared for His return. When Washington States That You Are A Domestic Terrorist, They Intend To Shoot You. His wife told him that the first horse, the white horse of Revelation, is now riding. Russia Will Make Good On Its Promises. War Is Right Around The Corner. As it turns out, Israels relationship with the U.S. is very similar to that of the U.S. Its not even clear if it is really just one of two countries, as well see with this trailer. When you see these things in the sky, look up! September 1, 2022. If they want to become a part of it, they can do that. Steven said When they make a covenant, to create a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine, thats where your seven year tribulation begins.. Charles Nenner: No Way Out. If you see what the pagan side is doing 2012 Olympics show and the Gotthard tunnel opening ceremonies, hollywood illuminati signs, 666 flashed everywhere they certainly believe in a one world leader than will riseOrder Out of Chaos. Patreon is empowering a new generation of creators. But, I also think Moses could be David Ike and Jesus in the end times could be Jonathan Cahn. If a teacher is proclaiming the fulfillment of prophecy and their explanations are false, then they are a false prophet. According to Steven Ben-Nun in his video Planet 9 Entering our solar System September 2022. Dont You Know Why There Is No Telescope In Space Pointed At Earth? They defiled the sanctuary and caused the daily sacrifice to be taken away for 2,300 days (Daniel 8:14). We are seeing the Israeli peoples desire for equality and their desire for that will make them feel somewhat less alone. His secret contacts he quotes seem to be crackpots or maybe someone in a trailer park somewhere pretending to be a Pentagon insider or NSA operative or whatever. I know Christians dont like Renee Moses, but, her two videos on the the Bible Codes are profound. How can you Fight Online Academic Misconduct Allegations? Israeli News Live Shut Down on Youtube September 8, 2020 By Steven Ben-Nun 22 Comments You tube is no place to even challenge Israel on any matter at any level all truth is being blocked and the agenda is in full swing. Tone deaf and gluten sensitive due to celiac disease, Stein said he feels shunned by the community from which he normally draws strength. I dont believe in the dual fulfillment of the prophecy. I have a feeling this is going to be a very interesting article. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. It talks about the beginning of man and the sins of the watchers as well as a sign to mark the beginning of the tribulation. The Stars Are Not What We Have Been Told By NASA. Daniel, Paul and John all pointed to the Popes of Rome, as the little horn of Daniel 7, the son of perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2 and the beast of Revelation who leads the harlot church of Rome. Check your inbox or spam folder now to confirm your subscription. 27 Just as man is appointed to die once, and after that to face judgment, (Hebrews) Revelation 19:20-21so it cant be a mere man who ascends from the bottomless pit. They witnessed against the Popes of Rome during their 1,260 year reign of power from 538-1798 A.D. Question Guess who they forgot to invite to the festivities? Jesus was never in combat. Enduring Until The End, You Win The Race. Why do you not understand the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel 9 and Revelation? CLICK ON Bible Prophecy Fulfillment Books, The 70th week of Daniel 9 is very important because it validates the Bible, it proves Messiahs deity, and because knowing the fulfillment helps us understand Messiahs apocalyptic vision in the book of Revelation. Steven Ben-DeNoon and Jonathan Cahn are false prophets, whose explanations serve to deflect blame away from the leaders in Rome, the antichrist beast Pope and false prophet Jesuit Superior General. You BETTER Plan For This. Jonathan Cahn and his first book The Harbinger really are together in the Bible codes. But the witnesses is what it is and the beast and false prophet as well. Not every broadcast is examined in this light but the topics that clearly are fulfilling Biblical prophecy is what we watch for keeping people in the know as Israel awaits her coming Messiah.
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