With the composite Sun in Leo, these two will want to be looking real fine for each other and go grab some dinner. The trick is to avoid pointing the arrows at each other at least too often. They might enjoy playing Pictionary or charades together or with friends. I would be interested to know how different the effects would be if it was a Lunar Eclipse with the Sun on the descendant, as opposed to a Solar Eclipse. This interpretation of Neptune in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. Composite Ascendant in Capricorn couples shoulder an incredible responsibility when it comes to each other. Sun conjunct Moon = Divine union, new beginnings . It is best to express these emotions rather than to let them build up, and to learn to intuit each others moods. Hot chocolate?! This couple is very reliable and practical. However, it does not necessarily result in marriage nor does it indicate a life-long lasting bond. A Virgo will always count her change before she gets on the bus. They will break conventions and break rules without a second thought, and base their lives on a perpetual search for meaning and higher purpose. The vitality comes from treating each other with dignity and honor and conducting themselves with the highest of character. They like consistency and they do not appreciate changes that catch them off guard. Home / Aspects / Sun Aspects / Sun Opposite Ascendant. But it takes a [], Getting There: The Function of the Sun in Composite Charts, The Essence of Relating: The Composite Sun. They may be so busy with common causes that they ignore individual needs, and may not be realistic about what they really have to contribute as a couple. They may leave others out, brag about their own relationship, and can often talk over people or make inside jokes around others. Sun conjunct Jupiter transits are often called blessing in disguise, a fortuitous event or a transit of good karma. This couple does not demonstrate their issues to the world, and others may see the relationship as largely practical rather than emotional. The Sun brings things together in our lives, triggers them off, much the way it works on transits and progressions. Religion or philosophy should play a big role in their lives and they may find themselves talking about these topics often. Weve all known couples like this or have experienced this ourselves. Theyd probably love that you brought an extra guest! the Sun seems to be more significant an indicator for marriage in a woman's chart than in a man's. the asteroid Juno is a significant indicator of marriage for both men and women. Too much talking it out can put a strain on things, yet they must not ignore problems and sweep them under the (very plush) rug. It takes courage to admit when we are wrong. This is similar to the Composite Ascendant Virgo, in that people see you together for a purpose instead of because you have emotional depth and enjoy one anothers company. Banter, changing plans, surprises, waiting to see, conversations that create more questions, ALL THE STIMULI, and communicating well feed the composite Gemini Sun. If the relationship is a mature one, the individuals involved can learn much from each other. Twelfth House couples often have a specific thing that needs to be accomplished. View more celebrities with the Sun conjunct the Ascendant. The outside world often cannot understand what actually keeps them together. You are always offering a helping hand, and know how to give strong advice based on your own experiences. Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts In astrology, the sun is responsible for will, integrity, and self-knowledge. This relationship can go one of two ways. My Progressed Sun is conjunct my Prog. Aquarius is the different sign in astrology, so there may be something different or unique in your appearance as a couple, or it may simply be that from the outside, others cannot understand your relationship. The Sun person mirrors many of the traits that the Descendant person lacks and unconsciously seeks in order to fill a balancing act within themselves. Couples with the composite Sun in the Eighth House will experience profound inner transformation together, either through intimacy or through experiences which will challenge the very existence of the partnership. With Virgo in the 7th house of the relationship, their shadow side is their secret judgments and fears of themselves and the other person. Will you even be remembered? You make a very strong impression on others without even trying. There are no nuances, no secrets. It simply means that there will be at least ONE thing about the relationship that is and NEEDS to be unconventional as far as what the normie world thinks a relationship needs to be and look like. They are very touchy feely, and it is almost as if their passion in the bedroom is visible to other people. Intertwining and supporting each other, they affect fate more strongly than other aspects, however, the influence can be both inspiring and destructive, depending on the spiritual qualities of the native. They should take care that they dont put each other on a pedestal tooooooo too high. Insecurities run rampant in relationships with Composite Ascendant in Cancer. You can see more of Dawn?s work at her blog, The Inner Wheel: Living with Astrology. Synastry:MoonNorthNodeAspects Challenges can come through conflicts regarding creative pursuits or organizations, groups, and peers. In any case, the Vertex/Anti-Vertex line form a new Descendant/Ascendant axis with special meanings in relationships. One couple I knew that had Composite Ascendant in Virgo appeared to only be together because they were good friends, and because one of them was helping the other with school-work. They appear emotionally detached from one another. As the essence, it cannot be manipulated or maneuvered. Her studies in Jungian psychology, alchemy, and Buddhist philosophy inform her work. This is an issue that is faced on a daily basis as the couple tries to interact with the outside world. They might really like entertaining and throwing parties. Being born at sunrise gets you noticed. The challenge is to learn to be inclusive as a couple, and to balance the work and home life with other partnership needs. TEA & ROSEMARY LLC, Crow Symbolism: Spiritual Meaning Of The Crow, 6 Effective Studying Spells For Exams, Class, & Enhanced Focus, Winter Solstice & Yule: Rituals, Traditions, And Ways To Celebrate, Sun-Uranus Aspects in the Composite Chart. Usually, this placement goes one of two ways. But, if the couple can find a way to explore the world together and find their truth together, they will thrive. Challenges come from the outside worldcareer issues, other people invading the sacred spaceor from the need of each partner to individuate. Its about being on each others side. Ascendant person admires the way Sun carries themselves: from their looks to mannerisms. When it ceases to be the right thing to do, Composite Ascendant in Capricorn couples often break up. When this occurs, you can anticipate receiving happiness from extra help, unexpected support and generosity from others, and an atmosphere conducive to your . Another way this relationship may manifest is that they may be afraid to address their issues out of fear of losing the other person. A [], Saturn is associated with structure, discipline, and practicality, while Neptune is associated with imagination, intuition, and spiritual awareness. The Composite Sun in the Houses of the Composite Chart The Composite Sun reveals the heart of the relationship the primary reasons for your coming together. Caring too much about what others think, trying to fit in, and being too traditional will have the vitality of the bond falling flat. Moon conjunct the Ascendant very often indicates deep rooted love affairs as well as an intense parental relationship with offspring or siblings. Heather Locklear 035, Bruce Willis 038, King George IV of the UK 044, Chelsea Handler 045, Julian Clary 123, Vivien Leigh 133 Stacy Keach 135, Willem Dafoe 147, Peter Jackson 201, Alan Page 219, Patty Hearst 219, Mark Spitz 223, Mel Gibson 229, Duke William of Cambridge 235. But either way, this is a very significant relationship in the lives of both involved and will have a big impact on them. Sun conjunct Descendant Those native with Natal Sun Conjunct Descendant attract partners that wants to shine and become the center of their life. This couple should be careful not to get too prideful of the appearance of their relationship the value of the relationship is in the work that you put into it, not how pretty you look together or how it looks from the outside. There may be an emphasis on movement itself, and the acquisition of knowledge. I was researching this aspect because of my children.they were literally born with a companion, theyre twins! There is an insecurity that comes with this restlessness, as neither person may ever feel completely secure in the other persons desire to truly be with them. When the Sun touches another planet, we become aware of that planet and are primed to learn our lessons regarding the function and meaning of that planet in our lives. The rose colored glasses in the Composite Ascendant in Pisces couple. This is a highly favorable placement for any kind of relationships where there is giving and receiving involved. It really really hurts. We may be a natural team that has something definite to do together. If these two choose to commit, there will be mountains to climb together and they can achieve much even if only in their psyches. Will you leave a greater reputation or Read more, So, the strong willed meets the intellectually minded, sounds all good, right? The Sun represents who we are on a deep level. * Moon 1st/2nd/7th/8th * Composite Cancer personal planets * Composite AC/Sun in Libra * Venus Sextile/Trine/conjunct Saturn * Venus conjunct vertex * Juno Conjunct vertex ellie-mae-astrology on Tumblr. The danger in such a hypnotic seduction like this obvious. The Sun illuminates the conscious mind, and the Moon the unconscious. We often think the Sun is related to I, to identity. The two of you operate as one unit and together you face the world. Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate Astrology. If the Sun is right on the M.C., these couples may be prominent in their society or in their field. It is important to remember with Composite Ascendant Virgo, the seventh house of the relationship is in pisces. Sun Conjunct Mercury: a lot of mental communication & connection is excellent, able to talk with(and without ofc) detachment about anything = therefore positive understanding & improvment North Node Conjunct Descendant: physical attraction is extremely high, 'meant to be', indication of soulmate relationship, immediate sense of recognition This couple is very home-minded and home oriented, meaning that you probably wont see them out and about very often. The Sun can be a great mentor, tooif the Sun is attached to any planet, its life-weaving creative power may cause us to draw people who represent those planets into our lives, to show us the way. If one of them begins to pull away emotionally, even for a family event or personal issue, the other is left feeling incredibly insecure which may lead to problems within the relationship. Synastry:Mercury-SaturnAspects By fostering creativity, love, and joy, and continuing to be playful with each other, this couple can be more secure and therefore less possessive of one another. The bond is fed by adventure, open roads, telling the truth, feeding their senses, planning ahead, and understanding the tenets of the relatiosnhip. Boredom and dullness is like a cold fish slap in the face to the vitality of this relationship. They have passive rather than reactive responses to each other, and may not address something unless it is of the utmost importance. However, you probably have a strong competitive streak which could make you seem provocative or selfish. A Ninth House composite Sun is a relationship that is built on mutual goals, dreams, and visions. Composite Ascendant Cancer couples are reactive, but unlike Composite Ascendant Aries couples, their reactions are not angry, but are rather emotional. And that something in the Twelfth House is our alignment with our true fate or destiny: that thing that we were born to do. The parent/child dynamic in this couple means that one of them takes on the role of caregiver, while the other takes on the role of child. Synastry:Mercury-JupiterAspects (2020). They need to light a candle at dinner or in the bedroom and connect. People may see them more as business partners then as a couple. For relationship astrology and synastry readings go here. The Composite Ascendant Sagittarius couple is open-minded and free, especially at the beginning of the relationship. So here is the perfect place to mention that you can see how its possible there could be a conflict between the relationships needs and the needs of one or both of the individuals. It is very powerful. Composite Grand Trines: A Relationship Gift With an Edge, Your Sun/Moon Midpoint: The Key To Your Relationships. Challenges come when one or the other partner wants to break through and experience the greater world out there, when the need for information and contact stretches into a search for meaning. Composite Ascendant Gemini couples are masters of the arts of hosting and attending parties, and no room feels complete without their presence. Bonnie and Clyde. Relationship charts may look at the day the relationship started, or, often more accurately, the midpoint (or meeting point) between the two separate people. Challenges may come when they cant get a handle on just what it is they have to contribute to their world, and they may have difficulties making themselves understood well enough to fit in with others. Seek professional advice for financial and legal matters. This is not uncommon in Composite Ascendant Virgo couples it may seem as though a project, work, or school has brought the two people together, and they are only together for that reason, not anything else. Composite charts are midpoint charts between two people and can tell you a lot about your relationship with another person. Insecurities run rampant in relationships with Composite Ascendant in Cancer. The longer these two people stay together, the better their relationship becomes. The purpose of the relationship is to explore as far as possible and break old rules about the way the world should be. Synastry:Mercury-MarsAspects They just find their way there somehow. The Sun and Moon have vastly different influences in the chart. Composite Uranus. This will include all one-to-one interactions. Tending to its needs gives the relationship strong bones and resilience to the natural ups and downs of life and love. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. When they enter a room, they do so with ease. This relationship NEEDS the deep visceral connection and understanding of all the taboos and secrets encapsulated by their union, but not every individual has the energy for such intensity. True love comes from true knowledge of one another so no self-delusions are allowed in a vital, bonded composite Pisces Sun relationship. This couple is incredibly outgoing, and likes to make friends and be part of social circles, and they are not very private about what is going on in their lives. Synastry:SunSunAspectsBetweenTwoCharts They can feel their love and passion for one another by treating their love as a sacred being. This coupleneeds to be creative together it is the only way their relationship will truly flourish. Both people in a Composite Ascendant Aquarius relationship are individuals, and they pride themselves on being so. Others see us as a couple very easily, and are often shocked if there are any difficulties brewing under the surface. They seem like a natural pair and a good fit for one another. When a planet is conjunct the sun it has little influence until the planet is 'cazimi' or within the sun disc by longitude (about 20 arc minutes). Any creative thing that they can do together will feed their relationship. However, rather than Composite Ascendant Taurus couples, who find their security in stability, Composite Ascendant Cancer couples find their security in their emotional connectivity. An interesting placement for a composite Sun. Composite Ascendant Taurus couples think of things in the long term, and they are never rash with their decisions. They may have small fights or emotional battles often because managing these responses to each other can be very difficult. Paying attention to the theme of the Composite Sun's house placement is especially important. However, there may be a possessiveness in the relationship that neither person can describe, but both play into it to an extent. See our Quick Compatibility Tool for astrological compatibility based on two birthdates and years. Composite Ascendant Libra couples are likable, harmonious, stylish, classy, and polite. The Twelfth House couple may be more inclined to turn to spirituality than either partner would have done so alone. As opposed to the Ninth House Sun couple, who are more interested in structured study of more established spiritual systems, the Eleventh House couple may be involved in diverse New Age explorations and alternative lifestyles. However, they are incredibly logical and rational together. you are warm, tender, and sympathetic towards one another, ultimately giving each other the benefit of the doubt. The Tenth House represents our status in the world, and with composite Sun there we are very happy being seen as a couple, and willing to take our place as leaders in the community. If were lucky, we have a sense that the world is ours for the taking, as long as we keep our heads and watch our pennies. To the outside world, this is a couple that would never and could never break up they seemingly have it all figured out. Composite Ascendant Taurus couples are rarely thrown off-center from their goals, and they rely on each other to get them through the hard times. The focus of the Eleventh House is on how things should be rather than what is, and they may run into problems when the reality of their lifestyle does not match their dreams and/or ambitions. It appears to the public that they are always up and down, there is nothing constant or solid about them. With Composite Ascendant Cancer, the couple is largely emotional rather than physical or intellectual. As we gloss over the lights and jump to the Vertex and/or aspects to Chiron, we are missing, in fact, the essence of the chart. Unlike synastry, which looks at both peoples charts together and tells you the different aspects between people, composite charts look at therelationship chart. We may be keen on acquisition and on broadening and extending our shared resources. Not wanting to admit that something is wrong does not mean that everything is right. Maybe they live off-grid in a yurt raising heritage peacocks. Having a partner, whether a best friend, a romantic partner or a business partner, helps you develop your personality.
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