This plant blooms in late summer and fall, bringing welcome color when other things are winding down. It’s perfect in mass plantings or as a focal point. Dwarf Globe Blue Spruce provides a unique accent for that special spot in the garden. Tiny Tuff Stuff™ mountain hydrangea Hydrangea serrata ‘MAKD’ pp#24,842, cbr#5125. One of the trickiest parts of blue flowers is that the camera rarely sees them the same way the human eye does – that’s why you have to see a Pugster Blue butterfly bush yourself to appreciate its deep, true blue blooms, not to mention their impressive size and delightful honey-like fragrance. Blue Chiffon® rose of Sharon Hibiscus syriacus ‘Notwoodthree’ pp#20,574, cbr#3583. I don’t care for how they look myself, but you may. It gets 20 feet tall and 12 feet wide. We live in Zone 7. The Holly shrub is tolerant of coastal conditions and partial shade. During the Spring and Summer, there are plenty of orange flowers we can use next to our blue evergreens. A reader recently asked me the following question about blue and yellow evergreens: The evergreens mentioned are definitely a blue silver color. Here are a few ideas: **PS Please excuse me as this is one of the 1st completely new posts I have written since I suffered a concussion a while back. Use as an attractive focal point, or plant in a row as a lush hedge or screen for privacy. Some spring-flowering evergreen shrubs also produce attractive colorful berries in the fall, broadening their year-round appeal. I’ve already found some new favorites from your previous lists. Like coniferous evergreens, evergreen shrubs create an everlasting framework for seasonal garden plantings. For a broadleaf evergreen, you could try a Nellie R. Stevens Holly (Ilex x ‘Nellie R Stevens’). 2 … Full sun; partial to full shade in southern climates.. Its thick, tough stems give it better cold tolerance than other butterfly bushes, so it’s the perfect choice for blue lovers in zones 5 and 6. What makes blue flowers even better? These hardy evergreen shrubs are drought and pollution tolerant as … It thrives in full sun conditions but will also tolerate some shade. Wichita Blue Upright Juniper and Spartan upright juniper would work. It can bear either purple or blue flowers; the flowers are quite fragrant. Golden yew has stunning foliage as well as … Blue flowering shrubs will also provide eye-popping contrasts when planted beside white flowering plants, both annuals and perennials. This plant blooms in late summer and fall, bringing welcome color when other things are winding down. Enjoy three seasons of beauty with this pair of native viburnums. Full to part sun. He's also been a horticulturist and aesthetic pruner at a top quality Japanese Garden, as well as a freelance garden consultant, Risk Management Consultant, Insurance Safety inspector and head banging Ice Cream Truck driver (yeah that was me cranking "And Justice for All") among other things. Blue Diddley is also hardier than you might think for a chaste tree: it will readily survive in zone 5b as long as it has well-drained soil. can all bring an analogous or complementary color color to your garden. And that’s true, to some extent. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. These two viburnums were selected to complement one another, ensuring you get that crop of fruit every year. Plant evergreen shrubs at different points throughout the garden to create anchors. Grow climbers up walls and plant evergreen hedges and trees. In fact there are probably a lot of hollies that would fit in to your requirements, assuming you are in “holly” country. Azurri Blue Satin® rose of Sharon Hibiscus syriacus ‘DVPazurri’ pp#20,563, cbr#4391. I kind of think of it as a more classy version of an arborvitae. Evergreen shrubs are low maintenance, add year-round color, and enhance privacy. It stretches about 3-5 feet in height and approximately 6-10 feet wide. Varieties to Try: Charity, Compacta. It’s also not quite as rare in the garden as some people might think, especially when it comes to shrubs. Our photos include the most popular evergreens used in landscapes today, such as Arborvitae, Boxwoods, Hollies, Junipers, Firs, Pines and Spruce. ‘If Facebook were around in the 1930s, it would have allowed Hitler to post 30-second ads’ — Listen to Sacha Baron Cohen slam the social media industry for facilitating the spread of hate, lies, and conspiracies, — NowThis (@nowthisnews) November 22, 2019, This website or its third-party tools use cookies, for more information on data we may collect about you see our Privacy policy. One look at this beautiful rose of Sharon and it’s easy to see why it has gained international acclaim: its graceful branches are covered in powderpuff-like double blue blooms all summer. They provide structure, all year interest, and being very easy to look after, are labour saving. One is the Sullivan Alaskan Cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ‘Sullivan’ ). Beyond Midnight should be planted in hot, sunny, well-drained spots and pruned back hard in spring. Bright blue needles hold their color all year but are brighter in summer. I’m sorry to hear about your concussion and hope you’re feeling better! Image: Monrovia. And Let’s Dance Rhythmic Blue hydrangea is reblooming, continuing to create flowers on new wood, so you get more color in the same space. Evergreen shrubs provide colour and form through their foliage even in the depths of winter. Some have beautiful flower displays, or are highly scented in winter when little else is growing, and some have variegated or colourful foliage - a perfect foil for summer perennials, and a feature in itself during the winter. I bring this up because evergreen blue foliage does not really go with the yellow gold colored evergreens that are available. 8-12’ tall and wide. Adding evergreen shrubs to the landscape can provide year-round interest. Separate them with good old Green foliage plants. This means if big-leaf hydrangeas don’t bloom for you, mountain hydrangeas will! Unless you have the Saliva ‘Victoria Blue’ which is one of the real “blue” flowers commonly seen. Blue Gem Alpine Plum Yew A low spreading form with striking blue-green foliage. showcases 20 evergreen shrubs for year long color, including holly, pine, rosemary, boxwood, camellia, rhododendron and lavender. Blue Shrubs. The cool blue foliage of Blues Festival St. John’s-wort doesn’t just keep this shrub looking great spring through fall – it’s also the perfect foil for the bright yellow sunburst-like flowers in summer. Suggestions? Depending upon the gold leaf evergreen, I think they could definitely look good together. It will be planted next to (within 5 feet) of a Varigated Japanese Willow. I use affiliate links and may earn a commission if you purchase through my links. The broadleaf is ideal to be […] Some varieties have been selected and bred in brilliant blue or silvery blue, while others are simply bluish green. 3-4’ tall and wide. During the winter, we really don’t have orange foliage evergreens to choose from to mix with our blue evergreens. See my post on. That’s what makes Beyond Midnight® caryopteris so special. Full to part sun. Beyond Midnight® bluebeard Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘CT-9-12’ pp#27,426, cbr#5414. If you have to move your eyes or your head when looking at each plant, they won’t clash. I am going to be relying heavily on the idea of filling in with green and textures. Its single blue flowers are a deep cobalt blue in bud and open to reveal an entrancing violet eye in the center. Holly is an evergreen shrub known for its glossy, dark green leaves. It is a broadleaf evergreen that will reach a mature height of 4 to 8 feet, with a spread of 6 to 12 feet. Choose from pale, soft baby blue to the most vibrant, striking bright blues. Plant as a hedge, or in a foundation planting, or anywhere you need a large, handsome shrub – both you and the birds will love these viburnums. Bees are attracted to yellow, so there are a lot of flowers with yellow pigment in them. California lilac ( Ceanothus Concha) is not very cold-hardy, being suited only to zones 7 to 10. Why We Love It: Evergreen flowering shrub. Broadleaf Evergreen This rounded shrub has gorgeous vivid green foliage and is relatively easy to care. It’s going to take me a while to go through the great plant list. Globe-shaped evergreen shrub is dwarf, flat-topped and densely branched. It sure would pack a lot of visual energy and would definitely draw the eye to the combination. The evergreen shrub is hearty, requiring very little maintenance and water. To learn more, check this out. Not only are there green leaved shrubs, but also silver, gold and variegated shrubs, which offer numerous decorative possibilities. While most big-leaf hydrangeas are capable of turning some shade of blue, our best blue is Let’s Dance Rhythmic Blue hydrangea. Ceanothus Puget Blue is a very hardy medium sized shrub which is sure to bring interest with its brightly coloured unusual flowers. Evergreen shrubs bring life to dreary winter landscapes with their lush greenery. Not only is Azurri Blue Satin the bluest of all blue roses of Sharon, it’s also seedless – which means that this innovative variety won’t cause seedlings to sprout up all over your yard. Beyond Midnight should be planted in hot, sunny, well-drained spots and pruned back hard in spring. deamii ‘SMVDBL’ pp#25,897, cbr#5409. The blue-green needles are thickly packed on downward hanging branches. Just be sure to plant it where you and your family can enjoy it on those hot summer days, whether from a shady porch seat or the comfort of the air conditioning. They flower in the spring, and the female shrubs produce yellow or red berries if a male pollination partner is nearby. Green foliage, blue-green berries Pale teal berries are produced in abundance, set off by a backdrop of deep green foliage, making this shrub a stunning accent in a mixed border. I would try to work some greens in there too. First scrutinize the leaves of the plant, conifers have needles or scales. 2-3’ tall and wide. In fact, it is the state flower of Connecticut. Top 10 Evergreen Shrubs. Full to part sun; part sun only in hot climates. The foliage texture is really nice. deamii‘SMVDLS’ pp#26,576, cbr#5410; V. dentatum var. Like the rest of the Pugster series, Pugster Blue is a dwarf plant with full sized flowers. We prefer something not as dense as an arborvitae, but something a little fuller than a blue spruce, for example. 1. They are all gone now, so you can expect lots of side tangents that go nowhere, jokes I forget to tell the punchline to and other odd things my unpaid proofreader (my wife, Jenny or my cat, Bob, whoever is in the room) miss. A unique accent for that special spot. 2-3’ tall and wide. Rhododendron ‘Blue Tit’—A dense evergreen flowering shrub … Finely branched, evergreen foliage offers a tremendous year-round show. Find plants you love and create idea boards for all your projects. 2’ tall and wide. On a side tangent**, the color blue is uncommon in flowers for a reason. Hopefully the frequency of these will go down over the coming months. If you are in a dry climate, there may be an upright juniper that would work for you. Like other spirea, it’s extremely durable, tolerates dry soils, sun or part shade, resists deer, and needs pretty much no maintenance – and it does it all beautifully. The evergreens mentioned are definitely a blue silver color. Be inspired with our Gardener's Idea Book and Winner's Circle® newsletter. This low-care shrub is a lovely under-utilized plant with brilliant flowers that appear in late winter to early spring and become blue to black berries by late summer to fall. Unlike the majority of evergreen trees, however, these shrubs include many small- to medium-leaf varieties in addition to the needle-leaf types. Picea pungens 'Globosa' Dwarf Globe Blue Spruce Shrubs are a charming, globe-shaped evergreen shrub that is flat-topped and densely branched. We stock Yankee Point as a frame trained shrub for growing against a … 8-12’ tall and wide. ... Conifers come in a range of colours, from yellow to blue. Shop our collection of evergreen shrubs for sale online today! I was wondering if there are any guidelines on which color placements go better in front and which go in the back to achieve different effects. Plant this small low-maintenance evergreen in full sun. If you are a flower, and you want to have sex, and hey what flower does not want that? 4-6’ tall and wide. An excellent dwarf evergreen is Mugo Pine, also known as Mountain Pine. I know how boring is that.Who wants a Green plant these days? This includes the Beeches (Fagus) whose foliage start orange/brown in fall and slowly fade to a light apricot by the end of winter. Full sun. The above information shows various shrubs and bushes and their attributes. Enormous white flowers in early summer give it a cool and refreshing impression in the landscape. Why … Find locations near you that offer Proven Winners products. Identification of Evergreen Shrubs and Bushes. © 2018 Jim Anderson. As autumn comes around, beautiful deep blue berries crown the plant. Water it regularly while it’s young, but once it’s established, give it a good soak during dry periods.It adapts to most soils and tolerates air pollution and even some shade. Thankfully, I had a stock pile of posts written before my accident. Evergreen shrubs provide permanent structure in the garden and all-year-round interest.. The bright blue needles hold their color all year long, but are a brighter silvery-blue in the summer. This native plant naturally grows as a neat, rounded mound, which gives it superlative versatility in the landscape. In spring the new shoots emerge nearly red. Rose of Sharon is naturally a pretty low maintenance plant, but seedless varieties like Azurri Blue Satin make it even easier to care for – which leaves you more time to enjoy it. Blue Star Juniper. The area gets hot sun in the summer most of the day, but we have a sprinkler system for regular watering. Blues Festival® St. John’s-wort Hypericum kalmianum ‘SMHKBF’ pp#25,795, cbr#5306. This specimen enjoys a moist, well-drained acidic-slightly alkaline soil in full sun and is hardy to USDA zones 6-8. Separate the blue and yellow colored evergreens with purple leaf plants. If conditions are right – that is, the soil is acidic and contains a good amount of aluminum, a naturally occurring soil mineral – its rounded mophead flowers will be that heavenly blue that so many gardeners covet. See our plants for privacy, all of which typically reach their mature size within a few seasons. Dwarf globe blue spruce Picea pungens ‘Glauca Globosa’, Zones 2 to 7. Double Play® Blue Kazoo® spirea Spiraea media ‘SMSMBK’ pp#26,655, cbraf. Reaching to a height of 40-80 feet this pyramidal evergreen is a wonderful stand alone piece. You knew a hydrangea would be on this list, right?! This spirea is a problem solver with panache. Blue goes with just about any exterior color, including red and orange brick, and plays nicely with other plants as well. Pugster Blue® butterfly bush Buddleia ‘SMNBDBT’ pp#28,794, cbraf. Blue Diddley chaste tree Vitex agnus-castus ‘SMVACBD’ pp#26,614. When in doubt about how to accentuate your landscape, just go blue! Jim – do you have a recommendation for an evergreen tree that will be conical in shape, and grow no taller than 20 feet or so. Blue and Yellow are not next to each other on the color wheel. Never heard of a mountain hydrangea? Spruce shrubs and small trees have upright growth and dense foliage that make them ideal for evergreen hedges, foundation planting , or as a specimen plant. The weeping habit of ‘The Blues’ adds an extra layer of interest to the garden. If you wanted a complementary color to go with blue you would choose orange: Separate them with space. Colour coordinate your planting scheme with our beautiful blue shrubs for the garden. Probably the closest we have is the dried tan/copper colored dried leaves of some plants. Dwarf habit lets you fit this blue beauty just about anywhere. Though it is quite a large plant, you can also find Blue Chiffon rose of Sharon grown as a space-saving tree form. Rhododendron ‘Dora Amateis’—Enjoy clusters of white flowers on this evergreen shrub. Jim, thanks so much for another great post! When colors that are next to each other are used it is considered an analogous color scheme, like purple, magenta and red are. This is how yellow and the silver blue of many evergreens appear when placed nearby together: I don’t know about you, but they kind of clash against each other in my eyes. Making it popular among both landscapers and gardeners alike. Let’s Dance® Rhythmic Blue™ bigleaf hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla ‘SMHMES14’ pp#25,836, cbr#5126. , would dwarf pixie lorepetalum work well against gold leaf evergreen, think! Pile of posts written before my accident make for a winter color scheme, lets get that. To medium-leaf varieties in addition to the garden 2 to 7 doubt about how to accentuate your landscape, go! Plant list azurri blue Satin® rose of Sharon grown as a landscape Designer the! 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