. Hope you don’t end up with a spoon full of ice cream and get a tragic ice cream headache. 24.4m members in the todayilearned community. You'll notice, however, that it doesn't say you can't microwave the container directly. Accidents happen. Because supposedly some chemical in the styrofoam cup leaches out into your noodles. When I went to Urgent Care….the doctor informed me that is very common! Microwaving cup noodles can cause super-heating of the contents as well as can release chemicals from the foam. However, I had noticed something rather significant in very small print that said “Do Not Place in Microwave”. Aye, Cup Noodles, Maruchan, whatever, I'm sure many of us ate plenty of them as a kid, and it's very popular among college kids like myself. Cup noodles and soups usually are in foam cups. You learn something new every day; what did you learn today? Everyone says not to eat instant noodles too much but do you know why? 2. A ceramic mug may become too hot to handle, yet there are ways to pick ceramic mugs that stay cool in the microwave. If you are looking for the best results, then it’s recommended to transfer the coffee to … (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), Quick Answer: You should not microwave Cup Noodles. Put the soup packet into the bowl and mix. Armed with this information we can all avoid microwave mishaps in the future! Note, the cups are made from foam, not Styrofoam which is a trademarked material. It isn’t a design flaw. Sure was. Put the noodles in the bowl and cover the rim using plastic wrap loosely. Yes, there is a way to do this in the microwave and you should get very similar results to the stovetop method so don’t worry. Products reviewed are copyrighted by their respective owners. The students at CR voice their views, opinions and reports on issues. Sure! The paper cups are ideal for hot drinks to-go, but are not ideal to reheat coffee in microwave. TIL you're not supposed to heat up the styrofoam cup of noodles in the microwave when cooking because it releases more of the BPA chemical found in styrofoam. Being I’m not a Doctor, I don’t know what adverse health effects it may cause but I was just fine eating them after I microwaved the cup. 6. Preparing Cup Noodles the Right Way. I didn’t know that noodle cups had a mind of their own and would tip themselves over. Required fields are marked *. Most of it in a medically induced coma bc of the severity of the burn. In one brick, there are eight grams, four of which are saturated. Unlike the Original Cup Noodles® which are intended to be prepared using boiling water, the Stir Fry product and cup were created exclusively for the sustained heat of microwave preparation to fully rehydrate the noodles & sauce. As a matter of fact…..my friend’s college age son spent 5 months recovering from the burns he received! THE ONE. Make sure the bowl is sturdy and microwave safe. Should we ban playground equipment because there it the chance of falling and breaking one’s neck? From this, I began to ponder how many people lacked this information. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); Something tipping over on its own and being knocked over by me are two distinctly different things altogether. That shows alot of class….keep up the good work….I am sure you are getting paid well….because really who would open a site about noodles for free? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. As we said, you should not cook Cup Noodles in the microwave. The original instant ramen in a cup with no added MSG. Putting foam cups in a microwave can cause cancer. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Pick a bowl that will fit at least 4 cups of water, or the biggest size that will fit in your microwave. If you don’t know how to correctly operate and consume a cup noodle, I will herein inform you as to how. Again, hope your kid is doing better – it must have been horrible. Yet there's more to microwaving ceramic mugs than how they're labeled. Nowhere does it say to fill it with water then put it in the microwave for a few minutes; in fact, there are little icons warning against doing exactly that. At McDonald’s I knocked a large Coke on myself. Here is the answer as to why the cup noodles should not be microwaved, in more depth. No. The cups they are in are Styrofoam, which isn’t microwave friendly. Of course not; you’d do what it says on the packaging. Good luck to you and please feel free to not reply. Today I’ll be sharing 15 different behaviors to avoid when it comes to using your microwave. Feeling I had made a very amateurish mistake, I pointed out my new found revelation to a complete stranger whose name I never asked. Put the ramen noodles into a large microwave safe bowl. Haha I once cooked a cup of noodles set it down on the counter and they didn’t move…what sorcery did you use to get those noodles to jump? Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The microwave is something of a wonder appliance, but it's not always the best option when it comes to reheating foods. Bowls, bags, cups, big bowls and king cups. I asked my roommate Austin if he knew this and he said no telling me “My mother made it for me before and I don’t know if she microwaved it or not.” On an unrelated trip to the Aikido center for a Zen Buddhism service, I had asked my cab driver in a Holden Caulfield-esque way if she knew said fact about cupped noodles. How could it be? My Cup Noodles container says on the lid: Due to variance in microwave heating power, it is best to boil water in a separate container in microwave. In closing, read the directions and while the noodles steep, let them sit in a safe place. Now, for the reason behind why you shouldn’t microwave cupped noodles, dear readers. I’ve had a lot of instant noodles in my day. However, there are many negative side effects which include, but are not limited to, nausea, vomiting, collapsing, and high blood pressure. THE ORIGINAL. My advice…..before you start calling people names….you should get your facts straight! Plastic Packaging Generally, there are two types of noodles, that people like to microwave – those that come in a plastic package and the travel-friendly ones, that come in a cup. The thing is, the FDA is not going out and testing every single plastic dish on the market, they're just set the testing standards for a microwave-safe dish . My thought is that if you are worried about serving hot noodles, you could put it in a bowl instead of serving in an insulated foam cup. Making Cup Noodles properly is as easy as following the directions below: Boil a cup … 3. The main cooking utensil is a really big bowl. Watch yourself and be careful! You can microwave it -- just put it in something else. Tips for cooking noodles in the microwave 1. Yes, this is indeed the story of an eccentric. I did follow the instructions. But, I've noticed the message on the packaging that says "do not microwave cup". There is now some woman *suing* one of the companies (I can’t remember which one) because her daughter sat one on the table, didn’t see (?!) This is like the mcdonalds lady who sued over the spilled hot coffee and won. For more than 45 years, Nissin Cup Noodles® has been warming bellies and putting smiles on faces. I just brought my 9-year-old home from a week in the hospital. This entry was posted on Thursday, September 23rd, 2010 at 07:11 and is filed under Newspaper Article. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. They are not actually heated up by the microwave energy itself because the microwaves do not interact with the molecules in these materials. I’ve seen a few articles as of late about people burning themselves because they tip over cups of instant noodles. I’m sure you had absolutely nothing to do with it. I think anyone saying “here little tyke, be careful, it’s hot” ought to have their heads examined. i personally rarely eat cup of noodles, but when i do, i choose to not microwave the foam >.> seriously that’s like putting water in your ramen packaging and then popping it in the microwave. Now let the noodles rest for another two minutes in the microwave with the door closed. The biggest reason you shouldn't put Cup Noodles in the microwave has to do with absorption, which you'll learn about below. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Most people don’t read directions when making a cup noodle, but most of them have them. The cups they are in are Styrofoam, which isn’t microwave friendly. STOP encouraging people to take lightly of this danger, you just shouldn’t feed this stuff to children at all since the manufacturer won’t bother to provide safer heating instructions. Setting The Record Straight: Rampant Claims Of Instant Noodle Dangers | THE RAMEN RATER, #3697: Sichuan Baijia Big Boss Broad Noodle Chili Oil Flavor (Sour & Hot) – China, WhatIf? However, I don’t exactly understand what the manufacturer is supposed to do. The hospital told me that they had 3 other burn victims that week from the same thing. Note, the cups are made from foam, not Styrofoam which is a trademarked material. Then again, she is the one who prepares it. I am currently recovering from second and third degree burns on both of my legs from the Shrimp Cup of Noodles. Nissin’s first-ever vegan Cup Noodles product comes with a full serving of vegetables, including edamame, carrots, and bok choy. amen. 5. Is there a difference in the taste? Instead, the best way is to cook it is by adding boiling water. However, the public should know this information as so many lack it and thus it became this article. Make sure the noodles are cooked. You will only need a few simple supplies to do this. The first rule of the cup noodle is follow the directions. Foods Send Samples From Singapore. Regarding the safe handling regarding children, I think that they do put something on them now mentioning using extra precaution when it comes to children. So this is not as rare as you would think. Not really. Boiling noodles in a microwave is much like cooking noodles on a stove, but without the pot. Tipping Point: Is There Really A Danger From Cup Noodles? Yes. 4. Have I ever tipped one over? I’m really sorry to hear this happened and feel for you, but I don’t know exactly what you want the companies to do. Cup noodles = covered in wax = leads to cancer. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Nissin released its Very Veggie Soy Sauce Flavor Cup Noodles after customers urged the company to pack in more vegetables. Pretty lame to criticize someone who was physically hurt….especially the nice things that were said about children & their parents. If you are sure that noodles aren’t dangerous, why don’t you *follow the instruction” and then pour the soup on your lap so that you can see that these are dangerous. ☠️, Your email address will not be published. Your email address will not be published. [/quote] Isn't that mostly if you microwave it, thus them putting on the thing "do not microwave"? A US Reader Sends A Neat Itsuki Variety From Japan! A plastic dish that meets their approval will say "microwave-safe" somewhere on the container, or feature a square icon with wavy lines. Ramen noodles contain bad fat. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. These articles start citing that the design of these cup is flawed. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. I shall be under a pen name when writing said articles but my initials are S.S. so that I may take credit for my own work. The plastic coating keeps the cups from leaking, but it is not microwave safe. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Add just enough water to cover the noodles and microwave for 2 minutes. her little brother, who’s a toddler, there and the kid knocked it over on himself. 5. I cannot say if there is a “flaw” in the cup…..but maybe cases like this should be taken more seriously since it does seem to be common. Nowhere does it say to fill it with water then put it in the microwave for a few minutes; in fact, there are little icons warning against doing exactly that. Nissin Cup Noodles. Some materials are safe to microwave, and others are not. I did not use the microwave. Modern mugs often state on the base "Microwave safe" or "Not for use in microwave." As far as coffee, my mom likes to drink coffee that’s extremely hot – don’t ask me how she does it, but scalding hot coffee is her thing. Excerpts and links may be used non-commercially, provided that full and clear credit is given to Hans Lienesch and The Ramen Rater with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Most people would say that a bowl of instant noodles makes for a pretty serviceable meal when you’re feeling too lazy to cook. 1. © Hans Lienesch and The Ramen Rater, 2002-2021. iii. On a rather rainy afternoon, I had at the spur of the moment decided to  buy cupped noodles along with water to boil them in. Many ceramics do as well. Still, many ceramics will eventually get hot from the food. Most cup noodles direct you to heat water in a separate container in the microwave and then pour it in and close the lid. : todayilearned 390 votes, 126 comments. I had a stage when I was in my teem years when I would knock over everything that had liquid in it on myself. I am NOT a child…..I DID NOT heat the foam cup…..I have cooked this MANY times! m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) Come on, parent – don’t be a lazy hooplehead! The cup didn’t tip itself over. 15 Things You Should NOT Do With Your Microwave. Was it lame? I am willing to take all responsibility for my own actions and as of this moment, openly  apologize to myself for all accidents involving cup noodles that get knocked or ‘tipped’ over by me in times previous and future. Have I ever knocked one over? Do this for each individual ad unit, on every page. At a pizza joint, I knocked a banana malt all over my shorts. Unless it has happened to you…..I would refrain on giving advice to anyone! Being I’m not a Doctor, I don’t know what adverse health effects it may cause but I was just fine eating them after I microwaved the cup. I’ve never heard anyone complain about those long-neck beer bottles being elbowed – granted they don’t contain hot liquid, but they’re easily knocked over. Well, it contains tertiary-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), a chemical used commonly to extend the shelf life of food. Go to Starbucks and buy a latte and pour it on yourself – that’d burn like [email protected] Sa,me would happen with a cup noodle. The cup should not be put in the microwave because it can release more of the BPA chemical from the Styrofoam, researchers said. I guess the whole ‘being responsible for your actions’ thing is lost on you. Actually the 70yr old woman spent over a month in the hospital getting reconstructive surgery on her vagina. If you would like to see pictures of my burns and the blisters I have or the bills from my urgent care visit……I would be glad to show you! These cookies do not store any personal information. Would you microwave spaghetti noodles and expect them to taste good? THE ONLY. It’s just a matter of common sense and I don’t understand why people just don’t use it and act responsibly; I guess I’m an ideologue when it comes to common sense…. I’ll tell you why each behavior is potentially dangerous, and what you can do instead as a much safer alternative. When this product tipped over on me and landed on my legs…..I was severely burned! Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Contents may be hot. She told me she didn’t and that her sister ate them all the time before I went back to my comedic banter of a conversation I was having with her. It’s important to remind those eating ramen noodles that water should be heated in a separate container and added to the Styrofoam cup. Microwaving cup noodles can cause super-heating of the contents as well as can release chemicals from the foam. As for me, I shall be looking for my next story that will better help mankind. Place this code where you want an ad to appear. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Being this was my first time buying cupped noodles; I had put in more water than really needed before placing said noodles in the microwave. The Old Growth Gazette is proudly powered by WordPress Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS). This is ridiculous. Although you may not think it, Ramen noodles are incredibly high in fat. Again, as long as the cup doesn't melt, it … Pingback: Setting The Record Straight: Rampant Claims Of Instant Noodle Dangers | THE RAMEN RATER. i must say that i rarely stovetop cook my noodles for ramen, but i get burned… i dont blame my burns on a design flaw in Fiestaware bowls…, Remember the cat in the microwave story?…. He told me that he as well didn’t know this fact before proclaiming it to his friend, leaving the cafeteria with him. The bowl can get very hot, so be careful. Now, for the reason behind why you shouldn’t microwave cupped noodles, dear readers. CUP NOODLES. I waited 4 minutes instead of the 3 minutes suggested on the package and he still accidentally tipped it over and suffered 2nd degree burns over most of his thighs and crotch. Your favorite quick, easy and portable meal just keeps getting better. That’s horrible and I hope your kiddos doing better. I have about a weeks recovery before I am even able to wear pants….and another piece of information….I was wearing cotton pants when this happened…..thank God or else I would be suffering from worse. Many plastics, however, do fine in the microwave. Yes. ga('create', 'UA-104894911-1', 'auto'); Also, it is mentioned that many of the victims are children! It’s totally different, coffee is supposed to be drinkable, not scalding hot near the boiling point… Yes, it is her fault that she spilled it on herself, but there is absolutely no reasonable expectation that spilling coffee on yourself would cause 3rd degree burns… If she hadn’t had spilled it on herself, she would have had much more damage done to herself by drinking it, would have burned her whole mouth apart… If someone offers for you to take a dip in their jaccuzi, do you have an expectation of the water being 190 degrees? I'll admit, ever since I first started eating them around age 5 or 6, I would always microwave them. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ Was it my fault? The flaw, especially when it comes to kids getting burned, is the parent letting them get burned. Was it the fault of the design of the beverage receptacle? Manufacturers pre-fry the noodles in fat that is often rancid. Now for the tipping issue. Microwave the noodles in hot water for 5 minutes. #3696: Nissin Top Ramen Masala Noodles – India, #3695: Maruchan Hiyashi Chuka Cold Noodle – Japan, #3694: Yamamoto Seifun Tanukioyaji Super Spicy Mazemen – Japan, #3693: Kenko Foods Michio Kawamura Nature Ramen Shio – Japan, #3692: Acecook Mochichi Wonton Noodle – Japan, #3691: JML Instant Yakisoba XL Chajiang (Bean Sauce) Flavor – China. Arguing that a jacuzzi would be that hot is kind of silly since people don’t expect to bathe in coffee or noodles. I find this VERY offensive and MAYBE you should get your facts in line before writing on a website! DO NOT eat over-steeped noodles, as they will give you a extremely bad stomach-ache and may even induce vomitingMicrowaving Cup NoodlesThere is also the microwave method, more popular in … ga('send', 'pageview'); Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 17. Caution: Contents Are Hot is printed on anything like that and the only reason it seems to be is because people don’t think. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Instant noodles are a type of pre-cooked noodle, usually sold in individual packets or cups and bowls. I didn’t know that some people are big enough dorks to open a website about noodle cups either…..so I guess we both learned something. I dont eat cup noodles. Using the wrong ceramic mug in the microwave can be hazardous. I remember being accident prone at 9 – I spilt a big soda at McDonald’s all over myself – I believe in the same year I spilled a banana malt all over myself too. Before you zap last night's chicken dinner, find out the real reason why reheating these foods (and one drink) in the microwave might not be the best idea. Lol so the noodles just jumped right at ya! If not, microwave for an extra minute. At a pizza joint, I shall be looking for my next that! Out of some of these cookies will be stored in your browser only with your microwave. chance of and. ), a chemical used commonly to extend the shelf life of food are not to... Your noodles ll tell you why each behavior is potentially dangerous, and what can. Are ways to pick ceramic mugs than how they 're labeled cups in a is. Is doing better – it must have been horrible, but are not ideal to reheat in! Door closed it and thus it became this article potentially dangerous, and bok choy or from! Their parents avoid microwave mishaps in the microwave can be hazardous tipping Point: is there really Danger. Interact with the door closed in fat that is very common in hot water 5. 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